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Tea at Summers'
Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: Summers House, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Spike tries to comfort Buffy about the death of a friend, and the usual awkwardness between them ensues.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had tried to calm down her nerves after the loss of her friend the previous night, and had exhaustedly headed to bed, leaving Spike to sleep on the couch if he chose to stay, which he probably had. Probably much to Buffy's annoyance (Or was she secretly happy? who knows?). Anyway, she is up bright and early, if only to ensure Spike behaves himself and doesn't steal stuff. Fortunately her mom and sister are out of town on a week long trip so she has the place to herself. AsSpike presumably sleeps, Buffy gets to work cooking an omelette, although she did use some of her blood to pour Spike a drink, mostly because there is not much blood regularly stirred in the Summers' household. She still feels guilty about attacking him last night.

Spike has posed:
Spike had left a tray of tea and some toast out for Buffy with a note. Thought you needed this. Relax.

Spike's under a blanket on the couch, his head poking out as he's sipping tea and enjoying toast with butter on it. He looks like he's huddled up under there and could use some soup or something. Curse being a vampire and daylight! Still he is glad Buffy slept really. She needed it.Spike though had gone out for a few hours, ended up in Brooklyn, slayed vampires, and come back beforr the dawn. Oh ye gods, he's almost...into a routine. he's almost....gasp....domesticated! Perish the thought of a house husband vampire...that's worrying stuff, but Spike's taking it in his stride.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers munches a bit on her egg, and notices the toast and tea, which makes her smile. "Good grief Spike, what have they turned you into?" still it's..Well it's oddly thoughtful, and confusing and all that. With a sigh, she finishes her breakfast before slipping into the living room to find Spike huddled under the blankets, looking a little too cozy there. Fortunately this house has some nice heavy curtains and while she usually likes to let the sun in, this time she draws them tight so the room is totally dark. Then turning in a lamp, she gently rests a hand on his shoulder as she sits down next to him, perhaps a bit too closely. "You know, you don't have to hide under there. I'll keep the curtains drawn, promise."

Spike has posed:
Spike slides off the blanket. Thankfully, he's clothed. He smiles to Buffy. "I figured you didn't want to bother making food after last night. What'd they turn me into? Just a vampire who likes to help people now. Whatever happened to the fangy and 'rrrr' " he asks sipping tea as hee's not making a move to shove her hand off. Truth be told he likes it. His eyes are on the tea but they do look to Buffy once she sits. "How're you feeling?" he asks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath, setting an extra mug down for Spike before reaching for her tea. "The death of my friend is still fresh in my mind, but I'lol get over it, I always do." she laughs, "Hey, I'm used to this after all..How about you? We?re you sleeping here the whole time? I..Got you some blood.." she nods to the tacky mug that reads 'Bite me!' sitting on the coffee table next to them. Her hand hasn't. over from his shoulder, giving him a little squeeze, perhaps seeking comfort but hesitant to do more than what she is already doing.

Spike has posed:
Spike looks gently to Buffy and smiles softly. Ther's a entlenes there, and he smiles. Reaching with one arm he stretches, careful not to knock her hand off. Instead he glances to the mug. "You couldn't find anything better?" he teases with a chuckle. "See" Spike nods. "You want one that says 'slay me' on it?" he jokes and sighs. He wants to help Buffy out, but...he's not sure how. Instead he smiles. "Come here" he says gently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Hey, it's not my fault, this was Angel's mug. Bad joke I guess. And why would I want to slay you?" she rolls her eyes, but instinctively shuffled closer to So that her back rests against is out stretched arm, "Anyway, why don?t ya just shut up and drink it and quit pretending to be a normal human sipping his tea?" There is a sparkle in her eyes as she teases him.

Spike has posed:
Spike gently, carefully wraps an arm around her back and smiles gently. "Because...I don't know. Why would d I want one of those mugs?" Spike adds with a smirk. "You want me to shut up and be a vampire? Okay, fine. I'll go outside, get a coffin, and tear up the floor huh?" Spike jokes, his own eyes glinting with amusement. "Yeah I slept here last night but went to Brooklyn last night for a few hours. Slayed two vampires and came back here" Spike nods sagenly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes and play punches him. "You are such an idiot sometimes, and it's kinda ironic since you can't bite anyone anyway.." she sighs, leaning back, getting more comfy than she really should. "I mean, why do some people willingly let vamps bite them? is it really such a romantic thing? I mean when the Master bit me, that was just creepy although I hear Slayer blood gives some vamps a rush.." she peers at him curiously. "How about you?"

Spike has posed:
Spike tilts his head. "No idea" he says and smirks. "Comfortable?" he assks stretching his fingers out to stroke her back as he grabs the mug with his other hand, sipping it. "See, if I could get tape I could redo this mug to be more....me, you know?" Spike adds with a nod, setting the mug down and looks to Buffyy. "Then again" he adds speculatively. "No idea if people like being bit. No idea t all. I never felt anything biting anyone" he admits and looks quiet for a moment, thinking on it. "See, I don't get it either, really. But at least we're comfortable. And d you got nothing to stake me with besides killing me with an ironic mug" Spike smirks trying not to laugh at the very idea.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, feeling her pulse racing a bit as they get a bit too cozy. "Umm, well you weren?t always this way. Before they, uh, neutered you? I'm sure it felt good, sensual even, to bite a warm, helpless girl, hmm?" she smirks as she reaches up to caress his cheek, sliding her hand down to his neck, almost tantalizingly. But this is all strictly experimental, of course.

Spike has posed:
Spike leans into her touch and smirks. "So. I got neutered?" he asks. "What, I'm like some puppy that got their balls cut off huh? I can still fight you know" Spike says with a grin. "I mean. I'm just friendlier now and not exactly out to kill you" Spike points out. "Which is unfair by the way, if you get mad at me I can't do shit to you" he nods nuzzling her hand like a cat then stroking her back with his own fingers as Spike smirks

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, still cradling his face in her hands. "Yeah , something like that. I mean, you pretty much are helpless, at least towards big strong slayers, and innocent people and anything that isn"t evil.." Yea, she is enjoying this. "But really though, don t you miss the kill, don't you wish you could get that rush when you feed off of some poor, innocent girl.." she leans over so that her lips hover mere inches from his. "I'll bet you couldn't even if you wanted to. Wouldn?t it feel like you were attacking me?"

Spike has posed:
Spike watches Buffy with a quiet careful look. He won't blink first. If she wants to make moves with him...that's all on Buffy. Spike though does smile. "Do I miss it? Not really. I mean, I...I like it in a way, this new me, this...this.....new Spike. Sure I can have my evil moments, but....I can't hurt humans" Spike points out. "Vampires though? Fair game, demons, fair game" Spike points out with a smile, still leaning into her touch as he's got his eyes watching Buffy quietly. But he's on the same page with her. He's enjoying this so much. And he isn't going to blink first and admit it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, surprised at his reaction. She expected less from him. "Wow, you sure have changed.." she murmurs, her lips still a hairs breadth away, although she hesitates to go further than that. "I guess..I would be taking advantage on you if I did this. Afterall, you're totally helpless." But more than that, she's already in something with Brian, maybe..? She sighs and closes her eyes, flopping back down her n the seat next to him. This is so confusing. "I know, I know. Alrught. So you're neutered, but other vamps aren?t. I wonder if there are organizations out there of vamps trying to give humans a high in exchange for blood? That's pretty much how it was with that vamp and my friend, right?"

Spike has posed:
Spike nods. "Right, and would kissing me really be taking advantage?" Spike poses the question, watching Buffy as he sips blood mulling over what went down the previous night in the graveyard. The payphone? Buffy can learn about that later. Especially since Spike's got no idea how the hell to explain Pippi, oh sure this little canine helped me slay vampires. No. I'm not crazy.

Spike gives Bufffy a thoughtful look. "What if I said I wanted to kiss you huh?" Spike asks with a smile, watching her as he setss down the mug and looks thoughtful. "What if....your friend got tricked by that vampire and thought she was going to get all the usual vampire crap, immortallity, and he just used her? I know" Spike says holding up a hand. "I know you don't want me to smack talk her, but I'm just saying, if I were an evil vampire" Spike says tapping his head. "And not some neutered vampire anting to make out with the Slayer" he stage mutters, "I'd think along those lines" he points out, twirling a slice of toast in his hands.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, her face reddening a little, "This is madness, this..Whatever it is.." her face does redden at his admission, but she just shakes her head. "Yeah..She could have been going after immortality and all that. Had a friend do that once. Oh right, you killed him rather than turn him.." which brings her back to him and her. "Yeah, vamps are real tricksters, aren't they? But that name you mentioned, Carpe Noctem was it? sounded like an organization, so there could be more.." she quickly, anxiously sips her tea, trying hard not to think about wanting to kiss Spike. Right, let's stick to business.

Spike has posed:
Spike nods, watching Buffy. He bites his lip and grins, leaning toward her, aiming for a kiss. If she won't...he'll not be a chicken. "Yeah, Carpe Noctem. You were gonna look it up last night but got tired. And you don't trust me on your laptop either" Spike admits, with a smile. "For good reason, too." he muses and watches Buffy. "What. You're blushing, Slayer" he teases.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks as he comes nearer, squeezing her eyes shut but not pushing him away as he leans over. She is almost eager for the kiss when it comes, letting her lips linger a bit longer on his before breaking away. "We..Really should 't have done that.." she actually climbs to her feet, confused, annoyed at herself. She is blushing as she paces back and forth nervously. "Wewere talking business, not here for a social call."

Spike has posed:
Spike watches Buffy, "Sit, you have toast" he offers and looks to her then to the toast. "Yes, we need to figure out what that vampire was doing. But you know, patrolling with you has perks and benefits, like...you teaching me to use stakes and you get me blood" Spike says stretching out with a smile. "See, what does Carpe Noctem mean and why was that vampire on about it?" he adfds looking quiet and thoughtful, closing his eyes sitting back.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances sidelong at the toast. And Spike, thinking one of them tastes better than the other. "You know, I'm really not that hungry..I should really try and track down my friend, give her a proper burial.." she sighs, "If her body hasn't been ravaged by vamps by now, or something else.." but yes, they need to discuss their next move to, and not that kind of 'move' either! "I...Don't know, spike.." Buffy starts pacing, anxiously, nervously. Damn, that kiss felt good. "We should check in with Giles, maybe he knows. Or..Dresden?"

Spike has posed:
"Both" Spike offfers with a nod watching Buffy with his eyes half closed, just listening. "Giles. Dresden, we ask the witches to help right? I mean, mystic people and magic and, and...." Spike shrugs and lazes on the couh watching Buffy pacing. "We didn't get her body back. DO we need to figure out where it is?" he muses watching her more as Spike sits up, chewing on toast.

Looking past Buffy for a minute, Spike falls quiet. He's torn, on the one hand, he's thinking about Buffy's friend. On the other. That kiss. He's agreeing with Buffy that between toast and a Slayer....one tastes better, and no, butter does not go with Slayer. And, Buffy being toasted would just be weird.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers frowns and stops, glaring at him. "Of course we do! I need to give her a proper burial. She was my friend..I need to do something for her, even if she was a bit of a trouble maker and headed down a dark path..Besides, I don't want the vamps to get to her first." she clenches her fists, stepping towards Spike, "So c'mon, stop being so lazy!" she actually attempts to grab at his hands, trying to pull him off his feet. Which could be disastrous. And dammit, why'd she let him kiss her? Obviously it was another 'accident'. He just stumbled on her and she was too tired to notice, right? Maybe if she doesn't mention it, he wont either..

Spike has posed:
Spike nods, "I know" he says gently, "I meant do we know where she is right /now/?" Spike adds, and lets her pull him to his feet. First a kiss, now she's got his hands, though Spike does speak. "So, we find out where she is, then...?" Spike adds and smiles, more at Buffy with his hands. it's hard to focus, but he watches Buffy for a minute.

"You know, I enjoyed that kiss. And your hands" he says. Open mouth. Insert booted feet, Spike. Insert feet, and...and just keep shoving feet in. He's supposed to be focusing, but he's manaiging to focus on Buffy and what needs to be done. Even though thoughts are flitting around his head as Spike did, indeed, mention it. He nods. "Well, we can get going when it gets dark, right? Or I can take the blanket. On that note, where's my DeSoto?" he asks. Anser? It's two blocks away. He left it there to run to the graveyard.

Spike looks serious for a moment. "Okay aside from Giles, or Dresden, who else can help and is a source of vampire knowledge?" he asks. "And won't try to kill me. I get that a lot"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Dammit, what's she doing? Now she's just made things worse..Buffy frowns, staring down at her hands interlaced with spikes as he climbs to his feet..And she quickly lets go. "Kiss? What kiss? That wasn't a kiss, you just stupidly stumbled on me again, and I was too tired to push you away! Be thankful I didn't just stab you instead!" yep, back to her usual snarkiness it seems. Oh yes, and she quickly lets go of his hands, giving him a rough shove back.

"Besides, that wasn't even a proper kiss, more like a tripping over your own lips." not that she's about to show him what a 'proper' kiss is all about. He does have a point though, as she glances outside and realizes it's still bright, a bright sunny day. "Oh. Great.." with a sigh, she flops back down on the couch. "So what am I supposed to do with you, just babysit you til dusk? This is ridiculous.."

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head with a smile. "I'm not exactly coplaining am I?" he says as she lets his handss go. He can sense the awkwardness, and isn't a fan of it. Hey, if he could...somehow make things better, as he isn't sure what to say.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Buffy" Spike says. There's a gentle tone to his voice. "Yeah it's bright out...and no, no you don't have to babysit me" he says, images of Buffy fussing over him in his head as Spike's lost in thought. "You're saying I tripped over and ended up against your lips. Fine. How about you figure out what a proper kiss is?" he jokes, though he's taunting her just a little too. Fist, or lips...Spike's half expecting one or the other. Mostly since Buffy sorts problems with her fists. And violence has....a certain effect on Buffy. And, Spike too.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, leaning back against the comfy couch as she tries to sort out her thoughts. And feelings. Which is hard with Spike hovering over her. "Well, looks like I have no choice. You can't exactly leave my house right now or you'll get fried. And I don't see the point of hunting around during the day for vamps, since they'd be gone by now. I suppose I can still head over to the cemetary to look for my friend's body.." but she's not entirely comfortable leaving Spike alone in the house. Who knows, he might go through her underwear drawer, or worse.

She does like challenges though, and she laughs, standing up suddenly, standing a little too closely to him as she faces him. "Seriously? You know what a real kiss is like, I mean, you and Drusilla, you were always so, so..Smoochy smoochy all the time. You know damn well that wasn't a proper kiss. So it didn't even count!"

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head at her with a serious look. "Or" he says, "We could figure out what to do with graveyards, vampires, and....ya know, all that" he says with a nod.

When Buffy stands in front of him and taunts him about Dru, he is silent for a moment. Then he's on his feet. "Be honest. Are you jealous?" he asks. "You damn wel know that counted, Buffy" Spike adds and folds his arms. "So what if I tripped over my lips. Are you judging me?" he asks with a tilt of his head and flops back on the couch. He doesn't really want to be mad at Buffy...and...truth be told, he'd rather not be alone in her house, either. It's not that he'd go through her clothing....no. it's more complicated than that.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and nods, flopping back next to Spike, a little too close perhaps. Heey, don't judge her, it's cold! "Yes. We should focus on vampires and graveyards and...stuff." but not like that other stuff because that was weird. When he accuses her of jealousy, she just laughs. Nervously. "Jealous? Why would I be jealous of an insane evil vampire witch, who by the way, murdered a good friend of mine too, maybe more than one? I mean, I am soo not jealous of her. maybe you're the one who's jealous of me and Brian.." Becauase it's not like they're actually officially a 'couple' yet, but they sure as heck are headed that way.."And that totally did NOT count. At all. If I wanted to kiss you, it would have been way more intense than that."

Spike has posed:
Spike offers Buffy the blanket if she's cold, not that he needs it. Well, unless he wants to fry. he's dressedd in his usual garb. Looking over, Spike nods. "I'm not jealous. If anything" he says pausing to think how he wants to word it. But yoiu were jealous of my old friend Barbi, or weren't you expecting company over?" Spike asks. Open mouth, insert whole damn leg, Spike. "There's nothing going on with her Buffy" he says, even after he said it, he's not sure why he's reassuring her. It's not like they're....together. Faith really did a number on him. "Look. I'll be honest. I enjoyed that kiss even if...if...it didn't count in your book.Alright. I know what a real kiss is. Question is, how's it taste with a slayer, huh? Faith really screwed me up with that whole oh you're dating Buffy crap" Spike grimaces. "How'd she like it if I ran around saying o she's dating Giles?" Spike asks, gagging a little at the repercussions of that statement. "Not...not that I'd...not that I'd do that...but it was an example" he says backtracking as fast as he possibly can. He really stuck himself in it now. "Okay, okay, better example, if Faith was dating XCander" Spike says. "Though Xander does deserve his happiness. He's just.....ya know...Xander, and I feel bad for him. Faith dating him would be worst thing possible" Spike adds...admitting he likes Xander in a friend way. Not that Spike's into Xander in that way. No. Just. no. "I mean...Xander deserves happiness too" Spike says, getting all philosophical. "Hopefully he'll find somebody who makes him happy, honestly."

Spike shrugs, "I don't get it though. That vampire" Spike sighs. "Something's not adding up, honestly. Something's not adding up at all. I got called a traitor to vampires" he says.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to eye Spike warily, looking quite tense although she is quite thankful for the blanket, murmuring a thanks and nod to him. When he mentions that Barbie woman, Buffy just laughs, "Really? You think I'm jealous? Of her!? Hah! That's hilarious, Spike. I mean, it's not like there's anything going on between us, so you can date whoever you like. Besides, Brian and I..." she smiles thoughtfully as she starts fantasizing about him and the last time they hung out. Which she'd like to think was a date, even if it was pretty casual, and he let her beat him up and all.

"Err, anyway, that's totally none of my business who you decide to date, even if you decided to date Faith, although I'd have to warn against her, she's pretty unstable." she frowns, "But even if we were dating, would that really be an embarrassing thing?" oh shoot, now she's playing his awkward game. And this is becoming soooo awkwaaaaard.

"Anyways, let's not jump to conclusions or anything, I'd be wary of Faith dating anyone, and Xander definitely deserves better than her."

Buff is pretty relieved for a change of subject though, "Yeah..I mean, I only got there near the end, but it's almost like they wanted to recruit you or something, even given your record. I mean, you were once one of the most feared vampires in history too though, maybe they just wanted extra firepower on their side.."

Spike has posed:
Spike's well aware Buffy's watching him. And he's good at psycholoy. Buffy's thinking along his lines and playing his games. "No. Because there's nothing to be jealous of with Faith. She's a good for nothing rogue slayer who doesn't give a damn about anyone bar herself" Spike says. He's also thinking what if, what if. Snap out of it Spike. Though he does have a vision of the last time they hung out, or more of a thought. Spike, unspokenly, considered it a date. "You know, you making me food, that was a date in my book" Spike says....and he's only half joking. "You can cook. Puts the time Willow and I made cookies to shame" Spike adds with a nod. "Se, ou're better than you give yourself credit for, Summers" he nods.

He's still not letting the idea they /could/ be a thing go. But he's taking it slow and gently.

"If we were dating, would it be a bad thing? No" Spike decides with a nod, kicking his feet out and stretching his legs out iwth a smile. "Hey, if I was dating Faith you'd have every right to stake me and kick her ass. I'd enjoy watching that, mind" Spike admits, with a smirk. "I mean, if we were dating...we'd be a better force to be dealt with, right?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers would really not like to know what's going through Spike's head at the moment, she's afraid of what he's thinking, the way he's looking at her (though truth be told, the way she looks at him, she always seemed...Intrigued by him, and maybe there's something else there as well - is it fascination, perhaps?).

"Well, of course I can cook, a little anyway.." probably not as good as Willow. "Heh, you and Will, you really think you have a chance? Sounds like you and her were on a date, baking cookies and all." she laughs at the thought, knowing Wil probably saw it totally differently.

"If we were dating?" she bites her lip, reddening a little, "I mean..Seriously, that could never, happen, yoou know, because I'm the Slayer, and you're a vampire. And..Dammit, we've been over all of this before. Besides, it'd be..Awkard.."