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Latest revision as of 20:39, 31 December 2019

When the Going Gets Tough...
Date of Scene: 29 December 2019
Location: Clothing Store, Brooklyn, NY
Synopsis: Sara meets Mary Batson and her entitled friend.
Cast of Characters: Mary Marvel, Witchblade

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary REEEALLY wished she could afford this stuff.
She was out with her friend Marcy from Brooklyn High, and she was planning in spending her Christmas money. So was Mary...all fifty dollars of it. She wasn't envious, or anything. She knew times were tight. And the heater had needed fixing. So, she resolved to just be happy with what she could get.
"OMG, Mary, check out this DRESS. And it's ONLY 250 dollars!"

Be happy, be HAPPY, she told herself...

Witchblade has posed:
Dettective Sara Pezzini's also out shopping. If only for a new winter coat. Her old one got shotgun pellets through it. Ah, the joys of being a Homicide detective dragged to be backup in a shootout....

Sara's got slightly more money. About $300 worth of it. THe perks of haivng a stable, if depressing job. But nothing, nothing at al is leaping out at her. It's just blah, blah, boring coat. Average coat. Shaking her head, Sara's looking kind of bored by this point, money, or no money.really. Winter coats

Mary Marvel has posed:
By the time Marcy has picked out her sixth dress, Mary is starting to lose interest. Marcy smiles as she goes to the dressing rooms. "I'll be right out!" she sing-songs.
Marcy doesn't seem to mind flouncing off and leaving Mary alone. Mary walks over to the coats, pondering. Her current coat is fraying at the seams, and to be truthful, it's not that warm. She looks to her left and sees a tall, dark-haired woman looking through the coats. Wow, she looks kinda intense.
She bumps the rack lightly, and watches as the rack sways slightly before stopping. "Sorry! Sorry..." she says, loud enough for anyone within blame range to hear.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara glances over and nods, "Don't worry about it" she says. She's old enough to know things like that happen, and she steps aside to let the girl inspect the coats. They're just...not doing it for Sara. Nope. Not with her physique. Sar's in need of a certain coat style. And yes, this place doesn't sell it. Instead she resolves to help this girl. "You need any help?" she asks gently. New York accnt. Ah, Pez is NYPD throuh and through.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The girl in the ratty jacket and faded jeans looks to Sara and smiles. It is a warm, guileless smile, even if a little embarrassed. "Uhmm...hi. Maybe I could use a little help. I need to find a good coat. This one's kinda had it." She looks at her jacket, sighing sadly. "I just need a good, durable coat. But I don't have much to work with."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "Alright, what do you want in a coat?" Sara asks getting her wallet out. Opening it for a moment, her badge is visible as she checks inside her wallet for a moment, then smi8les. "Sure I can help. Alright, first step is what do you want in a coat, like I said. Warm is obvious. But comfortable, you care hwat it looks like?" she asks. It's not hard to imagine Pez firing those questions across a table in an intergview room. It's sort of like a less crucial sort of interrogation about a coat. Just with less Pez glaring and folding her arms. Instead, hands are by her sides and she looks relaxed and calm.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles. It's something of a sad smile. A Settle-For-What-You-Can-Get smile. "...One I can get for under $50," she says ruefully. "I couldn't care less if it was paisely pink, as long as it kept me from freezing."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods trying not to smile. "Okay. Pick out a coat you like and is warm. I'll help with the money. Don't worry if it's ovr fifty" Sara says. "I've done this before"

She has that look in her eye that says she's absolutely done this before, and she nods to an employee. "Hey, think I can use my cop discount to help this girl out?" Sara asks, with a glint in her eye...the employee running off to check. "Okay, so...I'm a cop, I'm helping you out" Sara offers, with a smile as she checks the coats for herself one more time. "And by the way, paisley pink isn't that bad of a color" she says. If you happen to be into it. Pez isn't

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary blushes instantly, but she looks troubled. "Uhm...I don't mind if you're willing to give a gift, especially if it's to someone you don't know from Adam. It's just...I don't feel comfortable with any 'discount' because you're a police detective. I mean, I appreciate all the work you police do, but I don't think it should entitle you to any discount, especially an 'unofficial' one." She frowns slightly. "It...kinda sounds more like coercion."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shakes her head with an understanding loook. "Fine, I'll help you, butce?" she offers. "It's not really coercion, it's more I'm willing to help this place, so I get a discount. Admittedly, it's unofficial, and not store policy, but..." Sara says. She knows that girl's called her out on it. That's won her major major points in Sara's book. "So, you don't care if it's a designer coat? Okay, let's see what coats they got here" Sara offers with a smile, though it's a sad smile, like Sara's done this before. Still she's content and relaxed. It's also reminding her of the unpleasant side of her job, too. How she's had to be the mother figure to kids and the kids got put in the system. Sara looks to Mary for a moment. "I'll help if your folks are okay with it?" Sara offfers, though she's already regretting that question as soon as she says it. Something about Mary's got Sara pegging her as a down on her luck girl.place, so I get that in return" Sara offers, and nods to the coats.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks a little skeptical still, but she relaxes slightly. "I'll call my dad and see what he says." She takes our her phone, a cheap prepaid flip-phone, and opens it. She presses a fast-dial entry as she spots one long coat that doesn't look TOO old-style. It has a fur lining, too-
"Hello? Dad? It's Mary. Listen, I was going shopping with my Christmas money...yes, it's okay. Look, I'm just glad to get anything from you, you know I love you, right?"
So...fifty bucks is all she got for Christmas.
She continues, "...I was looking at some coats, because this one isn't going to last much longer...Yeah, there's this one for 100, but there's this New York detective who offered to help. Yes, Dad, I saw her badge and ID. Detective Sara Pezzini. Yes, Dad, she's right here, and..." She pauses, then holds the phone out to Sara. "He wants to talk to you."

Witchblade has posed:
Pez takes the phone and smiles to Mary. "Hello, Detective Pezzini. Homicide. No. Nobody's dead. No. I was wanting to help your daughter with a coat is all. I said I'd help her pay for a coat that'd last as her current one's looking worn out. Oh, no, it's fine. Yes, I'll help. No you don't owe me anything. I'm used to helping. Alright" Sara says and smiles, handing the phone bacck.

"Good news, and bad news. Good news. I get to help you. Bad news? I can't spend my whole paycheck on your coat" she jokes, with a relieved look, digging through the next rack to find anything that appeals to her. Though given her usual look is jeans, boots and a button down shirt on the job, and jeans and a t-shirt (her current attire is from her concert the previous night she went to....), she's after t-shirts and jeans and all that fun stuff. hough a coat's a good idea.

Mary Marvel has posed:
"Uhm..." Mary watched Sara go through the rack before holding up the coat. It's not fashionable, but it is durable-looking. "This one. I'll...try it on now." She took off the jacket, laying it on a bench before sliding the coat on. "It's...a little big on me, but I'm pretty sure I can grow into it. And it feels really comfortable..."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, noting the coat as she's doing the mental math. After groceries, laundry, and bills...that eat up most of her paycheck, and, and rent in her Manhattan condo....she's got a few hundred left. It's nice to have a paycheck. It's nicer to not have the city swallow most of it for bills. Sara though nods, loking around the store on the off chance anything else catches her attention. There's a pair of ankle boots over there that do, and that t-shirt is so her. It's a squirrel atop a yellow taxi. Typical cheesy New York t-shirts. Sara grabs both and adds to her cart. She looks over the contents again, and is waiting patiently for Mary to come back. She's hoping the coat's the right one

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary walks back, wearing the coat. 1/10 for style, but she looks very warm and happy, so 10/10 for functionality. "This will work PERFECTLY. Not too expensive." She spins around, the hem of the jacket flaring our only slightly, so good for flexibility. "I love it. It has deep pockets."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods with a happy little smile. "Good, it works. It's good. If that's what you're after" she nods hoping nobody will mock Mary for her coat. Sara's feeling bad for this girl, her dad sounded genuinely nice on the phone, but he also sounded like that family didn't have a lot. Looking to Mary, Sara nods as if inspecting the jacket.

"Looks good" she offers with a nod. She's doing good deeds. Nobody's dead. Witchblade's playing nice. Hopefully, nobody will staart on Mary. Mostly since Sara's feeling a little protective over this girl.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary grins, then takes out her wallet, a beat-up wallet with Spider-Man on the side of it, colored in with colored Sharpies. She then takes out a $25 gift Visa card. Then a $10 card. And then three $5 cards. She walks over to the cashier, placing the five gift cards on the counter. She beams to the cashier. "A coat from the whole family," she says warmly.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's keeping her word and notes how much the coat is. That's $50 in gift cards. Sara settles in line and is waiting, though she's got her wallet out and has to admire the dedication to coloring in Spidey with Sharpies. There's times when Sara wishes she's that innocent and carefree. But....she's got to be reliable, dependable, and the host of the Witchblade. All three important things.

Sara slides $50 out of her wallet and offers it. "I said I'd help with the coat, here" she offers. That's $50 she won't spend on food or bills, but that's already taken care of for the month. Curse rending and not owning her own place. Still, she's got a pretty nice place anyhow. It justifies the expense

Mary Marvel has posed:
The cashier nods, then rings it up. "All yours, ma'am." She smiles a little at Mary's warm smile, and she may be telling her SO about the act of decency she witnessed. Maybe it'll even show up on NotAlwaysHopeless.com.
Mary turns to Sara, her eyes starry, and then she impulsively hugs Sara, and she barely looks 16 when she does, all hope and joy and warmth in that smiling, innocent face.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara hugs Mary and smiles. Oh she's not about to let the girl go yet. She smiles, "Kept my word, didn't I?" she says with a grin. "You got Christmas money and a new coat. See, there's good people in the world" Sara adds with her smile. In her black and white morality, Mary's firmly on the good side of things. Which is good. Sara feels all warm and fuzzy andd, the Witchblade is calmed, too. Sara's done good, calmed the Witchlade

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary chuckles. "I always knew there were. But it's nice to meet people like that." She looks around. "Where's Marcy?"

Marcy is carrying three dresses, two blouses, a pair of wedge-heeled boots, and a sour look. "Aren't you going to help me with these? I saved a lot of money on these." She walks up to the cashier, plopping the clothing on the counter. "And I want my discount for my online coupon as well."
Mary smiled apologetically. "Detective Pezzini, meet my classmate Marcy, who could buy and sell us a hundred times over. Her dad's a big-time divorce lawyer."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara offers a hand to Marcie, though Sara glances to the cashier. She was next in line, but....

She still offers her hand, though she's hesitant for somebody who demands things, especiall demanding from cashiers. Sara doesn't like bullies, at all.

"Ahem" Sara says. She's trying to think what to say without snapping at the girl. If anything, Sara gets why Marcie's being demanding....but....Sara also shakes her head subtly.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Marcy looks at Sara, then sighs. "Mary, what did you do THIS time?"
mary blinked. "What do you mean?"
Marcy gives an exaggerated sigh. "I'm trying to be nice to you by inviting you along so you can see what a REAL Christmas is like, and now there's a COP here. Did you steal that coat?"
"Actually, she just purchased it," the cashier said helpfully.
Marcy looked back at her. "That coat didn't cost fifty bucks. Did you give them the 'I Live in a Foster Home' spiel, bat those eyes, and look all poor?"
Mary looked at Marcy like she'd grown another head. "That's it, Marcy. I'm about a million percent done with your Richer-Than-Thou attitude. You can call your dad to pick you up. I'm taking the subway home."

Witchblade has posed:
"She did nothing" Sara says. There's her cold tone to her voice now. "For your information, young lady. I offered to help her pay for the coat. I spoke with her father, and he agreed o it" Sara dds. Oh, she really doesn't like bullies. She folds her arms and examines Marcie with a keen detective's gaze. "You want to know what a real Christmas is like? Not being a spoiled rich brat. Having to work on the 25th because you're making a difference. Not crying because you got the wrong gift" Sara adds. She's getting revvved up and ready to unleash verbal hell on Marcie.Sara looks to the cashier, motioning fo r them to get out of range of what Sara was going to say.

"WHat does it matter if she's in a foster home? I looked at her" Sara says with a nod to Mary, "I saw that she was in a tattered coat. I wanted to help. You know something? I've dealt with rich kids like you before in my line of work. You are all the same, oh, Mommy and Daddy are going to make it right. Here's the problem. THey aren't. Sooner or later, you're going to have to take responsibility for your own actions" she adds, looking Marcie dead in the eyes. "Your father's a big shot divorce lawyr? I hope for your sake he never has to have another lawyer deal with his spouse" Sara adds.

She looks to Mary and opens her mouth to apologize...then thinks better of it. "You can put those clothes back, and try again, asking nicely for things. I've met people sitting across an interview room from me that have more manners and tact than you do" she adds to Marcie, and looks to Mary. "You know money can't buy happiness? I disagree. There's your coat and you're happy with it" Sara asides, then shakes her headad at Marcie. It's not really fair to throw that young girl under the bus. But given her snotty richer and holir than thou attitude....

Game on. Pez looks to Mary with a nod. "Be safe, if the cops pick you up or you run into trouble just mention my name" she nods and hugs Mary again. She'd so adopt Mary if she'd be able to slice through red tape. Sara thoug isn't quite done with Marcie. "If you're wanting to show people how a 'real Christmas' is" she says doing the air quotes with her fingers. "You could always give away money and your time to the poor. You have lots of money in those clothes. How about you get the stick out of your butt, get down off your high and mighty horse, and spend time helping those less fortunate than you?" she adds, finally snapping the last few words in her annoyance. Oh, she /hates/ bullies.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary idly wonders if she is going to need to call down a lightning bolt and become Mary Marvel to resolve this.
She takes Sara's hand. "Ma'am, it's okay, really. Marcy can find her OWN way home." She makes to draw Sara away from Marcy, who is getting red-faced. If they do this here, the cashier is going to have to deal with a ticked-off Marcy, Marcy and Sara will get into a war of words, and nobody's going to get home in time. Time to de-escalate.

She whispers, "Ever hear this joke? What happens when you wrestle a pig?"

Witchblade has posed:
Oh, Sara's done unleashing on Marcie. She does though let Mary lead her away, though she's half expecting Marcie to do something stupid. If it winds up teaching Marcie a lesson, fine. Sara nods to Mary. "I'm sure she can" Sara mutters then tilts her head at the joke, "No I haven't heard it" she adds, still alert. At least they're both away from Marcie now. Trouble is, if they get into a war of words, Sara's got a badge and a gun, and she's got a status as a NYPD cop to get believed by. Still, she's calming down some now. Thankfully.

Glancing around, Sara's got dragged away before paying for her things. No worries, it can wait till next month. She doesn't even look back at Marcie. Instead she's picturing some rich stuck up movie lawyer coming to collect his daughter. Ugh.

Mary's more likeable. A lot more likeable honestly, not stuck up at all.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles wryly. "You wind up covered in mud...and you realize the pig is enjoying all of it." She steps out of the store in her new coat, the wamrth bringing a softness to her smile. They are outside when she continues, "And people like Marcy, they're like that pig. Fighting them means you have mud in you, and she's enjoying all of it. Nothing to be gained but some boost of ego. And I've found out that egos heal pretty good."
Mary begins walking along the sidewalk with Sara. "Besides, last I checked, being a jerk wasn't a crime."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara grins, "Okay that's one I gotta remember" she admits with a wry grin. "Nah being a jerk or stupid isn't a crime. If it was half the planet'd be in jail. So tell me about yourself" Sara offers, pausing to buy a pizza roll from a street vendor as she talks. So much for 'saving money', really. Pez is still looking around the city, New York's got a certain feel in the winter, really. Nowhere else like it

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary shrugs. "Not much to tell. Mary Batson. Orphaned with my brother. Sent to live in a foster home run by Mr. and Mrs. Bromfield. Brought up pretty well. Live in Brooklyn, go to Brooklyn High. We're not rich in money...but I think we're rich in other ways."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods and grins. "Sara Pezzini, live in Manhattan, work for the NYPD in Homicide. Nah I'm not rich once you factor in the rent and bills I need to pay. But....you remind me of me" Sara nods. "THe not liking bullies, standing up for yourself" Sara says with a nod. "It's not about how rich you are in money. It's about how you act. There's rich people who are humble and you wouldn't know they're rich. There's poor people who are, ya know, they've lived and seen it all. Point is. Doesn't matter how much money ya got. You said it. Rich in other ways" Sara smiles, looking over to Mary.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiled warmly. "I know, right? And helping people. Your whole job is helping people. That's a great job, really. And you must be good at it, to be a detective."
Okay, technically, she hasn't lied once.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods. "You got it. I do the best I can and help people. Even when horrible cromes get committed....I do what I need to" she nods, gesturing with her pizza roll to make a point. She nods again. "You got this"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smirks, then looks down at her phone display. "I need to get home. It's getting late, and we're going to Central Park tomorrow. The whole family." She pauses. "If you're not doing anything...maybe you can join us? We're meeting near Belvedere Castle. around 10 AM."

Witchblade has posed:
"Of course" Sara nods. "I work night shifts so I'll get up early and join your family" she smiles. "Should I bring something?" she adds and nods. scribbling down a number, "Oh, here. If you want to get a hold of me, here" Sara offers, her personal number. Not work one. Sara nibbles on her pizza roll, Ten in the morning. Alrighty I can make it" she adds with a grin.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary puts the number in her phone. "Will do. It was nice meeting you, and thank you so very much for helping with the coat!" She spins again, beaming to Sara. She is so nice, so helpful. Maybe she might be a good person to tell about...well, about the wizard...but she'll wait, for now. It might be too much for her. Sara is a policewoman, but that might be too weird for her.

She waves, then heads off towards the subway station.