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Latest revision as of 03:30, 23 November 2019

Battle Damage
Date of Scene: 23 November 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Tony and Wanda check on the results of the protection spell, and speak with Samuel, Shannon and Cannonball
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Blink, Scarlet Witch, Samuel Morgan, Nightingale, Cannonball

Iron Man has posed:
The Avengers are on site. Most specifically, one of the most obvious ones is chilling in mid-air hovering in the back yard. That being Iron Man.

Iron Man's a bold statement of bright red and golden technology, his famous suit instantly recognizable. Repulsors for flight are in use, generating pulse fields at his feet and near his hands, which are low and spread. He's very stable... And chatty, like always. He isn't using comms, his voice is amplified by his suit to easily speak to Wanda, who is physically nearby.

"I really missed a party. Doesn't look like you had a Hulk, though, there's still some buildings," Tony jokingly observes of the torn up yard. "Got a spot where I should start my grid search? I've got a full set of readings from those ripped up ley lines to compare to, so we should be in business."

A half dozen little robotic drones, each blazed heavily with STARK branding are in a semi-circle vertically near the floating armor suit, as if they were a crowd of children eagerly waiting for storytime to begin.

"Let's also pretend I read all of the information, but a summary would be fun."

Blink has posed:
Blink has been hanging around Xavier's school for the last few days, even if not exactly part of the student core. But she likes being here from time to time, even if Genosha is her true home. She dresses rather more casually than Ironman, just her dark jeans and a long coat that flares out a bit. Those elven ears are fully visible, as is the purple hair and the unnaturally green eyes.

And hanging she does, stepping back and forth on a precarious-looking ledge of the ceiling, some impressive balance there yet she pauses upon noticing all the commotion going down at the backyard. Led by her curiosity she squats down to look at what is going on, large green eyes blinking once.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"No Hulk, but it was amazing what Thor and Storm working the weather and lightning together were capable of," Wanda says into her comms with a glance overhead where that storm had been. The skies are clear and blue, though there's about six inches of snow left on the ground after a blizzard that hit Westchester, which was itself a direct consequence of the weather being disrupted by the aforementioned pair.

"So normally we could have anchored the spell with the ley lines to keep it from fading away too fast. But I didn't know if they'd recovered enough to handle it. We had a number of components from other dimension. Ice from a mystical site in Jotunheim that was used to dull the senses of those who would spy on the school. Necroplasma from a demonic being that the spell could differentiate those with harmful intent. I won't go through the whole list. In any event, Stephen and I were able to use those to anchor the spell in those other dimensions. Not in a way harmful to them. But during the casting it did make it possible for a few creatures to come through while the spell was in progress," Wanda says.

Red auras of chaos magic gather about her hands, and then it flows out in multiple directions to gather along stretches near the outside of the school's grounds. "Marking the areas the rifts were open," she says. "They should be sealed fully, and no less so than anywhere else on earth to any degree that should matter. But best to play it safe," Wanda says. "But, with the spell up, anyone not a friend to the school won't see it as anything but a prep school from the outside. Even a Sentinel flying overhead won't notice mutants. Nor would their scans detect your armor, even."

Wanda continues working her magic, doing her own mystical sensing of those spots the rifts had been. All in all there's a lot of red glowing light for Blink to spot, plus that flying armor overhead.

Iron Man has posed:
"They won't detect my armor if I don't want them to for entirely other reasons, but that's good to know for general sub-par armor," Tony teases Wanda, his tone distracted. Tony, though, is a master of multi-tasking, and some idle playful chat is hardly going to pull his full attention. The little drones begin to peel off and deploy, as Tony gives instructions to his suit's internal AI: commands that won't be broadcast to the comms, let alone aloud.

"At least we've confirmed once and for all that I am, in fact, a friend to the school. Not that I'd suspect otherwise. Secretive lot here, though, so it could have been borderline. There's some belief that I have trouble with secrets. If they only knew what I kept to myself," Tony glides laterally towards where a lot of the red chaos energy is collecting, starting his personal scans on that area while the drones are allocated all about the yard. One of them went right over to where Blink is situated; the drone's large, curious owl-eye peeking at her before attempting to scan her and her vicinity with a thoughtful little pause. It looks entirely harmless: more like a roving sentry-bot.
"Yeah, I'm seeing a lot of that electrical output, at least two sources. Storm's something else to watch, sad to miss that," Tony observes, while scanning the zone Wanda has lit up. "Might have something here."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    You can't take a technological signature like Iron Man that close to the school and expect the resident technopath not to notice. It honestly isn't long before Bean checks first through a window, and then hurries down the stairs to enter the back yard with Bear in tow. The German Shepherd, expecting some fun play time in the snow, dashes out of the doors and dives face first into the nearest snow drift. For his part, luckily, Bean manages to maintain better decorum. In his grey Xavier hoodie, black cargo slacks and polished black combat boots, he's dressed the exact same as that evening when Avengers and gods came to the school to participate in some magic.

    "It's impressive to see Miss Munroe at work, it's true. But with her and Thor together, that was something else together. Like an artillery barrage missing the school by inches. Hi there."

Blink has posed:
Flying drones, armor, then magick..., that's enough to get Blink veeeryyy curious and so she jumps down from the ledge she was standing on, landing right on the snow and not really too far from the technopath... But not at arm's reach at least. She dusts off some snow out of herself, owlishly blinking once she recognizes the avengers gathered. "Hello." but of course that a more pronounced smile goes to the other Genoshan present, she dipping her head respectfully to the scarlet witch.

"So this storm was your doing. I knew something wasn't quite right." This Blink saying to the assembled avengers.

Nightingale has posed:
     The skies are far from empty that afternoon. With a clear, if chilly bit of weather outside, there was just no way to keep some students indoors. Shannon is barely out the doors and heading for the backyard when she takes to the skies with strong downstrokes of her wings. She lets out a whoop of pure joy; no, not one single thing was going to ruin her day, no way and no how. She's dressed in a long crimson sweater, stripe-and-snowflake print leggings in shades of brown and gold, and calf-length black boots. She's got her hair tied back except for one thin braid dyed an improbable shade of glacier blue, braided, and bearing three little silver beads on the end.

     The sight of those already assembled halts her flight momentarily as she stops to assess the situation, winging her way to hover in Bean's general vicinity. When she hears Blink, she glances over in her direction. "Not entirely their doing... miss Munroe had a hand in it. Now that was something to see." She snaps Wanda and Tony both a jaunty little two-fingered salute and smiles. "Hello there."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a grin at Tony's comment about his armor's stealth systems. "Well of course I meant sub-par armor," she agrees though she totally didn't, and makes sure the grin is there long enough Tony will know it. "Oh? And just what do you keep to yourself?" Wanda asks, the grin still lightly quirking her lips as she puts Tony's secret-keeping to the test.

She moves her hands in a slow swirl, sending an increased amount of chaos energy towards the zone, while her head tilts as if she's listening. "I think this might be where the necroplasma was spilled," she says. "One of the demonic creatures fought to the death rather than retreat. But then it probably has reformed where it came from by now. Let's monitor it, but I don't believe it should prove a threat. Except to the poor grass."

Wanda looks up as more people emerge. Blink is given a bright smile by the Genoshan royal. "Clarice, wonderful to see you. Is Lorna about as well?" she asks. "We're just making sure there is no weakness to the spell that could be exploited to open a dimensional portal," she comments. Which probably is itself a bit of a scary statement. Wanda lifts a hand to wave towards Shannon and Samuel as she sees the winged mutant flying in.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey," Tony greets the students arriving, with his usual easy, flippant tone. His voice is propelled from his suit with speakers: he's very easy to hear. "Dead demon? Great. Let's not tell them how this is now a Demon Cemetery, then. Don't bury your mutant pets here. Or do; I don't live here. Going to grab some demon-goo samples, though. I enjoy putting samples of various mystery pus on Pym's lab doorstep. Like I said: secrets; no fun to just //label// those."

But there's business too. "Watch your eyebrows, should you want to keep them," Tony announces; the avenger's busy, he's shifted the tech in his forearms into an alternate mode, and is now channeling a great deal of heat at the snowdrift in front of him, marked by Wanda's chaos magic lighting up the spot vibrantly. The snow immediately begins to melt away under the heat generated from Iron Man. It's showy and extremely obvious, pulses of heat radiating out as it reflects and moves in misty columns of vapor.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    It's hard not to follow the flow of energy, not to probe the awesome technology being displayed, but then Kitty works for Stark and Bean doesn't want to get her in trouble. So he behaves, making sure Bear is nowhere near the snow drift that's being sublimated for a sample.

    "That's the one that Thor tagged with the hammer and then got lit up by enough lightning to power New York for a week, wasn't it? The other one ran when his little minions were shredded." So, it seems, the teenager was there when the spell was being cast.

    He waves over to Shannon, and gives a friendly nod to Blink. But Wanda... gets a slightly more suspicious look. "I don't remember that being mentioned as a possibility. While casting, yes, but not after the spell was done. Should I start worrying about extradimensional intruders?"

Blink has posed:
Mmm, portals.. That certainly perks the purple-haired elf's attention, eyes going over the backyard slowly, perhaps searching for any kind of such signals herself. Not that it's ever been reported she knowing much about portals other than using them..., even if quite well. But she answers the Royal first, "She is not presently here. On a vacation." some reservation on her tone when she says those words, and not something she develops on further.

Eyes then go up to the winged Shannon and she offers her a wave even if she makes sure to stay well away from getting blasted by any of Tony's tech. She hops nimbly to a more secure place out of harm's way. "I missed all the action then. But what was going on? A demon?" her eyes are up on Shannon but the question seems generic enough when it's made, for the group.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shakes her head, moving just a little farther away from the intense, rather showy heat beams coming from Iron Man. The last few times they'd met, she certainly didn't recall tech quite like this being brought into play. Her eyebrows go up as she looks on in fascination. "Ooof. Yeah, that was a little messy over there. Not sure who killed the demon, I had my hands full putting the spike in the ground, and fending off three very unfriendly bamf's."

     She glances back over at Wanda briefly and smiles. "Thank you, by the way. I'm guessing that staff came from you? It pretty much saved my hide there. Had to crack a few heads with it." The mention of possible 'visitors' has her frowning, though, and she looks down to Bean. "Think the question is, what can we do here and now to help prevent the possibility?"

     Waving back down to Blink, she smiles. "Think it was something to protect the school. I just know what little bit I took part in... it was pretty chaotic that night."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gets a grin at the expression of friendly rivalry between Tony and Hank Pym. "I'm sure he'll be excited for the sample. It's not easy to come by, given what you have to face to get it," she says. Wanda motions to what Samuel said. "Yes, that one," she agrees about Thor's involvement. "I'm glad you made it through safely. I am sorry we didn't have more of a chance to meet than the brief introduction," she says. It was pretty down to business when it all went down.

Wanda spreads out more of her chaos magic, fueled by her mutant power, beginning to sense other areas while Tony focuses on recovering the sample. She tells Blink, "In short, Doctor Strange and I cast a protection spell. The school will appear just a normal human prep school to anyone outside the grounds who isn't considered an ally. Whether it is a Sentinel scanning for mutants, a magic spell, or someone with binoculars," she says. "However, for complicated reasons, it left some openings through which some other dimensional beings were able to pass while the spell was in effect."

Wanda looks to Samuel and says, "But there shouldn't be any danger of them reopening. I'm almost 100% certain of it. But we're here to make sure, just the same." The Eastern European woman then says in a stage whisper, "Plus, Tony wanted scans." Wanda nods to Shannon. "Yes, I'm glad it was of help," she tells the winged mutant of the staff. "But there shouldn't be anything else needed here. We're just being extra sure," she says.

Iron Man has posed:
"Right. A true holiday gift. Sharing atrophy-rich demonic pus, straight from the heart," Tony's got a helmet on, but his smirk broadcasts loudly. "Well, something's heart. I've suggested already he give the gift of getting off our lawn, he can park his trailer-lab someplace else. To be Determined if Santa gives me my wish."

The little sentry drone rotated to watch Blink with its huge owl eye blinking at her. As she comes out, the sentry scans where she was, and then comes along like a puppy. There aren't any red patches near where it is: perhaps it is now defaulting to 'follow whatever is interesting'. Blink, in this case. Maybe it sensed 'portal' on her, which it was sent to find.

Iron Man stops shooting heat downwards and glides backwards in the air smoothly. "Melt your sensors and I'm not doing a repair," Tony dryly teases two of the sentries that buzz in, possibly a little too close. They waggle their sensor leads as if to assure Tony. They are fine, though, there was no reason other than just providing comic relief for Tony to have joked about that. The bots glide down and begin to take samples, short limbs appearing to gently scrape at the dirt in the steaming area.

"When Tony wants scans, Tony gets scans," Tony loudly answers Wanda's tease, shamelessly. "And a hot meal. I'm likely coming inside after this. Full disclosure, I missed lunch."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Interesting design. But why use the scraper arms when you clearly have repulsor lift technology small enough to fit in those drones?" It's an honest query... It's probably the first time Bean has been this close to this level of high tech, or at least that he will admit to, and he might not know how far the technology can be miniaturised.

    "Honest, I'm not so much worried about the spell you wove for protection. I'm a bit more concerned about the spell from that other magician, the one with all the tentacles. That guy did not fill me with confidence."

    With drones buzzing about, and Bear still in play mode, he's starting to run around as if the drones are toys that he has to catch. Bean gives a sharp whistle to bring the shepherd to his side, or he's sure at least one of those poor things is going to get pounced. Playfully, but pounced nonetheless. "Kitchen's always open. With a bit of luck, you'll even find someone who's cooking already." Nope, he's not glancing over to Shannon. Not at all. Not ever... maybe just a tad.

Blink has posed:
Portals always bring unexpected complications. We can never be too careful." Blink states in a murmur to Wanda's mention of complications on their spell, it making let out a brief sigh. She should know! Considering how dangerous her own are. She rests her back against the side of the building she currently is close to, not far from the door that leads out of the backyard but then seems to notice the lil follower she got, the one that scanned her earlier, she squinting her eyes at it and then craning her neck forward to stare at it's big eye. Head tilts to the side and she reaches out with one hand to touch the 'puppy'. She is very curious afterall. "I think your drone liked me for some reason." perhaps not associating the real reason on why it may be following her. She offers it a bit of a grin.

"Tentacles?" That makes Blink peer in the technopath's direction.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon bursts out laughing at Tony, and grins at both him and at Bean. "Well... don't know if it's to your tastes, sir, but I make a pretty mean batch of mac 'n cheese. None of that boxed crap, no way. For all you and your friends have done to help us here, it'd be the least that could be done to thank you." Yes, she'd caught the look from Bean, and had indeed been thinking the same thing. "Think a triple batch would be enough between the two of you, Bean? Or do you think the hungry hordes will smell the stuff and we'll have another feeding frenzy on our hands?"

     Mention of those orange energy tentacles does bring a frown to her face, and she purses her lips, considering carefully what best to say. "Doctor Strange... well, say what you will about him, he's got some mad skills. Those orange tentacles were a huge help out there. Between those and the staff, it's probably at least half of why I'm still here."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff pauses from her sensory magic enough to rest a hand lightly on Clarice's back. Like most of the Brotherhood, she's quietly heard bits of Blink's past. "In this case, it was part of the spell. But now they should be sealed again. Reopening them would be as much work as opening a new one anywhere. No real reason to target this space," Wanda says reassuringly.

Wanda turns to walk across the snow then, towards the area where the Frost Giants came out of Jotunheim. She continues her sensing as she comments, "Stephen Strange is an... acquired taste. Or if not acquired, one that you may want to sometimes cover up with a bunch of sugar. Or maybe some mustard," she comments in her softly accented English. There's also a small, teasing smile that suggests she wishes Stephen was there to hear the comment.

"But yes, he was quite helpful to have. Dealing with that many teleporters, well, Blink you of all people know how a resourceful teleporter can make life tough on their adversaries," she says.

"Something to eat would be good," Wanda agrees with Tony. "If it isn't imposing too much?" She glances to Tony and says, "It sounds like another aspiring inventor has taken an interest?" She flashes a smile to Samuel as he starts asking techie questions.

Iron Man has posed:
"I mix magic with the lowest amount of tech possible, at least when there's time to downgrade to scrapers. I'm sad too. We've had some extremely 'exciting' results when that rule isn't followed, and I'm all for excitement for the most part. Anyway, for example, when approaching a thing of extreme magic, such as a Loki, we apply a Hulk. It's very effective."

"In this case, since you asked nicely," Tony says, some of the joke now leaving his tone to ACTUALLY answer the question more completely: "The systems required for that aren't ones I'm going to throw around near a school of kids. It's like sending me to stop a purse-knapper. Get your neighborhood Spiderman for those. I have cities to save."

While cocky and pleasant, there's no lie to Tony's tone, either. The Avenger leader does do that stuff. The arrogance has merit. "Speaking of that, I don't think I get mac-n-cheese. We have some more of those visitors from earlier this week, Wanda. I'll leave my drones to finish up, but I need to punch a hole in a monster. Catch up later?" Tony suggests.

Iron Man abruptly begins to rise in the air, trails warming as his suit adjusts modes for extreme travel.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Next time I'll have to make it a point to be further away from the school then." Bean answers with a smile. "But I get you. Bigger fish, bigger pond. Gets a bit cramped with all the sharks."

    "Staff! Thank you for reminding me." And now Bean looks over to the school, concentrates for a moment, and then seems to retrace his steps based on the position of several landmarks. Double checking his relative position, he kneels and reaches for something beneath the snow, retrieving two halves of a fighting staff. "Seems a waste to leave it here. Can always use the wood for another project." Wanda gets a nod, because whatever sheared through that staff would have easily and probably gladly gone straight through the teenager instead.

    "Come back for that mac 'n cheese at some point, y'hear?" Bean shouts after Tony. "Don't make us deliver it to Stark Tower." Because he will...

Blink has posed:
There's a very light smile that touches Clarice's expression at the touch from Wanda. She knows people are aware of some of her past. But she leaves it at that, taking the scarlet witch's assurance as a guarantee that things will go well. Never a reason so far for her to doubt a royal!

When her 'puppy' leaves she offers a wave up at Tony, "Take care of yourself." she watches the small army fly away, neck craned before she nods and replies to Wanda, "That's true. Specially if you have more than one and if they know how to work together. I should start hanging out more with Kurt." but she then goes quiet and back to her perching by the door.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles softly and grins at Wanda. "Well-said. I may borrow some of that. Sugar... mustard... maybe some honey mustard?" Her eyes dance with amusement, and she stifles further laughter at the train of conversation. "And why would making a hot meal for both of you be an imposition? It's not as if you haven't proven yourselves allies of the school before."

The techie-talk gets her to thinking of something else for a moment, crossing her arms and frowning slightly. "There was someone in the group I was in... a Mr. Barton, I believe. He took a bit of a burn on his upper leg, and was invited in to have it tended to, but we never saw him inside. Hope he's alright?"

She blinks in surprise as, first there's a Tony, and then, there isn't, as he becomes something of a red-and-gold streak of color in the sky. "Well... to each their own! The offer stands if you'd like it though, miss Maximoff. And even if not, I'll just make some anyways." The last is spoken with a grin at Bean, and some laughter. As he goes for his staff, though, she tilts her head. "You know... I still have my staff. Had Illyana check it out, and she suggested seeing about metal caps being put on the ends at some point. You'd know more about that stuff than me... what do you think?"

The mention of Kurt has her closing her eyes a moment, especially being out here. She has to take a few deep breaths, her expression turned to a stoic mask for the moment....

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda waves towards Tony and tells him, "Let me know if any assistance is needed." She watches him jet off, and then turns back towards the others. Wanda tells Blink, "And they definitely did. Doctor Strange sent them off to another dimension, pulling them through with the aforementioned appendages," she says slowly. Each of Wanda's words tends to be spoken as if with thought, giving each its moment before moving on. But especially at her choice of how to describe the tentacles that emerged from Doctor Strange's portal.

"So are you spending more time here, Blink?" Wanda asks. She does not spend much time in Genosha. Occasional visits mainly. She glances towards the school and says thoughtfully, "I'm glad Lorna had this place. We didn't even know about each other, being sisters. I can sense that this place is a family for her that at the time, we weren't. Couldn't be," she muses quietly.

And then seems to realize how much she's said. She turns back to the others and gives them a smile and then moves over to where Samuel has picked up the remaining pieces of the staff that Wanda teleported to him during the fight. "Here, if you'd like we can mend that," she says. Assuming Samuel lets her, Wanda joins the two sections of staff and her chaos magic begins changing the wood, drawing it back together and making whole again what had been broken apart. When she's done, there's no sign that it was ever damaged. "I'm glad they served you both. Something I had at hand that I knew should be effective against what you were dealing with."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Luckily I had some experience, after that sword duel with Herr Wagner." Ah yes, that duel that neither of them really talk about anymore. Lessons were learned. Lessons Bean was very grateful for when the time came. He not only doesn't object to the staff being made whole again, he even holds out the pieces nearly reverentially. It's not just a piece of wood, it's not just a weapon, it's a gift that saved his life. It's hard to express how much that makes it nearly an artifact to his way of thinking.

    Bear doesn't miss the change in Shannon's demeanor and looks over to her with those concerned puppy eyes. Someone clearly needed doggie hugs...

    When the staff is whole again, he half-bows to Wanda. "Thank you. A debt is owed, one that I hope you will allow me to repay in future."

    And to Shannon "Caps are a good idea, will give it some more striking power, but they'll have to pretty precisely machined not to change the balance. Unless you want to change the balance, of course."

Blink has posed:
"It depends whether and where I am needed. My duties to Genosha come first. I stay here, but I know it is not where I belong." Blink speaks those words in casual sincerity, as if she expects everyone to know that already. She does offer a faint smile though, one of understanding towards Wanda and what she chose to reveal, "This is a good place of learning. But nothing can replace family."

A look is then first given to Shannon at her reaction on Kurt's name being mentioned, then to Bean, some confusion on her expression and she asks. "Is there something the matter with Kurt?" she clearly not into the going-ons of the school as of late.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon opens her eyes, her expression softening a bit as some thoughts are tucked away in the darker corners of her mind, to be taken out and examined more closely later. A ghost of a smile plays upon her lips, and she inclines her head. "Hopefully, they'll continue to serve well. I asked our team lead for permission to train in the staff's proper use, and thankfully he agreed." She glances at Bean, as if to suggest perhaps he could do the same, smiling some. "I'm pretty sure Chris could show us a thing or two, if Sam agrees to your training as well, and from what he was telling me, Remy's a bloody expert with the staff. We could always bug him, too."

Regarding the end caps on the staves, she inclines her head. "Illyana initially suggested her brother could help, but I thought of you as well. Especially the way you were working on your bike there, and how well that came out. Figure between the two of you, the job would be done right."

Blink's question makes her stiffen, and she sighs softly. Damn it, it seemed as if she was not going to be able to keep her thoughts to herself, was she? "No... nothing's the matter with him. He's one of my favorite teachers here. Just... it was one of the hardest things I had to do, cracking those bamf's heads. They reminded me so much of him, and he's never been anything but kind."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda finishes with the magic for Samuel's staff, and finally gets around to Shannon's earlier question. "I believe Hawkeye is well. He's an Avenger, though tends to spend much of his time with SHIELD. Even more than Steve does," Wanda says in her soft Transian accent.

She smiles to Samuel and says, "Good as new. And you're welcome. But no debt is owed. You helped us complete the spell, and that meant a lot," she tells him. Wanda looks around the grounds, taking one last look check, but finding what she expected, there is no real evidence of the rifts even to know where they'd opened if one wasn't there.

Wanda turns back and says, "And yes, lunch would be appreciate before I go. The mac and cheese you mentioned, or whatever," she says towards Shannon. Wanda nods about Blink's comment regarding family. "We've made a good start on overcoming that lack, thankfully," she says. Wanda and Lorna were not estranged, but barely could they have been called sisters for their lack of interaction. Blink would know that had begun to change since summer.

Wanda considers Shannon's words. "They may have reminded you of him. But they weren't him. No more than every human isn't Steve Rogers," she says. Then pauses. "Ok, maybe a bad example. So few people resemble Steve," she says with a smile.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Not enough, unfortunately." It slips out. Honestly, it simply slips out. Bean, for a moment, seems to have disengaged the brain to mouth filter that he's so well known for, and doesn't seem to realise what he said until it's out there, and his own ears pick it up. Well... Quick change of subject?

    "Herr Wagner is incredibly friendly, but I've seen him angry once. And that was my own fault." Back in the bad old days, the days before Bear. "In the heat of the moment, I'm sure, he challenged me to a sword duel. As you can tell, I'm still here, and so is he, so nothing of consequence happened." Nope. Not at all. He absolutely did not get his ass handed to him by a teleporting swordsman... There is no footage of this and therefore it didn't happen.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon can't help a laugh there. "You've got a good point. He's one in a million. Haven't met many as big-hearted as that. Though don't get me wrong... he may be a hero and a friend to me, but my parents were--and are--my biggest ones. Not to mention my adoptive big brother. And my bestie."

She grins a little sheepishly at Bean, coming to land next to him, finally, and scratches the back of her head lightly. "Ummmm... yeah, I remember that day. Think it was the day I finally lost my cool completely over events of the time and tried to get my hands around Wade's throat. It almost worked, too." Yeah. What happened that day, stays in that day, and shall not be spoken of in further depth.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking around the house. his hands in his pockets. Sam seems to be in thought as he trudges through the snow, stopping once he sees people nodding in greeting to them.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
One of the eyebrows on the auburn-haired woman goes up at the mention of wanting to strangle Wade. Certainly it's a sentiment she can understand, even if not one she'd be likely to act on.

No she'd probably teleport him to Antarctica.

"I don't know Kurt exceedingly well, but he does seem to have a very big heart," Wanda agrees. "But, you can't let the physical resemblance of Kurt's own enemies to himself stay your hand in a moment like that," the well-trained Avenger says.

Wanda glances back to the school and says, "I think we're about done here. Did you wish to head inside?" she asks. She hadn't eaten either, so that offer of food was sounding quite good.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It's hard to defend against an enemy that wears the face of a friend." Back to sounding like a fortune cookie, is Bean. The staff gets an experimental twirl just to feel its balance point again, spun overhand and caught on the second revolution. "Takes years of practice to do that without blinking."

    Speaking of... he can't see Blink. Anywhere. It would be slightly more worrying if she wasn't also a teleporter, so the reason for her sudden disappearance is probably benign.

    "Let's get inside. Food sounds great." And as he turns, he waves back at Sam. Someone, it seems, gave him a staff. At least, he's appearing very possessive about it, and Bear is eyeing it with the air of a dog that would simply /love/ to fetch a stick that big.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles, and nods. "I actually meant Captain Rogers there, but that applies equally well to Kurt also. In fact... to most everyone I've met here. It's just been an incredible few months that way." The mention of food got a grin to Bean, Wanda, and Sam all at once, and she cracks her knuckles slightly. "Mac 'n cheese a la Shannon. Meaning plain, simple, good, and plenty of it."

Sam gets a bear hug, wings and all, and a concerned look. "Hey there, big brother... everything okay?" Her brows furrow as she peers up at him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hug Shannon back, and says "Yea, just some stuff on my mind." He will tell her. "Hello Wanda, how are you doing?" He nods again to Bean. "Did I miss something important?

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff smiles over to Samuel Guthrie and says, "No, just coming back to ensure everything is well with the protection spell." She gives a glance to Shannon and Samuel. Perhaps they'll pick up that she doesn't want to worry anything thinking about whether the rifts could reopen when they can't. Or at least, not any more easily than anywhere the spell wasn't cast.

"And everything looks good," the Transian woman says gently. "You just missed Tony. He went off to deal with...ah, some things," she says. Not wanting to get into the monster of the week that he's off to deal with.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Shame he couldn't stick around longer, had so many technical questions for him..." Bean picks up from Wanda. When he's on his game, the teenager picks up body language pretty quickly, and deflects the conversation away from the possibility of rifts. "So what's on your mind, Sam? I've never seen you so... pensive."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nudges Bean gently, and then glances down at the bo staff in his hands rather pointedly, motioning towards Sam. Come on there, Bean. You know what you have to do. Otherwise, she's fairly quiet, listening more to the talk of everyone around her than chiming in--at least for the moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit at the look to the staff and him. He does go on a bit more of guard as he says "Not exactly something I can talk about sorry." He will tell them and says "So, heading inside? I could probably use some coffee.'

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda doesn't know any of the trio all that well. Samuel Guthrie a little, but then she doesn't spend very much time at the school. Especially until most recently when Wanda began to make a concert effort to be to Lorna the sister that Wanda hadn't been before. So the comments cause her to glance between them, unsure if there is anything going on, and apparently deciding not to pry if there is.

"Yes, we were just going to go and share a meal," Wanda says in her slowly spoken English. She gives the Kentuckian a smile and then continues inside, the snow that has been melting and re-freezing each night crunching as each steps breaks through the thin, icy layer on top.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Food sounds delicious." Bean agrees and starts to follow, catching the glance from Shannon and sharing a few words in a whisper. As he walks, he turns his head towards Sam. "Mister Guthrie, I'd very much like to keep this staff. I got it during the fight with the demons, and I'd like to train with it. Possibly train others as well. But, of course, I'm aware that I need your permission for this."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Bean, and says "Ah will have to think about it and talk to the higher ups as well. Ah would say let Shannon hold onto it for now, and Ah will get back to you on it. I has not been to long since the whole incident with the baton, and have to take that into consideration.