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Latest revision as of 17:25, 27 December 2019

It's Josie, I really really wanna have a drink
Date of Scene: 24 December 2019
Location: Josie's Bar, Clinton
Synopsis: Jess runs into Artemis, and at least has someone to spend an evening of drinking with. It's better than drinking alone.
Cast of Characters: Jessica Jones, Artemis Crock

Jessica Jones has posed:
It's night time in Hell's Kitchen, and today's case happened to be a simple asshole cheats on wife kind of thing. So after getting evidence easy-peasy, Jessica moved to spend her wages at the nearest place, which just so happens to be Hell's Kitchen's less fancy option, Josie's Bar! Ask Matt, college students can afford it.

Jessica is sitting all alone at the counter, nursing a glass of Maker's Mark.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis usually sticks to Gotham, but with the holidays coming up, it's party season. And party season means people need to hire bartenders for their parties, and that the people at those parties with the open bars are very good tippers. At least if the party is fancy enough. Tonight she had a chance to work a party in NYC. It was one of those unbearably hipster affairs with the rustic decor and the mason jars and the fairy lights, which is why it took place in the gentrified area not far from Hell's Kitchen, and also why instead of the usual black pants and white shirt catering staff uniform, she's in jeans and a flannel shirt.

But, true to form, the tips were //good// and the money was under the table, so it was worth the train ride into NYC. And there's enough to treat herself to a drink in a bar she //isn't// working at afterwards. If it's enough of a dive, because this is still NYC.

Shrugging out of her battered jacket, she climbs up onto a stool two down from Jessica, stifling a relieved groan as she finally gets off her feet. "Hey," she greets Josie with a sympathetic smile. "Can I get a double of whatever the well whiskey is?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
Josie doesn't have an altogther charming presence, but she does enjoy customers who look like they're good for covering what they order. She nods at Artemis, and goes about serving, all professional like despite her less than polished looks.

Jessica on the other hand quips, "I'd like a Glenlivet next, just to mix it up."

Having made her order, Jessica turns to look at the woman who just sat next to her, giving her a casual glance, before asking, "terrible day? Or do you start with doubles on slow days?"

Artemis Crock has posed:
"Just a long one." Artemis pays as soon as the drinks shows up, in cash, along with a respectable tip. It's the reflexive sort of thing that comes from being in the service industry herself. She looks over at Jessica with a flash of that smile again, almost more of a smirk. "Just spent the last six hours slinging drinks for a bunch of hipsters patting themselves on the back for however much money they raised for...I think it was monkeys? I feel like it was monkeys. Maybe it was sheep. Something to do with animals."

Shaking her head, she takes a measured sip of her drink. "I figure I'll need two eventually, might as well get them both in one glass to start. You?" she asks, quirking a brow at the other woman's glass.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Josie smiles brightly at Artemis, before offering, "we got a special on Jack Daniels tonight, half price," to which Jessica grumbles, "no you don't, Josie, you're just fishing for a new regular," which ends with a glare Jessica's way before Jessica just goes back to drinking and keeping quiet.

"Hipsters are the worst," Jessica groans as if she just felt physical pain, "what did you have to serve, overnight oats lager?" She jokes, but there's no telling that it couldn't be an actual thing. It's hipsters after all.

"Oh, I'm just celebrating making it through another day in the shit show that is my life, cheers," she reaches to clink glasses with Artemis before downing hers as if it was a shot.

Artemis Crock has posed:
Artemis coughs back a laugh as Jessica calls Josie out, hiding her expression in another sip of her drink before she reaches out to tap her glass against the other woman's. "Worse. Beers are easy to serve. Signature cocktails, on the other hand, are a pain in the ass. I don't remember what kind of name they gave it, but it involved //rosemary smoke//. Like, take a sprig of rosemary, light it on fire, capture the smoke in a glass...On the up side, it did bring in the tips."

She sets her glass down, seeming in no hurry to down the alcohol. "Life's that good, huh?" she asks.

Jessica Jones has posed:
"What in the fuck...?" Jessica looks truly stunned by the idea of somehow adding the essence of anything's smoke into a cocktail. "I would have served them a distilled fist to the face instead, this is some next level bullshit." She shakes her head while reaching for her newly served glass of Glenlivet, "sounds like you know some pains, but hey, at least you got good tips. Though I've no doubt it came with unimaginative pickup lines too..."

Jess does nods at that last question, "can't you see I'm the envy of literally everyone in here?" Not that there are too many people at Josie's at the moment, but none really seem to give a fuck that Jessica is there.

Artemis Crock has posed:
"Oh, haven't you heard? Directness with a side of reassurance in the social justice of it all is the new pick up line," Artemis drawls, dry. "It's kind of worse, honestly." Though it sounds like she's used to it enough that it's all rolled off of her.

"You have very respectful fans," she notes with a twitch of her lips, taking a sip of her drink as she scans the bar. "No rushing for autographs or anything."

Jessica Jones has posed:
"I'm sorry, was that English just now?" Jessica asks, looking a bit puzzled at Artemis, "you mean it's more or less been reduced to: hey babe, wanna fuck?" She seems skeptical, but waits to hear what Artemis has to say.

"Yeah, they respect me alright, it's because they're smart," Jessica notes without further elaboration. "I don't know how celebrities do fawning fans, can get so tiresome, I bet..."

Artemis Crock has posed:
"Again, that would be refreshing," Artemis muses. "No. It's really more of a..." She looks up toward the ceiling, squinting a bit as she tries to remember how it went. "Hey, I think you're really beautiful, not that your value is determined by your outer beauty, but if you wanted to talk about the things that are really important to you, maybe our life fulfillment paths would be compatible."

She looks back down with a flat look that probably matches the exact expression that comment got the first time around. "It's like if Skynet got a humanity upgrade that needs a serious debugging."