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Space Nachoes
Date of Scene: 30 July 2019
Location: Zeta Beam Module (Mackenzie Kinng Station)
Synopsis: 8588 Supergirl and Namorita meet aboard the Mackenzie King station. Note: No space nachoes are actually eaten during the course of this scene, it is entirely false advertising.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Namorita

Supergirl has posed:
Okay, so, this was space. And at the moment, Supergirl had been lingering outside in the atmosphere, floating there - her cape and skirt fluttering in the solar winds as she just... relaxes, and listens to the pulse of the world.

Only to peek an eye open. Was that the Mackenzie King, floating there in space?

And she /was/ a member of Alpha Flight. Ducking her head a bit, she twists - flying by the command window and giving a wave before heading down to the airlock, waiting patiently for the thing to open... and from there, Supergirl waits just as patiently for the air cycle to cycle, before flashing a smile to the crewmember on duty. "Hello! Thanks for letting me in!" she says.

Stepping past that, though, Kara peeks curiously into the Zeta Beam Module station - it had been a while since she had been up here, honestly.

Namorita has posed:
Apparently it's a busy day at Mackenzie King Station, because as Supergirl peeks into the Zeta Beam Module another crewmember is operating the console. The device cycles, and with a brief flash another member of the Team appears. The tall blonde is wearing what looks like a green two-piece swimsuit, her pale skin glistening. The long ponytail even drips a bit, but she doesn't seem to mind.

It's been some time since Nita has been up to the Station, but like Supergirl she's also a member of Alpha Flight; the active response unit of Department H.

Ankle wings flutter as Nita alights, nodding to the crewmember who checks her in. Looking over to the young woman in blue and red, she offers. "Supergirl, I presume. Namorita Prentiss. Nita, for short."

Supergirl has posed:
Even if Namorita was just going to be another crewmember beaming up, Supergirl was ready and waiting to greet, bringing up her hand to wave to the other. When another superhero looking person shows up, well... that seems to be even better, an honest smile sparking over her lips.

"Yes, that's me!" she says. "Did you just come from the Alpha Mansion?" she says, making a gesture Earthward, as if that provided any hints to the location of the mansion.

"It's good to meet you, though, Nita. You can call me Kara - but just... you know..." she says, bringing up her hand to her lips, holding her index finger against it. "It's a secret identity," she winks.

Hand comes down again. "Welcome to the station, though. Have you been swimming?" she inquires.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita offers a smile, those high brows lifting a bit more. The ankle winglets and pointed ears are sort of a give-away, especially if one is familiar with Atlantean physiology. Nodding to the question, she adds. "A shower, actually. I'm Atlantean, so I need to shower or swim at least twice a day."

Stepping closer, Nita offers a hand. "And don't worry about your secret identity; your secret is safe with me. Mine's pretty public, however. Even when I'm not dressed like a Sports Illustrated model."

Supergirl has posed:
"Yeah? Are you a sports illustrated model for your not-so-secret identity, then?" teases Kara, bringing up her hand to take Nita's own, giving it a sharp squeeze - although not /too/ firmly, her eyes glittering.

"I'm Kryptonian, so I need sunlight, mostly," she says, lowering her voice to a bit of a whisper.

"I haven't been up to this station in months! So I was gonna kinda explore a little bit, maybe try out their food," she says. "What are you up to?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita's own grip is rather firm as well, certainly moreso than human. "You need sunlight and I need water. Sounds like a good combination to me." she offers, hand releasing. "Although I can't exactly fly up here like you can."

Nita looks around, then, walking slowly while they talk. "I've not been here in some time as well." she replies. "The food is good, however, that much I can vouch for. And yes, they put in a sushi bar for me."

Looking Kara up and down, Nita tilts her head. "So what do Kryptonians like to eat, anyway? Surely you can't live on just sunlight."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, but you can fly underwater a lot better than I can," says Kara, with a grin. "I don't know if I've ever been to Atlantis - are they okay with visitors?" she asks, tilting her head just a bit to the side. With hand released, she folds her hands over her front, thoughtful.

"Sushi bar?!" Kara seemed surprised at that. "I wouldn't think that you would eat, well... you know," she says, her cheeks coloring with sudden sheepishness.

"I like to eat just about anything. I'll take sushi!" she says. Although she pauses. "But I also like pizza a lot too," she says. "And I think my all-time /favorite/ food is take out Chinese," she says.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita laughs and shakes her head. "Wouldn't think that I eat fish? What else WOULD Atlantean's eat? Beef-pork-chicken?" she replies with a wink. "My people are nomadic, and generally dislike humans." Pause. "Then again, you're no more human than I am. I think that you'd be welcome, at least if I were along to introduce you."

"I grew up with the drylanders a long time ago, so I know the culture. And I'm also a really big fan of Chinese food. Japanese as well, since both cultures enjoy seafood."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well, we both kinda look human, though," says Kara, although her eyes shift to Namorita's ears, and back again, sheepishness in her features again. "So maybe an introduction would be good. Although I suppose if I go in my supersuit..." A pause.

"Do they know about Superman and stuff down there?" she asks of Namorita, letting the beef-pork-chicken thing go by the wayside for now. A clearing of her throat.

"Have you ever had dim sum? It's really really good. And although shumai is old man food - I really enjoy it," she says, with a wider smile.

Namorita has posed:
"I've had dim sum in Hong Kong before." Nita replies. "But it's been a little while. And it's probably best if you -do- visit my people in your supersuit." Her gaze shifts to Kara's chest, then. "Superman's symbol... your symbol... is recognizable as something that is positive and hopeful. My people would not only tolerate you, but welcome you."

Reaching up and back, Nita adjusts the long ponytail to snug the binding up against the back of her head. "They would probably prefer you lose the skirt and cape, but those are merely fashion choices."

Switching back to the subject of food, Nita replies. "I've never had shumai before. Maybe you'll have to show me where to find it sometime."

Supergirl has posed:
"Then I think that'd be great!" enthuses Kara. "Although I don't... know enough about Atlantean politics, I guess. I'd just wanna be a tourist, and visit. You'll have to give me tips, so I don't look like a dip," she says.

A glance down at herself. "Yeah. I've had people telling me to give up the skirt up here, but I like it," she says. "And by now, it's a little iconic, I guess?" she says, tilting her head just so, brushing her long blonde hair back behind her ears.

"It's dim sum. Like little pork... in dumplings," she says, holding her hands before herself as if cupping water, as if that would help. "I like your shoes, by the way. Are those wings real? They're super cute," she adds.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita's expression is somewhere between 'amused' and 'intrigued' by Kara. Perhaps it's the girl's enthusiasm? "Well if you want to blend in, my first tip is to NOT dress like a human. Perhaps keep the skirt and cape after all, then." she offers. "Iconic or no."

"Pork dumplings? Definitely count me in, then. Probably best in Chinatown. No matter which city you're in, Chinatown has the best food." Ankle winglets flutter, lifting Nita a few feet upward to hover. "They're not shoes, though. These are just my feet, and the wings work. At least I think they do. Some people say that my flying is more psychological, and the wings are more for show. Or for steering."

Supergirl has posed:
"Well," says Kara, "Maybe I can get some of the latest Atlantean fashion?" she says. "With a House of..." A pause. "With a Supergirl symbol on the chest?" she says, pointing a thumb to the House of El symbol that she proudly wears.

At the mention of the skirts, she was doing a strange little dance, almost idly, tilting her hip from one side to the other - lift one leg, swish that way. Let that foot go flat. Lift the other leg, swish that way for a few moments.

But maybe she looked anxious. Or like she had to pee.

"Well, they're still cute," she says. "But if everyone in Atlantis has them, maybe you're not so impressed by them. Do our feet look weird to you, then?" she asks. "And yeah - Flushing, New York - or Boston - although some of the best Dim Sum I've tried has been in Albuquerque, believe it or not."

Namorita has posed:
Namorita chuckles at that, gesturing along her own physique at the mention of Atlantean fashion. "You want Atlantean fashion? This is about as good as it gets." she offers. "Simple and practical." and on the minimal side as well. "Maybe put your symbol on... the left side. Or something."

Nita's head tilts at the skirt-swishing dance, looking curious and amused. "Definitely keep the skirt." she offers casually. "I try to stay out of New Mexico, however. It's too dry there."

"Your feet don't look unusual to me. And really, only my cousin and I have the wings. Most Atlanteans can't breathe out of water, but we're both hybrids. Part-human and part-Atlantean."

Supergirl has posed:
"Okay," says Supergirl, ending that strange hip-tilting dance. Boots both go flat against the deck of the space station. "I think I could get something like that from the store. I have a tailor who I use to fix my spare Supersuits a lot," she says. "Because they get burnt, and bullet holes, and things a lot," she says.

"Maybe if you liked the dim sum in Hong Kong, you could show me sometime! I always like having new resteraunts to go to, but my Mandarin is terrible," she says.

"As in, nonexistent." A beat.

"Oh, so they /are/ special wings," she says. "I bet you get a lot of compliments on them down below," she says. "And the hair is good too. My hair is like Superhair, but I bet even it would get frazzled after spending a week in salt water," she says.

Namorita has posed:
Namorita laughs and nods, looking over the supersuit for a moment. "I get more compliments on my legs, actually." she quips back. "Superhair? I suppose that makes sense, now that I think about it. I've never tried cutting my hair before; I just let it grow." Which is pretty apparent from the length.

"I can speak English, Atlantean, and Lemurian. Which is an arctic dialect of Atlantean. But there are enough people in Hong Kong who speak English for us to muddle through. You just need to look helpless." Wink.

"I can just see us now. A couple of super-blondes invading Hong Kong in search of dim sum. We'll probably make the papers."

Supergirl has posed:
A wry little smile at the advice given by the other. "Well. I still use conditioner and things in it, but it just seems to stay nice pretty much no matter what I do with it," says Kara, bringing up her hands to brush backwards through her hair. "So I'm assuming there's some weird superpower there," she says. "You know? Like everyone knows I'm bulletproof, but how would you /know/ if my hair was just naturally shiney?" she says.

"I speak... Kryptonian and English, but my Kryptonian is getting worse as I get older. I literally have no one to speak it with," she says. "Not even Kal. Er... Superman. I don't think he knows much Kryptonian, at least."

A thoughtful frown. "But maybe if I had to, I'd pick it up again fast," she says.

"Oh!" says Kara, bringing up her hand to cover her mouth with both hands, now. "Do you think the government of Hong Kong would get nervous if we did that? You know. Think it was an invasion or something?"

Namorita has posed:
Namorita laughs and shrugs, her blue eyes brightening. "Let them wonder." she replies wryly. After all, Namor has made quite a name for Atlanteans with his unpredictability and general grumpiness when dealing with humans.

"Besides, it's not like there's really anything they could -do- to us, right? I don't usually start trouble with the humans, but I'm never shy about -finishing- it." No wink this time, but the smile is one that's determined. "So let's get reacquainted with the station for now. But next time we'll get dim sum."

Supergirl has posed:
"Alright, that sounds good," says Kara. "I don't even think we have rooms here yet, but that's okay," says Kara. "I could sleep with the female crew members if it really got bad, otherwise, I just gotta fly home," she says.

A gesture forward.

"But for now, I'm gonna check out the cafeteria. So. You can come along or do your own thing - it was great to meet you, Namorita!" she enthuses, before stepping through the portal, out and away from the entry.