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Latest revision as of 04:43, 28 November 2019

The Panacea Project: Budget Recapping
Date of Scene: 28 November 2019
Location: Crew Habitat - Legion Cruiser
Synopsis: Drake feels a bit better. Hangs out with Alex. Plays Overwatch. Promises to get dinner with his family tomorrow.
Cast of Characters: Zero-G, Slipstream

Zero-G has posed:
    Alex made good on his promise to spend the rest of Drake's recovery with him. He checks his phone several times but ignores every incoming message in favor of elevating the slightly older man's spirits.

    He peeks into his quarters now, since he's been moved. Medicine a thousand years in the future and all, "Hey, you know if you want to spend Thanksgiving with the Powers, I'm sure that could be arranged...Jack would love to meet you, and well, I don't want you to be stuck up here."

Slipstream has posed:
Having finally got out of the medical bay now that 'super medicine' has finally got him to a better place physically where he can walk around and not fall over. He's still hurting, as he has to have just enough medication to fix him, but not enough to keep him stoned all day. Maybe when and if Brainy gets back he can have another solution.

Having just thrown on some actual clothes instead of a medical gown with his bare ass on display, he gives a grin to Alex. "I dunno, I'm still all bruised up and looking like an eggplant and limping about. I don't wanna scare your family and make 'em think this is crazy dangerous."

Zero-G has posed:
    "They know this is dangerous," Alex says, then sighs. "and they already know you've been injured. It's up to you, but I just thought that this spaceship wasn't the most homely environment. Even if by some miraculous chance, the Legion still celebrated Thanksgiving, the festive spirit is probably dead with one teammate possessed, the other missing, and two injured."

    He drops onto Drake's bed. "You feeling better?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, I feel 'better'. You know. I'm hurting, but I'm not hurting like oh my god I'm dying kinda hurting either." Drake says with an smile to him, flopping down next to him at his side with a little bounce.

"Even if I wasn't on the ship, I'd probably be spending Thanksgiving playing Overwatch or something lame like that. I don't even think these guys know what Thanksgiving really is. They're kinda aliens. You and I are the only humans on the ship." He tilts his head over to him and grins. "Buuuut... I /guess/ ... I can ... do dinner... long as pumpkin pie is in there?"

Zero-G has posed:
    "I meant up here," Alex taps his temple once and flashes a lopsided grin. "If you're not, that's okay too. Just give it time.

    "Lyle is probably human, right? Probably. He looks human and just turns invisible...because of a serum. Invisible Woman can do that, and she's not even a mutant," He looks at Drake. "There will definitely be pumpkin pie, dude."

Slipstream has posed:
"I never did ask Lyle what he was. I know he's shagging Brainy so I figured they were both aliens." Drake laughs as he rubs the back of his neck. "Uh.. yeah, I feel better, up there as well. I guess. I'm just.. eeh.. I'm human." He says as he leans in to bump his shoulder against his gently.

"I'll get over it, I always do. I remember one time we lost during the semi finals in the Overwatch League and I didn't leave my room for three days and that's way worse than what this is."

Zero-G has posed:
    "You're kidding?" Alex chuckles, raising his brow. Brainiac and Lyle? Well, he can actually kinda see that. He shakes his head, "You eventually became Overwatch champion, didn't you?" He pokes Drake lightly on the shoulder. "See, these things work out. Let me know when you're ready for action again. There are questions that still need answering."

Slipstream has posed:
"I already was an Overwatch League champion at the time. My team went like five years straight undefeated up until that point. It just really wrecked my confidence. We literally put sixteen hour days, seven days a week, staring at the screen and playing the same game. We don't get to have much of a social life. My other five or six team members are the only family I had, the only friends I had and even then, we had to /grind/ to be /perfect/ every fucking day, or else we could lose our spot." Drake says as he rubs at the back of his neck again, raking his hand through his hair which is starting to gain some shag to it. "What kinda questions do you have by the way? I'm good to go if you need me."

Zero-G has posed:
    "Poor example," Alex rolls his eyes. "That sounds like hell, dude. Isn't gaming supposed to be fun?" He frowns and looks away, for a moment. "Do you know where this C.O.M.P.U.T.O dude is taking Dr. Stellaris, and what the heck he was doing in the Cruiser?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Gaming is fun for normies, but this is my job. A six figure job complete with a streaming empire on top of that." Drake says softly. ".. Dude I make like .. sixty thousand a month on streaming and salary. Like, I'm kinda dumb rich and I don't spend my money." He says with a laugh. "But.. I don't know /anything/ about Computo. I never heard of this thing before until all of that went down. I don't know where Lar is taking the Doctor. I feel like I'm in the dark, but I'm as new as you are here."

Zero-G has posed:
    "That's troubling. I imagine that the nanomachines acquired it while they were rooting through our systems," Alex frowns and sits up, bringing his hand underneath his chin. "Well, the most important thing is getting Lar back, safe and sound. I know he's your best friend, and I also know he's still in there somewhere."

Slipstream has posed:
"Yeah, Saturn Girl had a talk with him in Lar's head. It's like his body is being controlled by the machines and he's a puppet. So I can't take it personal he beat the fuck out of me and killed my robot and made me cry when I was in the shower and I knew it was loud enough you guys wouldn't hear me come off like a pussy." Drake huffs softly to himself then rubs the back of his neck. "I'd talk to Irma or maybe Rokk. To be honest, this is so over my head. I dealt with Foot soldiers, not ...this. It feels like everyone is speaking Chinese and I'm speaking French."

Zero-G has posed:
    Alex chuckles, "I'm sure he will apologize profusely once he gets back," He looks at Drake, and grins slightly. "They're from the future...they might as well be literally speaking a different language. That doesn't mean you can't help out, though." He nods about talking to Saturn Girl or Cosmic Boy. "I will when I get the chance." Since they do know so much more about this than them.

Slipstream has posed:
Bumping his shoulder against his again gently, Drake gives him a nod in return. "Yeah, they know a lot more. Brainy keeps calling me Dynamite. I'm starting to think he knows I'm going to change it at some point. Maybe one day I get explosion powers ... or maybe he just likes fucking with me beacuse I give him a ton of lip. I haven't asked him about my future self. Kinda sure he'd tell me I died horribly or I was always a wuss."

Zero-G has posed:
"His presence here has already changed the future as we know it, right?" Alex grins. That's how it works in the movies, anyway. "So whatever he tells you about where you'll end up decades from now might be irrelevant. Besides, spoilers." He adds, with another roll of eyes.

Slipstream has posed:
"I like spoilers. It determines if I'm gonna spend fifteen bucks on a movie plus popcorn." Drake grins at him, brows waggling. "I'll spoil the shit out of myself and then go see it anyways. Long as I have a refillable large popcorn with strong butter, I can deal with the worse of movies." He bumps him again with his shoulder, then smiles. "Which I have not gone to one in awhile. Maybe a few years. Work schedule plus kinda almost dying and superheroing takes time away from normie stuff."

Zero-G has posed:
    "Sounds to me like you miss that 'normie stuff'. We could see one together. A movie, I mean," offers Alex, casually. "After this business with nanomachines and possessed teammates is over, naturally. I'll let you put as much butter as you want in it and even decide on the movie."

Slipstream has posed:
"Sure, we can do that if you want." Drake says as he reaches over to snag the Switch off the table, pinging it on. Of course he found Overwatch and downloaded it. He logs in with his credentials and gives him a grin. "You wanna see me shit on some kids and make them cry?" He says as he scoots in a half inch closer so they can share the screen.

Zero-G has posed:
    Alex slides onto the bed next to Drake and crosses his legs at the ankles. "Usually, I would say 'no' to anything that makes little kids cry, but since you're sick and injured, I will make this one," he holds up a finger, "exception."

Slipstream has posed:
"Psh. You haven't lived until you heard a twenty something year old grown man break down like a baby." Drake says as he launches the game, selects the Competitive ladder, then gets queued into a game. After selecting a hero, for the next twenty minutes on this map, he locks himself completely in. Alex disappears. The pain disappears. The ship disappears. All there is in this world is his ability to rain down absolute hit-scan hell on the enemy team. Each push of the button and toggle of a a joystick is with purpose.

The look in his eyes are intense, extremely focused. His gameplay is on another level, as if he was ten steps ahead of everyone else. When the game comes to an end and says Victory, he has three gold medals and a K/D ratio that is just stupid.