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(Nick brings toys, Tim brings clothes, Shannon brings in the spirit)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 19:51, 24 December 2019

A Time for Giving
Date of Scene: 24 December 2019
Location: New Hope Shelter, East Harlem
Synopsis: Nick brings toys, Tim brings clothes, Shannon brings in the spirit
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Red Robin, Nightingale

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The day before Christmas is a busy time for many. People running about to get their respective shopping lists completed, waiting in lines to be rung up and getting some last minute cups of eggnog to give them the sanity to make it through the day.

But over at the New Hope shelter, it is mostly calm in the sleepy morn and the work in the kitchen hasn't started yet. The true crowd won't happen until the evening when the food is served up.

Off to to one of the classrooms there's the sound of a piano playing Silent Night. Nick was early with his arrival today. With a bit of guilt over having to skip out on the Thanksgiving work and with the task of dropping off the toys accumulated over at Shaw Studios, it seemed imperative to be early. But with toys dropped off, he had some time to kill until he jumps into the kitchen, so instead he's in a classroom, playing, the sounds greeting anyone who should enter.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has came here to bring some clothes and other things to the shelter. He brought toys not long ago, so today, he has coats, sweaters, and other clothes, as well as some minor electronics. Pre-paid phones, and some Wayne Tech MP3, Emergency Radio combos. He steps inside, and looks around for the person running the place, and gives them the keys tot he Uhaul. He hears the music and brow raises a bit following to see where it is coming from

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Tim wanders, searching for the sound, he eventually comes to Nick Drago seated at a stand up piano. Once again, Nick is favoring non-patterned, solid colored clothing. This time around, blue jeans and a red cotton collared shirt. His trademark hair is not hidden away but instead pulled back into a ponytail.

To the back of the classroom, a table is set up where volunteers are sorting through the toys that were brought over. A sizable amount of them being stuffed animals with a few action figures and card games included. Portable, not requiring batteries.

As Silent Night finishes, Nick sits back, looking to the volunteers. "Did you need for me to grab anything else?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will wander in and offers a smile. He looks over at the action figures smirking a bit as he spots a batman and robin combo. He looks over and hmms a bit as he recognizes the piano player "May I say you play very well, do you play the piano on any of your songs?" He will ask the man. He is wearing jeans and a sweater this evening. He is a semi public figure but more to those who keep track of social calenders or tech news.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"We're more than fine, dear." One of the volunteers, a woman in her early 60s assures while sorting, "You got a busy day later in the kitchen so just rest up."

"Alright. Just checking June." Nick smiles to the lady before hearing Tim's comments.

The musician turns to look to Tim, not looking much older than the vigilante, "Thanks. My primary occupation revolves around entertainment so I do my best to keep up with it when I can."

He offers a hand out to Tim, "And, most of them do end up being played on the piano at some point when I'm working out the notes. Name's Nick."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yes, I recognize you, your very talented Nick. I knew you did the vocals, but was not sure about instruments you played as well." He shakes the hand and says "Tim Drake, I work for here in town and was dropping off a few things when I heard your playing, and wanted to hear a bit more.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, "I get most of my work as a session musician or standing in for others so it helps to be adaptable. If it's percussion or strings, I want to know how to do it."

After shaking the hand, he leans back slightly, "I'm sure Lucius will be very happy with anything you have brought in. I've heard that when you drop off donations, You drop off a LOT of donations."

"Oh yes. The Wayne Foundation does..." June chirps up in confirmation as she starts sliding over Mt. Stuffy towards the center of the table

The musician's head looks to June and then back to Tim in point.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well Mr. Wayne does try to help where he can, Gotham gets most of the publicity as our home base is in Gotham, but we do try to help any city we have offices in, as well as other places as well. Sorta branch out from our offices, unless something specific draws us to a place on it's own

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's good that your foundation is reaching out to so many places." Nick agrees, "There's a lot of people out there who could do with a helping hand." His arms fold on his lap. "So, allow me to say thanks for your help by letting you pick the next Christmas song. What's your favorite?"

Nightingale has posed:
     On a day that's very much an 'all hands on deck' sort of day, with so many donations to be sorted, meals to be cooked and served, and general help needed about the New Hope Shelter, there is one volunteer that seems to be keeping a bit to herself. The last time the winged young woman was here, it had been a very intimidating sort of night, but she was determined to face down her fears. Thankfully, it was hectic, but far less social than it had been on the previous occasion. And with a music room right there, and a piano? Well, just try keeping her away! With a brief moment or two to catch her breath, Shannon takes advantage of the silence to slide onto the piano bench, and let her fingers dance over the keys. She's dressed in dark blue jeans, a cream colored tunic sweater, and her favorite caramel-colored boots; a thin, ice blue braid accents the left side of her face, with three little silver beads shining on the end as she plays a familiar, haunting holiday tune.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will smile and says "Well, one that has always meant a lot to me is I saw momma kissing Santa Clause, but for piano, maybe Holly Jolly Christmas?" He will suggest. It has pretty much always been a Wayne thing to help people, and I must admit I try to embrace and help it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, spinning around in his seat, "Holly Jolly it -"

Nick stops as the sound of a piano playing from another room starts playing. Turning to look in the general direction of the sound, he looks a little suprised.

"Music Room," June supplies, "Where the clothing is being sorted." She nods to the piano they're at. "That was just donated."

The musician glances over to June and then towards Tim, "Well, Looks like I owe you a song as another musician has the stage." Giving a bit of a smirk, he gets up from the bench, walking to the doorway, "Shall we see who?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles as she gives the only gift she really can besides her time--a little bit of music. There was precious little joy in a place like this at times, perhaps this would give the residents--temporary or otherwise--a reason to smile, even just a tiny bit. With each ascending arpeggio, her wings extend just a bit, moving slowly back and forth in time with the song.

And it seems she's not alone. A young, mousey-haired boy in green sweatpants, a bright red sweatshirt, and old gray sneakers, maybe about six or seven years old, has decided to climb up on the bench with her and plop down. Smiling, she lets the notes of 'Carol of the Bells' fade, and instead, begins showing the would-be musician how to play 'Jingle Bells'. "Hey, you're pretty good," she offers by way of encouragement.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will shrugs a bit and seems ok with it. He walks along hands in his pockets. He does look around the place, seeing what might be needed or what might be done exceptionally well or wrong, but just observing not commenting on it. As they walk into the room, his brow does raises a bit at seeing the girl with wings, but the reaction of surprise is only there for a brief moment

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Nick crosses into the doorway, he pauses slightly before shifting to the side, giving Tim space to see the sight. He chuckles softly, shaking his head, "Ok. She's got me." Nick admits to Tim to a slight murmur, "I may have the music, but she's got the look down pat."

Nightingale has posed:
     The young boy next to Shannon on the bench has his tongue stuck out of his mouth, much like a classic Peanuts cartoon with Charlie Brown concentrating on writing something in the middle of class. As she plays one part of the melody, he tries to echo her. Some notes are fumbled, but still, she offers encouragement, and finally a gentle hug, wings and all. "You'll get it, I bet. You've got a good start there." Chuckling, she lets the boy go to scamper off and find his family among the residents of the shelter.

     As she turns about to watch her young friend go, Shannon spots Nick and Tim, turning a bit red and smiling. "Hello there!"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake did not expect the Christmas tree topper to be playing the piano, but he saw her at the event with the girl who won the katana. "Seems a few people had the same idea, and are working on spreading the christmas cheer in interesting ways.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Shannon's red face is answered with a tilt of the head and a slight smile. "Hello there." Nick returns, gesturing towards Tim, "This is Tim. I am Nick. And you are?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and gets to her feet, holding out her hand to both gentlemen in turn. "Shannon. Pleasure to meet you, Nick." Her eyebrows quirk, and she studies Tim for a moment or two before nodding. "I think I remember you from a recent event here. It was pretty... chaotic, though."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I believe you were here with the girl who won the Katana. the intense Russian lady." He will smile and says "Seems everyone plays the piano better than me, but hey thats why I got a player instead of other kinds." He jokes

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After giving a gentle shake to Shannon's hand before releasing it, he glances over to Tim curiously at the news. "The charity ball?" That's the only event Nick can think of that was here recently and he wasn't able to attend. For reasons.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles a bit sheepishly, tucking a few stray wisps of pale gold away behind her left ear, letting the little blue braid hang free. "That's the one," she confirms. "I'm not all that great with huge events like that, though. But... for charity, it was worth it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Your a talented attractive lady, I would guess some might hit on you a bit to much at them. I am sure you would be ok at charity events though.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well," Nick stops. Opting not to go into the details of some of the experiences he and his friend have had at charity events. He looks over to Shanon. Oh yes. She'd have suitors there too. "-even they tend to have their moments. I'd recommend going with a friend to them to make it a bit more comfortable for you." Giving a slight smile as he looks to the teenagers, then to Tim, "I believe I still owe you a song."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and steps aside, yielding the stage to Nick. "I was there to meet a friend, actually, but he had to leave right after I arrived." Shrugging a little, she laughs softly. "It is as it is." Tim's compliment only deepens the pink hue of her cheeks, and sure enough, just as it had happened at the charity ball, her wings begin to furl themselves around her like a protective, feathery white cocoon.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Well, how about since there is multiple of us you play something you choose for a Christmas song on this one?" He will ask of the man. He finds a place to lean against the wall listening smiling a bit at the girl's blush.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Piano surrendered to him, Nick gives a nod to Shannon before sitting down. As the two teens talk, he turns his back to them before he starts playing. Instead of 'Holly Jolly Christmas', he instead plays 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas'

As the room fills with a jazzy slow twinkling of notes, Nick allows for the pair to have a conversation.

Nightingale has posed:
Who could remain shy and silent with a song as beloved as that playing? Shannon's expression brightens, her wings unfurling and settling in behind her. For a few bars, she joins in the song, her silky alto voice strong and clear.

"Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on your troubles will be miles away..."

     Glancing between Nick and Tim, she arches her brows hopefully, gesturing for both gentlemen to join her in singing. Holiday songs sounded so much better when sung together!

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will sing a verse or two with her. He is not the best singer but not to bad either. Maybe a step above average. He does stop after the verse or two to more enjoy the singing and playing. He is grinning though enjoying himself.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Following the cue Shannon insists upon and not wishing to put a damper on the siutation, Nick joins in, the baritone adjusting his tone to best compliment what Tim and Shannon are putting down. The piano playing shifts slightly, adjusting the songs to be a little less jazzy and more straight forward to make the rhythm easier for Tim to sing along to.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon raises her eyebrows as she hears Nick singing, smiling with appreciation. "Wow. You're really good. Both of you are." She steps back to let them both sing, just humming a light harmony. Nothing too copmlex, she had no wish to throw Tim off. "You're not too bad either," she offers, smiling at him.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake only sung for a bit and says "Have had a few vocal lessons but was more for projecting and other types of speech stuff. The whole being able to be heard by the who auditorium type of stuff than singing. your both very good.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the song trickles to an end, Nick lingers at the keys, allowing for Tim to respond to Shannon's compliment. "My work requires both. Like with a lot of things. A lot of repetition helps greatly." The performer states, nodding to Shannon, "I suspect she does a lot of music in her free time. And you likely have a lot of talents we don't have."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, running her fingers through her feathers to straighten them out a bit, and smiles shyly. "I've never had a voice lesson in my life, and maybe just a few proper piano lessons before my change." Here, she glances down at her hands, and sighs faintly. "The rest is just repetition, determination, and a lot of time on my hands. Composition is fun, too," she adds, glancing between the two. "But please don't either of you put yourselves down. We all have our gifts."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Oh I aint putting myself down, I just know my strengths are more in the working and designing new tech, than singing. You want a robot that sings, I can do that easier than singing myself." He grins

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks at Shannon. "I wasn't either. I will freely admit that I practiced a lot and worked my a-" He stops momentarily, "-rear off to get to where I am. Stating that is not putting myself down. It's being truthful."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles even more now at both men and nods. "Good, I'm glad. And I'm really glad to see folks helping each other out. Just wish the holiday spirit extended through the rest of the year as well."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well as much as it can be hard seeing people in need here you can also find people who have the whole helping people around here most of the time. The guy runs this place seems like a decent guy.""

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods. "Lucius seems like a pretty inclusive guy when it comes to his charity. It's one reason why his shelter is one of the ones our album proceeds are designated to go to."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles again and ducks her head. "Well, you both seem like pretty decent folks, too. You're here helping, aren't you? Speaking of which..." Her brows furrow lightly as she looks up, glancing around and taking mental note of things that still need doing. "Where else can we pitch in today?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over and says "Well hate to say it but I aint here for much longer, gotta get back home, and grab presents and get them to my family's get together. Have to keep them hidden away from them till the last minute, to get any chance of surprises.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I think other than sorting the clothes, there's not much else until they open up the kitchen and dining area." Nick replies, giving a shrug, "I'm set up for kitchen duty so I'm waiting for the right time to start prep. Can't start too early with certain things."

Nick looks over to Tim, "Sounds like that'll be fun. Hope you have a fun time with your family."

"Nick! It's about time!" June shouts out.

"Coming!" Nick cries back, shifting to his feet. "Seems, like now IS the right time..." He gives a nod to the both of them, pulling a card for Shaw Studios out and handing it to Tim. "In case you still want that song. Until then, Merry Christmas you two."