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Latest revision as of 20:18, 2 December 2019

Exercize and conversation...
Date of Scene: 30 November 2019
Location: Gym - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Remy and Shannon continue to work out and to talk of many things, of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings!
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Nightingale

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau is taking the time to keep his body in peak physical condition. It's actually harder then it might seem, since his power is to create energy seemingly from nothing. That means his cards are charged with his own body's energy, and thus that energy isn't there to build and maintain muscle mass. Fortunately a 3500 calorie a day diet isn't /too/ hard to maintain, especially around Thanksgiving. He's wearing workout clothes in the form of black martial arts pants and a red sleeveless t-shirt. And on his neck are three bruise like markings...

Nightingale has posed:
     With the feast the day before, and the veritable cornucopia of leftovers that would last for several days after, there was little doubt that a bit of extra time in the gym was called for. Shannon's opted to take her new staff with her to the gym this time, where hopefully she could try a few strikes that Wade had been kind enough to show her the other day, without making too much of a fool of herself in front of anyone else. She's dressed in a long white t-shirt with a 60's hippie Tweety Bird on the front of it, peacock blue leggings, and her old white sneakers. Her hair is largely pulled back in a ponytail, except for one glacier-blue braid just a few shades darker than her eyes, on the left side of her face; it hangs loosely, with three little silver beads on the end. Sighing contently, with a belly full of good food, she slips into the gym.

     A little smile is offered to the crazy Cajun as she inclines her head in his direction, leaning her yew wood staff against the wall. Her grip is far from practiced, and has the tentative quality of a raw beginner. "Hey, haven't seen you in forev..." Blonde eyebrows arch, as she catches sight of the bruises. "Do I even want to know how you got those, and do you want those healed?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau raises an eyebrow at her reaction, and smirks just a little bit. "Somet'ing like battle scars non? And it fine dey heal on dare own non?" he asks amused, doing freeweight curls and grinning slightly. "How 'bout yah chere, yah been taking care of yahself?" he asks with a smile, a few drops of sweat already on his brow...

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs, shaking her head. "Frak. Everyone seems to be pairing off these days." She settles down on the ground, extending her legs fully in front of her to begin stretching out; she'd had it drummed into her well enough to always, /always/ warm up before exercising. "First it's Kitty and Mr. Parker, then it's Sam and Alexis... I've got to be Kryptonite or something!"

She smiles somewhat, thinking back to recent weeks. "It's been... kind of eventful around here. KInd of surprised you haven't heard of some of it. There was a whole big thing a couple weeks ago that wound up with a bit of extra protection for the school that I got involved in, for one." She nods towards the wall, where the staff waits; it bears no markings, other than a winged eighth note. "Miss Maximoff sent that my way in the middle of all the fighting, and I just never got rid of it. So I got permission to train with it. Sam mentioned you were pretty much an expert in that stuff."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau eyes the staff, a little smile playing on his lips. "Ah'm passing fair," He says with obviously feigned modesty and smirks a little bit. "Ah'd be 'appy ta give yah a few lessons if yah were so inclined." he sets the weights he was using down and moves overtowards the pomel horse to run through a rutine on that, his voice remaining level the entire time as he speaks, "Yah been practicing any on yah own?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "Well, not really on my own. Got no clue what I'm doing, unless you count Wade showing up, weapons talk happening, and him actually being kind and trying to show me a thing or two with it. He's actually not so bad, once you get him to sit down and just talk normally." Never mind that managing such a Herculean feat is nigh impossible at times! Being no gymnast, and not quite as agile as Remy, she settles for a round on the chin-up bar, hoisting herself up to work on her upper body strength. "That'd be great if you could. I mean, if you've got the time. Especially with everyone being so busy with the holidays."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit, "Tell yah what, go Christmas shoppin' wit' me later, Ah need a female opinion on some t'ings and Ah be 'appy ta give yah some lessons." He makes a face at the idea of training with Wade, after all the man one put Confusious' theroy of swatting a fly with a cannon to the test... The fly survived, the deli did not.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shudders with the look on her face of one who has recently done battle. "Whoever said 'War is hell' obviously never went shopping on Black Friday." Indeed, one or two of her larger flight feathers seem to be missing, as if forcibly yanked out. Still, she chuckles, allowing herself to drop to the ground, in a somewhat awkward crouch. A gymnast, this one definitely was not! Not yet, anyways. "Sounds good to me. What kind of things were you needing a girl's opinion on?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shifts his eyes slightly as if he were trying to look at his own neck for just a second, "Oh, yah know. Somet'ing foh girl." he says almost playfully. His legs swinging like a pendulum as he moves around the horse with the expert grace of someone making something very hard look very easy. "She mentioned she likes antiques at one poin'. Was t'inking like a tea set.."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, heading for the treadmill next. Easier to walk and talk than anything else. Starting off at a brisk walk, she seems to consider this for a moment, though smiles to herself. It was good to see a friend happy, even if it wasn't her turn just yet. "Well... even that opens up a lot. Do you have any idea what kind of styles she likes? There's sterling silver tea seats... things with flowers all over them... fancy, plain... I could tell you what I'd go for, but would it be the same stuff she'd like?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs a little bit, "Dunno chere. T'ings kinda...caught quick and burned 'ot so far yah know? We barely 'ad time ta catch our breat's." He smirks just a little bit, "Pretty sure she don' even know mah middle name at dis point." He says amused He does a handstnd on the horse, the tucks into a rolling dismount. He gestures towards the track for her to get her run in while continuing their conversation.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs wistfully, ducking her head a little bit. "I really hope that it works out for you two." There's a slight quavering note to her voice, barely masked as she glances up and smiles. Her eyebrows twitch momentarily, as she tilts her head. "Maybe someday she will, though."

The younger mutant looks on in something akin to awe and admiration as she watches Remy's routine on the horse, clapping at the dismount. "Holy hell. You're good. Way better than I'll ever be." The hint is taken, and she shuts off the treadmill, opting instead for the track. She keeps her pace to a light jog, and grins over at him. "Don't worry, old man," she assures Remy. "I'll go easy on ya." There's nothing ill-natured about her tone, only lightly teasing, a bit playful and just a hint of challenge.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, "Ol' man huh? Ah'll remember dat pup." he says with good humor and shrugs. "We takein' it slow foh now. Maybe let t'ings move from de full boil down ta a nice simmer, non?" he says amused, smiling at the girl. "Trus' me chere, dare some boy out dare dat's gonna knock yah socks off... An' when he do, Ah'll 'ave ta 'ave a talk wit' 'im, but dat's anot'er mattah." He adds with a grin.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon keeps to a companionable pace, the young woman allowing herself to smile just a little bit. "I almost dread to think what that kind of talk would entail. But I seriously doubt that's going to happen anytime soon, so you've got plenty of time to plan it out." She chuckles lightly, quickening her pace just a tiny bit, so she pulls a few steps ahead of Remy in silent challenge. "So when did you want me to help you with that opinion? Did you actually want to hit an antiques shop or look at stuff online or something?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs slightly, "Whenevah's convenient foh yah chere." He says with a shrug, "Ta be honest, reputations aside, Remy not so experienced at dis 'ole relationship t'ing. Wit' Rogue it was easy, buy 'er somet'ing cute and stuffed and she 'appy. Wit' Belle? Somet'ing sharp an' pointy." He shrugs a little bit, "Ah ain' quite got Riana pegged down as well yet."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon breaks out into a wide grin, giggling madly. "Ooooo, so she's got a name. Riana." She's silent for a few moments, only her measured breathing and the thudding of her feet on the track as she jogs breaking the quiet. "Kind of a big question but ummmm... is she a mutant too? Does she know you're one?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau glances at the younger girl, and his red on black eyes glow as if momentarily posessed by hell's own fire. A slight smirk coming to his lips as he asks "It's pretty obvious in mah case, don'cha t'ink?" he asks amused, but then a faint hint of color comes to his cheeks as he says, "Don' know if she is one... It ...hasn' come up."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles softly, and shrugs. "If it wasn't for your eyes glowing sometimes, it wouldn't be real obvious, no. That's kind of neat, though." Wait. Was that... had she actually managed to make Remy blush? Her brows furrow with concern, and she lets out a small sigh. Reaching out to touch his shoulder gingerly, she ducks her head. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to embarrass you with that."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shakes his head and shrugs slightly, "Yah not embaress me chere." he says perhaps a /little/ defensively. "It's jus', Ah don' normally let mahself get dis deep dis fas' yah know. Relationships lastin' more den a few hours aren' normally mah forte. An' dey usually don' end well."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a small smile of understanding. "At least you get that far. Me, I get shot down. Okay, sure, twice in the end it turned out to be a positive thing, but it hurt like a sum'beach." Her smile widens slightly, and she jogs just in front of him, turned to face him so she's actually managing to run backwards, as if taunting him to keep up. "Maybe I don't know much about all that stuff, but I know if I liked someone, I'd be following that through, even if it hurt in the end. It beats asking yourself 'what if', and regretting not trying later." She sighs softly, turning about to keep her face hidden for the moment. "At least I can say I don't have regrets there."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods slightly, smiling. Bettah ta 'ave loved an' lost, an all dat ot'er shakespearian crap, non?" he says amused, narrowing his eyes slightly as she mockingly runs backwards and thus puts on a little extra speed to attempt to outpace the younger mutant...

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles as the challenge is accepted and met, picking up her own pace as well to keep one step ahead of Remy. It's become something of a game to see who can catch who, with Shannon finally taking to the air and laughing. "Okay, fine, so I can't out-run you. But can you keep up with me while I'm flying?" Unless he had the speed of a cheetah, it should be an interesting experiment....

Gambit has posed:
And so, Remy cheats. Who is surprised really. A playin card zips by shannon's head. It's only lightly charged and wouldn't hurt her if it hit her, which he is careful not to let happen... but it pops with the volume of one of those paper snaps that you can get around the forth of July, and right near her head and wings...

Nightingale has posed:
     "Merde!" A string of colorful, if good-natured invectives in French and German tumble forth from Shannon's lips, followed by a giggle as the burst of light and sound so very close to her face and wings forces her down out of the air, leaving her little choice but to resume jogging. "That has got to be one of the neatest gifts I've seen. How do you do that, and am I going to have to be worried if I ever challenge you to Go Fish or cribbage?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little bit, "Now chere Ah woul' nevah cheat at Go fish, dat's just unseamly... 'Owevah Ah'm 'ell on wheels at de Poker table." He says with a bit of a wicked grin, matching her pace again, a smirk on his thin lips. "Perticularly if de stakes get intereting."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head and laughs, keeping one step ahead of the crazy Cajun just because she could. "I'll leave stakes to you and your ladyfriend there," she says, with an impish little smile. "Besides... I've never played. Blackjack, sure. Poker, no."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit. "Learning ta play de cards is easy chere." He says with a grin, "De trick ta playin' poker is learnin' ta play de ot'er people at de table. Take de ot'er teachers foh example. When 'Ank bluffs? He rubs 's nose. Bobby? He plays wit' 'is chips when he gots a good 'and. Scott? He /nevah bluff. Folds if 'e ain't got at least two pair."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes at the mere thought of getting into a card game with the teachers. Okay, sure, she got along with most of them, but seriously? She was still just a student! "Well, it's probably going to be a few more years before I get to that point, anyways. Maybe when I actually wind up a teacher myself. But that's not for a while yet."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks slightly, "Ah actually gave some t'ought abou' starting a poker club wit' de students. Teach dem de game and it's intricacies. Not sure dat de ot'er teachers woul' approve 'owevah. Probibly figure Ah was trying ta start mah own lil MIT Vages scam. Not dat dats a bad idea mind ya.."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles softly at the thought. "Well... it sure would be different. You could always ask. What's the worst they could say?" A bit of sweat has long since begun to bead on her forehead, making her bangs cling to her skin, slightly darkened by the moisture. "I guess if you were to try and relate it to something like statistics, maybe you could get away with it?"