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Latest revision as of 03:46, 21 December 2019

Cell Service
Date of Scene: 19 December 2019
Location: Belle Reve Penitentiary, Houma, Terrebonne, Louisiana
Synopsis: Typhoid Mary--or, at least, one of her personalities--is provided with a recruitment offer to join the Suicide Squad.
Cast of Characters: Rick Flag, Typhoid Mary

Rick Flag has posed:
A harsh, fluorescent light above a prison doorway flashes, accompanied by a brief, loud blare of noise. Fading paint peels from the concrete walls.

The reinforced door opens, and two guards armed with stun batons, flanking the new inmate, walk into the corridor, a cell door open near its end.

"You know why you're here, don't you?" a third man asks, walking behind the others. "Now's your chance to get in a quip or barb. It's the only real entertainment these two will get all day."

The guards respond with quiet grunts of acknowledgment.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
It had been a while since Walker had stepped up to the fold.., and by the looks of it someone has been having fun. Insulated walls on her cell, which means they are at least aware of some of her abilities, a restraining necklace so there's no biting... Hands are cuffed but they did leave her legs unrestrained, big mistake.

She still feels the dampness of tears on her cheeks, meaning most likely Sweet Mary was up and running at a point in time, and not that long ago.

"Why don't you tell me why I am here." The tone is solemn, no-nonsense there, of a soldier, her posture straight and ready, Walker for now in charge.

Rick Flag has posed:
The third man nods, letting out a soft sigh. "Sure. Guess I set myself up for that, didn't I?"

One of the guards snorts, but quickly attempts to pass it off as a cough.

"You're here because you've done a lot--and I mean a /lot/--of really, really bad stuff," the man says. He crosses his arms over his chest. "In some situations, you'd probably be carted off to Arkham Asylum or the Raft. But the right--or wrong--person rubber-stamped the right document and, as a result, here you are."

The man clears his throat. "My name's Rick Flag. I work as part of a group called Task Force X. I've been sent to give you an offer--one that would get you out of this cell. Kind of."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Headbutt the guy that snorted, taking advantage of that distraction. Dodge the other, deliver kick to the groin. The problem would be the third man. Soldier type, well-built. A tough opponent. Those calculations can be visible on Walker's expression while her eyes go from one man to the other but ..., this is not Typhoid, and if there's one thing that Walker is that's a survivor, and a smart one at that.

So she remains still, even if there is some tension visible on her shoulders, "I don't remember having done anything that warrant me being here in prison." which might technically be true.. But then she is silent, listening to the rest of what Rick says, her expression one of study, then consideration.

"I am Walker." Because for some reason it seems important to her that her name is known, "I haven't heard of this Task Force X before." but now her solemn gaze is focused on Rick Flag, watching his posture and body language.

Rick Flag has posed:
"Yeah, I figured that might be the case," Flag says, watching Walker's expression. "Believe it or not, you're not the only person here at Belle Reve who says that--although you might be the only one who says it that I believe."

He pauses for a moment before continuing. "As for Task Force X, it's not something most people hear about. It's possible, though, that you might have heard about it from its other name: the Suicide Squad. I'm not sure what circles you might normally socialize with."

Flag reaches up to scratch at his temple. "The basic gist is this: do some work for the government--work that's absurdly dangerous and completely deniable by the feds--and you'll get your sentence reduced. Enough successful operations and you'll be free again. The only down side is that there'll be a tiny implant."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
That gives Walker some pause.., that's a first.., a law enforcement type that doesn't dismiss her mental illness. Maybe something to use later, but for now she does seem thankful about that. Still, those shoulders haven't fully lost their preparedness, a soldier through and through, remaining attentive. "The suicide squad. That's one ominous name." but there is a brief nod given. "I have heard .., things. As for my circles, it entirely depends on who you ask."

Then silence, she listening to the end. Her shackled hands rise up and she brings up two fingers, "I have two questions to start with. The first one, and this one is important. Are you sure about inviting me to this group?" a brief pause, then her demeanor getting more somber.

"And the second one, what tiny implant."

Rick Flag has posed:
"The name's a bit of gallows humor--almost literally, in this case," Flag replies. "When I said 'absurdly dangerous,' I wasn't exaggerating." He exhales deeply through his nose. "The number of missions I've been on where everyone returns ... it's not many."

When Walker raises her fingers, Flag raises an eyebrow. "Yes," he states flatly. "I'm sure about inviting you. Not because I don't think you're a threat--the kind who would try to murder me the second you thought you could--but because it's not my call to make. I'm a field agent. The boss told me to make you this offer, so here I am."

"As to the implant," Flag adds, "it's a deterrent. Forced good behavior, you see. You get a little explosive device at the base of your skull. Act out against the team or mission objectives and the boss detonates it."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"You don't like that." Walker assesses, continuing to examine Flag's whole posture, dark green eyes roaming over his form in thought, "When not everyone returns." a very faint nod given. Her hands return back to her front, quiet and non-threatening to the two guards flanking her.

"If you recall, I did mention not having done anything to be here in prison. I wouldn't start a murder spree now. Or perhaps you are talking of the others." Her shoulders go up and down in a 'what can I do' gesture, "Who is the boss?" she then asks.

But the explanation about the implant perks her attention, a frown coming to her expression, "If I am even to consider this offer the ..., deterrent will have to be well explained to the others." but she then lifts a brow, "Or perhaps you have talked with them already, mmm?" she perhaps fishing for info now.

Rick Flag has posed:
Pursing his lips for a moment, Flag shakes his head. "The thing is ..." He pauses again. "... one of the stipulations that the boss had was that I don't tell you anything about my conversations with any of the others I might have talked to."

He effects a strained smile. "The boss, though--I can tell you about her. Amanda Waller. She runs the show and knows her shit. She's pretty no-nonsense, and I say that as a career military man."

"And, yeah, I'm not a fan of returning with anything less than a full outfit. But it happens. The work is important. The methods can be dodgy, but the results matter. That's why this entire operation has come together, after all." Flag shifts his weight from one leg to the other. "Of course, you can always settle in for a long winter's nap, or however else you want to frame wasting away here."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
That makes Walker's eyes narrow just so. Yes, that confirms he most likely has spoken with the others. Maybe Sweet Mary. Certainly not Typhoid or the two guards nearby wouldn't be as relaxed as they are now.., or standing. She is silent for a few moments, processing that info, "That's not a great way to start a relationship, with all the secrets..." she then lifting her arms up, showing the shackles. "But beggars can't be choosers I suppose."

The mention of Waller makes her mmmm, has she heard the name before? Perhaps, but it's not something she will talk about now, so instead she just nods, "So we will be working for this Waller, doing her shit, with get-out-of-line-and-die directives." a shrug then. "Sounds almost like when I was serving so for me it beats staying here and withering away."

"But if you want me at my full capacity you, or your boss, would do well to find a way to have me control the others. The others are too unreliable to follow orders." For Typhoid, when she was addressed, she'd had said the others are just weaker than her. She'd be the only one that can do what they want. As long as they keep her the dominant one.

Rick Flag has posed:
Flag nods slowly. "That sounds like the kind of thing that Waller would almost certainly be aware of. It wouldn't surprise me if she had contingency plans for it, either."

He smiles again, humorlessly. "But nothing that I could confirm. Still--I'm genuinely glad to hear that you're interested. Some of the people I've had to recruit ... well, not everyone seems cut out for the work. Or thinks things through."

Flag steps to the cell doorway. "I'll make sure that you get the appropriate room upgrade as a demonstration of thanks. It's not much, but in a hellhole like this, it can count for something--to some, at least."

He offers a nod and begins walking away. "See you again soon. We can see how well you get along with the rest of the gang."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
The mention of room upgrade makes Walker look doubtful. Yes, definitely haven't spoken with Typhoid yet. A demotion back to this nice, insulated room will probably come right after it. But she is not the type to correct others, let them learn with their mistakes! She offers a simple smile. "Let us but hope you will not come to regret this." ominous perhaps but then she is walking into her cell, slowly, taking in it's surroundings.

She turns when she is within the cell room, watching the man walk away, "I will be waiting, and remember what I said. Find a way to keep me in control."