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Latest revision as of 18:16, 26 November 2019

Earning the Gauntlet
Date of Scene: 23 November 2019
Location: Turtle Lair, Williamsburg
Synopsis: Alopex feels that the youngest teenage mutant ninja-in-training has earned the right to bear arms -- in a metaphorical sense. Pippi earns a set of gauntlets to compliment her strength.
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Alopex

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi was not about relaxing. Too much down time made her anixious, and there's only so many video games she can listen to or EDM she can stand before she needs to work out her muscles, so she was practicing against the StrongerThanAnyone Bag, knocking the shipping-spring industrial strength bag around with blows. She's wearing just a tee and her regular shorts today, an atheltic instead of her stealthy apparel.

Alopex has posed:
    The last couple days had been interesting, to say the least. Alopex and Pippi both had gotten to see Gotham, meet a new contact/ally/potential friend, and to be honest, the fox felt that Pippi's training had made significant ground. The Gotham trip, she felt, had proven it. So, after the two had returned to the lair, she made sure the pup was fed and hydrated before pulling Donnie aside to discuss something.


    Now, the fox was roaming the lair, water bottle in hand, before hearing the tell-tale sound of the nigh-indestructable bag being dealt blows. It draws Alopex toward the training area. She couldn't help but admire the fact Pippi always tried to fill her idle time with training. Just as long as the pup got a little R&R from time to time. For a long moment she stands in the doorway, just observing, considering how moves are made, how strikes are delivered, how invisible blows are avoided.

Pippi has posed:
    It appears that Pippi, likely on a certain rat's suggestion, had been studying boxing. She guards her face well, she ducks below blows, side-steps, and grasping the bag in both hands she brings up her knee and brings what might have been a crushing blow if it wasn't Industrial Strength Turtle Bag, made by Donnie (patent pending).

    Pippi hasn't appeared to register Alopex yet, amber eyes set on the dummy as she moves around it, using her agility to her utmost ability. Her tail's moving around, showing where she's adjusting for balance.

Alopex has posed:
    If Master Splinter suggested it, it's probably good advice. He always had a good idea of what to study to fill in the holes some other styles could leave behind. It was different for Pippi, but with the weapon she had planned on using, it made absolute perfect sense. ... It made the fox wonder if he knew about those plans.


    After a particularly nice uppercut, the fox cracks open the waterbottle she was carrying to catch the pup's attention. It would be offered a moment later if she paused.

Pippi has posed:
    The old rat sees all, knows all.

    Pippi uppercuts, and she flicks an ear at the sound of the plastic snap, and she turns, giving a slight smile to Alopex. "H-hey Alopex." she states, and she flops down into her w-shaped 'Pippi Splut', her tail giving a slight wag over the mats. "Sorry, was I being too loud training? I was kinda letting the blows hit pretty hard... I probably shouldn't do that so much..." she trails off, her shoulders rising up.

Alopex has posed:
    Eh? The fox sseems surprised by the timid response, moving closer to offer the water bottle before settling down in front of Pippi. "Of course not. I was just roaming about and decided to come and see what you were doing. Noticed a bit of a different style you were using, there. It's a good fit."

Pippi has posed:
    "Yeah, Master Splinter suggested a couple of boxing techniques to help with the strenth control we've been doing. Something about butterflies and bees..." she trails off, and her ears drop back "/After/ I got a lecture of letting people know where I'm going and making sure I know which train goes to the North Side." she adds, and she gives a wry little shrug, looking back up to Alopex. "And I'm gonna hafta get faster and stronger if I'm going to take out Nightwatcher after all this business with Fisk and the Foot is done!"

Alopex has posed:
    Ah hah. That probably explains the timid response. "Ah, he heard about that, hmm? He does a good job of knowing just what is going on around here. He was really touched by the gift the Detective sent him. I'm not sure if I got it to him before or after you spoke with him.." she wonders about that, if it would have affected the lecture. .. probably not.

    As for Nightwatcher and Fisk, "Ah yes, well, that brings me to a point I wanted to make. I know you're training has been going really well, and to see you taking on a second style as well as you are? Well, I think you've earned a bit of a reward," she explains before waving at the door. While Donnie isn't around to offer this up himself, Mikey was more than happy to play the part of 'santa' for this moment.

    What's presented to Pippi, probably way to over dramatically by the brother in orange, is a rather decent sized, polished, oak box. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you what is in there, and honestly I can't explain just what Donatello did or how he made them, so you will have to take it up with him. All I will say is that you may not want to use them on your bag there, at full strength. The bag may not survive it."

Pippi has posed:
    "HO HO HO! Merry Early Mutantmas, lil' sis!" Mikey cheerily might chime in, far more dramatically than needed as he holds out the box. "Or... uh... happy birthday? Did we have a birthday for you?" he questions, feeling a little embarrassed now.

    Pippi's tail wags about eighteen miles a minute, the thick tail thumping against eiher side of her hips as she accepts the box, and she giives a little gasp, and she holds the box close.

    "It's a box for putting stuff in! I'll have to get stuff to put in it!" she grins, clearly excited just to have possession of the item!

    ... hard to tell if she's being serious or not.

Alopex has posed:
    The orange brother gets a smirk, but the pup gets a sort of look. She can't tell if Pippi is being serious or not either. That's why she just holds a closed hand up to her muzzle, coughs into it once, and then regains her barely dented composure. "Yes, well, I'm sure you want to see what is inside too, hmm?"

Pippi has posed:
    Mikey gives a noogie to the fluff of Pippi's head, then retreats back a bit to let the two sisters-in-arms work out if Pippi was serious or not.

    ... she might have been, because her ears go bright pink and she pins them back in embarrassment and gives an 'o-oh, right--"

    ... and then Pippi /opens/ the box!

Alopex has posed:
    Maybe the pup didn't realize that her choice would be given to her so soon, but well, what can Alopex really say? She even discussed with Splinter for a moment. Wise as always, he pointed out that training can only go so far. One has to train with the weapon they are going to be using, regardless of what it is. That's why when she opens the box she'd lay eyes on her gauntlets, built for her by the purple brother, in a box that the two are made to rest within, cloth lining the top and bottom, with their rests form-fitting. "If you need any adjustments, I'm sure Donatello will be happy to make them."

Pippi has posed:
    The gauntlets are, of course, well-made, flexible at the wrists and very, very strong Japanese-style gauntlets, but they're simple, able to be stretched out a bit if more do-dads want to be added to them, but for now? The shiny new gauntlets get a soft 'oooh' from Pippi, and she picks them up, looking over them, and slips them on. She grips her hands tightly, feeling the protective shield over her nuckles bend.

    "Oh man, I can deliver serious damage with these guys!"

Alopex has posed:
    "I'm sure he'll be happy you approve. I certainly do," Alopex offers as she stands to take a step back, wanting to give the pup some room to run them through some paces if she likes. "From the way I understood it, there's some extra padding around your joints so that you can deliver a good punch without worrying about hurting yourself. Some special material. Same with the metal. He could explain it better, I'm sure.

Pippi has posed:
    "Donnie would know all about it. He made that thingie with measures how much pressure I hit with." Pippi's tail is still wagging as she runs through some moves with the gauntlets, getting used to the new weight on her arms. "Hey! Hey Alopex! Grab a sword! I wanna see if I can deflect blows with this!"

Alopex has posed:
    The fox blinks, but smirks, "I could, but I don't want to ruin your new gauntlets. ... Though I -suppose- I could grab a sword other than mine," she says, teasing tone all the way through. A slow look around the room is given before she settles one of the training bokken. "Lets not rush to that to fast. You just got them, you need to get used to them, okay?" The fox takes on a two handed stance with the bokken, looking toward Pippi, making sure she's focused and stanced before making a move.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi hops up and down a moment, loosening up, but she drops down into a ready stance, her tail wagging again, her ears pricking forward.

    "The whole reason I wanted 'em is so that the next time I see either one a' those Tin Cans I can put a dent in 'em without gettin' cut!" Pippi replies with a small grin, and she gives a nod, then shifts into a different ready position, brings her hand down, then up -- and then gives a cocky 'bring it' motion with her fingers.

Alopex has posed:
    For now, Alopex is going to let the hubris slide. Pippi JUST GOT the gear that she specifically asked for, she's excited, so a little play in her antics is fine. For now, Pex will start out simple. A nod is given back that she's also ready, a smirk is given the gesture, and then a simple overhead slash is sent Pippi's way.

Pippi has posed:
    oh yes, because we all know what would happen if Alopex were to take such hubris seriously.
    The canine moves fluidly though, she brings the gauntlet up to block the force of the blow, and drops her receiving hand to bring the other to strike the sword to the side with a back-hand and bring her knee up, trying to step into Alopex's personal space and tap a knee against her side!

Alopex has posed:
    Call it not being warmed up, going slow, or what have you, but Pippi is going to find that she's able to block, swat, and knee with success in each strike! The bokken doesn't go clattering to the floor, but she's put off balance enough that the knee strike sends her stumbling. "Good good!" she calls, giving a little rub to where she was struck, but it's clear that wasn't full force. The fox wasn't flung into the wall or something! "Good control, too," she offers before the wooden weapon is brought up for a swing from one side to the other.

Pippi has posed:
    "Well, I have good teachers -- teaching me better control--" Pippi knows Alopex isn't putting all her skill to it, but Pippi's putting a fair bit of hers, balancing pulling her punches with ehr footwork with adjusting for the weight on her arms.

    "And patience!" she hops to the side, and sticks her tongue out at the fox.

    "INCLUDING you."

Alopex has posed:
    "Me? Pff, never! I can't imagine you even thinking that!" Thbt indeed. Hmph! Another low swing is sent the canine's way with the blade before she pulls up to swing a little higher, giving Pippi another clear chance to use her new gauntlets. "How do they feel?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi steps back and to the side of the first blow, and raises her gauntlets, catching the second with the gauntlets and a loud CLANG! "Pretty good, they're not real heavy." she jokes, and she ducks low, trying to sweep Alopex's legs with a back-leg-sweep, coming ankle-first! She's been practicing!

Alopex has posed:
    "Glad to hear it!" Alopex calls as the bokken strikes metal. The weapon goes down to her side as she hops into the air, avoiding the sweep, before she comes down, weapon along with her, looking for Pippi's shoulder. "Evidence of your training is apparent!"

Pippi has posed:

    "OW!" Pippi gives a soft yip of a cry as she takes the sword to the shoulder, bringing her arm up a little too late to catch it, and she gives an embarrassed laugh.

    "Yeah, well, maybe not all the way, but I'm getting better!"

Alopex has posed:
    Can't let Pippi just go a whole spar without a tap, can the fox? No, no. "Mmhmm, you'll only get better, Pippi. I'm sure of that." The bokken is brought up, the fox gives a little bit of a bow, and then she relaxes. "They suit you well. I kind of wonder what Nemean will think, to be honest seeing as he felt your full force before." pause. "He isn't mad at you about it, I'm certain."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a little bit of a wince, and she rubs the back of her head, falling down to a W-shaped splut again as she rights herself.

    "To be honest, Pex? I... I don't know. He has a lot to be kinda mad at me about,aside from sending him into another building which given the circumstances was totally understandable on /both/ our parts --" she stammers a moment, resting her gauntleted hands on her knees.

    "... I still want him to have the chance to go back to being human again. Humans don't even like mutants of their own species, let alone ones like us, but I know if there was a way, it could be used against us. And it's... complicated stuff. But he's a friend. And I want to help him any way I can."

Alopex has posed:
    The training sword is put back on the wall before Alopex wanders back toward the pup and settles down in front of her again. The water bottle from before is offered again. "Mm. It is complicated, yes, but if he wants to be himself again, and has the chance, I would help him just the same. I think he's been working on being a bit more in tune with what he is, now. I haven't talked to him recently but, he also probably needed some time to work things out. We'll see soon enough."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi accepts the water, and goes to drink it -- and bumps herself on the muzzle with her gauntlet a little. Her nose wrinkles, and she adjusts her hand on the bottle.

    "I remember how much it hurt in the days after. I think learning how to walk was weird. At least he has that covered."

Alopex has posed:
    A nod, "Mmhmm, that's true. I'm sure there's things that are useful to .. becoming like this from both sides. On one hand you understand the human world and walking and talking, and on the other hand we understand our senses and instincts and the more natural world.." hmm. "Its a radical change in either sense. He just had to deal with what was done to his mind on top of everything else. That's probably what was, and may still be, the difficult part for him."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's tail stops wagging, and she just gives a soft sigh of a sound, and rubs the back of her head.

    "Yeah, I know..." she breathes out, and rubs the back of her head. And then she turns to Alopex, and gives a small smile.

    "But we're here to help everyone out, each other included." she gives a bit of a doofy grin.

Alopex has posed:
    "Exactly, that's what we do here. We look out for each other and we put a stop to those that would do harm to others. It's just that simple. I really think those gauntlets are really going to do well for you, too."