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Guardians of the Galaxy: Jailhouse Rocked
Date of Scene: 01 December 2019
Location: Common Area - Milano
Synopsis: Yondu 'interrogates' Quill aboard the Eclector, following his betrayal by Rocket Raccoon.
Cast of Characters: Yondu Udonta, Star-Lord

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Following Rocket's sudden but inevitable betrayal of Quill on the deck of the /Eclector/, Quill had been thoroughly searched, stripped of his gear, and tossed into the brig. At least that part is familiar; he's spent enough time in there over the years, after all.

And Yondu isn't exactly yanking Quill's toenails out. There's a blanket and a rough pillow, and flavor packets for his protein paste meals.

A solid day passes before Yondu steps into the brig. No one's on guard, because no one can be bothered to stand at post for more than an hour or two anyway. And where's Quill going to go? Scuttling around the ship's ventilation system, despite being twice as big as he was as a teen?

Yondu regards Quill with a flat and unreadable deliberation, then steps into the brig and closes the door behind him. A lone chair is dragged over to Quill's cell with a scrape of metal against the deck. Yondu flips it to face Quill. A flick of his wrist flares his coat out and Yondu takes a seat.

"Hell of a thing, mutiny," he remarks in his wheezy gravel. "Allus knew that little rodent was in it for his own. Never guessed he'd stick a gun in yer ribs."

Yondu looks down at his fingers, interlaced in his lap, then back up at Quill. "You put me in a tough spot, kid. I couldn't give you no more free passes. Crew'd think I gone soft. Not t' mention that I gotta cover that loss outta my own pocket." He sucks his teeth and spits to the side.

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter is seated on the metal deckfloor and has his knees bent with his forearms resting on top of his legs. A piece of something he's pulled out of his pillow is doing the job of occupying his tiny monkey brain.

    "He had the money..." Peter says to the object between his fingers and then flips it to the side of the cell with a whip of his arm. "He had it in his pocket and chose to screw us both over for the sake of a few bucks and my ship." Peter says, sounding upset. Anger or depression is hard to tell at this point, but he's certainly not happy about being betrayed. "Fuzzy son of a--"

Yondu Udonta has posed:
Yondu blinks once, but otherwise doesn't explain his surprise. "He did?" The blue-skinned captain grunts thoughtfully. "I thought for sure you two were gonna come up short. If you could dig up that kind of cash in a week's time, hell, I'd near put you back on the crew full-time. Didn't find out about that raid on Ataxes that you fellahs just went clean off yer rocker. Coulda been a suicide run." Yondu shakes his head, as if torn between concern and amusement.

"Truth is, boy, I'd rather have the money than your sorry ass slung in the brig eatin' into my food budget. Protein paste ain't grow on no trees. Hell, I'd have near kept the /Milano/ if...."

Yondu frowns. "Why *didn't* I keep it?" he mutters. "Kraglin's a good pirate, he'd have done right by 'er. Instead I let that damn racoon walk out with it."

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter looks dumbfounded as he turns his head to face Yondu fully. "Why /DID/ you give my ship to Rocket? Not like he even is a ravager. Shit Yondu, he's more a pirate than any of you are. Without any code." Peter snarls before he looks back between his boots and sighs and says in a whisper, "Pretty sure these packets grow on cows anyways."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"You--" Yondu grits his teeth. They're bared in a snarl and he jabs in index finger in Quill's direction. "You ain't got no right to talk 'bout who's a capable pirate, you smelly-ass monkey," he rasps. "I raised you up from a got-damned scrub. Taught you the code. The ways of th' Ravagers," he reminds Quill. His anger is quite palpable but there's a blustering to it that covers some deep confusion.

"I gave the rodent the damned ship 'cause I felt like it, that's why!" Yondu says stubbornly. "He at least gave me somethin' when he turned up, insteada turnin' out his pockets and givin' me a biscuit lip pity story. I gotta keep my crew in line, an' I can't do that iffen they thought I was goin' soft?" That finger points at the door. "Them boys?" He gestures wildly at the door. "You know what they wanted t' do with you when we found you?"

Star-Lord has posed:
    "No one thinks your going soft Yondu! But shit, you just watched a two foot fuzzy ball with a gun on his back waltz into your ship and give you back me, something everyone already thinks is yours anyways." Peter says, his voice getting louder as he has to bluster back at Yondu. He's had a taste of captainship, now he thinks he's the hottest shit this side of the Dolomaxian suns. "Yes! I know they wanted to eat me before." Peter says puffing his chest, lowering his chin and putting on his not even close fake Yondu voice. "They's gonna eats ya. And everyone knows you weren't gonna let em, cause I could fit places those lardo's couldn't."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Damn right I was gonna, but you started pullin' yer weight!" Yondu retorts. "You brought in credits, more than it cost t' keep ya around, anyway. Learned the code. Learned to toe the line. What do you think keeps this ship runnin', you lil shit?" Yondu asks, with a belligerent tone. "You think it's the engines? The crew?"

"WRONG! It's me!" he bellows, and jabs a thumb in his chest. "Ah can't go on no missions. Can't be doin' those long runs. I'm gone fer the ship more than a few days, that uppity asshole Tazerface is havin' hisself a mutiny. I don't even like takin' shore leave!"

"So if you still wanna pull yer weight, you lil' punk, you best pitch me a scheme right post-haste. 'cause I'm down a hundred thousand units, down the /Milano/, an' the only person I gots to blame is you!"

Star-Lord has posed:
    "You're still calling it the name I gave it." Peter says with a smug look towards Yondu. Yeah, it's Peter's ship and everyone knows it, except Rocket. Peter gets quiet and puts his hand on his chin, wrongly, but he does. He seems to be trying to conjur some kind of thought. "Know where any lady raccoons are-- No that's a dumb idea." Peter shakes his head.

    With a snap of his fingers Peter points at Yondu and then gets that smile that he gets when he has a great idea. "Where's the cheepest drinks in the galaxy..." As if it's a place Yondu and Peter both know EXTREMELY well...

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Makes sense," Yondu acknowledges. "Contraxia system, huh? Good place t' fuel up if yer in the fringe systems. Pawn shops tend t' bleed you dry, though. Bet he's sold off all yer shit by now. Probably got fitty units for all them nasty ol' clothes and that tape player thingy of yours."

Yondu gets to his feet and paces back and forth. "So what, you think we oughta just pull up an' grab the /Milano/ right off the landin' pad? That lil' shit's a selfish bastard but ten credits says he's already ripped yer override passwords outta the computer. 's the first thing any self-respectin' hijacker would do. Might even be on Contraxia to get the ship ID flashed and modified. Know a guy there who does it. Ain't cheap, but I reckon even with that windfall, that lil' critter can't afford to speed it along."

Yondu scowls. "Well in this case, I done been rooked by that lil' shit. I'd rather have the money than yer pain in the ass sittin in a holdin' cell." He walks to the intercom and punches the talk button. "Bridge! Yondu here. Plot in a course fer Contraxia, I'm buyin' the crew a round of pleasure bots," he announces.

Cheers erupt from the speaker before he lifts his hands from it, and Yondu looks at Peter. "An' while they're gettin boozed and laid, you an' me and Kraglin? We's gonna go steal back my ship," Yondu tells Peter. "An' maybe you kin have words with yer fuzzy lil' friend in the process."

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter mumbles after Yondu's done, "If'n he's still alive." The Terran notes to himself and then looks up to Yondu, "What?! Nuthing. Just... nothing." Peter says, he doesn't want to hate Rocket but this really sucks.

    Peter looks up towards the bulkhead, lost in thought, wondering what Gamora and the others might be saying to Rocket. "Yeah I want off your ship too Yondu, y'know you don't have to keep me in the brig y'know, not like I can go anywhere anyways."

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"You think I oughta just let you wander 'round the ship?" Yondu asks, incredulously. "That'll go over real well with the crew. Shit, I could just give you back yer leathers and guns while I'm at it. Tell everyone you get preferential treatment 'cause I got some fond memories of the shit you stole from me."

He shakes his head and moves to the door. "But I ain't makin' no money off you sittin' in here, an' you been an earner in the past. I'm gonna give you one last chance, Quill," Yondu says. He makes it sound as much warning as generosity. "We're gonna go get my credits and my ship from that rodent. Last man standing pilots the /Milano/ fer me." Yondu pauses before leaving the room.

"After all, ain't like he's yer friend no more. Right?"

Star-Lord has posed:
    Peter grows a smile and then a snort and he full on laughs, rolling over onto the floor as he belly laughs and then points at Yondu. "You got fond memories of me. Oh shit!"


    "No wonder you're afraid of people calling you soft, the great Yondu, has emotions." Peter chuckles and wipes a tear from his eye with his palm and then he has to take a serious tone. "I- I don't know WHAT Rocket is." Double-so.

Yondu Udonta has posed:
"Reckon you oughta cog-- congi-- you oughta think on that," Yondu advises Quill. He looks around the brig with a bemused expression. "Seems like you got plenny of time on yer hands fer self-reflection, if nothing else."

He steps out of the brig and seals the door behind him, leaving Quill behind bars and alone save for whatever thoughts decide to keep him company.