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Latest revision as of 05:33, 18 November 2019

Date of Scene: 17 November 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Sandwiches, Soccer, and Flight for Andrea, Brad, and Shannon.
Cast of Characters: Haunt, Rage, Nightingale

Haunt has posed:
Along the very back edge of the yard is a jump of trees and rocks, leading to a steep cliff that rolls downwards to the area far below. The figure of Brad is out over there, standing out on one of the rocks, seeming to be examining the dangerous cliffside. He's dressed in the same way he has been for the past few days -- the heavy borrowed clothing, though he's added a knit hat pulled down far, which makes him look almost normal from the back. He squats on the rock, picking up a smaller hand-sized rock with his hand, and tosses it loosely down the cliffside.

Rage has posed:
Heading out into the backyard is Andrea who is dressed warmly for the winter chill. Her hair is sprawled out across her shoulders, most likely in need of a haircut. She is kicking a soccerball between her feet, dribbling it with some measure of skill. She gives it a hard thump, sending it bouncing along the yard. Thump thump.

Haunt has posed:
The sound of the ball immediately attracts the boy away from the cliffside. He stands back up and turns around, climbing off the rocky area and steering around the trees to head over to the soccer-ball person. He doesn't call out or anything: he can't tell who it is that has the ball, but he does move over towards that way, coming out of the trees.

Rage has posed:
As she jogs after the ball, Andrea stops it with her foot, then taps it upwards to catch it in her hands. As she spies the clothing floating towards her, she tilts her head. "Brad, that you?" She calls over with a smile. "Hey! Ruuuumor is you got into the school."

Haunt has posed:
"Yes. Hi Andrea," Brad says, figuring her out by her voice. "How did you know? It just happened last night... and it isn't sure yet. My parents have to okay it," Brad answers, surprised, a tone of embarrassment in his voice. "Who's saying it's final? A teacher?" he asks, approaching. Fully clothed, it's just Brad's face that appears missing: but it's still clearly the invisible teen. Hard to miss lacking a face. He comes over within a few yards and then slows to stop.

Rage has posed:
"I heard you got summoned to Jean's office and you are still here, which obviously means it's okay. She'd have shipped you out otherwise." Andrea says as she drops the ball and taps it towards him with a grin. "So, when are you going to talk to your parents? Do you think they will be okay with it? They even know you've been out on your own for this long?"

Haunt has posed:
If Brad is smiling or grinning, it doesn't show. The emotions really don't come across much. He does shift his weight to the side and catches the ball neatly under his foot. His stance changed with easy assurance, and his blindness is entirely hidden for that moment. It looked very much like he saw it and caught it, no trouble at all.

"The school is going to call them. I'll talk to them sometime. I think they'll be really happy about it. They don't like me on the street but home is total shit, so. Good compromise." He flicks the soccer ball back with the side of his foot.

Rage has posed:
Catching the ball with the inside of her foot, Andrea smiles and rocks it back and forth, before tapping it towards him again. "Well, I am happy that you are going to be hanging with us. I'm sure Jay will be also." She gives her jacket a bit of a zip upwards. "Hey, I was thinking of doing some charity work at the homeless shelter during Thanksgiving if you want to be involved. Just going to buy a lot of food and then hire some professionals to cook it proper and then help serve it and maybe do some music. Hoping to feed about a hundred families."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon comes out with a veritable Dagwood sandwich in one hand, her staff in the other, and a closed bottle of root beer balanced in the crook of her arm. And there is some serious protein between those slices of bread, not to mention a healthy helping of cheese and some veggies. She's munching happily away on the sandwich, bundled up in her tunic sweater, a pair of dark blue jeans, and her knee-length caramel suede boots. She does take a moment to swallow what she's munching first, before calling out to the pair. "Hey, Andrea! Hey... Brad, right? I'm pretty bad with names sometimes."

Haunt has posed:
"Um," Brad says, catching the ball, tipping it up a little off his foot, but it bounces back down in front of him. "I was on the other end of that feeding line, like. Last week. I'm sorry. I don't ... it's too soon for me," Brad says, his voice quiet, withdrawn. He puts his hands in his pockets, and steers the ball back to her with a prod of toes. "I mean, it's great you're doing that. I just don't want to be in mutant town when I can be here. I'm sorry if that makes me selfish."

The awkwardness is apparent in Brad's stance. He turns towards Shannon a little when she calls out. "Hi. You got it right."

Rage has posed:
"It's cool, I totally get it. Let me know if you decide to change your mind. We do a big thing here at the school also with the staff so you will have a ton of food to get fat over." Andrea looks over to Shannon and smiles, lifting her hand upwards. "That's my friend Shannon. She's a Sophomore here."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and extends a wing in greeting. "I've met Brad, just once before. Still owe him a flight, if he's up for it... now that I've finally stopped molting." Food, though, is a high priority on her list right now, and she chomps down on the sandwich, enjoying it for a minute. "Good to see you again. Think you'll be staying on here?"

Haunt has posed:
While Andrea was looking at Shannon, the soccer-ball rolls back to Brad, entirely not-suspiciously. He kicks it upwards off his toe, but doesn't catch it, just kicks it up again with the other foot. It's something to do other than be awkward, it isn't a show: it's too slow for that.

"A school thing and being fat sounds better," Brad says, relieved. "Yeah. Don't get a cramp though, from flying too soon after eating," Brad suggests, a grin in his voice, even if it's not visible. "I'm ready to fly /anytime/. Umm, I hope to. My parents have to okay me being a student here first. So we'll see."

Rage has posed:
As they talk, Andrea slips her phone out of her pocket and taps along the glass with her thumbs in quick, precise motions as she sends out a text. She smiles at the conversation as she shifts from foot to foot.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and spreads her wings out to their full span. "I don't think there's any worry about cramps, it's not like swimming. But if it'll set your mind at ease, I'll wait. Hey," she continues on, peering at Andrea as well, grinning. "Either of you hungry? Feels like I could eat just about anything that's not nailed down today so if either of you want something just say the word."

Haunt has posed:
Brad's a garbage bin himself, and he prods the ball gently back to Andrea: aiming to let it roll to her foot gently since she's on her phone, and moves towards Shannon. He isn't looking at the plate: obviously. "Maaaaybe. What do you have? It's too windy, I can't smell it," Brad asks, curious. The items on her plate might quiver a little bit from Brad trying to sense them.

"Andrea, you could fly with us. If you wanted," Brad offers.

Rage has posed:
Catching the ball with her foot, Andrea laughs. "I'm the only mutant here that can't fly it seems like. It's cool if you two wanna go on a fly date and do stuff. I only came out here for some fresh air and to maybe get a jog in. I can eat if you guys are going to do that as well. I'm flexible." She says as her thumbs tap a few more times on the glass, then tucks the phone into her back pocket.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles. "Well, Brad did say that his folks have to okay it, so I'm cool with that. Kind of nice he's on good enough terms with them like that." She grins at them both, holding her sandwich steady on the paper plate. "Pretty much every kind of deli meat I could find in the fridge, a few different kinds of cheeses, and a few veggies on some good whole wheat bread. Usually I'm not that much of a pig, but two healings in one night the other night? Yeah. It should taper off by tomorrow, though."

Haunt has posed:
Brad pauses, uncomfortably, but tries again. "I'm saying I can make it so you can fly with us," Brad says, more carefully, gently. "It's fine though, if you don't want to." Brad tries to let her off the hook: after all, she might be afraid of heights, and focuses on the food offer. And the confusion.

"I meant my parents have to okay me being a student. I fly when I want. ....So how do I get such a sandwich?" Brad asks, with very clear inflection of 'pleeease' in it.

Rage has posed:
"Oh! I didn't know you could do that. You can make me fly?" Andrea says with a laugh, rubbing the back of her neck. "Uhh.. How 'bout if I watch you two for a bit first and have a sandwich?" She giggles. "Then maybe I'll join you if I find some nerves." She giggles. "Wolves tend to be on the ground creatures."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins wide. "Give me a few minutes and I'll come out with sandwiches for all of us. The more protein the better." With that, she turns about and heads right back inside, very likely disappearing into the kitchen and working her magic, leaving Brad and Andrea to talk for a few minutes.

Haunt has posed:
"Yeah. It's fun," Brad says, abruptly moving about two feet into the air, and hanging there. He naturally draws his feet together, but otherwise his hands stay in his hoodie pockets. There's no glow, no magical effects, he's just floating, much like a lot of his clothing appears to do, often. "I normally don't. I know you saw me do it when we met, though. Cities with dense people I have to, or I get run over." He stays hanging there, though. "Okay, Shannon..." And she's gone.

Rage has posed:
Tilting her head as she watches Shannon head in, Andrea smiles and looks back to him. "Yeah, I can see why that would be an issue. How high can you fly by the way?" She asks curiously. "You're not scared to get too high up there and get hit by a plane or something, or a bird? Do you know how fast you can go while you're up there or do you kinda just float?"

Haunt has posed:
Brad drops back to the ground as she mentions getting run over by planes or birds. "I don't know how fast I can go. I can't really clock it. I don't go very high, no. Birds? I can stop birds from hitting me. And the chances of a plane hitting at my altitude? Hehe. I'll be okay," Brad chuckles. "It's mostly just cold and windy."

Rage has posed:
"I can lift a small car in my werewolf form." Andrea says proudly with a grin. "And I can run as fast as a wolf in peak health when I'm in my smaller form. That's about as cool as it gets for me. I am going to be doing some mental training with Miss Frost coming up in a few days and I'm hoping afterwards it will help me become better with my powers. Does Miss Grey have a plan for yours? I figured she would want you to work with Doctor McCoy. He's awesome. He's huge, blue and furry, and super intelligent. Kinda like a really smart Cookie Monster. He's one of the smartest people in the world when it comes to genetics and mutant stuff. I've read a few of his papers. I bet he'll find something to help you."

Haunt has posed:
"Ms. Grey gave me some home work to do with my telekinesis," Brad answers. "She didn't mention Doctor McCoy. She just talked to me about working with my power with her. Is that unusual?" Brad asks, in a mix of hope and worry. "Who is Miss Frost? Mental training? To lift more?" That's confusing to Brad.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is grinning wide as she comes back out, without her staff, but three plates full of positively /massive/ sandwiches. Meats, cheeses, veggies, piled really, /really/ high on some whole wheat bread. "She's not kidding, you know," she calls out. "Mr. McCoy's completely brilliant, and he's got a big heart, to boot. I'd stick to him like glue." One plate is offered to Andrea, and one is held in Brad's direction, with the third balanced somehow between her arm and her body.

Rage has posed:
"Miss Grey is a telekinetic and a telepathic. She is definitely someone to talk to in regards to your TK. Doctor McCoy may get involved to help figure out the invisible thing and see about turning you back on." Taking the plate from her, Andrea smiles happily. "Holy crap this is huge." She licks her lips hungrily. "Miss Frost is just another member of the staff. She's been a mentor of mine for almost two years. Mental training for me is more like .. ah.. therapy I guess you can say. It helps me understand myself better. That type of stuff."

Haunt has posed:
"Oh, okay. I didn't know about her telepathy. That's mind-reading, right? Hm." Brad notices the plate balancing, and as he extends his hand to take his, he also telekinetically takes the weight of the balanced third one. It won't fall, now, with the boy mentally holding it in the air: although the shift of weight may alarm Shannon into feeling like it IS going to fall, since it lifted slightly!

"...That's what she said," Brad can't help offering as Andrea makes her comment about size. There's a snicker-laugh from the teenage boy. He's sixteen, after all. His tone perfectly matched very jock-boy movie trope, for that instant: a brief window into Brad's previous life, before mutation changed things.

"Thanks, Shannon, this smells great." Brad examines the sandwich on his own plate with his free hand, lifts a half to smell it, and then promptly begins to try to eat it. A lot of the giant sandwich falls out onto his plate.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles as she watches Brad try to eat the sandwich, seeing most of it falling out on the plate. "Hey, a deconstructed 'Dagwood' sandwich! Could be a new foodie trend!" Andrea gets a grin, and she is silent for the moment, chowing down on her own sandwich. She seems quite content to listen to them, at least until Brad comes out with his decidedly cheeky remark. She almost chokes on a bit of her sandwich, and bursts out giggling. "Okay, so false modesty isn't one of your vices!"

Rage has posed:
Letting out an amused chortle, Andrea takes a bite of her sandwich, chewing happily, then swallows. "Well, I'm sure it's the truth. He did after all play a ton of sports. Jocks tend to be kinda buff and muscular." She drawls out as her brows lift upwards, giving a knowing glance to Shannon. "But yeah, telepathy is like mind reading. But the staff here that has it won't peek into your mind without permission. It's like an ethical thing. But when I work with a telepath, I want to find drivers to why I'm feeling the way I do and it does help when you can work with someone that knows what they're doing and they care about you."

Haunt has posed:
Brad can't see any knowing look the girls share, so he doesn't react. They can get away with a lot of communication that Brad just can't catch!

"Sure. Probably all of us mutants need some form of therapy for the weird stuff in our lives," Brad answers, without any judgment about therapy at all. "Maybe they can shut off my invisibility. I should ask them."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes a little bit at the mention of therapy, letting out a light snort. "You two work on the therapy thing, I'm still trying to get some word back on that myself." Ruffling her wings, she concentrates more on devouring her sandwich, her ravenous hunger seeming to taper off as she works on the towering culinary creation. "Now this hits the spot..."

Rage has posed:
"Maybe. I think that'd be the goal. So you can learn control." Andrea says as she taps the soccer ball about between her feet as she eats her sandwich. "Brad, do you like to dance? We are going to have a Christmas dance and Prom coming up. It should be pretty fun to do. I'm hoping to get more student events going on campus so that it feels like regular high school."

Haunt has posed:
"Sure, I've been to a school dance before. I'll probably come, assuming I'm still here," Brad agrees, though he's a little muffled from the sandwich. Decent manners, but not perfect. "I'd like to do sports if there's any of those, though, too. Classes are probably going to kill me: I've just had off and on home schooling for the past two years or something. And I'm not sure I can even participate here, I can't see any chalkboards or whatever. I hope something will work out, though." Brad's worried. "Anyway. When's the winter dance?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes at the talk of a winter dance and prom, wolfing down the rest of her sandwich. "I'll leave you to the planning there, Andrea. That's right in your wheelhouse. See you both around, maybe?" She offers a smile to both Andrea and Brad, and turns around to head out, shaking her head slightly. Dances. Really?

Rage has posed:
"It's going to be the week before Christmas." Andrea says as she tracks Shannon heading back to the house, then furrows her brows a bit. "Anyways, maybe we can get sports going. Basketball maybe? We have enough students to maybe have two teams. I think it'd be fun to do games with or without powers. During the Spring we do softball with the staff with powers. It always becomes a crazy event."

Haunt has posed:
Brad hooks his hand to gesture rather broadly towards Shannon's retreating form. "What was that? I wanted to fly," Brad says, unhappily. "Someone get murdered at a dance in front of her?" He asks, rueful. And then coughs. "Sorry. I wanted to fly higher, and having a reference point would -- you know what, nevermind. We could do flag football, too," Brad suggests.

Rage has posed:
"I have no clue what that was about. But, whatever." Andrea says as she scrunches her nose up, shrugging her shoulders upwards. "But, I'll fly with you if you want to try it out. Promise that you won't drop me?" She says as she puts the plate to the side, then shakes her arms outwards. "If you do drop me, I'll just shift and create a werewolf crater."

Haunt has posed:
"I've never dropped anybody accientally," Brad says quickly, with a soft laugh. "So like, here's what you'd do," Brad says. "It's no fun if I just lift you, so. You can indicate where to go, and I can handle it. Like if you put your arm out straight, that means straight. Left from your body, turn. Right, other way. Just have to be really clear, so that I can tell what you want. Does that make sense?"

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, that's real clear. Let's just start with going straight up and hovering? That way I can get comfortable before we start zipping about." Andrea says as she continues to dance about her feet a bit nervously, shaking off the nerves. "Okay, let's do this!" She says with a laugh. "Beam me up, Scotty." She zips her jacket up higher, then rubs her hands together.

Haunt has posed:
"Yeah," Brad agrees. His telekinesis feels like a soft hold, all around Andrea's body, as he lifts her weight from the ground, straight up. It's a slow, even hover, only about two miles per hour, and brings her up about fifteen feet. Brad continues to eat his sandwich, but not in a casual way: this does take attention.

"How's the weather up there?" Brad asks.

Rage has posed:
As she starts to lift upwards, Andrea's eyes widen and her feet give a few pinwheel motions. "Holy shit, I'm flying." She says with a nervous laugh, feeling her stomach drop a bit. The kind of feeling when you get to the top of a roller coaster, seconds before it drops. "It's cold!" She says as she looks down at him, laughing.

Nightingale has posed:
     At least flight was once again an option. Fueled by the sandwiches, Shannon's taken to the skies, and is circling about above the mansion, coming in from a trajectory that suggest perhaps she was close to the front yard. It was a good place to clear her head. It was also a good place to see odd things--such as an Andrea hovering in the air, supported by a suit of clothes. "Hey... welcome to my world, you two!"

Haunt has posed:
"I already live in the flying world," Brad calls back, pausing. He wasn't sure that was Shannon at first, but he picked up on the wings quickly enough. "Doing okay?" Brad asks Andrea. And promptly rotates her into the air for a front-flip. "Please don't throw up," Brad says, realizing the problem with what he just did, a bit belatedly.

Rage has posed:
"I'm doing okay! Totally not freaking out." As she starts to go over forward, Andrea lets out a squeak, laughing as she goes through the slow somersault motion in air. ".. not freaking out." She wheezes out a laugh as her arms give a bit of a flapping to try and righten herself up, as if she was floating in zero gravity space. "You guys are so lucky you can do this."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles softly. "You're seeing what I wish my folks could. Oh man... if a loop-de-loop makes you freak, you would probably need a new pair of pants after flying through a dive-bomb with me at top speed." She smiles somewhat and nods, hovering in the air near the two. "Trust me, I know I'm lucky. This is a point of view of the world most will never see without some sort of mechanical help."

Haunt has posed:
Brad evenly moves into a hover with just a quick stomp of foot as he takes off. The soccer ball, incidentally, comes along, too: it begins to circle Brad, like it's in a funny rapid orbit. Outside of that orbit, now hovers Andrea, drawn to keep pace to move up towards Shannon.

"My idea is to follow your lead, Shannon, since you can see /and/ steer: so if I follow your path, we'll be safe and not run into things. Does that work?" Brad asks her.

Rage has posed:
"When I'm a wolf, I can see, smell and hear the world in so many different ways. I know when the last time you showered was, I can see your nose hairs from a mile away, I can hear mice skittering under the ground." Andrea says as she is floated about by the TK. She reaches out to poke at the floating soccer ball with a finger.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and nods. "How about we do a quick aerial tour of the grounds? It really is a different view. Should've seen it earlier in the fall, when all the trees were turning colors and you could see them reflected in the lake. It made it look as if the whole area was on fire, the colors were so bright." She starts blazing an aerial trail around the outer perimeter of the grounds, keeping her flight slow enough for Andrea, carried by Brad, to really appreciate the view.

Haunt has posed:
The Soccer ball reacts: it whirls around Andrea instead, while Brad just hovers, stopping to fix his hat on more snugly: including to pull it down over his eyes and nose bridge. There's no reason to not cover that much of his face: he can't see anyway. He then bring his hood up for warmth, and draws both Andrea and himself after Shannon, bringing Andrea more to his side, to his right, and not too far away from himself.

He mimics Shannon's angles: leaning them forward to do a slow hovering pass over the school, keeping up with Shannon's flight path tightly. Brad's quiet: hard to talk in the wind, and he's being careful not to, say, drop Andrea.

To Andrea? Probably feels a lot like a roller coaster, without a seat!

Rage has posed:
"Don't throw up ..don't throw up..." Andrea mutters to herself as she flies along with the others in the air, squeezing her eyes shut at times when the cold wind hits her. "This is so weird! Wow. I feel like an eagle. I wonder if I shift, what it'd look like with wolf eyes." She gives a glance down at herself. ".. Buuut I'm not wearing the shifty clothes. Maybe next time."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is used to the temperatures up here, and the slightly higher winds. This is her element. Her flight is slow and lazy, much as she would take if she were simply trying to clear her head. She keeps above the treeline for the best possible view overall; even with the onset of winter, and only a few stubborn leaves clinging to their branches in a show of autumn's former glory, it's still a little sliver of peace in what can often be a world filled with madness. Would that more could experience this joy! Shannon calls back to Brad and Andrea. "How are you with low altitude flying? I could dive-bomb the lake and skim across the surface. It's pretty fast when I do that, though, so if you're not quite to that point yet, just say so."

Haunt has posed:
"I'm okay with the lake," Brad calls back loudly. "I'm most used to flying low, but I slow down when low. I don't want to hit anything," he answers, speeding up to draw up just below Shannon to make the yelling easier. Andrea, of course, glides along too. There's no awkward stutters or jerks: it will feel safe, considering. The soccer ball is nice and safe, too.

"I'll follow, but I'll probably slow us a little, Andrea. If we do it a few times and it's okay, I'll do it faster." There's a lot of risks here, but ramming into a boathouse isn't something Brad wants either.

Rage has posed:
"Just don't drop me in there! Wolf fur smells terrible." Andrea calls over to Brad as they soar off in a new direction. "If you want, just put me down and you two can go have some fun together. Don't let me slow you down any! Maybe I'll chase you guys and bark or something down below."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and flies up higher and higher, till she's nearly out of sight. Just when it seems like she's left off the flight altogether, there's a whoop of laughter that grows louder and louder, as Shannon dives down towards the surface of the water at a surprising rate of speed, with her wings tucked in tightly behind her. By the looks of it, she is possibly going well into the realm of highway speeds. Just when it seems as if she might hit the water, she snaps her wings outwards and skims the surface of the lake, giggling.

Haunt has posed:
"Oops, lost her," Brad says suddenly to Andrea, when Shannon suddenly goes super high. He doesn't follow; he doesn't know wher she is, but instead draws Andrea and himself to a slowed halt, starting to discend towards the water. When Shannon comes back into range, he draws them after her, though, pushing the speed to try to catch up. In a straight arrow across the lake, they gain on her, but not enough to catch up. It's still a fun bolt of speed, even if it didn't include the dive!

"Want to guide us a little? Point with your arm," Brad suggests to Andrea, moving her more in front of himself.

Rage has posed:
"She's way above you, up in the sky." Andrea says as she turns herself about in the air to follow after Shannon with her eyes. "Annnnd... now she's dive bombing the lake." With that, she points with her arm to guide him as best she can, trying to remember the commands he gave her earlier. Her feet continue to wiggle in mid air.

"Okay, that way!" She calls out to Brad. "Geezus, Shannon is so freaking fast."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs as she spirals into the air like a figure skater sketching a pirouette on the ice, coming to a stop some distance above. She returns to an altitude of about fifteen feet above the lake, grinning. "Try imagining that coming at you and ramming into you at... ooof, I'd guess about seventy, seventy-five at this point. Not fun to be on the receiving end of."

Haunt has posed:
"Wish I could see her! I bet she looks neat. She's went too far away for me to sense," Brad explains to Andrea. There's a sadness there. He bets Shannon looks cool. "That's why I'm staying slower, I can't sense past a certain distance. I don't want us to go so fast that we hit something before I can react. I can trust your direction, though, since you can see. Be the eyes." He follows Andrea's direction with her hand, using that to determine flight path, adjusting with Andrea's indications.

"I'm sorry I missed your dive," Brad says to Shannon.

Rage has posed:
"Well, maybe later I can give you a horseback ride werewolf style or something around the yard. Yee-haw." Andrea says as she continues to motion him so that they can follow after Shannon. "It's not as exciting as flying. Probably feels more like riding a hairy horse."

Nightingale has posed:
Okay, so now she had an idea of some of Brad's limitations on flying. Nodding, Shannon smiles somewhat, pausing a short distance away so Brad and Andrea can catch up. "I'm sorry I flew too fast. It's so easy to forget others perceive the world differently sometimes." She pauses and smiles a little more. "I've felt it when you enter a room, it's kind of like a real light breeze sort of getting an idea of where everything is. What does it feel like, on your end?"

Haunt has posed:
"It's not speed, it's distance," Brad says, but sighs. The wind and noise in the air pulls his voice away, that sigh disappears into the wind. He pulls the front of his hoodie up, trying to warm his face. "I'm freezin', though," he laughs, after he pulls the front down. "It's cold over this lake. Let's go in," Brad suggests, pausing. They're over the lake, and Brad's disoriented. "Sorry. Which way?" He asks.

"I don't know how to describe what it feels like. Like swimming in the dark, but you just KNOW where some things are from memory. But it's not memory. I dunno."

Rage has posed:
"House is that way!" Andrea calls out to Brad as she gives a bit of a shudder herself at the cold from the lake. Once they touch down, she pats herself down a bit, then grins at them. "I'll get some hot cocoa going for us guys. Thanks a lot. This was super fun and not at all as scary as I thought it'd be. I'd love to od it again." She says as she heads for the door.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly and smiles. "If you're getting cold, I'll lead us back towards the mansion. Maybe we can all have some hot cocoa, something to chase down those sandwiches we chowed down on earlier." She keeps her flight from here slow and easy, staying close to Brad and Andrea as she starts to lead the way back. "I wonder if it's anything like going around an area you know well blindfolded, and then people change things around on you. Maybe I'll have to try that, just to get a hint of what it's like for you." The path back to the mansion--and hopefully steaming, marshmallow and whipped cream-filled hot cocoa--is a direct one, the late autumn evening certainly bearing the icy chill of winter. It was a good flight, and mostly a good day.