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Latest revision as of 07:02, 19 December 2019

Looking to Surprise Someone
Date of Scene: 17 December 2019
Location: P3, Avalon Heights
Synopsis: Wolfsbane ventures into Piper's club, looking for some shopping tips.
Cast of Characters: Wolfsbane, Piper Halliwell

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane had come to the Bludhaven area for some Excalibur-related business, and this time around it didn't involve anything out of the ordinary. It also left her with some time to look around Avalon Heights, which led to her coming up with an idea: buy something she should show to Kurt later! Surprises were good, weren't they? He'd done enough of that for her. Why not return the favor?

The trouble is she wasn't quite sure where to start. She didn't know any of the places in the area, what they had for sale, what might be good to check out, or any of that. There /was/ a club that drew her attention, and curiosity got the better of her. How did it compare to Evolution in Mutant Town, she wondered? Only one way to find out, though clubbing was not normally high on her list. Just stepping intto the place, others could tell it wasn't usual for her. She started out keeping more to herself, but there were also signs of her mutant nature evident.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper, meantime...behind her side of the bar and helping out the clientele. Which is just Bloodhaven and out of towners really, as she's got her usual clothing on and looking around the club for anything for her crew of emplyes to sort out. Piper's keeping station at the bar, and doing that well. Sure, she's a cook but, but...this is her money making scheme. She's here, running it, and she's also welcming any and all. Being a witch herself, that helps with the whole accepting idea. Piper notices the mutant and nods to her as if greeting her.

Wolfsbane has posed:
There's a moment of pause, then the visitor begins to approach the bar area. Wolfsbane /was/ feeling a little hungry - a good restaurant might also be on the bill - but this place might do. She glances around at others nearby, taking note of how some of them do or don't look at her. It should say a lot for how much her presence will be tolerated. That the one at the bar seems unbothered is a good sign. "Hullo," she begins, once within earshot.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper waves when Wolfsbane gets closer. "Hey, welcome to P3. What can I get ya?" she asks looking over to Wolfsbane and smiles, singalling the DJ to switch the set list. Looking past the fuzzy mutant, Piper then looks back to Wolfsbane. Piper's quiet just watching, wondering what the fuzzy woman wants.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's short, might not even look old enough to be here depending on age limits. Might be best not to ask, but given her outfit she can't be /that/ young. She begins, revealing an accent, "Ahh, well, just a fruity drink. Nae alcohol, please." The wolfen mutant pauses before explaining, "I dinna live around here, but I was here seeing some friends an' I was thinking o' getting something tae surprise someone special. I'm no' sure where tae start, though."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Mhm" Piper nods, "Got any ID on you?" she adds, not moving to get her drink until Piper's seen proof the Scottish mutant's old enough to drink. Ah, laws and rules. Piper though shakes her head. "So you want to get somebody special something from Bloodhaven? Okay,there's stores around the area, take a look around, keep your head on a swivel. Bloodhaven's a rough area" Piper adds. She's still waiting on ID, too.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Why do ye need muh ID? I said I only wanted a drink tha' has nae alcohol in it," Wolfsbane responds, coming off like she finds the request odd. A hand rubs the back of her neck at this, leaving it up to Piper to explain the requirement. Maybe it's something she's unaware of. "An' I can take care o' muhself," she claims.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods. "No alcohol, alright" she adds making the drink and adding in...wait for it.....wait for it......a funky umbrella. One of those tropical ones. Plus a slice of lemon. "I just needed your ID to make sure you're old enough to drink. Though since you're having fruit, don't worry" Piper says setting the drink on the bar. "So what would you want to buy somebody?" she asks, leaning on the bar.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Nodding once, Wolfsbane explains, "I'm Scots, but I'm fine leaving th' whisky an' all th' rest for th' others." Just why that is, she isn't to the point of sharing yet. She does visibly sniff at the drink after it's set in front of her, particularly the lemon and the little umbrella, and she verifies nothing extra has been added. She was watching anyway. "Thanks," she adds, trying a little sip to taste the fruits. "Ahh, someone I know likes it when I dress up for him," she admits, giving off all the signs of a person with a little blush coming on, even if it's unseen as far as any coloration goes. Thanks, fur.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper grins, "You're no Connery, huh?" Piper jokes and listens keenly. "Hm...dress up, you mean clothes shopping or more, ahem, specialized? I'm not judging. I'm listening, there's a lot of places around the three states to sort that out" Piper says with a knowing nod. "I mean, enough places, you go around Bloodhaven, there's a lot of places to get that sort of thing, ya know?" Piper asks. She's avoiding asking particulars. That'd just be creepy

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's answer seems..cryptic? "It all depends," she admits, and can be seen to rub at a pointed ear, a little self-aware for a moment. She busies herself by having more of the drink before asking quickly, "So..whit kind o' club is this? Just music an' all?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper shakes her head, "Yeah just live music, DJs, and drinks and dancing, ya know?" Piper offers with a smile. "See, it's all good, but....what were ya expecting?" Piper adds stepping back from the bar again, looking up and down the bar again, back to Wolfsbane. "So, you want help with where to get things, huh?"

Wolfsbane has posed:
"I was just making sure," Wolfsbane admits, looking and sounding sheepish for a moment. "I've heard o' people who wid try tae fool others, an'..ahh, it's silly o' me tae think tha'. If ye did tha', it could damage yuir business even more than a minor trying tae trick ye." A moment of a naive nature showing, replaced by some common sense. She glances back toward the way out, but reaches into a deep pocket somewhere to pay for the drink. "I thought it couldna hurt for someone familiar wi' th' area tae help."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods with a smile, shaking her head, "Don't worry. You didn't hurt P3's reputation honestly. You didn't do anything that bad, so" Piper muses with a grin. Looking over to the door, Piper cants her head again

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane's hands fidget, the fingers playing with themselves as she looks back to the woman across from her. "When ye're done here, maybe ye could point me tae a few places?" she asks, though the question could be taken one way or another. Just a request for some names of places, or something more?

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper has a pen and paper out, writing down names across Bloodhaven. "There's a list to get you started. I'm not off work for...." she glances at the clock. "Another seven and a bit hours though" Piper offers. She looks apologetically to Wolfsbane. "Tell you what. Come find me when we close, and I'll get up early and see how things are. Bloodhaven's a lot safer during the day anyhow" she nods

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane reaches to take the paper offered, looking it over. "I've never heard o' any o' these places, but I'll have tae look a' them. Thanks." Eyes track over to the clock as well. It's early in the evening, so there's a lot of time left. "I might listen tae a little music, then look a' a place or two. But I could come by again tomorrow."