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(Nick swings by to offer thanks for a generous donation)
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Revision as of 18:55, 29 December 2019

Another Time of Thanks
Date of Scene: 29 December 2019
Location: Office - Danny - Rand Building
Synopsis: Nick swings by to offer thanks for a generous donation
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Iron Fist

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, after a little hitch in the early morning, Nick is endeavoring to keep his promise to Wade to take some time off from work. And he is doing that by- coming to an office building to speak to a CEO.

Ok fine. Nick is working on this whole vacation concept. But at least he has dressed casual for the event. Despite the looks he may have gotten from the front desk, the musician did not dress up and is instead in the simple Goodwill-esque attire he prefers to wear when walking around incognito. He did have the forethought to remove the knitcap upon entering in however. While still mostly tucked into his jacket, the longish hair is pulled back into a neat ponytail as well.

He follows quietly behind one of the employees tasked to show him to Danny's office, giving them a polite smile of thanks as they reach the door.

Iron Fist has posed:
"I'd say he may seem a bit occupied," the employee says as they open the door, "but, honestly, I think you'll be just fine."

A blond-haired man in a somewhat rumpled and untucked dress shirt and khakis is currently sitting in a cross-legged pose on the floor in front of his desk, hands palm-up on his knees.

Incense is burning in a holder on the desk.

The man takes a deep breath as the door opens, and he opens one eye. "Oh. Hi. What can I do for you?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods again to the employee once more. "Thank you," he replies softly before the employee heads off, leaving him with Danny.

Nick steps in, closing the door behind him before crouching down to get eye level with Danny so he doesn't have to get up from his current position. "Hello, Mr. Rand." He offers, the lines forming around the pale blue eyes betraying a bit of amusement to the sight he came in to, "I'm Nick Drago... with Shaw Studios."

Iron Fist has posed:
Closing his eye again, Danny frowns slightly when Nick crouches.

"Please," he says, "feel free to use a chair. Or have a seat on the rug here. It's pretty soft. I'd hate for you to pull something," Danny adds.

He opens his eyes and looks at the man. "Shaw Studios. That sounds familiar. I donated some money there, right? Because you all, uh, got attacked recently. I'm sorry about that." Danny pauses. "How's everyone doing?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Okay." At Danny's request, Nick shifts his weight, dropping down to the rug, crossing his legs. Nick is still younger than Danny, both chronologically and physically. He rests his hands on his knees, looking to the CEO.

"You should not apologize if you're not responsible for what happened." Nick reprimands, lightly, "From what I could tell, the fault lies with the Ringmaster."

His head tilts, "But, we do thank you for your offer. We would be concerned at the sudden offer from out of nowhere but we're aware of your reputation for being generous."

Iron Fist has posed:
"Yeah..." Danny half-says, half-exhales. "Ringmaster." He takes a deep breath and lets it out.

"You're not wrong, by any means. But I still feel sympathetic for everyone who got hurt. It's not right."

Danny glances over his shoulder. "I hope the incense isn't too potent. I know it can upset some sinuses--I didn't think about that immediately when you came in."

He rubs his temple. "Where were we? Oh, yeah. The donation. Look, it's not right--not right that the Ringmaster terrorized and threatened you. You're just trying to live, to do your jobs." He shakes his head. "No one should have their lives disrupted like that. So if some money helps try to return things to a semblance of normalcy ... well, I've got some to spare."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The incense is fine." Nick replies, shaking his head, smiling slightly, "Kind of relaxing actually."

The smile fades, "And you're right. It's not right what Ringmaster did to our people-" Nick pauses, thinking back to the scene, "-or Iron Fist for that matter."

Iron Fist has posed:
"No kidding," Danny mumbles, looking down, before he glances up to Nick. "Oh, yeah, totally. Is everyone recuperating okay? I hope that the studio's not set back too much in terms of booked jobs--gigs?--sessions?--whatever the case may be."

Danny frowns again. "Did we donate to cover the injured staff members' medical bills? If not, I want to do that, too. No reason that..." He sighs. "No reason that the sting of injury, of loss of control, should extend to recovery. It screws up the natural healing process. Physically and mentally."

He clears his throat. "How about you? Did you get hurt at all?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"As far as the state of our bookings are concerned, that's more of a question for Wade." Nick admits, giving an apologetic, "It's his studio and he manages the bookings. Mine as well actually. I just finished a long term gig that required a lot of back and forth traveling, which is why I'm so late coming by to offer our thanks."

He closes his eyes in recollection, "Larry and Gary were mostly fine after Iron Fist did something with their injuries. They're already back to work. Mark and Wyndel are healing up pretty well. No career ending injuries. And yes, your donation went straight to their care. The studio also paid them extra to offset the time missed that they would usually be working. They seem in high spirits considering matters. I think they just liked not having to finish the session with Yeet!."

Nick opens his eyes, looking over to the CEO, "And I was fortunate to get to room at the tail end of things. The session was on break so not everyone was in the room when it happened."

Iron Fist has posed:
Nodding, Danny leans to one side, stretching for a moment. "Good. That's ... that's good." He turns his head to the side before returning to his default sitting position. Then, Danny repeats the stretches but to the other side. "It sounds like things could have been so much worse. It must have been a real nightmare--for everyone."

He looks at Nick. "I'm glad that so many were available to help out when it was needed."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick tilts his head, "In New York? As far as nightmares are concerned, this is probably more on the light end. After all, once things are done, they know they're not alone. We look after our own."

The musician offers his hand towards Danny, "Even if that means being willing to accept help from another. So, thank you for your help."

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny stares at Nick's hand for a beat before reaching out to accept the handshake. "Yes. I suppose that's true."

He looks at the musician and offers a smile. "Thank you for helping your colleagues. Thank you for being there when it mattered. I wish I were the kind of person who could do that. Instead, I'm just happy to be on hand to sign some checks after the fact."

Danny chuckles softly, but it's not too jovial. "If there's anything else I can do, please let me know. I mean it."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, lowering his hand after the handshake. He fishes out a card from his pocket, tugging out a pen from the pocket as well to write his number on the back of it. "The offer is mutual on my part as well, Mr. Randal. Maybe perhaps not on the financial aspect, but-"

Nick offers the card to Danny. "Who knows when you might need a musician on call?"

Iron Fist has posed:
Danny nods again and stands, taking the card. "Absolutely," he says, looking at it. "It's a fool who disregards aid that offers itself to him." He smiles again, but this time it seems warmer and more genuine. "I appreciate it. You never know. Besides, I've had some experience in the past with heroes for hire. You helped out--that's hero work. Why not expand the roster of people I might need to call on?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As Danny gets up, Nick follows suit, sliding his pen back into his pocket. "Yes. Why not? The worst thing that happens when you accept help is that you end up not needing it. But the worst thing that happens if you turn help down is that you end up needing it."

Did confucious say that? No. Nick did. But wouldn't it be cool if that was an actual quote?

He gives a slight nod to Danny, "I think I've interrupted your personal time long enough. So I, should get going. Once again, my thanks."