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They Should Be Open 24 Hours
Date of Scene: 02 December 2019
Location: Sub-Level, Queen Mansion
Synopsis: Oliver takes Felicity for a burger after hours, and she starts to realize he isn't the shallow playboy she thought.
Cast of Characters: Felicity Smoak, Green Arrow

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity sent along the list of laptops that would be better options, along with analysis on the pros and cons of each boiled down to an easy to understand level. And there's been the configuration of the new servers that came on to handle. Her boss had handled a number of them, as he liked to keep his hands in the technical side of things. Which meant they had to be rebuilt to fix the problems that resulted.

So time for working on the laptop that Oliver gave her has been in short supply during work hours. And so Felicity has been a regular in the office well after dark and when the lights over the cubes are turned off. She prefers to work in a more dimly lit space anyway. Less eye strain.

Working around that hole through the computer has been problematic, especially as Felicity quickly was able to determine a high grade of encryption was used on the hard drive. It can only be unlocked by the laptop it is already in, so pulling it out to access it with something else wasn't an option. Which meant fixing the whole laptop to the point it would at least boot.

Felicity slides the soldering iron aside she's using to patch in some circuits into the damaged spot of the motherboard. She assures the hot tool is off and then rises to her feet, knuckling her back at the pain of being bent over the task for awhile. Her growling stomach makes Felicity finally realize how late it is. "I'd better grab something before they close," she says to herself.

The blond woman heads downstairs to the first floor where the various restaurants are. She walks along looking at one after another. Each is closed up already. "Oh for the love of Pete. They should really be open 24 hours," she says, hand going to her forehead as she's starting to feel a bit of low blood sugar going on from not having eaten in so long.

Green Arrow has posed:
Blevins was a vulture after Ollie was at the office, wanting to know every detail. The man is certainly aiming for a promotion of some sort as afterall there's so many floors to climb still! But the worst may have been the 'Extra hours aren't paid!'. That knave. Jenkins has made a few more jokes about Felicity being fired, perhaps they were funny for the first hour or so but he eventually gave up after a couple of days so it's all back to normal!

Except that there is a computer with a hole through it, and with a BS story behind it... Where does he live at? Some warzone? Unless Queen Mansion turned from posh to a criminal neighborhood. Highly unlikely.

Oliver has been doing is own share of extra hours, both busy with the business that come through even if at this stage he can mostly delegate things (thankfully!), but work never does stop. And then there is the investigation on the drug rings, one that has stalled after that first encounter. They seem to have learned and are keeping a low profile. His bet is a big hit is coming but .., he just doesn't know where.

It brings him to think on his trip to IT, meeting the blonde girl and then the mail pops up from Felicity, with the specs for the new computers. He is going through it but then .... "I will do this after I get something to eat.." not that he has been paying much attention to the hours but maybe Horton's will still be open. The elevator takes him a while and then he is out, walking down the same row of restaurants, but opposite from where Felicity is. He notices her and begins to approach, hands in his pockets.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The beleaguered IT employee doesn't notice the approach of her boss's boss's boss's boss. Or maybe there should be another boss in there. Felicity was never the best at keeping track of the internal org chart as people worked their way up and down it.

Instead, she's talking to herself as Oliver walks up. "I should probably just start keeping sandwiches in my office. But then there'd probably be mice. And not the count with trackballs or optical tracking," she says to herself. Felicity lets out a little sigh. "I can't do more on the laptop until those patches cool fully, so should probably go out and find something to eat. How does he make a hole like that in his laptop anyway? I can only imagine the kind of wild party life he must have, but you'd think he'd keep his laptop out of it," Felicity says to herself, not catching the sound of the footfalls so near to her.

Green Arrow has posed:
"You don't even know the half of it." Yes, it's Oliver's voice, and not far from Felicity. The man must have some kind of knack to sneak up on people! But it's not that he is making the effort for it, specially not in those expensive-looking shoes that look none-too-silent. But he caught sight of that momentary lapse on the girl, the hand on the forehead, his expression studying her. It is part of his DNA to feel protective about people afterall.

"Here I was hoping for some Horton's for the .., twentieth time this month." Just like a true Starling-Canadian..., or he might be joking, his blue eyes roaming the closed restaurants and then back to Felicity. "No luck back there either, but you seem as if you need a good meal."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity turns quickly as she hears Oliver's voice. The sight of her CEO, whose private life she'd just been musing about, leaves her with a sinking expression. Her blue eyes go a bit wide. "And not that I have any right to know the half of it. Or fourth. Or, any fraction really. Or non-zero decimal," Felicity stammers.

Felicity swallows down a worrisome gulp and focuses on what else Oliver said rather than continue down the path she's already on. "Only twenty, on December 2nd? And I thought you were a true Canadian," she says, managing a joking tone. "Though, looks like we're out of luck," she says, motioning towards the closed store. Do Tim Hortons actually close? At least this one does, catering only really to those within the building. "I do need a good meal actually. I was working on your problem laptop," she tells him. "Didn't realize how late it was."

Green Arrow has posed:
The CEO quirks his eyebrows, the stammering and the ability Felicity has to go at lengths with her ramblings not something he is quite used to just yet. But he smiles at her, not mockingly but instead pleased. He does like being caught off-guard with those sometimes, not the kind of reactions he expects from people. "I hope it's going well? That laptop is important to me." so important that he smashed it!

But he does feel somewhat guilty, sometimes he doesn't just realize the strain he can put on others in his focus trying to save this city.. He has pushed others away with that afterall, like Arsenal.. But such is life, learning with our mistakes. And try to amend things, so he offers. "The least I can do is offer you dinner. I know a place, and it's still open."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity gives a small nod. "You have some really strong encryption on there. I was going to pull the hard drive out and access it from another computer, but only that laptop can access it. So, I'm having to try to fix the damage at least enough to get it to unlock it," she says. "Which, is kind of like building a part of the motherboard from scratch," she says, giving a nod as if that explains it.

And then Felicity realizes, that might not explain it to someone from the world at large. "That's not very easy to do. But it's progressing, just, will take some time," she says. The mention of dinner perks Felicity up. "That... would be really nice of you, Mr. Queen. And might prevent me from keeling over from hunger," she says, adding the last bit with a little, comedic tilt of her head with her tongue popping slightly out of her lips like she were falling unconscious.

Green Arrow has posed:
No comment about the encryption but just a simple nod, he had no idea how encrypted that'd be even if did expect some heavy security. But he has been told, and saw on her file, that she is one of the best at their company, if not -the- best. He finds himself smiling again and states, "I am sure you will find a way, Ms. Smoak. I have my faith in you." and his tone even sounds sincere, which actually is.

"And I want you at your best. I sometimes can.., ask too much of people." His tone is grave just for a moment, there is something there but it leaves at that comedic head tilt, instead he grinning. "The last thing I'd wish is for you to faint on me. Shall we, then?" he will gesture towards the elevators that lead to garage where the employee's cars are normally at for the day.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
The young woman looks a little touched at Oliver's invitation to her. "Yes, I'd like that very much," she tells him. "Going to dinner I mean. Not fainting on you," Felicity says. "Not that fainting on you would be bad. I mean, fainting is bad. Not the 'on you' part. Which doesn't mean... ah, yes, I sometimes babble when I'm hungry. Maybe we should just go." She also babbles when she's fully fed.

Felicity pulls her jacket on, having carried it down thinking maybe she might step outside for a bit after eating should one of the places here have been open. "So you're here pretty late as well. I hope everything's going well. You know, upstairs. With the company and all?" she asks, ready to fall into step with Ollie over to the elevator down to the garage.

Green Arrow has posed:
Ollie opens his mouth to reply..., but then she continues.., and continues.., and he finds himself off-guard again. Really. What could he answer to that? "I am glad we are both in agreement then." a neutral response, that seems good to him! And then they are walking to the elevators. The wait, then the doors open. Being the CEO means he can go over some formality rules, which means no tie tonight, just the button-up shirt, suit pants and those expensive shoes. And a jacket to boot. He always keeps a couple of throwing knives in that one.., just in case.

There is that soothing (to some annoying) elevator music while they go down to the garage floors and then off they go. He leads them to a Porsche Cayenne..., of course.., a luxury SUV, "We are getting close to the end of the year, which means reports must be made, profit and losses accounted for and then plan for next year. I have made sure to surround myself with good people to help me but I like to supervise." he opens the door for Felicity, "But before coming down I was just going through your email for the computers."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity rides along in the elevator beside elevator. She sways a little bit side to side to the music, and her head doing just the slightest little bob along with the tune. She glances up at Oliver at one point, giving him a smile and then fixes her eyes back on the door. Trying to not let show just how nervous she is being with the CEO like this.

Ding. The elevator chimes softly and the doors open. Felicity follows Oliver over towards the car, the underground garage a study in soft grey concrete, but adequately lit by overhead lights to keep the space from feeling unsafe even at such a late hour. "Oh, thank you," she says as he opens the door for her. When she goes to lunch with Jenkins, he never considers doing something like that.

She slips into the seat and fastens her seatbelt. "Oh, good. I hope it's helpful. I tried to give you the best impressions I could. I'd probably go with two choices depending on what people do on the job. The sales people can get by with less power but maybe a little extra durability for being on the road," she suggests. "And, you know. Big holes," she says, giving him a small g rin.

Green Arrow has posed:
Ollie doesn't seem like much of a dancer to accompany Felicity in that, or perhaps elevator music just not his tune. But he takes note of that sway and finds himself smiling faintly. He then steps onto the driver's seat, seatbelt on too, "Of course that now there will be another battle, convincing the rest of the board about this change. We are talking about a considerable investment, specially with it affecting most employees at Queen Consolidated." he muses, as if he was debating it with someone whose advice he'd value. "Maybe doing this change in parts, without it being all at once, will be more palatable to them."

And then the Porsche is on, Ollie starting to drive down the garage and then off to the street. "The place isn't too far. Will you survive until we reach there? Ten minutes max." he jests at her, giving her a sideway glance and then letting out a chuckle about the computers.., with holes. "It's all about that wild life, Ms. Smoak."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity listens to the car start up. "Wow, has a real purr to it," she comments of the high performance engine, smiling over to Oliver. "Anything already bought that is still serving their needs, probably not worth replacing at this point," she agrees. "But there is a constant churn as earlier models need to be replaced. Or accidents happen and they need replacements," she says.

She glances over to Oliver and gives him a smile. "Ten minutes, I think I can hang on, Mr. Queen," she tells him, just a hint of color coming to the pretty young woman's cheeks as he brings up her earlier comment that he overhead. "And please, you can call me Felicity. If you like. Or if that's too familiar. Not. Really you can do whatever you want," she says. Too late, realizing how that could be taken, she just sticks with silence.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Yes, that may well do." Oliver says in a thoughtful manner to Felicity's words, taking a turn before saying, "And it will appease the rest of the board most likely." he seems relaxed during his driving, someone that appears to find joy in it, and not without his skill doing so.

Their trip begins to take them to a not-so-posh side of Starling, not exactly dirt-poor but hey, all the fancy restaurants were -that- way. And then he begins to park. There is light on the street, the zone not exactly appearing unsafe, but not much in terms of restaurants, if we don't count some place a bit further with a rather faded logo. They are still far anyway to make note what kind of diner that really is.

"I will keep it in mind. Calling you Felicity that is, not doing whatever I want." and he finds himself entangled in the same type of rambling she went on before. Contagious it seems. And so they can be awkward together. At least until he announces. "We have arrived."

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity glances around only with a little curiosity, as most of her attention is focused on the driver of the expensive vehicle. "Right," she says, smiling a bit and then climbing out of the vehicle before Oliver will have a chance to consider moving around to her door. Just not used to anyone opening doors for her.

She pulls her jacket about her a little more snugly and moves over to meet Oliver, not quite sure where it is they are going to yet. "So, this place down here?" she asks, motioning towards the place with the faded sign. "I haven't been around this part of town very much," she tells him as she glances about. "Still getting familiar with a few places in Starling since I moved out here. For the job," she says.

Green Arrow has posed:
The man slides out of the SUV, car locked and then gestures towards the diner ahead, "I have lived here my entire life, I know a few places." he explains while he walks but keeping it at Felicity's pace, "Mac's been around since..., well..., for a good long while." there is some kind of bittersweet smile to his lips for a moment, perhaps remembering a time where things were a lot simpler. "But in a life of change that place has been a constant."

Now that they are closer it indeed says 'MAC's Burgers and Bacon' on the sign. Ominous about what the menu is about. He asks the pretty young blonde, "Where did you use to live before coming here?" the tone us curious, he didn't have that info back on her file and .., he finds himself wanting to know more about her.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity walks along at Oliver's side, staying close to him as they move down the sidewalk. The cold and the late hour has only a few people out and about. A car or two outside of the place, and a few more people visible inside as they approach the door. "Well most recently from Boston. I was at MIT," she explains to him, "Before getting the job at Queen... at your company, and moving out here," she says.

"Though I grew up in Las Vegas. Which is about as unusual of a hometown as anyone can possibly have, I figure," Felicity says with a small grin. "Everyone else goes there to crave excitement, I go away from it to crave normalcy. Or at least, not that much excitement," she tells Oliver.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Is this the type of job you wanted?" If anything Ollie isn't the type of man to stay with the casual talk, direct questions made to the blonde, perhaps attempting to gauge the kind of woman she is. He makes way to the door and of course that he opens it to let Felicity go in first. The place is .., quaint.., not exactly the kind where one would imagine to find Oliver in, the smell of burgers and bacon lingering in the air. Tables are available at this hour of the night, and a large man is on the other size of counter, back turned and flipping burgers. The other patrons look like regulars, looking up to the two newcomers but not really giving them much attention.

"I imagine you must have a great number of stories from your time in Vegas." Oliver seems surprised that she'd from there, then gestures. "Welcome to Mac's. It's open to quite late hours in the night, I used to come here often before..." a pause then and he adds, "... before my break from being in the city." yes, let's call it a break.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity passes inside with Oliver, looking the place over. The explanation gives her a small smile. "Everyone needs a good late night crash spot," she says. "And looks like they have the right kind of food for it. Though not /everything/ has bacon I hope?" she asks, though sounding like it's more of a joke than anything. Felicity gives a little shrug of her shoulders. "Jewish," she explains.

She draws a deep breath and kind of scrunches up her shoulders and then lets it all go. "Stories of growing up in Vegas. Ohhhh yes. A few are funny. A lot more are kind of pathetic. It's a really weird town to be a kid in. I've spent more time in casinos before the age of 10 than most people will in their lives," she says with a shake of her head.

"And I love it at Queen, the opportunities. Not all of it is designing infrastructure," she says, as if that is fun. Plus, she's probably the best at it, but not senior enough yet to necessarily be given that task. "But, it's a great place to get a foot in the door I figure."

Green Arrow has posed:
"Not -everything." Ollie confirms, but then gives a look over to the man on the counter, "Right, Mac?" the large man gives a look over the shoulder, letting out a grunt, peering at the duo a bit and getting back to work. "Sit anywhere. What will you have?"

Oliver begins leading Felicity over to one side of the room for them to sit, near the window. Yes, he is that kind of man that likes to keep an eye out, just in case things go sour. So he has a good, nice place that gives him a good view both of the inside and the outside. Habits. He lets Felicity take a seat first before saying. "There is nothing I wanted more when I was younger.." he gestures vaguely with one hand. ".. going to casinos, spending money. Perhaps we can compare pathetic stories someday." but he shakes his head briefly. "To new lives, mmm?"

He picks up one of the menus which he hands over to Felicity, "I normally get the special here, but go ahead and see what you want." and the special is indeed a big plate of fries, burger and cheese with a choice of sauces to go. The rest are very basic menus with various combinations of burger, sauces and condiments. Nothing fancy.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity Smoak settles into a seat after giving a soft grin at Mac's response to the question. "Oh, a burger would be perfect," Felicity says. "Cheeseburger, mustard, ketchup, pickle. I kind of stick with the classics I guess," she says. "And the fries."

Felicity watches Oliver as he takes a seat. The fact she's sitting here with her CEO keeps jumping back into her head every time she starts to forget it and relax fully. "So those aren't things that you want any more?" Felicity asks. "Not that I think you do, just, a lot of people never stop enjoying that. I guess you did... go through some changing events. Or... sorry, maybe that isn't a topic I should be bringing up," she says in a regretful tone.

Green Arrow has posed:
"Make that two, Mac." Ollie says over his shoulder to the apparent owner of the place. And then his blue gaze is back on Felicity, intent, hands resting loosely on the table. This seems to be one of his 'places' so he does appear to relax some. The question makes him furrow his brows but no hesitation when he answers. "No, it's not what I want anymore. There is no meaning in wasting who I am, or what I am. People deserve more. And so does this city." the tone accentuating the word 'city'.

"Mistakes have a way of shaping us. To at least think we can aim to be better." And he indeed seems to believe that, considering the genuine tone to his voice.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity Smoak is not the best at concealing her reactions. Unless she's at a poker table. Growing up in Las Vegas, she really did spend more time in casinos than anyone should have let happen. Though it takes her getting into that poker mindset for her to bother.

So when Felicity hears such comments from Oliver, very much at odds with the image she had a playboy who only has his position because he inherited the company, and probably has no idea what he's doing, or even any desire to do a good job... a little of it shows. Thankfully not THAT much. Just that she's a little surprised by what she heard.

Surprised. And impressed. That part is visible too.

"It seems like you... I don't know if 'grew' is the right word?" she says as she looks back across the table at Oliver in a little bit of a different light than she had before.

Green Arrow has posed:
Ollie is that type of man that is the opposite, when young he couldn't care less about hiding his reactions, or what he felt. He just did what he wished without a care. But life has a way of changing of someone and so he keeps his own expression sober, what he may feeling somewhat hidden behind that face. Not that impressing doesn't have a positive reaction on him, in fact he wondering why that would be so. He finds himself lightly smiling. "Growing. That's a good word. People normally say it's the beard though that makes me look different from before." bit of a jest so he gets his own thoughts sorted out.

"It was all about finding a purpose, and following it. But of course that it's easier said than done. We all have our doubts from time to time but maybe it's part of this growth as you say." then he asks Felicity just as the burgers are served, still sizzling. "Have you found who you want to be, Felicity?" the first time he uses her first name.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity smiles as the food is set in front of her. "Oh this is so going to hit the spot," she comments as she takes a knife and cuts the burger in half. Though even the food isn't enough to distract more than a little of her attention away from the conversation. She mostly looks at Oliver except for glances down to what she's doing with the food.

"I think I have. Or, maybe? The decision to go to college and pursue the life I have now was a big one. For me. I mean, I know it probably doesn't seem like it. Just... it would have been easy to go down a different path," Felicity says.

She picks up her burger and takes a bite out of it. A soft sigh of pleasure is given and gives a happy roll of her eyes with it. Felicity dabs at her mouth with a napkin.