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Hello Up There!
Date of Scene: 25 December 2019
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Some Xavier students meet on the roof patio of Xavier's School - then more come, talking about flying, Christmas, small dragons, and the like.
Cast of Characters: Rift, Archangel, Pixie, Magik, Shadowcat, Cypher

Rift has posed:
Rift is laying on a rather sheer section of the roof tower of Xavier's School, on the roof itself, at basically the highest part of hte building - in a place that seems impossible for that to happen as she just flops back, gazing at the distant stormclouds that are off at the distance- for the moment the mansion is in the clear. There's a cup of soda sitting by her, practically horizontal, but isn't spilling as she picks it up, sips, and puts it back. Rift herself is glowing a dull red, as is her soda as she is just relaxing - wanting to be alone for a bit on this Christmas Day.

Archangel has posed:
Having gone out to run some errands on the blustery day, Warren was just starting to return from his latest run, carrying a couple of bags with him. A scarf is wrapped around his neck that trails over his wide wings, with a pair of ear muffs, a heavy leather coat, white sweater beneath it with blue jeans and warm boots, he is just starting to descend to the school, the white of his wings brought out more by the threat of the coming snow storm in the distance, brilliant against the dull greys.

And he probably would have just headed inside, if he had noticed the red glow off to his side on the roof, and he adjusts his course, heading over to the part of the roof that Rift is relaxing on. "Kitora, how are you?" he asks as he descends, and ends up in a lazy float near the young woman, his wings giving and idle flap on occassion, even if he has no true need to do so.

Rift has posed:
Rift waves. "Oh, hi Warren," she states softly. "I was just..." She sighs softly. "I miss my parents. I don't even know where they are anymore." She slumps. "I just needed some alone time to brood." She stands up and starts walking down the side of the tower in completely defiance of the laws of gravity (which is to be expected with her) and lands on the patio. "How are you doing?" she asks, as once she lands and is in a 'normal' situation, she stops glowing and now just looks like a normal 19-year-old girl (albeit with red eyes).

Archangel has posed:
Warren considers this for a moment. Reaching into one of the bags, he offers Kitora a La Maison du chocolat Santa, as he settles on the patio as well. "If your parents were here, what would you say to them?" he asks her curiously after offering her the piece of chocolate. His eyes show his concern, even after the amusement of watching her wander the building as if it was her personal walkway. "What do you think they would say to you?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua sighs softly. "I'd say to them, 'Why did you abandon me when I was exposed as a mutant?'" She shakes her head. "My powers kindled, out of control, and I tore the house apart. Must've brought a ceiling joist down on my head. I woke up in a hospital with Professor Xavier with me. I've never seen them since. Didn't even get to same goodbye." She shrugs. "I don't know what they'd say to me. I sometimes don't even remember what they sounded like. I can't picture it anymore." She sighs softly. "I don't like holidays. It makes me think of them. I know I'm lucky - I can easily blend into society and... am doing good in college and all." She sighs softly. "But I'm just ranting now."

Archangel has posed:
"It's perfectly okay to rant." Warren responds as he takes a seat and folds his hands in front of her as he listens to her story. It's one he's heard often before. "When my wings first came in, they were tiny. I tried to hide them. Bulky sweaters, sweatshirts, hoodies, anything to hide what was happening to me." Looking down at his hands, he considers them. "As they grew larger, I tried something more desperate. I attempted to cut them off. My mother freaked when she saw the blood and the feathers.. but more that I have these two bloody stumps on my back."

"My parents shunned me, kept me trapped in the house, refused to acknowledge my existance, and spent the first three years of my mutation trying to cure me. That's actually why they sent me here at first, they thought the Professor would cure me." He chuckles at that. "I guess they didn't pay that much attention to the pitch. But things between me and my parents? They were always strained." Past tense.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua raises an eyebrow. "'Were'?" she asks, catching that word. "Your wings are glorious," she muses softly. "But they must get in the way sometimes." She gazes at you. "What do you mean, 'were strained'? Did they accept you or... or...." She trails off, not wanting to say the only other obvious conclusion.

Archangel has posed:
"These aren't my original wings." Warren admits, feeling them twitch slightly, rising in a slight protest, as if on their own. "Those were ripped off... well, that's a different story. My parents never did accept me. They passed away a couple of years ago. My uncle had sabotaged their plane, and they went down. He wanted to take over the company, and thought I would be young, naieve, or just wanting to be away enough that I wouldn't be interested in picking up my family's company."

His blonde brows knit together as he gets a look on his face. "He read me wrong. So, here I am." Shrugging his shoulders in thought, he considers Kitora. "But. If you want to find your family? I mean honestly? I can probably help you do that." he finally offers to her.

"But I'll be honest with you. They've known where you are all this time. Our address isn't a secret. We have a good email server. We even have a toll-free number. Some people.." he sighs. "Some people just can't accept the changes that have happened to their chidren. I can't hide what I am. I chose to embrace it - but for a while, I struggled with it. Hard. I figured my life was over. Who would want to hang around someone with giant wings, and flying too close to the sun and all that."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "You're right. Finding them wouldn't accomplish anything - if they can't accept me - then I'd just break my heart all over again. I make no secrets. Though I can blend in, I often choose not to except when at school. I'm flashy, I glow, I defy and outright control gravity." She nods slowly. "I'm sorry for your loss, Warren. But... I still have a kernel of hope that one day... they'll come to me."

Archangel has posed:
"Hold on to that kernel, Kitora. Don't let it fade. Don't give up on it. Hope is a powerful, powerful thing." Warren responds, and then he chuckles. "There's something to be said about being proud of who you are." Not what you are. "I'll never hide the wings again. They're part of me, as much as my hands or my feet. But as I was saying.. hope." he gets back on course. "And I'll hope for you that someday, they come around, along with the rest of the world, that we're not much different than anyone else. We live, we laugh, we cry, we love... it's just what it is. It's part of being human."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "That's the magic word, isn't it. 'Human.' I mean - I just love flying around - or technically 'falling sideways' too much to want to stop." She shrugs. "But I still htnk of myself as human. Nothing wrong with not being human - there are aliens among us like Superman." She shrugs. "But I'm a mutant, and I'm human. There is no conflict there."

Archangel has posed:
"That's the rub. The people that want to seperate mutant from human. Like they did with black from white, or Jew from Christian." Warren responds easily as he sets the bags down next to him. "For what it's worth, Kitora? I think you've done pretty amazing while you've been here. Like you said, you're in college now, you're working on mastering your powers, and you've gown into a beautiful young woman. I don't see anything for your parents to complain about."

Shrugging his shoulders in thought, Warren considers Kitora. "And you still do have family." he points out to her. "As mismatched and odd as things can be around here, I'm sure you've got friends and those that will watch out for you."

Pixie has posed:
It's a nice, sunny Christmas day, although there are occasional blasts of wind, which make flying a little iffy at times, depending on how far up you are. Megan was feeling adventurous however, and so she has decided to see how fast and how far and how high she can fly in the snow, because honestly, it's really quite pretty the higher up you go. Unfortunately, she wasn't banking on that incredibly strong gust of wind that suddenly jerks her out of the sky, sending her tumbling off-course towards the Xavier school's rooftop.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua just nods slowly as she speaks to Warren, blushing a bit at the compliments. "Yeah - my family is the people here. I think of Professor Xavier as my grandfather at times." She then blinks, seeing something sparkly. "Ah, must be a good day to fly - Megan's flying around too..." She trails off as she sees Megan lose control. Immediately she starts to glow again, and as Megan comes closer, Rift extends her hand, and Megan would suddenly find herself glowing with a red aura, and stationary in the air as she's slowly moving towards the roof. "Hope you don't mind the assist, Megan. Just don't panic - weightlessness can be a bit disorienting when you're not used to it." She glances back to Warren, smiling.

Archangel has posed:
"Yeah, I'd say the others in my first class were like my siblings.. but that will bring up a conflict that.." he pinches the bridge of his nose. "After all, I'd be wanting to date my sister, not that is ever gonna happen." Warren makes a long-suffering noise, mostly in jest, as the wind suddenly picks up, ruffling his blonde hair and causing his pinons to get prickly as the wind cuts through the techno-organic privledge.

However, when Kitora points out Megan and moves to catch her, he glances up to her position and winces. "Wings are probably too fragile for this weather..." he mutters, before rising to his feet. "Hold her a moment longer, will you?" With a powerful flap of his wings, Warren launches skywards, cutting into the freezing wind as he feels the coolness on his cheeks before approaching Megan. "Hey there." comes the offered greetings. "Mind getting carried down, or do you want to try to wing it?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn welps as she finds herself suddenly glowing, and starts to wriggle, even as her descent is slowed down enough for her regain control. "Yikes! What was that! That was well tidy!" she giggles as she glances over at Kitora, and relaxes once she realizes she didn't just get hit by some crazy ray gun or something. As an angel soars towards her, she blinks a few times in awe. "Woow...Mister Worthington?" he's soo...Cool and awesome with those wings, and of course she's heard of stories of Archangel - or is it Angel now? along with the other exploits of the X-men!

"Umm, I'm okay, really! Just got hit by a powerful downdraft. But thanks, I can make it.." it IS getting a little cooler now, but she's not about to make a fool out of herself in front of a fellow flier. she has no issue fluttering the rest of the way down although she grins at Warren, "I looove your wings, they remind me of Nightingale's, only..Bigger!" Kitora is also given a smile and nods once she lands safely, "Thanks for catching me! I should have been more careful.."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Yeah - I thought a portal might be scarier and my first instinct was to just hold you in midair." She nods as she lowers her hand, the glow around both herself and Megan fading. "I just didn't want you to get hurt." She then settles back down, smiling softly.

Archangel has posed:
Warren stays close to Megan, making sure that she makes it down to the terrace without further issue. "I've had the chance to meet Shannon. Sweet girl." he responds as he follows her and lands on the patio. Tucking his wings back in, he gives an easy smile. "Just Warren when we're not in class. I only make my lawyers and board of staff call me Mister Worthington." There's an easiness in his smile as he moves to take back his seat.

"Kitora and I were just discussing family and what that may mean at the school. And who's still here for Christmas, but not yet gossiping on who went off where for their holiday break."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks, "Waa? You can make portals too? That's totally cool! And what was that you just did on me, Tee-kay?" she giggles and offers her hand. "Oh hi, I'm Megan Gwynn. I think we're in Phys. Ed. together." or something. She nods to Warren and smiles, "Warren? Okaay. Is it true you're like, a zillionaire or something?" And then there's mention of family and her smile fades a bit. "Oh. Family, huh. I guess X-men are the only family I have, and New Mutants. I mean..." she shrugs, not really keen on discussing her dead parents or aging grandparents or the fact that she might not even be a mutant. "Um, but anyways, Xavier's is pretty cool, did you check out the decorations in the Rec room?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly. "Not telekinesis. My mutant power is gravity. I negated gravity around you and held you in place. So you were weightless - well, almost weightless. I had to compensate for the wind to keep you stationary. It had calmed down for a bit. I can make things heavier, or lighter. It's how I fly, by coordinated gravity vectors. Let me demonstrate." She starts to glow again, hops on the side of the tower, and simply starts walking up it like it's on the ground - her body parallel to said ground.

Archangel has posed:
"Zillionaire? No. Billionaire.. yeah." Warren chuckles softly. "It's probably the only reason that most people put up with the wings." Settling back down into his seat, he folds his hands in front of him. "I feel like an utter heel though. I was over in Europe working on a business deal, and I totally forgot to do any shopping for the others. I didn't forget to order bikes and toys for those here at the mansion that don't have parents, and gift cards to go shopping for the teenagers, but I didn't get a chance to do any personal shopping for family. Since this is all the family I have now."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, "Sooo like, like, do you have a castle and like, 50 cars and stuff? That must be soooo cool!" although he probably doesn't need cars if he's got wings. She bites her lip, thinking that one over as she follows the pair to the seats on the rooftop. "Ooh, don't worry, I probably forgot to shop for lots of people. I just got a bunch of generic gifts and tossed 'em under the tree. Probably got too much stuff so there's probably lots of leftovers!" she beams, "So whatcha doin, suntanning or...?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles faintly as she looks at everyone, then her watch alarm beeps. "Oh - it's time for dinner." Rift's appetite is legendary - and well - if she doesn't eat a LOT, she gets weak and can't use her powers. "I'll come back after dinner!" Without any warning, a red-lined portal opens under her feet and she falls through it and it closes behind her.

Magik has posed:
It's unfair, patently unfair, to call that pretty, huge evergreen in the mansion that makes the Rockefeller tree seem dowdy just a tree. A lovely specimen, to be fair, and a clipped piece of the branch where it won't interrupt ribbons or ornaments spruced to the nth degree. A little sap stains Illyana's fingers while she turns the sprig round and round. Needles dance stiffly while she does, and she hums an eerie sound -- a carol backwards, or slant because it's not quite right to the ears. But go she does, a warm cloak wrapped around her in silver and white. Fur trims the hood that shrouds her face, and she has very peculiar boots on, of a style not much seen outside of Russia. Dressed up warmly with her sprig, perhaps that speaks to what oddities the mutant demon sorceress happens to be up to on Christmas Day. No doubt the holiness of the day should have her on fire, scorched by holy ground?

Shadowcat has posed:
Even if she's not into the religious side of Christmas, Kitty Pryde is fine with helping others celebrate the secular parts. She's wearing a Santa hat, and so is Lockheed as the dragon rests on her shoulder. The pair make a tour of the student halls, stopping to greet those who have their doors open. Candy canes are handed out, though these are mint and chocolate flavored, with green and dark chocolate replacing the familiar red and white stripes.

She makes her way on up to the roof tower, coming into the room after a soft rap on the doorway. "Hey everyone. Mind another joining you?" she says. And then she spots some of the faces there. "Warren! You're back! I heard there was a missing cookie and a feather. Figured Shannon would have left more cookies so that probably meant you," she tells him warmly.

Illyana and Megan are given grins, and Kitty passes out the mint chocolate candy canes to anyone who would like one. She opens one up for herself afterwards.

Cypher has posed:
Doug is... dressed in a slightly overlarge coat made of crushed red velvet, with large brass buttons. The sleeves and hood are lined with clean white fur, and his hood is up. His pants are black, and he has heavy snow boots, and one leather glove on his left hand, the techno-organic right not bothered by the cold and left bare. He's watching Illyana, all curioisity. "And this will help us track the Night Hag, beautiful?"

He strokes his chin, thoughtfully.

Archangel has posed:
"No castle. I have a penthouse apartment though. And there's a few cars, my dad was an afficinado. I have a driver for when I need to give the impression of being a decent businessman, but I tend to fly where I need to go. But if the weather's bad, I'll take a car." Warren explains to Megan, as he and her and Kitora are currently talking on the rooftop.

As Kitora heads off through the portal, Warren chuckles. "Well. That does top what I do to get around." he admits with a good-natured chuckle and a shake of his head. "And I should probably finish getting these downstairs. Imported chocolate from the Netherlands." comes the explanation as he takes out one of the chocolate Santas and tosses it to Megan underhand.

A smile is offered to Kitty. "I have no idea what you are talking about." he offers with a lift a blonde brow. "After all, there were gifts left for the kids that got stuck here for the holidays, and it was clearly Santa Claus. Maybe the feather was a quill?" Not Peter, clearly. Illyana and Doug get a nod from the blonde's head before he shakes out his wings. "I hope to be back up shortly."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is in fact, somewhat religious and had spent the morning in church earlier. Maybe that's why she's so hyper today, as she had to get up super early to avoid the more crowded masses later in the day. She's not dressed in anything super festive, beyond a sparkly red v-necked tunic and black jeans hidden under a short black woolen coat, a red toque on her head.

When Kitora makes her exit, she watches in wide-eyed wonder at the portal that appears, waving at her before stealing her newly unoccupied seat. "Ooh, that's cool." she nods to Warren, still listening in wide-eyed wonder at a description of his assets. "I mean, I guess when you can fly, who needs a car? I'm soo glad I finally got the hang of flying though, it was pretty scary when I was crashing into things all the time." Oh yess, she totally has the hang of flying. When she's not trying a crazy daredevil stunt, or flying too high, or flying against the wind, or getting caught in an updraft. Shush you!

And then he's headed out but not before tossing her a chocosanta, which she grabs with a nod and smile, "Nice to meet you, Warren, happy Christmas!" with a yawn and stretch, she's about to enjoy suntanning on the rooftop in the middle of winter, when she suddenly notices the presence of others, including Illyana. Doug and Kitty are given a smile and nod, although her smile is a bit more reserved for Illyana.

"Oh, Illy. Hey. Haven't seen you in a while.....How's limbo?"

Magik has posed:
"Already is," Illyana replies in a steaming breath. Her general presence, aside from the snip of sprig, smells faintly of honey, apricots, and poppy, a fragrance that tiptoes around the curiously dressed young woman. If not for the hood haloing her face, she might look like a wayward actress entering the wrong part of town, a rooftop in Salem Centre instead of tiptoeing through the churchyard in Little Odessa or Turtle Bay. Pale blonde hair dusts over her shoulders, and she is certain to disappoint any student imagining she delivers presents. Doug behind her is another matter. What he dispenses is entirely up to him.

"Hello, Kitty," she says, looking over her shoulder as she approaches the rooftop's edge. It is so unlikely that she intends to jump off the side, but one never knows. The offered candycane she pockets, giving a murmur of thanks. "A good evening find you. I will have to bring out pirozhki later." Shadows slinking after her darken and thin, and she glances askance at Warren to give him that slight nod and a smile. "Good to see you. Time to meet later, I hope?"

The wind straying over her face leaves those blonde bangs falling in her eyes, dispelling the snowy motes blocking out their usual glacial blue. "Coming to order with a change in the hierarchy. Blood-soaked and bedimmed tides rising with the year-mark turn. Nothing much changed." A shrug of her shoulders announces that with a slight edge of humour, but it's dry as the desert can be. "Good out here for flight. The view of all the lights must be very pretty."

Cypher has posed:
"Warren." Doug says, looking up. The wind ruffles his hair. He smells like... Old Spice, the scent of his cologne getting carried on the wind. It's not at all arcane or mysterious, honestly.

He glances up at Kitty and smiles, and then returns to curiously watching what Illyana is doing, before he pulls his hood back up because of the chilly evening.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over to Doug as he comes in. She eyes is attire and then says warmly, "Doug, you look positively... vampiric," as she gives a motion towards the red velvet jacket. "Candy cane? Better than the peppermint ones," she says, passing it over. "There... ah... might have been a bad night with some peppermint schnapps in my past that make these preferable," Kitty adds in a somewhat sheepish tone.

Warren is given a warm grin. "Surely it was Santa Claus. I bet a few students heard reindeer hooves on the roof." Or possibly one of the students who can fly getting back late from curfew. "See you later then," she tells him before looking about for a seat.

"It has been a pretty good evening," Kitty tells Illyana. "Glad to see you around more. I know how tough it can be for you dealing with Limbo and still getting over here to see us. Hopefully you've got even more reasons to do so now," Kitty says, the corner of her lips just turning up in a small smile there.

Kitty enjoys the candy cane, before commenting to Megan, "Yes, this time of year must be amazing to go for a flight. Down in the city, where some of the suburbs have the light contests going and the whole blocks are lit up? I'm rather jealous of you flyers," she tells the other young woman.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs nervously at Kitty's quip, "Heh, you're right, their outfits are pretty...Dramatic. Did you two just come from a concert or something?" she does lift a brow watching them curiously. As Kitty hands out candycanes, she smiles and accepts one. "Ooh, thanks! I love the hats, Lockheed looks positively adorbs!"

She shivers at mention of limbo and laughs nervously, "don't worry, I'll be sure not to accidently stumble in there again uninvited, although I was hoping to start up those magic lessons with you again, I guess midterms got busy though.."

Oh yes, it's fun to go for a flight, she nods to Kitty with a grin, "It's great, the snowflakes are even prettier the higher up you go! But it does get pretty windy, I got caught in a downdraft and would have been a pancacke if it weren't for warren and Kitora!"

Cypher has posed:
"My current position as His Serenity requires me to affect a certain quality of appearance when I'm attending Her Majesty the Queen while she fulfills her duties as Queen and Sorceress Supreme of Limbo," Doug explains, as if he's reading off of a cue card, though his chest does puff out his chest just a little bit, maybe without realzing it.

"Illyana's hunting a demon that escaped from Limbo that's been preying on impoverished children. A Nocnitsa, a Night Hag."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty reclines on the seat, making herself comfortable, while Lockheed moves down to her lap to curl up where it is warmer. "Megan, you have to see the presents Doug gave me for Hanukah involving Lockheed," she says. The young woman beams a grin over to Doug and says, "Were those all of your own doing, by the way? They are amazing work," she says.

Kitty pulls out her phone, going through her files to find the gallery that has the uploaded copies. She passes the phone over to Megan. Pictures showing paintings of Lockheed in all sorts of poses. From Lockheed in a velvet robe, to reproducing the George Costanza pose, to a bubble bath.

Magik has posed:
Did someone say bad night? Kitty's confession brings a gleam to Illyana's eyes and a suggestion of a smile to mouth more frequently shaped to the harder line beloved by Russian icons and Soviet statues: enduring, persevering, and unreachable. Her shoulders straighten a little as she tips her head, exaggerating the act of listening for said seven beasts prancing around on the other side of the evening air. "I promised to live. Sometimes it means remembering how," she asides, meaning nothing, adding frightening layers of nuance by the arch lift of her chin and the ancient weight of her snowflake-dusted eyes.

The sprig she turns around, three times widdershins, again and again to a rhythm that barely makes for anything to notice. Her thumb is pricked by one needle through the thick wool glove, and she hisses slightly. Hey, it hurts. But that eventually gives way to blinking into the moment again and returning Megan's interest. "I will consider lessons if you have an interest," she murmurs. "Winter term should not be so busy between your studies and my hunting practice." With an unequivocal little nod, that seems to seal the deal. "You might have to share with the others how the city looks lit up. Flight is a freedom they are certain to cherish."

With the other cat out of the bag, given that Doug behind her has stated her purpose for literally looking like a certain Russian folktale, she pulls the bloodied needle free of her thumb and the glove. It hangs in the air for a second as she tosses it off the building and chants something short in rhythmic recitation twelve times under her breath. For the Russian speakers, it's pretty simple: <<Ded Moroz, chain the river.>> By the end... Well, one will see.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a curious brow at Doug's comment about demons, as well as his very formal way of talking. Is he like...Her....Or something..? She smirks a little, shaking her head, deciding not to comment. As for demons however.."Ooh, a demon from limbo? Sounds like my territory, need help finding it? I'd be happy to help!" she beams, only slightly sidetracked by super cute pics of Lockheed, which cause her to giggle, "Ooh, it must be sooo much fun to have a pet dragon! Although I gotta ask, is he potty trained? How do you, uh, 'walk' him, and what does he eat?"

Glancing to Illyana, she shrugs and smirks, "Well, despite our differences, I've always showed interest in learning more a bout those spells to protect against demons and in perfecting my teleportation in the past. Nothing's changed really. I'm up for it if you are." she grins, a challenging sparkle in her eye.

However, time is of the essence, and she does have another little errand she needs to run as she glances at her watch nervously, "Ooh, I just remembered something. I gotta run. It was nice seeing y'all, hope you have a good rest of your Christmas!" And she leaps skywards, deciding to enjoy the cool winter air some more rather than opt for the elevator, soon becoming little more than a glittering pink dot in the sky.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances between Doug and Illyana at the mention of the dragon. "Let me know if I can be of help," she offers as she gets the phone back from Megan. "More of a best friend, less of a pet," she tells Megan. "He doesn't require any training. Probably the other way around, probably trains me," she says.

Lockheed nudges her and Kitty rubs his head without even really thinking about it. See?

She looks down at the pictures, grinning. "These are so good, Doug," Kitty tells him, laughing. "Thank you. I think this is case in point why opening presents over a series of days is so much better. I have been all grins for day after day because of these," she says. Her fingers work beneath the Santa hat on the little purple dragon, rubbing where his horns meet his head.