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Latest revision as of 11:00, 8 January 2020

Tell me if you heard this
Date of Scene: 08 January 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: A quiet day turns out to be not so quiet, as Hercules finds his way to Club Evolution. A little wheeling, a little dealing, and the club has gained a new bartender!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Hercules, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
     It's just a short time before the club is set to open, and nobody had done sound checks yet. Though Shannon has been bustling about and helping get the tables all cleaned and set up for the evening's customers, she casts a glance towards the stage, then back around the main area of the club. There was still so much to do, but she did love helping with the sound checks. Especially when it came to the keyboard. She's wearing a cream cotton poet's blouse, light blue jeans, and knee-length caramel suede boots. Her pale gold hair is long and loose down her back, except for one thin, ice blue braid just a few shades darker than her own eyes, with three little silver beads threaded onto the end. And... the wings. There is just no missing those, as large and snowy white as they were. But hey, this is Evolution. Stranger things had shown up there... right?

Hercules has posed:
    In all his wanderings of the city of New York the man calling himself Hercules has found himself in the one place he could always trust. An establishment that serves alcohol. Ah he enters he is stopped, yelled at and given a piece of folded fabric. "Aye I do understand. But -I am- Hercules. Who? No.. not the Sorbo guy. I am the real... what? This garb is my usual attire. Aye, it.. Aye, very well."

    The argument doesn't last long as the large stands at the entrance buttoning up what looks like a very tacky orange Hawiian shirt. "This is ridiculous." Other then that his clothes are quite natural for. After all who else can work what looks to be a skirt and a pair of serious dad sandals.

Nightingale has posed:
     The hullaballoo by the entrance catches Shannon's attention, and she facepalms--hopefully when the incoming patron wasn't looking. Great. This is just what she needed. A loud, rowdy customer. But it wasn't her place to say anything, at least not till someone got too personal. Still, there was something about this one. But... yeah. Right. There was just no way. Hercules? Seriously?

     It looked as if sound checks might have to wait. Offering the new patron a smile, she works on wiping down the tables in his general area, her wings ruffling as if to the beat of some unheard music. Compared to him, she's a wisp of a thing, nearly a foot shorter, so she does need to crane her neck a little bit to peer up at him. "Hi there! Welcome to Evolution, sir."

Hercules has posed:
    "Greetings!" he answers the girl with a smile. His blue eyes look her over slowly and he nods to her. He does take a good look at her wings, but they don?t cause him to bat an eye. Either he?s been around mutants or he is as crazy as people think he is.

    "I will have a few pitchers of your best beer, little one. If you have a premier brand I will drink it otherwise I will drink whatever it is you brew here." he adds tossing her a coin, a very large gold coin. All the while he orders he literally seems to look very uncomfortable in the shirt the doorman had given him.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the club. He had tonight off, but figured it is best to come check in on the place, and maybe listen to the music a bit. He is told something by the bartender and a brow raises a bit as he looks around the club and hmms.

Nightingale has posed:
     Wait, where the hell did the guy get a coin like that? Shannon peers curiously at the bit of gold in her hands, not quite sure what to do with it. She hadn't been here all that long and, so far, had been able to handle most situations. But this coin looked like it belonged in a shipwreck or a museum, rather than being used as legal tender. And there was the matter of the booze. At least she could answer for that one. "My name's Shannon, sir. I couldn't get you the beer myself just yet, but I can go ahead and get one of the other servers to take care of that for you if you like?"

     She flashes Sam a quick 'help me' look, peering down at the odd coin in her hand, and back up at him. What a way for him to spend his day off!

Hercules has posed:
    "Excellent! I shall wait." The large bearded says as he looks around the club as if taking in the ambiance of the place itself. It doesn't help that he sticks out like a sore thumb wearing the orange shirt he was given at the door.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking over, and looks to Shannon and says "Everything ok?" He looks over and a brow raises a bit and says "It seems you have a bit of habit of finding this fine man's family. First his uncle and now him." He will offer his hand to Hercules "A pleasure sir, and Ah would like to apologize for our last meeting."

Nightingale has posed:
     Now that stops Shannon dead in her tracks, her wings tensing behind her. No way. There was just no way that could actually be Hercules, could it? She'd seen enough cranks and prankers come through here, for sure. Thinking back through her mythology, she works out the rather intriguing and sometimes tangled family tree in her mind. If his father was Zeus, then the only one of the other Olympians she's met would be....


     Hopefully, he didn't speak the language. A bit of a shy, somewhat sheepish smile is offered to Hercules, and a questioning look to Sam. "I'll get someone to get that beer, and then I'd be intrigued to hear that story."

Hercules has posed:
    As the young man approaches him, hand extended in greeting. Hercules own brow quirks unsure if this is a ploy of somesort. Was his tender not good? "Last meeting?" He says aloud as he tries to remember. And tries. And tries some more until it hits him. "Ah yes!" he says with a great smile. "The group of young unbelievers."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and says "Yea that Ah am one of Amara's friends. Sorry about that night, but well, I hope you understand powers are a bit of a normal for us." He looks over to Shannon, one of my friends you have not met, was having a bit of a crisis, and Hercules here was sent to help her out." He does not know that it was a lesson for the demi-god as well. He looks back to Hercules, and says "Ah run the club here tonight and Ah would say you drink free here tonight, but if half the stories ah have heard are true, then Ah think Ah would be put out of buisness." He offers with a smile.

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, it seemed Sam knew this one. And, through some quirk of fate, it seemed she was facing down the real deal. What was it with her meeting gods and kings these days? Laughing to herself, she just shakes her head and heads for the bar, to have a quick word with the bartender. There's a glance back over at Hercules' table, and a bit of gesturing, with an understanding nod shared. Not too long afterwards, a tray with a few large pitchers of beer and a pair of glasses seems to float its way on over to the table. However, the odd sight is accompanied by the sound of... high heeled shoes? Shannon grins as she watches to see what the demi-god's reaction will be to one of their more unusual servers.

Hercules has posed:
    While his words would have hurt the feelings of most drunks, Hercules smiles and takes it in stride. It is true he has been known to empty the stores of many a bar. "I agree and say this. I am no beggar, my friend. I have the means to pay for my drinks and anyone else willing to drink with me." the large man pulls out a pouch and places ten gold coins, of the same size as the other, on his table. "I am not sure if this will cover my tab, but I am sure it will pay for at least five pitchers of beer. Would you not agree?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to the man and says "1 coin would more than pay for that. If you want will have the bartender take the coins and keep track and give you what is left when your ready to go, Ah am pretty sure you will have at least half of it left. He nods to the beer as it arrives. "So back to living in the area?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "All clear for a sound check here, big brother, or should I leave that to someone else tonight?" Shannon smiles to Sam, tucking a wisp of pale gold away behind her left ear, making that little blue braid sway about for a few moments. This Hercules seemed intriguing enough, but there was an awful lot to do yet before more patrons started trickling through the doors. Still, she was curious about the tales the two had to swap....

Hercules has posed:
    The massive Greek waves his hand. "Keep it. I always seem to find more. As for living in the area. I do have my eyes on a place close by. Nice living conditions for myself, however, while I do not need it, I am seeking employment. Saving the world does not pay and I bore easy.. ly..?" Hercules brow rises as he sees the beer arrive. But it is the clicking of heels causes the large man to turn his head.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon stifles a giggle, or at least tries to. She fails, miserably. This was priceless, seeing that expression on Hercules' face! At least she manages to hide her smile behind her hand, extending her wings and stretching them out a little bit.

     As the tray is set down on the table by an invisible hand, so deftly that the beer barely even sloshes in the pitchers, there's a very saucy, disembodied little giggle. "Hey. My eyes are up here, big man." And it's not Shannon talking!

     The winged girl giggles, and winks at the source of the disembodied voice. "Come on, Miranda. Quit pulling his leg."

Hercules has posed:
    The large man continues to stare forward. Not caring if her eyes -are- higher or not "Zounds!" he says surprised by what he can, or cannot see. "I know not, but you lass are a viage of mystery and grace. Please I ask you to join this Scion of Zeus for at least single drink before you return to your duties. That is if your employ allows you?" he smiles, to what? Who knows, but he knows the mystery woman is worth chatting with.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow will raise as well, but says "One of her sized drinks." He knows enough to know Hercules one drink could last days. He will ponder for a moment suggesting Herc could be a bouncer, but thinks that might not be a financially sound move. "What type of employment are you seeking if I may ask."

Nightingale has posed:
     The only answer Hercules gets is a pat on his cheek from an unseen hand, a saucy laugh, and the sound of heels fading as they click on the floor. "Maybe someday, big guy. Got to get to work! Toodles!"

     Shannon, meantime, is trying to stifle her laughter, and--through some miracle or other--manages the feat. She reaches over and gingerly brushes one wingtip along the gentleman's arm, offering a bit of a shy smile. "If I could, I would," she offers, canting her head slightly to one side. Falling silent once more, she glances between Sam and Hercules, curiousity getting the better of her for the moment.

Hercules has posed:
    Putting a hand to his bear Hercules thinks. Almost like a large, hairy, muscle bound Winnie the Pooh. "Hmm... I could be a backup for your current bartender. I do know how to make many drinks known to mortals. As well as some that have not been seen in centuries." he smiles with confidence. "But only if I am needed. I will not put your current 'tender to the street."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well right now, I am not sure, how about we see how it goes on a slow night. There are a few rules you will have to be ok with if your interested in working here though, and would need your word you would do your best to abide by them."

Hercules has posed:
    Excellent this may be what Herc needs. Something normal that can ground him for the time being. "Of course, all you need to do is ask me and I will do my best to do as I am told."

Nightingale has posed:
     With the two gentlemen working out the terms of Hercules' possible employment--of all people! How could it really be him?--Shannon slips away, heading for the stage for a quick sound check. At least it seemed to be a slow night so far, leaving her the luxury of indulging in one of her passions--music. She settles down in the chair in front of the keyboard, and runs through a couple quick scales, her fingers dancing over the keys. Smiling to herself, she launches into a piece with a familiar, driving beat, and words sung in a silky alto voice.

"Where have all the good men gone
And where are all the gods?
Where's the streetwise Hercules
To fight the rising odds?
Isn't there a white knight
Upon a fiery steed?
Late at night, I toss and I turn
And I dream of what I need...."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will let Shannon's sing finish before he continues on and looks to Herc. "No drinking while on the clock, you can flirt, but no making out or more with the ladies while on duty. If something happens where you have to fight someone. You try to take them outside, through a door not a wall before whooping on them."

Hercules has posed:
    Upon hearing his name he stands up, still wearing the tacky shirt. "Oh! I am here. Hercules, right.. um.. here." he answers as if the song was actually asking a question. As he sits back down goes quiet as he listens to the list and gazes in Sam?s eyes. "So I remain dry, but for water. No frisky women on company hours and be Patrick Swayze 'cool' when needed." he starts to nod. "Understood. And I agree." he is all smiles till it fades. "Must I wear mortal clothes?"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's almost startled by the unexpected reply to her song, but smiles shyly at Hercules as the last note fades. Well, there was no doubt the sound equipment was working properly now! Sliding out of the chair, she snaps her wings outwards to their full span and takes a quick bow, and is just as quick to hop off the stage again. To Sam, she smiles, glancing between him and Hercules. "Going to be working here, then?" Hercules' last question gets her to giggle, and her cheeks somehow gain a lovely dusting of rose. "Ummmm... yes on the clothes."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Can probably get ya some leather pants and a club t without sleeves, give ya a bit more freedom than most, how does that sound?"

Hercules has posed:
    Nods in agreement with a large smile. "Sounds agreeable. He holds out a harge hand to Sam. Shall we agree in bloot or just shake?" before Sam can answer Her is already nodding. "We can just shake, it is more acceptable today."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just shakes her head and chuckles as she heads back to the supply room to return her cleaning things. Stranger things had happened at Evolution, true, but did it get much stranger than one of the heroes of childhood tales becoming a co-worker? She stops a moment, wings ruffling, and glances back over her shoulder. "Welcome aboard, Hercules. It'll be really nice to have you with us." Waving to both him and Sam, she smiles, and continues on her way. What a day this had turned out to be!