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Fish Out of Macy's
Date of Scene: 31 December 2019
Location: Macy's Department Store, Manhattan
Synopsis: Mary Batson assists an Atlantean princess in the quest for a decent dress!
Cast of Characters: Mary Marvel, Aquawoman

Mary Marvel has posed:
"Oh...my...GAWD. Mary, LOOK at this!"
Mary sighed and looked over to Marcy, her classmate from Brooklyn High. Marcy was clearly a "clothes horse," having a body suitable for someone college-age instead of high-school-age, and she loved to shop. Mary, with her thrift-store jeans and tennies, had one new-looking item of clothing, a t-shirt with the round shield of Captain America. He was a legend. He even punched out HITLER, if the Internet can be believed.
"Yes, Marcy, it's a watch."
"A gold BULOVA, Mary. Sheesh, I don't know why I invite you along."
<Because your other friends barely tolerate you, and they don't know your father is taking your mother to the cleaners in the divorce. So you can feel like you have SOMEONE in the world who cares, even if you have an odd way of showing it.>
"I'm going to try this on with the new gold dress. Don't go anywhere?"
Mary shrugged. "Not likely."
Marcy smiled and flounced off to the dressing room. Mary watched her go, then sighed and looked around. You can see a lot when you aren't head-buried in a smartphone.

Aquawoman has posed:
Life is full of consequences. For example, when you fall in love with the half-breed king you were supposed to kill, you end up spending a lot more time on the surface than you ever thought you would. And when said king has many friends on the surface and is determined to bring Atlantis onto the world stage, then you do everything you can to help him. Which includes the surface tradition of New Years Eve parties.

Sure, there are tailors and seamstresses in Atlantis, and sure, they could //probably// whip something up, but...it's more culturally sensitive to wear something that fits in...right?

At least that's the reasoning that's brought one Atlantean princess to Macy's. Mera's knowledge of the sruface world is...tilted. Ask her about military forces, political alliances, or costumed crusaders and she's on the ball. Ask her about fashion and stores, and she's a little less prepared. But Arthur //did// introduce her to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade a few weeks ago, and she remembers him explaining that Macy's was actually a store, so here she is.

Gold and green scaled armor stand out even in New York, but Mera walks through the store like a woman on a mission, head tilted up to read the signs for different departments as she tries to find her way to formal wear.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The statuesque woman is getting a lot of looks, and there are the occasional whispers. "Is that her?" "Wow, isn't she...?" Considering what she is currently dressed in, she's attracting attention. But people are...giving her a wide berth, or moving a little quicker to get out of her way.
Then, about 40 feet ahead at to the right, a slender brunette who is leaving the Girl World and approaching Adult World looks around - instead of up - and sees her. She does look at her without averting her eyes, although that could be the perceived invinciblity of being a teenager. But then she stands straight...and then curtsey slightly as Mera gets closer. "...Your Royal Highness..."
Hey, they were covering the Middle Ages, and had just had a test with one of the questions covering addressing a princess, so she felt she was on solid ground here...

Aquawoman has posed:
In Mary's favor, Mera's expectations for surfacers are pretty low, so any effort counts. She doesn't seem bothered by the murmurs or the occasional camera phone - she's used to those things - but Mary's approach earns a faint flicker of a smile.

"If you are going to tell me I'm doing it wrong," she says, voice kept low in a way that doesn't disturb the smile, "I would be eternally grateful for your guidance." There's a touch of humor in the words, along with a peremptory flick of her fingers to dismiss the curtsey. Effort appreciated, but unnecessary, it says. "Where do they keep the formal attire in this...it's a department store, isn't it? That's the phrase?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary colors slightly. "Ma'am, I wouldn't tell you you were doing anything wrong, even if you were," she replies quietly, her head tilting towards Mera. She glanced at the dressing room and figured Marcy would be awhile. She would find Mary, of course. Her Minion-Radar would be on.
"Well, it's up one floor. We could take the escalator, and I could show you. Oh! Sorry! Manners!...my name's Mary Batson, but you can just call me Mary." She smiles at Mera, the look refreshingly devoid of guile. "How may I address you, ma'am?"

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera laughs, a broader, more genuine smile flashing across her features with it. "Mary, you were brave enough to approach me," she points out. "I believe you can absolutely be brave enough to speak the truth to me. You may call me Mera," she says with a dip of her chin, eyes scanning the area for anyone who seems to be attached to Mary.

Finding no one, she looks back to the girl with a slight, considering tilt of her head. "If you're not otherwise occupied, Mary, I suspect I could use some assistance here. I'm trying to find something appropriate to wear for these...New Years Eve parties. I'd have dragged Arthur, but I decided years ago I //wouldn't// kill him, so it was probably for the best not to bring him shopping."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary covers her mouth to stifle a giggle. "Well, I suppose we should think about something appropriate, but suited for you." She begins walking toward the escalator. "Oh, I have no problem helping, Ma'am...uhm, Mera. Mera and Mary." She giggles again. "Well, Mera, if you know anything about this party, we can get something that works for you. Is it formal, or informal?"

Aquawoman has posed:
"Formal, regardless," Mera answers with a nod. "I'd like to remind the sur-" A pause. "The //world// that Atlantis and Arthur are a presence on the world stage." And God help anyone who doesn't respect the king. "Besides, I've generally found that while you can play down being overdressed for something, it's far harder to overcome being underdressed. Unless you're choosing to be underestimated, of course, which is also a valid tactic." Just what Mary needed - a lesson in the Atlantean view on politics.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary finds this somewhat familiar. More echoes of her Middle Ages test...wait, it might have been those episodes of THE CROWN. Maybe when she turns 17, she can watch that one THE TUDORS. She just has to fast-forward through the naughty scenes.
As they ride the escalator up, Mary looks thoughtful. "Okay...is green the color you want to stick with, or would you want to try something like gold or silver?"

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera pauses at the mention of green, looking down at herself curiously, then back up with a small smile. "Oh, it doesn't need to be green," she assures. "I do mostly wear this when I'm here though, don't I?" she muses, then laughs softly to herself. "It's armor," she explains, holding out an arm for Mary to get a closer look. "Overkill, perhaps, but considering how often things here seem to go poorly, it always seems like a better idea than needing it and not having it."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary doesn't touch it. She CAN'T touch it, really. If she does, she is just going to PLOTZ. Just look at it. See it shimmer and shine. The lines of it are so perfect.
She doesn't need armor, but if she needed armor, she wanted it to look like this.
"That's...amazing. Really." It really is. Before it went out of business, Toys R Us had a jingle about a "Toys R Us Kid," but Mary wondered if there was a jingle about a Goodwill Girl. She didn't think there was. Marcy would be thinking it up, though. She was musically inclined.
She suddenly realizes they are at the top and she steps off quickly. "Well, some types of armor are different than others, I guess." Like protective coloration, kinda. She looks to the left and points to the section marked FORMAL WEAR. "That way, Mera. We should find what you're looking for, there."

Aquawoman has posed:
"That, and there's always the question of where to //keep// clothing suited for the surface," Mera muses half to herself. She's on a tangent now, considering the pros and cons of owning more surface-appropriate clothing. Poor Arthur. The lighthouse is going to need a closet expansion.

Clearing her throat, she shakes herself out of the sartorial reverie to follow Mary toward the formal wear section, noting the signs with a firm nod. "Armor sends a message, though," she says thoughtfully. "I hadn't considered that before. Thank you, Mary."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary chuckles. You want to talk intrigue, factions, power struggles, royalty and peasants...try HIGH SCHOOL." She winks, then finds the women's section. "Ohhhkay. Style. High neckline for modesty, or something a little more...flirty?" She walks past a green dress with a plunging neckline and points to it to prove her point.

Aquawoman has posed:
"I have heard this. Also, this...middle school, for students in the early stages of puberty. Quarantining them together is certainly a choice. One I would think was geared more toward survival of the fittest, but my understanding is that all are intended to survive." Mera reaches out to take a look at the dress, holding out the sleeves. "Atlantean fashion tends toward considerably less fabric," she admits. "So I've no real personal concerns regarding modesty. But I also don't wish to offend or appear inappropriate."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary nods. "Okay, Mera. There is glamorous. Then you have provocative, which...might not be a good thing to go with..." She stops next to a gold dress. "Hey...what do you think of this one?" She points to it. It looks too pricey to just pick up. "Off-the-shoulder, I think they call this."

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera pauses, brows rising as she considers the dress. "I like that one," she says thoughtfully, reaching out to feel the material. "Simple. I think I've a few things at home that could set it off as well, which would be a nice touch of Atlantis with it. A belt, a necklace. And," she adds with a sidelong glance and a conspiratorial smile, "Not too reminiscent of the armor."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary chuckles, then checks the tag. "Want to try it on? There's a few different sizes here. Just to see how you wear it." Mary would kinda want to see it herself, because this gown looks awesome on the hangar. How will it look om Mera?
Royal, most likely. It gives Mary a feeling that she is part of something awesome because she is helping Mera.
Who needs to benchpress a battleship? THIS is a real superpower, and the beauty of it is that anyone can do it, any day.

Aquawoman has posed:
"Sizes?" Yeah, that's one of those things that doesn't come up when clothing isn't mass-produced. Mera looks at the dresses, then back to Mary, then back to the dresses, picking up one at a time to measure the difference between them. "Ah, I see. They have different numbers, which correspond to particular measurements. Interesting."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Holy Gosh, she doesn't understand sizes. Okayyy, easy enough to fix. She hunts around until the finds the size chart. "Okay. These are measurements that can tell you what size is most likely to fit you." She looks thoughtful, then selects a size 6. "Try this one on. You can use that dressing room for privacy." She points to the doorway for the fitting room. "If it's too big, or too small, you can say so, and I can hand you a larger or smaller dress. Will that work?"

Aquawoman has posed:
On the up side, it's not like Mera is going to be upset about which number is on the tag. "That seems reasonable," she agrees with a nod, taking the dress and holding it up to herself on the way to the dressing room. "It's a clever system," she muses. "No need for individual tailors or clothing that can be adjusted to fit for anyone. Very innovative."

She disappears into the fitting room, shedding various pieces of armor once inside before trying to pull the dress on. "Hmm," she muses. "What is this made of?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary checks the tag on one of the other dresses, then hustles back. "Looks like...elastic silk. Sequined silk, which is why it's all shiny on the outside. So it should be form-fitting..." Hoo, boy. This thing would only look good on Mary Marvel, and causing lightning-bolt damage JUST to look good in a dress? SERIOUS uncool. "It should have some give to it."

Aquawoman has posed:
"Ah, excellent." Mera continues to get dressed. "I wouldn't have wanted to damage anything." At least she cares! Eventually she emerges from the dressing room, smoothing her hands over the dress. It's...practically painted on. Then again, so is her armor, so it's not like it's a new look. Turning in front of the mirror, she looks over to arch a brow at Mary. "Is it acceptable?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary blinks. She knew Mera would look good, but...wow. "Uhm...this Arthur guy? He doesn't stand a chance. Just saying...yeah...that's your size, all right."
Are her eyes turning green? Stop it, Mary Batson.
"Can you walk around in it? That dress style, they call it 'mermaid,' by the way, because where it tightens around the knees and flares around the feet looks like a mermaid tail. But can you walk around in it comfortably? And you're probably going to need shoes to go with the dress."

Aquawoman has posed:
"Arthur hasn't had a chance since the day we met," Mera laughs, shaking her head. "But I do like surprising him on occasion. Mermaid style, you say," she echoes, rolling her eyes with an amused smile. "That is //almost// enough for me to go looking for another dress. The mermaid jokes...Then again, it's also an opportunity to dare someone to make them to my face, so." Heaven help whatever party Mera shows up at.

She takes a step back from the mirror, turning one more circle to consider herself. "Shoes, yes," she agrees. "I understand that heels are considered formal footwear here?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary purses her lips. "Usually, yeah, but consider you may be standing in them or walking in them for hours. Heels tends to make the calf muscles flex, to enhance a woman's legs, but since you'll be in that dress, most people aren't going to see. If you can handle heels and don't mind, then yes, that works. But if you feel like I do and think you're walking around on stilts, then you could go for low heels, even flats. But if you want greater stability, maybe we can find you some wedge heels. Better stability, still adds inches to your height." She shrugs. "Up to you, really. We can look for them together. I'm sure we can find a foot-measuring thing to figure out your shoe size, as well..."

Aquawoman has posed:
"I'm pleased to hear that some people realize how ridiculous the idea is," Mera laughs at Mary's explanation. "I think I've some sandals that will do just fine, in that case. I'm not terribly concerned about my calf muscles either way." When you use them to propel you through the water as a matter of course, that's how it goes.

She turns to disappear into the fitting room once more, though putting the armor back //on// takes a little longer than taking it off did. When she returns, the dress hangs over her arm. "Mary," she announces, "You have done me a great service today. How can I thank you?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary doesn't even have to think about it. "Mera, you're going to meet someone. A stranger, an acquaintance, a friend, someone you care about, or someone you couldn't care less about. They're going to come to you asking for help which you can provide." She leans against the wall, arms crossed, a wry smile on her face. "When you help that person...like I helped you...you can consider your debt paid in full. You don't even have to tell me about it. Just tell me you did it. That's all I want, really."

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera is quiet for a moment, a faint smile curving as she considers the answer. "Mary, you are a rare person," she says warmly, reaching a hand for the girl's shoulder. "I will be most pleased to grant this request. But know too that if there is anything which Atlantis, or I, or Arthur can do for you or yours, you have only to ask." The smile deepens at one corner as her voice lowers, confessional. "In truth, I suspect Arthur would do it regardless, but I am trying to learn more from his example."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary smiles wryly. "Well..." she reaches into her bag and pulls out a small notebook, then undoes the rubber band. "...Could I get your autograph? Your signature? I've never met an Atlantean before..."

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera laughs, smile warm. "That I can most certainly do," she agrees, waiting for a pen. "I hope that you will have the chance to meet more Atlanteans some day, Mary. It is Arthur's dream that the surface and Atlantis should grow more familiar with each other. It may take time, and I'm sure it will not be without its difficulties, but I think it is a worthy dream."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary chuckled as she fished out a pen, clicking it to expose the nub and handing it and the book to Mera. "Do you have, like, an email address or a phone number? I wouldn't give it out to anyone, but it would be nice to say hello, ask how things are going, that sort of thing. It's not official or anything, but doesn't it feel awful lonely to be in a strange place with people you don't know? I felt that way in the foster home at first, but my foster parents are really good people."
She paused, then said, "And maybe, if you are available some night in the near future, you could come over for dinner? You can bring this Arthur guy with you, if you want."

Aquawoman has posed:
"Phone numbers, yes. There is a number..." Mera signs a sprawling signature that looks like it belongs on a treaty, giving it an approving nod before pulling out something that looks like...Well, it's probably the Atlantean version of a cell phone, but there's no telling exactly what network that's on. Or how to connect to it. Notes on Atlantean infrastructure for the future.

After a moment, she finds whatever she's looking for, then writes down a number with a Maine area code. "We're not always there," she warns, "But we do check the answering machine if you give us enough notice. Someone comes by the feed Salty, they know how to get in touch. I have no doubt that Arthur would love to come to dinner." And probably to watch Mera attempt to be 'normal' through said dinner.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary grins, looking at the notebook page. "Oh, that's a lovely signature." She closes it carefully to avoid smudging the ink. "It may not be fish...in fact, it probably wouldn't be, fish is expensive these days...but my dad can do wonders with chicken or ground beef." Mary looks at Mera, then says, "And we're pretty casual at the house, so you'll probably be chatting with Mom or Dad while the kids play the Playstation 4. We can show you that, too."

She looks thoughtful. "You know what, Mera? You can ask me anything. I'll put that out front right now. You have any question about us landlubbers, call me or text me." She takes out a flip-phone, then uses the pen to write a phone number on an old receipt from Goodwill for the shoes she got yesterday. "Here. Use that number. But you really should get a computer, if you don't have one already. But yeah...anything for better human/Atlantean relations, right?" She beams at Mera.

Aquawoman has posed:
"We wouldn't presume to require anything," Mera assures, smile flashing. "Though if you'd like some fish, I understand it is customary to bring a dish to share as well. We'd be happy to bring something. I even promise to let Arthur do the cooking," she adds with a hand over her heart. Cooking is //not// one of Mera's talents.

She takes the paper, quickly entering the information into her device so as not to lose it. "Atlantis has what could pass for computers here," she chuckles. "It's more that the...I believe the term is operating system. The operating systems are not particularly compatible. The same applies with cell phones. We're going to have to come up with a solution to that."

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary nods, then tilts her head. "Uh-oh..."
Then the sound comes, a high, thin screech.
"Great. Marcy's done and she's seeking out her friendly neighborhood sounding board. AKA me." She looks apologetically to Mera. "You'd better make a strategic retreat. If Marcy spots you, she'll attach to you like a barnacle and set human/Atlantean relations back a couple of centuries!" She impulsively hugs Mera, then says, "Thank you. You gave me the chance to help someone."
Mary stepped back. "Save yourself, Mera!" She's joking...kinda.

Aquawoman has posed:
Mera laughs, a surprised sound. She's not much of a hugger in general, but she can't quite turn down this one, returning it only a little awkwardly. "Thank //you//, Mary. I look forward to hearing from you soon. And this Marcy had best appreciate your talents," she adds, winking, before she turns to find a register for checking out. No doubt that will be another adventure entirely.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary emits a sigh of relief, and then she is spotted by Marcy, who is holding three dresses, two blouses, four skirts, and some assorted jewelry.
"MaaaaaaRY! What are you doing up here?"
Mary smiles. "Well, I'll have you know that I was just helping out ROYALTY."
Marcy stared at her. "You LIAR. You'll NEVER see a Kardashian in MACY'S! Come on, let's go check out..."
Mary spots Mera at the register, then guides Marcy towards the down escalator. "LET'S...check out downstairs."