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Latest revision as of 17:41, 12 November 2019

Seeking Advice and Permission.
Date of Scene: 03 November 2019
Location: Xavier's Office / Classroom
Synopsis: Advice and permission granted
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Professor X

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has come by to see if the Prof has a bit of time. Not seeing anyone waiting to talk to him or hearing any major talking coming from the office. he will step up and rap softly on the door seeking entrance to talk to his teacher.

Professor X has posed:
Still transitioning into a teaching role at the School after his absence, Charles has the dubious benefit of office hours that last a bit longer than those of most teachers. He heard who was at the door even before the knock, hearing that telltale mental chatter that gives away almost anyone who happens to get near enough to him.

"Come in, Mister Guthrie."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to the professor, and says "It is good to have you back sir, you have been missed." He will step forward offering the man his hand in greeting "Ah was wondering if you might have a bit of time Ah could talk to you."

Professor X has posed:
"Certainly, I have time," Charles answers, turning his chair so he can face Sam more directly, "What seems to be on your mind?" While it's true he could learn this for himself quite easily, it's a well-known fact that the Professor does not employ his powers that often.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is tempted to move to lean against a wall, or sit, but does not. He will look to the professor and says "Well as Ah am sure you know Ah working in Bushwich running a club called Club Evolution. So Ah spend a decent amount of time out there. Well Ah have met a young lady who lives out that ways and started seeing her socially. Told her Ah help part time at a school Ah went to. Ah did not tell her the name of the school, that it was for mutants or anything like that. She works as a street musician and a music teacher. She asked me about seeing the school. Ah told her Ah would look into it. Normally would tell someone sorry but school security for a private school, the thing that makes this different turns out she is a mutant also.

Professor X has posed:
"I certainly have no misgivings about that," Charles answers, his tone pleasant and even, "I would trust your judgement. Besides, I would relish the opportunity for someone from outside to see the good work we're doing here. Of course, the nature of the school must be kept ... discrete. But if you're agreeable with those terms, then I see no reason you shouldn't bring here to visit. I may like to meet her, too. It's always nice to meet another mutant - after all, having to keep my own mutant nature as a matter of privacy doesn't afford me the same social connections you might enjoy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah was thinking telling her we are a school and are seeking to help mutants with school and learning about themselves and powers. Not mentioning the x-men anything below ground level. With the people here who are obvious mutants, Ah figure it is the best way. May avoid the stables so not have to explain Brightwing." He grins a bit. "Ah like her and we are still seeing how serious she and Ah am going to be, but also am hoping maybe seeing the school she may feel more comfortable about her abilities and any advice Ah may offer to her as well. She is still hiding her mutant status from most as well.

Professor X has posed:
"Well, I can't give you much in the way of relationship advice," Charles says with a faint chuckle, "But so far, your plan sounds acceptable. If she is a mutant herself, I see no reason to keep the nature of our student body a secret. As you said, the X-Men and things of that nature should remain a secret. But by all means, she can feel free to come by. It's quite a trek up from the City, also. If she would like to stay for a few days, I'm sure we can arrange a room."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah will offer that to her, and see what she thinks. Oh Ah should probably let you know, Doug and Ah are planning on getting a place we share in town, but keeping our rooms here as well. The place in town is more for if we are working and it is a bit later than we feel like coming home we have a place we can crash. Also if we want to bring a date or something home a lot easier to bring them there than dealing with hotel room, or brining them here. Also Ma, and the kids are coming up for a show at he club, got them put up at a hotel in town, but if your ok would like to bring them out and let them spend a bit of time out here as looks like over the next year or two, we have at least two more possible students to join us here.

Professor X has posed:
"I don't have any objections to that," Charles shakes his head, raising a hand, "I appreciate you're bringing this all to me, but I must say you've come a long way. You're not a student anymore - well, not in the same sense that some of the other students are. I trust your better judgement on the matter. I'd be happy to meet your family and your brothers and sisters."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well I appreciate that sir, and Ah try to make sure when it comes to the school, Ah try to think of what is best for the school. Also so you know if you hear anything about Jay not being happy here, Ah wanted to make sure it is not the schools fault. He has went through a lot, Ah am sure you have seen in his file. He is going through a lot, Ah just found out recently he did not even realize Chester Cabot had died that day.

Professor X has posed:
"I'll speak with him, if he needs someone to talk to," Charles promises, inclining his head in a slow nod, "Much of what I do here is psychiatry. I'm certified and licensed to practice, after all. Though I'm sure it will help knowing you're there to help him."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, Ah got him to agree to try not to die if Ah promised the same thing." He tells the other man "Ma thinks it will be good for him, he thinks ma sent him, as she could not deal with him trying to kill himself or worrying he would try more and be successful. Ah think it is a bit of both to be honest.

Professor X has posed:
"Well, thank Heaven for small mercies," Charles' eyebrows raise slightly at the mention of death and killing oneself, but he takes it all as just charming Southern hyperbole, "I'll certainly keep that in mind. If you'd like, you can pass on to your brother that I'm here to talk if he would like to."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "Thank you sir, and if there is anything you need or want just let me know, and your welcome to come out to the club sometime if your wanting to get out and just take a bit of time to do something different."

Professor X has posed:
"I'm not sure a club would be quite my speed, Mister Guthrie," Charles answers, his tone not unfriendly but curt enough to suggest there is little more discussion to be had on the matter, "But I do appreciate the gesture. If you'll excuse me, I have some correspondence to respond to and then I need to get to work on my next chapter."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well the offer is there." is all he says further on the subject. He will nod, and says "Thank you for your time sir, and again it is good to see you back, welcome back home." He will turn to leave letting the man get back to what he was doing.