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Latest revision as of 06:15, 20 November 2019

Just more Time
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Jay and Brad's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jay talks to Sam and Brad about his relationship woes.
Cast of Characters: Haunt, Icarus, Cannonball

Haunt has posed:
The door to Jay and Brad's room is open with a doorstop, because Brad has moved his collapsed boxes out into the hallway. He's doing it telekinetically partially, and half with his hands: multiple trips with boxes or groceries is for losers. He totes it all out to the trash chute, and then returns to the room. The room itself is dark, the lights aren't on, as is generally the case with Brad in general.

He's visible by the pants only, no shoes or socks or visible shirt, though he is wearing those things: they're just invisible. Which means there's a bit of comedy here, with the pants moving around in the hallway. Pants walking about is always funny looking.

Icarus has posed:
Coming down the hall is Jay, head down and thoughts inward. He does manage to stop as a parade of boxes go past to the chute and that's when he spots the pants. He'd already figured it was Brad but he couldn't actually /see/ his roommate to tell. Unless he had that giant contraption on. It was good to see he did not. Even if that meant there was a pair of pants moving around the hallway with no sign of who was in them. He must have on a tight shirt, like the tank top he'd had on last time Jay saw him.

"Hey, Brad. Getting it finished up?" he asked in a social tone although his face was a bit red and blotchy. Yay that Brad couldn't see he'd been crying.

Haunt has posed:
Or perhaps no shirt at all. It might not make any difference, with the invisibility. "Hi," Brad greets, entirely unaware of any tears or redness on or around Jay's face. Brad is totally 'fooled', for now. "Yes, I have all my boxes cleared out. Spent a while on it today," Brad says, chatty.

"When I wasn't dominating at a snowball fight, that is." A smile is in Brad's voice. He heads back into the room, into the darkness, expecting Jay to come as well.

Icarus has posed:
"Snowball fight against a telekinetic. Yeah, pretty sure I wouldn't have bet on the opposing team. Unless maybe Mr. Drake was involved. Now that would be something to see." Jay is very carefully keeping his voice conversational as he follows the floating pair of pants that indicate Brad's location, back into their room. He automatically flips on the light as he enters. While Brad might not need those lights, he does.

He heads over to his bed and sprawls, covering his face with his hands. He isn't actively crying for the moment. "I'm having...a bad day." He doesn't elaborate.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes knocking on the door to his brothers room "Jo.. Jay you in there" He will raise his voice to let his brother know who it is but not screaming. He waits a minute not opening the door till his brother lets him know he is there.

Haunt has posed:
"Schoolwork? Girls? Family?" Brad guesses in rapidfire, as those are, obviously, the main things in their lives right now that immediately could cause problems. "All of the above?"

Brad lingers in the middle of the room, and sends his senses outside. "I can't tell who it is, other than a guy," Brad reports of the identity of the person outside. He waits for Jay's cue. "Fine to open?" he asks. No need to get up. TK is good for snowballs and doors. "Or is the bad day knocking?"

Icarus has posed:
"It's fine. It's my brother. He's not the cause of the bad day. Honestly, I am. Go ahead and let him in." Jay knows he is going to regret it but he also knows he was going to go talk to Sam in a bit anyway. He just had hoped to recover a bit before doing so. Instead, his big bro would see him in all his sniffly glory.


He sits up a bit and puts his hands down, revealing his red splotchy face which is a sure sign he's been crying.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk in as the door opens. He has a bag with him, and blinks a moment at first the walking pants and then at his brother. He frowns, a bit at this and will ask first off "Something wrong back home?" He asks, as he walks over towards Jay. His hand moving to his brothers shoulder.

Haunt has posed:
Brad is great at opening and shutting doors, and he proves it now. He opened /and/ shut the door, and also moved the doorstop out of the way. He listens curiously to what is going on, but is quiet in his confusion. Is there a problem he's not aware of?

And so, the pants move back some, towards Brad's loft bed's ladder, and there's a bit of telekinetic breeze in the room.

Icarus has posed:
That gets a wry grin out of Jay and he shakes his head negatively. "Everything is fine at home. Just had a talk with Andrea. Went to just chat and it turned into the same thing it seems to a lot lately." There is a sniffle, the first hint that might let Brad in on the emotional state of his roommate.

"She's wanting more and I am not sure I'm able to give it yet. When I just go with my gut, I end up with so much guilt for days after that I know I need to take it slow. She's tired of slow and is pretty frustrated with me."

Poor Brad.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and will look over and grab a chair and pull it over, and says "Yea, Ah can imagine that a bit, she is a bit used to seeing what she wants going after it and getting it. " He straddles the chair leaning on the back of it, and says "Ok, tell me what first word comes into your head when Ah say Andrea little brother?"

Haunt has posed:
Brad is very, very good at being forgotten. He does it now. The pants turn invisible, and Brad relocates himself up onto his loft bed. He settles there, quiet. He invisibly crosses his arms under his torso, laying on his stomach, and allows his pants to reappear: but since he's already up on the loft bed, it's extremely easy to overlook for anyone not standing up.

And so, Brad retracts from the situation for the moment, respectfully. Brad isn't much for staying quiet for very long, but for now he is, while he sorts out what may have happened.

Icarus has posed:
"Right now? Focused. Normally it'd be music. Or kind. Or funny. But right now, she is intent on what she wants and I'm not ready yet. Or I don't think I am. I just don't know." Another brief sniffle then he realized that Brad was over there having to listen to this and not having the full story.

"Brad, sorry. I know this a bit heavy for a new roommate situation. I haven't even told you the story behind it all, why I'm the way I am."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, ok tell me this." What comes to your mind if she was deciding to date that soccer player?" He studies his brother trying to judge his reactions. He has seen he likes her for sure, but he has also seen he is having trouble coping with it.

Haunt has posed:
"It's cool," Brad offers from his loft; his voice suggests it's entirely cool. "Sounds like you're hung up on some other girl." There's not any judgement in the tone: it's just what it sounds like to Brad, by the description of 'not being ready'.

"I can put my headphones on if you want me to, or go outside for a while," Brad offers. "But I don't think anybody should push you into something you don't want, before you want it."

Icarus has posed:
The question from Sam has Jay frowning darkly. He tries to hide it very quickly though, but his brother likely saw it before he started talking. "It would be none of my business. I have no right to hold her back when I'm not ready to commit." He sighs a bit and looks to Sam then toward Brad.

"You don't have to leave. I would've told you about it eventually and not like you don't know some of what's going on, with Andrea." He considers a minute then opts to give the basics of the story. "You've seen or read Romeo or Juliet I'm sure. Well it was Jay and Julia in my story. Daughter of a family that hated ours. We fell in love. Her father found us and killed me. Literally," he adds. He pauses at this part then powers through. "She dragged my body into the pond where we liked to swim and drowned herself. Then I got better." The irony in his voice. "But she didn't."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie keeps his hand on his brother's shoulder offering him the support he can. He looks at him, and seems to be thinking about what to say "You know Ah wish Ah could fix al this for ya little brother, but Ah don't know what to tell ya. You just gonna have to decide which sucks the most Ah reckon."

Haunt has posed:
Silence from the invisible boy for a little while. One can imagine he's processing it. "...Well, that's really, really horrible. And Andrea //knows// about this?" Brad asks carefully, trying not to suggest anything, or pick any side. "When.... did it happen?"

Brad has moved a little, but nothing the other guys can see: he's moved to a position he can hear better from, but it looks mostly the same up where he is.

Icarus has posed:
Jay raises his hand to touch his brother's arm, giving a squeeze back even as he looks down at his lap. His mind is on the past for the moment, lost in memories. Mostly the tragedy but there are flashes of the happiness before. Her smile. Her laugh. He sighs and forces his mind back to the present.

"She knows. And she's been really patient," Jay explains to Brad. "It's been eight months and 16 days." That was a bit precise. He runs his hand through his hair again, feeling that anxiety. "Thing is I really like Andrea. I like hanging with her, talking to her. I danced with her at the club and then I kissed her. And for days after that, I felt guilty. Everyone keeps telling me Julia would want me to be happy, to move on. But how do I do that without feeling like I'm betraying her every time I look at Andrea?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms and says "We go and you talk to her." He looks at Jay and says "Ah know Ah know, but trust me, you have no clue how many times Ah have went and talked to Pa. Now Ah will admit he may not answer in person, but being there, saying it vocally and al, it helps me, Ah may not hear it in my ears, but Ah hear it in my heart. Ah aint saying it will solve it all, but it might help."

Haunt has posed:
"Well. I think Julia probably wants you happy, but like. Work it out at your own speed. I've lost my vision for two years and I'm still working on it. I've stopped counting days. I think it's what you feel like. Not what anybody says is what you should be doing," Brad says, his voice calm from the loft.

Then there's a confusing statement from Sam that Brad doesn't understand. "Talk to who? Andrea? Or Julia?" Is Pa dead? Brad's puzzled. And figures it out a little late. Yes, Pa and Julia are probably not alive. "That sounds a little depressing to me, but if it's worked before..." Brad shifts uncomfortably. It's not his business, is it. He quiets.

"Feels like a lot of people are rushing around here. Everyone in a bug hurry to fix problems instead of waiting." Brad sighs, and rolls over onto his back. "I mean, I want to rush too. But."

Icarus has posed:
"Can't disagree. Putting a nullifier on you. Locking a part of Andrea's brain away from her. Is this the way the school has always done things and I just didn't realize it?" Jay asks even as he is considering his brother's words.

"Pa is gone, yeah. Died a long while back now. I ...guess I could try that. I've gone and talked to Pa too sometimes." Especially when things were hard for him working back home to try to support Ma and all the Littles. "Haven't really tried it with Julia. Just the idea of visiting her marker made me depressed and...yeah." The other reason he's here. Because he kept trying to join her to the point Ma didn't know what to do anymore so off to Xavier's. "Guess it couldn't hurt to go there."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Wait, locking away part of Andrea's mind? He look s to his brother not having heard this it seems." He looks over, and says "If your not wanting to use the backpack or any goggles he is making let Hank know. Not wanting to force them on you, just thought it might be easier on you if you could choose when you were using your powers.

Haunt has posed:
"I'm using them to choose. What made you think I didn't want the items?" Brad asks Sam with confusion. "I just can't wear it all day. I shouldn't have to, I'm not dangerous," Brad says, his tone turning defensive. "Sorry." He didn't mean to drift focus away from Jay.

"Doctor McCoy is the expert at this, I want to try what he thinks he's going to work, anyhow," Brad answers.

Icarus has posed:
"His eyes aren't used to the light. It was hurting him having been exposed to it for hours yesterday. I turned it off last night. Think shorter times will be better for him. I know I'm not a doctor but just seems to make sense. Work his way up to longer times instead of just constant visual stimulation after none for years."

Jay is all about changing the subject from him. As for the other question though. "I'm probably not saying it right. Andrea said she was happy about it so that's what matters. Said it was some negative thing that was causing her problems."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie makes a mental note to talk to her about it or maybe have Kitty talk to her about it. "Don't think your dangerous Brad. The way you were talking about rushing and such made me think you were not happy with it." He looks over towards Brad's bed, and says "And no, we are not wanting you to wear it cause of the occasional uncontrolled TK burst, we do want to help you learn to not do it unless your wanting to, but we are used to dealing with cleaning up messes as folks learn. Ah had to learn do drywall, and bricklaying a bit when Ah would make a mess."

Haunt has posed:
"I'm unhappy for lots of reasons, some related to my blindness," Brad says, with a smirk or joke in his voice. "I wasn't happy I couldn't see instantly. That it might take time. Or that I'm wasting my time waiting or hoping that I'll see when I'm just blind forever. But let's not change the subject. I'm okay. Did something happen tonight specifically, with Andrea?" Brad asks. "Like an ultimatum?"

Icarus has posed:
"Not an ultimatum, no. She just told me how hard this has been on her. The fact she wants to be with me and I keep holding back, even though there have been moments. Obviously I care about her. But she's putting her life on hold waiting for me to make up my mind and that isn't fair to her. If she want to go out with some singer or soccer player, I told her she should. That she should take that and not be waiting on me when I don't know if I can be fixed," Jay admits. It's pretty fragile admitting some things but honestly, he's always been more emotionally based. Musician, writing music and poetry. So being in touch with his feelings isn't that strange unless one thinks of where he came from, the mines in Kentucky.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to him, and says "You don't need fixed, you just need time to find where your wanting to be but Ah will say little brother besides thinking how you think Julia would feel orif you should or should not you should also think how your going to feel about if she actually does that.

Haunt has posed:
"I think you're doing the right thing. If it's meant to be, then she'll be around later when you're ready too. Otherwise it's not," Brad suggests. He moves more towards the edge of his loft bed, his pants more visible, but otherwise, he stays out of the way, still-- at least for the moment, unless it seems like Sam needs backup.

Icarus has posed:
And therein is the truth. Both of them have it right. He needs time. He needs to be able to work through it all, bit by bit. He moves forward a bit then falls back again but at least he had moved forward. It's a tiny inch or so but it is there.

Yet, if she does move on? He already knows he would feel. After all, when that soccer player at the club kissed her on the cheek, he'd wanted to punch the guy out. So much for the sensitive type in that instant. "Yeah. If she moves on, I'll hate it. But I hate it more that she's hurting and it's cause of me and my issues. I know you say I'm not broke but I feel like I am."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Well, Ah am here if you need me little bro, you know that. " He does take the bag he brought with him back to him not leaving it on Jay's bed. He looks over to Brad, "And if there is anything I can help you with as well, let me know, we were al sorta the new kid here at some point."

Haunt has posed:
"Sure. I'll be here, obviously. We can talk more if you want, but it's getting late," Brad says. Maybe sleep can do them all a world of good. "Things'll be better tomorrow, I think. It's always worse in the moment." Brad climbs off his loft bed, the pants clearly coming down, as Brad starts to get ready for bed, collecting his bathroom things, and so on. And also giving Jay a minute alone with Sam, while he goes to do that.