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Latest revision as of 17:23, 27 December 2019

Packing for a southern Christmas Trip.
Date of Scene: 24 December 2019
Location: Sam's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: They trade presents, and get ready for the trip.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Prismatic, Nightingale

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has a shipped most of that they need to carry down to the family already, but he does have what for all the world looks like a Santa bag on the bed, and is putting a few packages into it. One of those has Alexis' name on it. He looks over "Illyana magiced up this cloak for you." He nods to a fur trimmed cloak on the bed. "She ofered to port us there, but figured might not want your first trip through limbo on christmas eve.

Prismatic has posed:
    "I'm not even sure what Limbo /is/, and it already sounds like it's not a place I want to visit." Alexis replies to Sam with a wry note to her voice. She's borrowed someone's set of ski goggles for the trip, which hang around her neck. She has her own bag, just a simple messenger bag with a change of clothes, and a bundle of envelopes in it. She looks nervous as she braids her hair in order to keep everything nice and neat for the flight down.

Nightingale has posed:
     It certainly does seem to be the season for giving, and there is a dull, repeated thudding on Sam's door, followed by a muffled voice. "Sam? Got a sec... ahhh, sch..." The rest of the word is, mercifully, cut off by the sound of packages slipping from their bearer's arms. "Heck... did I miss them already?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to open the the door, and says "No you did not already miss us." He will move to help with the packages, and says "Limbo is sorta like a mini hell, Illyana is in charge of it, was trained by a demon sorcerer since she was a kid. Was rescued, but is now in charge of the place."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis gets a sort of blank look at Sam as he explains what Limbo, and her lips press into a straight line.

    "You're not kidding, and I think that's what bothers me most." she replies dryly, then gives a smile to Shannon. "Afternoon, Pidgeon."

    Warrior Joe pokes his knobbly, scarred-up head from beneath a blanket on Sam's bed, and gives a tired sounding 'mrrow?' sound at Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
     Most of the packages that Shannon's carrying seem to be marked for the Guthries as a whole--or rather, for ma Guthrie. However, there are two smaller packages on top of the pile in simple gold paper with silver ribbons; one is marked for Alexis, the other for Sam. Smiling, she nods towards the pile. "Hello there, yourself!" she quips lightly to Alexis, chuckling. "Glad I could catch you two. One, to send the packages with you for the clan. But two, to give you both your gifts. And Sam? If you're flying down with Alexis, you both might want to open yours now. Trust me on this." Warrior Joe is favored with some gentle scritching under his chin, and a bit of a grin.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Yea waiting till dark to head out.' He tells them. He will take the ones for the family and put them in the sack. He smiles and says "Got yours to drop off downstairs before we planned on leaving out." he looks over to Alexis, and says "It is a very odd place. but it is how Illyana's teleporting works, her magic is something she learned there." Looking back over to Shannon he says "Mind checking on joe while we are gone?"

Prismatic has posed:
    Warrior Joe gives a off-kilter dump truck purr, stretching himself out along the blankets before flopping to his side and giving the most pitiable meeeoooowr, blinking innocently up t Shannon, before he bats at a feather.

    "Oh, Shannon, you didn't have to give me a gift, Pidgeon. I'm already gifted enough!" Alexis protests as she stretches her fingers embarrassedly, and accepts the little package, looking at it and she gives an embarrassed sound. "I didn't have much to give out." she admits, looking over the gift.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and grins at Alexis, hugging her around the shoulder with one arm and a wing, while still tending to Warrior Joe and petting duties. "Trust me on this one. I've only flown with Sam once or twice and not very long distance at that, but it was enough to know you'll both need what's in those packages."

If Alexis were to open hers, she'd find a leather aviator's cap with fur lining and ear flaps, plus what looks to be a handmade quilted tote in brightly colored, music-themed fabrics. Sam's gift is a matching cap, and a large lap-size quilt made of colorful six-pointed stars on a white background. "That pattern's called 'Kentucky Star', for a star of a big brother. And I thought you could use that bag for all your teaching or dance things, Alexis." Smiling, she hugs them both. "Merry Christmas."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will open his present, and smiles. He puts the hat on and lays the quilt on the side of the bed. He will move to hug Shannon, and then walks over to closet, and pulls out what looks to be a gift wrapped 25 gallon tote, and lifting it, seems a bit heavy as he walks over and sets it on a table for Shannon.

Prismatic has posed:
    Warrior Joe is now under the quilt. He wriggles around for a while, and then dumptruck rumbles, feeling satisifed and warm. Prrrr.

    Alexis, on the other hand, also puts on that very warm looking hat and raises the ski goggles , making her look like a ginormous goof. "Oi, lookit me. I look like I'm about to take on the Red Barron, right?" she questions, and looks over at the giant tote that Sam's struggling with a bit, and looks on with curiosity.

Nightingale has posed:
     "What the... Samuel Zachary Guthrie, what did you go and do?!" Uh-oh. It's all three names again! Caught between laughing and grumbling, Shannon abandons all pretense at unwrapping the present slowly, or even investigating it, as it was likely that moving the present would only rip the paper anyways. And when she opens the tote, she pulls out pattern after pattern, vintage clothing ideas she could start with for a base, and update to more current tastes. Sam gets a huge hug and a grin. "Thank you so much!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will walk over and leans over kissing the goofy Alexis while his claimed sister opens her present. He smiles and hugs Shannon when she hugs him. Ah figured they would be all kinds of things in it that you might be able to use. I don't know what all of them are so if there is anything freaky not my intent

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just grins at Alexis and points double finger-guns at her, making positively goofy pew-pew-pew sounds, and does her best to mimic the sound of a Fokker triplane engine. ON the latter, she fails miserably and bursts out in a fit of giggles, hugging Alexis. "Merry Christmas!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "All Ah know is Ah not wearing a costume to look like Snoopy's dog house while we are flying." He grins and will move to have a seat making sure not on Joe. "So what you planning tonight Kiddo?""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little sadly and shrugs. "It'll be kind of hard to top last night. You two missed all the fun. Captain Rogers actually came by to chill out for a little while, plus I finally got to meet Warren. Tonight? I'll probably give my folks a call and wish them Merry Christmas... hang out here with Warrior Joe for a while, and spoil Squeakers rotten. He's due to go to the vet day after tomorrow, so..." She makes a little snipping motion with two fingers.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Well tell them Ah said Merry Christmas for me." He will take the hat off for now, and sets it aside "I was wondering if you wanted me bringing something in particular back with us?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods towards the rest of the packages, and chuckles. "Well, there's that Instant Pot I got for your ma, plus the aprons you had me sew. And there's the cookbook I compiled, it has both Lance family recipes, plus some for the Instant Pot. Hope that saves her a little time cooking for so many."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Ah will be wearing the bag so it is under me when Ah am flying. It might be a bit weird carrying it into the waffle house, but won't get many odd looks I don't think.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs, and shakes her head, reaching over to gently scritch Joe between the ears. "This time of year? They've probably seen some pretty weird stuff. Of course, it doesn't get much more weird than you..." Her eyes twinkle with mischief, and she ducks out of Sam's way, half-heartedly.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well there is a reason you fit into the family kiddo." He teases back to her. He will smile and says "I figure we should be down by 10pm or midnihgt

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon can't help it. Just for that, Sam gets the mother of all noogies--but it's followed quickly by a hug. Alexis also gets a giant hug, but has the flight goggles pulled gently down over her eyes. "It's going to feel so weird without you two here, even for a day or so."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "And here I took my protection off and you hit me at my weakness." He jokes a bit and says "It will go fast we will be back here before too long.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles and shakes her head. "Naah. You've got a thick skull. Think it's the only reason you can put up with me sometimes," she quips, hiding behind Sam for fear of being pinched by Alexis.