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The Panacea Project: Casualties Of War
Date of Scene: 27 November 2019
Location: Crew Habitat - Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Alex comes to visit Drake in the medbay. Drake admits to having performance anxiety.
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Zero-G

Slipstream has posed:
Having headed back to the ship defeated, Drake, who is very well still mortal, is laying in the medbaby with a couple of tubes attached to him to monitor his health. He has several bones shattered, a punctured lung and a crack on the back of his skull. He has severe burns along his back, and one missing Snowball who has been turned into scrap metal.

As he stares at the ceiling in a drug induced state, he can still feel the dull throb of pain coursing through his body. Luckily, thirty-first century medicine is a lot better than twenty-first, and he should be on the mend far quicker than he would be otherwise. With the rest of the team running about to track down Computo, he has quite a bit of lonely free time to himself.

Zero-G has posed:
    Despite a long heroic career, teammates in hospital rooms is not something Alex has ever gotten accustomed too. It just didn't happen often. Certainly, injuries occurred. You can't fight space empires and return unscathed. The Pack's powerful healing capability means anything damage sustained could be undone with a group hug.

    Alex is a bit out of his element here, but he enters the medbay with the standard get-well equipment. Flowers, snacks, a ballon, and maybe a little extra. "Hey," He starts, watching Drake for a moment. He's trying to get a sense of mood. "I read the mission report. You were very brave out there."

Slipstream has posed:
Turning his head over towards him, Drake lets out a pained sigh. "We had her safe and that idiot leaps out of the cruiser to 'safe us' or some shit. I'm literally dying in the driver's seat and she fucks the plan up not once, but twice. She is literally an idiot." He lifts a hand upwards to rub at his face. He's bruised and battered and covered in cuts.

"And Snowball is gone." He whistles out with a depressed sigh. "Mister Stark isn't going to make me a new one and it wouldn't be the same. She had a lot of personality. At least the way he programmed her."

Zero-G has posed:
    "To be fair, we already knew she was an idiot," Alex says lightly. He approaches the bedside then and sets the basket of goods on a surface. It's a LOT of stuff for what's probably only going to be a few days. Thirty-first-century medicine, after all. "Sorry I wasn't there. I read the mission report when I was supposed to be doing homework. That pissed off my parents," He says, with a small smile. "Julie proceeded to steal my tablet and read it out loud and...well, my mother agreed that you were very brave. She made brownies."

    "Brainy will repair her and make her better than before," Alex insists, looking at Drake. "You know that, right?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Ah. It's okay. No matter what, we'd have lost anyways. It's... Lar.. He's a Superman. He can probably take out three times as many Legionnaires at the same time." Drake sulks quietly. "But tell your mom I said thanks. I'd rather you be doing homework instead of taking heat eye laser beams to the back. I felt my everything snap when he did. It was like being whacked by a semi truck on fire."

"Brainy I think has better things to do than try and rebuild a robot. He sorta crushed it and slammed her into a wall. Snowball looks like a tin can stomped on by an elephant. I don't think that's repairable."

Zero-G has posed:
    "I still feel bad," Alex replies, dropping into a seat. He reaches out to take Drake's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, before he pulls out a Nintendo Switch from it. "I brought my Switch. Since school's out for the day, I figured I keep you company while you recover."

    "Tell Brainy you think he can't do it. Let's see if you can stop him then."

Slipstream has posed:
"Ooooh.. Video games." Drake says with a grin at the sight of the device. His fingers curls around Alex's in return, squeezing it firmly before he lets it go. "I really do appreciate you coming to see me and kick it. It's been boring down here and it's way too sterile. It doesn't even smell like a hospital."

"I guess that could work." He laughs at the idea. "He'd probably push a button or something and she'd pop out of a 3D super printer or whatever. I heard he didn't take the news real well."

Zero-G has posed:
"Yeah, I haven't seen him around in a minute, and I know he wasn't with you guys during the encounter with Lar," Alex raises his brows at that. "And don't mention it. Keeping the real heroes company is the least I can do if I'm too busy to join them."

Slipstream has posed:
Rolling his eyes upwards, Drake wheezes out a pained laugh. "I am not a /real/ hero by any means. I'm a budget sidekick who is good at video games. I'm not even the fastest speedster on the team. Yesterday kinda reminded me why I always stuck to street crimes and why the Avengers always had me on clean up duty. I'm not made for this. I'm just a normal guy with quick sneakers."

Zero-G has posed:
    "Hey, I hear Cosmic Boy got incapacitated too, so don't go putting yourself down," Alex says, frowning. "Look, Drake, it's the trying the matters. That's what makes a hero. You didn't run or give up Dr. Stellaris. Besides, you said it yourself. Mon-El might be the strongest member on the team...that you're even alive is an accomplishment."

    He winces then and chuckles. "Okay, that might have come out wrong. Why are you talking like this?"

Slipstream has posed:
"It's probably the drugs talking, and the broken bones, and the broken robot." Drake says as he thumps his head back into his pillow and sighs. "I never really had a lot of confidence in myself. Outside of Overwatch of course. I shit on kids on Overwatch. But this is like .. reality you know? This isn't a video game. I don't respawn. I guess... eeeeh.. after last night, I'm kinda scared now."

Zero-G has posed:
    Alex pauses for a moment, then sighs. "It's okay to be afraid. The stuff we do -is- scary and risky and at some point, you come to terms with the fact that you might not make it out alive," He frowns, and leans forward. "What are you going to do?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I dunno. Heal up. Get back into the grind and not quit, because only bitches quit." Drake says as he flops a hand over his face, peeking up at him through his fingers. "Lar is my best friend and I can't give up. I'm just scared right now, you know? Because I was pretty close to dying. But I'll suck it up."

Zero-G has posed:
    "I thought you would say that," Alex says, grinning at Drake even as the other man covers his face. "Luckily for you, the technology here is off the charts. You'll probably only be hanging in the medbay for a couple of days if even that. "

Slipstream has posed:
"Probably by the end of tomorrow, who knows." Drake says with a grin at him, dropping his hand away from his face. He tilts his head a bit into the pillow, then sighs. "I'm gonna try and nap off the rest of this morphine. It's hard to stay awake." He gives a loud, drawn out yawn. "We can play video games later when I wake up and if I'm feeling better."