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(Sara comes to a concert and ends up with a few surprises)
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Latest revision as of 01:39, 29 December 2019

End of the Road - Five Times Novel
Date of Scene: 28 December 2019
Location: Radio City Music Hall
Synopsis: Sara comes to a concert and ends up with a few surprises
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Witchblade

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the Saturday evening grows old and people in the area are heading to bed. One place is refusing to fall asleep. While known for the Rockettes, the Radio City Music Hall is far from those high stepping antics as the walls and fans gathered are standing out of their seats, swaying to the pulsating beat coming from the stage.

Lights, fog, and an firey glow escape from all around as a trio of musicians walk upon the stage while a pair of a percussionists play from risers behind.
Center stage a female figure, clad head to toe in tan leggings, boots, and a tan hoodie sings into the microphone from under her Tigress mask. The makeup matched to the tone of her mask helps to obscure her identity. She lifts up a semi-clawed hand as she kisses the mic glancing over to the left to a similarly dressed Wolf figure who is playing a guitar while providing some vocals as well. To her right, a Lion plays the bass. Both males

Up on the rafters, amongst an impressive percussion display that spans all along the length, a very feminine featured white owl plays the keyboards while a raven bangs away in a tornado of rhythm. The gender's a bit harder to distinguish from a distance. The figure is lean, there are no curves, but there's no noticable buldgy build either.

The song is extremely high energy as they are performing the encore.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's in the crowd, she's been here fr the first note, and enjoying it. Somebody sent her tickets....and she's used them. It's her, on her own. Because she's not found anyone willing to come with her, but hey these guys are good. Being a regular old human, Sara's going to have her ears ringing tomorrow, but...she's got tomorrow off. Or rather, the daytime hours. She works the night shift.

Sara's brought a home made sign, too. Fanclub member, where's my autograph?

It's a joke she thought up while at her condo, figured she'd bring it here. Pez is completely and utterly in the thros of music. These guys are /that/ good.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The song ends amist the sounds of cheers as a few stuffed animals land upon the stage at the Tigresses feet, one seemingly homemade.

A random, more professionally made plushie made in the likeness of the wolf player ends up smacking into Pez. "Sorry!"

At the end of the song a man wearing a yellow security jacket inches his way towards Sara's seats, pausing to look at the sign, and then the row number before gesturing to her. "Come with me," he prompts.

Wolf bends down, picking up the handmade doll, showing it to Tigress as "As you guys know, this is the last show of our tour. And we'd like to thank you! We love this city and all that it has done for us. But we have mixed feelings tonight. When we lost O'Bri, one of your own stepped up to help us complete our tour. And tonight, is our last night with him." Tigress turns, gesturing to the Raven "Poe! We thank you! And hope that we may get to work with you in the future!"

The bird does not say anything but instead does a mock salute with his drumsticks before tapping out a quick rhythm on the drums.

"What's that? Another song?!"

The crowd cheers in agreement.

"Alright. JUST one more."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. Normally it's her job to tell people to come with her. This time, though....she's going with the security guy. Sara's brought her NYPD gear too. Badge, service pistol, taser, pepper spray. She knows most of the security guys, and given she's a cop.....she nods to the yellow jacketed guy. "I'll come with you, don't worry" Sara adds and keeps walking. Looking around the crowd, Sara grins. She's amped up on energy and grinning ear to ear. The crowd's alive on it. Pezz shakes her head with a knowing grin. Sara's enjoying this. Backstage, here she comes!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There is a clack of the sticks, tapping off the rhythm before another wave of sound heads towards the audience. As Pezz is led out a side door, the walls muffle the music as she is led to another door. Upon it opening, she is soon hit with another barrage of loud and fast as she's now treated to a side view of the performers. At some point in the song, the Owl and the Raven have moved towards the center of the riser, the large assortment of percussion instruments making it possible for the meet up.

On Sara's level, the trio of land animals have backed up to each other as they work towards the end of the song.

Another stuffed animal goes flying onto the stage.

"Wait here." The security guy says, before walking back to his post.

Witchblade has posed:
Pez waits. Like a good little girl. She's waiting, and she's doing her thing. Phone's out snapping pictures. She's not forgetting tonight, nope. Not a chance! Shaking her head, Sara's restless though and peering around. If she was reckless she'd throw things on stage. Unfortunately, throwing police issued equipment on stage sort of sets the wrong image. And handcuffs or God forbid, clothing....totally and utterly the wrong image too. Pez has a reputation....as strange as it is. She wants to keep that intact, thanks. So she's resorting to thinking what she would throw on stage. No stuffed animals. No clothing, because it's not that sort of show....then what could she throw? Her sign?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
And like owls and ravens, time flies. The song is soon over. "THANK YOU NEW YORK!!!" The stage lights cut out, curtain closing to indcate the end. There is a hushed silence before the room lights confirm that the show is indeed over.

As the stage hands collect the stuffed animals and the birds climb down from the risers, Tigress looks over at Sara, her phone, and then to the security guard.

The man in the yellow jacket soon comes back, holding a hand out for Sara's phone, "I'll get you a picture with the band, but after that, the phone has to go up."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods regretfully. "Sorry, I just got excited, you know? First time I got backstage tickets and it's all, ya know" Sara offers. She's well aware it's her phone. She does hand it over though, and looks thoughtfully at the guard. Glancing around again, Sara's listening, taking it all in. It's like a dream. She's worried any moment now she's going to wake up in her condo and have to get ready for another shift. Grr! She's got no idea what to say to the band, either.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The Tigress loofks behind her, "Guys!" She nods towards Sara in indication, before approaching the police officer, offering a hand, "Kip." She introduces, using her stage name, gesturing towards the others as they approach. "Lew." Pointing to the lion. "London." Pointing to the wolf. "Rowl." Pointing to the Owl. "And...Poe." The tigress looks at the raven a bit longer than necessary before waving her hands in the air. "Okay! Picture picture..."

The group lines up, around Sara, Poe to the left of her, Kip to the right of her and the other three standing behind.

The guard looks at the phone, "It's the circle, right?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara feels that familiar tickle in the back of her mind. The Witchblade is stirring. Not now...not....now. Not on one of the happiest nights she's had in forever. No. Just no. Shoo. Bad Witchblade!

It's picking up on magic. Sara's half listening, and just nods at the idea of the circe picture. She's more focusing on just what the Witchblade's telling her. Even so, she smiles at the band's intractions. They are adorable, in a weird kind of way. Sara's unmistakebaly Pezz....like....there's no mistaking just who she is. What she is though? That's another matter entirely...and she's hoping nobody else knows. Because....that'd be bad. Last thing she needs is a Witchblade out for blood and violence at a concert.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After about a minute of the guard fiddling with the phone, he walks over, holding it out to Sara to inspect the pictures.

As he waits, a dark haired man in his mid-twenties, dressed in dress pants and a dress shirt, sleeves rolled up walks over to tap the guard's shoulder, "I've got it from here, Clarence. Why don't you get back to your post?"

As the guard leaves, the newcomer looks at Sara curiously. There's a bit of a polite smile, a bit forced, looking to Pez. "Friend of Poe?"

The Raven looks over at Sara, head tilting.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "I got backstage tickets left under my door. Figured one of you sent them. I mean, fanclub probably right?" she asks. Sure, it's probably bad to ask. But, sure why not?

The Witchblade is stirrring again. New guy's giving off vibes, too. Sara's shaking her head and smiling, a genuine smile. "I'm just so glad to meet you guys. I'm assuming Po sent me them for a gift, right?" she asks. Shaking her head again Sara pockets her phone. Not touching it again, unless it's the cops calling her. She left her radio at work. Night off. Well, officially. Till she gets dragged in on something, oh how she hates that...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Poe shakes his head at Sara's assumption but the answer seems to improve the Tigress's mood. She looks over to Sara. "Looks like it was a regift then." She says, giving a painted smile from the opening in the mask. She looks over to the Raven, "Until the last note played tonight, he wasn't allowed to tell anyone who he is. We had assumed his music manager was coming since we booked through him."

At the reminder of the contract being completed, the raven finally speaks up, looking to Sara, a familiar voice speaks up, "I think Wade gave them to you."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara grins, "Hey, I can just walk two feet, knock on the door and tell him thanks when I get home, right?" she grins. "Yeah, I just now figured out who you are" she nods with a laugh. "So, I gathered you're a musician, but....really? Ny next door effing neighbor's in a band that puts on amazing shows?" she half jokes. She's a little jealous, and pleased, and oh yeah....she's glad for the raven too. She turns to the tigress. "We live next door to one anothyer" Sara offers. "Hey you people evr want to knock on my door, come on in" she offers. Sara's got a black and white morality. She's firmly in the white side of things with this lot. They're good people. Plus. Her freaking neighbor's one of them!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. So you do know each other after all." The suited man comments, smile waivering but still forcibly present. "What a surprise it must be."

Kip chuckles, setting a paw on Sara's shoulder, "Well then, we'll let you two catch up." The mask turns to look towards Poe, "It was nice working with you, Nick."

As the remaining band members head off, leaving Sara with the Raven and the suited man.


Suited man grimaces and follows after the band.

The now identified Nick nods to the departing person. "Sound guy." An explanation comes from under the bird mask.

Witchblade has posed:
"He did good tonight" Sara says with a smile. "Look, sorry if I blew your mystery bird guy thing" she starts, though she's still thinking on the new guy, those vibes. She's....well....she's a little rattled. Still she looks sorry enough. "They seem nice enough though" she says meaning the band.rattled.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The masked musician nods, "They're alright. And I wouldn't worry about it. That was the end of the tour and my last one with them." He lifts up his mask slightly to give Sara a look underneath, a smudge of purplish black covering the neck and chin area. "Actually prior to the concert starting, they were still debating about whether or not I should unmask on stage. Indecision won out."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "Did I help with that at all?" she jokes, looking more at ease with Nick. GOofy little bro type indeed. She grins. "I'm loving the backstage though, so thanks, tell Wade I said thanks. I'd make him something but short of paperwork and dead bodies, I'm not that good at things like cooking or baking" Sara adds with a grin.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The mask slides back down, "You're not at fault. I was only bought on to complete the dates they had already committed to when O'Bri quit. Now that the tour is done, they have time to go looking for a more permanent addition to the group."

The head tilts, "For him, maybe put in a good word for him with whoever tickets vehicles around the studio. That should be alright."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara grins, "I'll do that. Maybe I'll stop on the way home and buy you both a chocolate cake?" she offers. Sara's loooking over the raven-masked NIck with a grin. Then she smiles. "C'mere" she laughs, fully intending to give him a hug for all the awesomeness he's just displayed on stage.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
At the invite, Poe leans forward, titling his head up slightly as he comes in so as not to poke Sara with the beak. Upon clearing that hurdle he finds himself in a hug. "Alright. Chocolate cake is better." He steps back, "Now, I need to get out of this outfit. This mask is not as pleasant on the inside of it and I can't really do the unmasking out here."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "I'lll wait somewhere?" she offers. "I'm not into that sort of show any"

She cracks a smile, she'll just wait if told where to wait. Like a good little girl waiting outside the principal's office, or, or, something. Or like she's outside her boss's office, waiting...

She smiles. "You like my sign huh? Thought of it when I was driving home. Driving one of the rookies home, uniform cop was sent in by my boss to get me the stuff to make the sign. Should have seen the look the poor owner had. Three cops in the store, he was pretty much terrified he'd done something wrong. Nah, we bought up art art supplies and left the poor guy a monster tip. Then drove home" Sara nods. "Naturally, I got to drive"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the sign through the mask, "Looks pretty good. Although, is that going to help with the rumor mill at your job?" The beaked figure steps back further, "It might take a bit of time, want William to give you a look around while I go change?"

Witchblade has posed:
"Yep sure. I'm used to the rumor mill. Current one is the Vice sarge's got a thing for me. No thanks" Sara sighs. "Half the guys only give me a look because of my bust" Sara mutters, shaking her head. "Keep turning them down. Keep getting told nah, you're an ice queen at times. Like that's me" Sara groans, then looks amused. "Sure, sure. You go change. I wouldn't wanna watch my little brother get changed. That's just creepy" she shrugs, looking amused for a minute.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I'm older than I look." The musici-avian gives in slight protest before stepping off.

A few moments later, the dressed up, dark haired man from earlier steps up to Sara, offering up an arm to the cop. "A tour awaits," he greets.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "Thanks" she says and cautiously takes the arm.ng the arm. Sara's glad for the tour, and the band's tour is over. Plus...she did just say she'd get Nick chocolate cake. A word she's intending to keep. Truly. Cake. Lots of it. In many slices, too. Sara's honestly like that. She sees Nick as her family. Not bloood. More adopted.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William looks over to Sara as she takes his arm, "William." He offers his name in greeting, smile seeming a bit less forced. Not warm, but not cold either, "It may take some time to get the costume and makeup off." He starts to lead her towards the sound booth area, "So, you're neighbors?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "I'm Sara" she offers with a smile. "So where's the tour start? Here, now?" she adds, carrying on looking around with wonder. "See. Backstage in this building is magical. You think of evrything that's happened here, radio, obviously, but all the history of this place" Pez offers, sounding....genuinely awed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Start with what you know," William replies, giving a smile as he walks around the area blocked from the seats, "It is quite a notable location to be sure. Seems appropriate to the tour ends in such a location. Exiting on a high note. Not in some random club in the middle of nowhere." He waves a hand to gesture to the display of lights, switches, and slide buttons. "Like with people, buildings are greatly different. This, is where I work to make sure their sound suits the building we're located in."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara grins, "It does, and you did a fine job tonight" she adds with a nod. "You did great. I know the history of this place. All the major events, but honestly? I get it mixed up with Carniegie Hall" she admits with a sheepish smile. "There often concerts here?" she adds curiously.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William nods, "It's like other performance venues, only with a bit more notoriety. If all they did was the Rockettes, they wouldn't be able to keep the doors open." He reaches his free arm over to gently press against one of the buttons. "Every night a place like this is empty, that's lost money. Time is fleeting. Every second counts." His voice lingers on the last syllable, voice dying away as he studies Sara, "Just neighbors?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "That's like an empty precinct not being used" she says and shrugs looking amused to William. "So let's see...." Sara adds with a nod. "WHere else are we going on this tour?" she adds with a nod.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William's smile fades, turning his head to start walking away from the sound area, this time not offering his arm to Sara, "The loading dock, I suppose. Less chance of an accidental reveal there."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara watches. "We're just neighbors, yes" she adds looking to William. She can't ignore the Witchblade's warnings about the creepy vibes. It's bad enough there's the tendrils on her wrists...Sara's trouble. She's absolute trouble, the Witchblade is stirring.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The sound guy's head turns, looking towards Sara, smile forming again. "So, precinct... Are you a cop? Does he cause problems for you?"

Witchblade has posed:
"No problems, no. And I'm a NYPD cop" Sara points out. She unzips her jacket, looking more like the Pezzini photoed at crime scenes in the media. Open jacket and that certain look. "Nah, he doesn't cause any problems for me. Far from it"

Sara's not able to ignore the Witchblade any more. It's warning her that she defending Nick may not be a good idea. It may end up turning violent. Which after all, is what the Witchblade wants.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William stops, arching a brow at Sara's response, "Huh. I figured with the way he keeps bouncing around all hours of the day he'd be keeping you up all night." He leads her down a hallway, leading towards the back of the building, "I've yet to see him actually stop to sleep and I've had to share a room with him a few times."

He stops at a double door. Turning to look to the detective. "What area of New York?"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shrugs. "Homicide. I work where I'm needed. One shift I can be in the Bronx, the next, investigating a case in Mutant Town, then the next week, Staten Island. I try to stay local around Manhattan since Nick and I both live there" Sara says and looks thoughtful. "Not that I get a choice in homicide. If people would quit killing, I'd get a peaceful day or two" she adds, the tendrils creeping up her wrist more.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"That would be nice." William agrees, "Death has a tendency to ruin a perfectly good day."

His voice trails a bit. Looking to Sara a bit more before spinning around on his feet, pressing his hands to the door levers, pushing them open at the same time to expose the cement ledge that leads to the back of an open truck. "And now we have, the loading dock!" If there was any ill intent to his actions, it's not exposed here.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's on alert now, watching William. "Loading dock, huh? Okay" she says with a knowing grin. "Loading docks are where things get loaded. Okay. I get that, though no desire to see what's in a truck. Just empty space" she says and peers around the area, making mental notes.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The truck is indeed, mostly empty. But there are people present outside, with some work lights set up to make the dark alleyway much more visible. They look back towards the two interruptors positioned at the doorway. "Will, are you done breaking down the sound equipment THAT quickly?"

William gives a grimace, "Not yet for one of the birds decided I was to act as a TOUR GUIDE."

There is not much more conversation as gravity causes the doors to swing shut on their own. "That concludes the tour of the Loading dock."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's still tense and nervous. "You go break down the sound gear. Just tell me where not to walk, and I'll take myself off and tour?" she offers. In a way she feels bad for this guy, he's supposed to have a job to do...and here she is taking up his time. Nick was the one who thought this was a good idea. Sara's gonna talk to Nick when she's home. Or Wade, for that mattter.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
William looks over towards Sara, "And ditch Nick's NEIGHBOR?" He gives a mock look of horror at the idea, "You know I'm more here to keep you from seeing things you aren't allowed to see, right?"

A door down the hallway creaks, admitting a now knitcapped Nick Drago into the hallway. "Thanks William." He states, "I'll show her around from here on out."

"Thank God." William mutters, before giving Sara a quick nod, "Until we meet again." Freedom obtained, the sound guy scoots off towards the sound board setup.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara looks to Nick with a relieved expression. "You're done getting ready. Alright, phew. I can relax now. Turns out I get real creeped out by people like that sound tech" she whispers. Well, the Witchblade does at any rate.