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Latest revision as of 14:36, 8 January 2020

Bake Sale!
Date of Scene: 30 December 2019
Location: Apple Park - Salem Center
Synopsis: Mary meets up with Piper at a bake sale.
Cast of Characters: Piper Halliwell, Mary Marvel

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Apple Park, today, is hosting a bake sale for the disadvantaged youths all over the tri state area. That's how the bake sale was set up. That's how it has (mostly) stayed. The mostly is down to Piper Halliwell. Chef and witch, and....pretty good chef. She's eschewed the bake sale idea...instead going for home made foods and hot foods. Handy when she can heat things up with her powers. Not so handywhen things blow up. Piper's got a litle stall. Given her natural talents as a chef, it's not a shock she's come up with good little food combinationS> she's stuck to the simple and tried to catr to all, humans, metahumans, mutants, magic types and so forth....the spread starts with cold meats and salads, and goes all the way across a trio of tables to home made tarts and cakes. She's perfectly fine with offering it as a buffet. Everyone else haas more desserts anyway....but...Piper's got the edge in actually cooked things.

Wearing her usual gear and apron, hair tied back, Piper's sitting behind the middle table answering questions from curious folks. "Oh, no, no. I made it myself. No, there's nothing that'd be on your lists" she offers. See. Considerate witch. She looks around for the volunteers, and snags a cheese roll, munching on it while thinking to herself. It's going great thus far. Piper's pleased. Okay, the triple decker chooclate decedance cake's caught her eye. So has the rainbow marble swirl cake that's directly across from her little setup...but...Piper's secure in the knowledge that nobody else can come close to her cooking.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
The "go-fer" (go fer this, go fer that) is running around like a chicken with its head cut off. This stall needs more plates, that one is out of ketchup, they need more milk for the homemade ice cream...
The slender teenage brunette runs up to Piper's stall, holding onto a plastic package of biodegradable paper plates. The not-so-great ones, but what can you do?
"Miss Halliwell? I got those plates you needed!" the girl gasps, out of breath.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper stands up and nods. "Thanks. Sit down and take some food. You look rushed off your feet" she offers. That's so Piper, mother to everyone. She gestures to the spread of food with a nod. "Take what you like" she offers, looking around the sale. "How's it going?" she adds. Gopher....gopher a sit down more like. Piper is still eyeing up the chocolate cake out the corner of her eye. Not that she wants to go for that cake right now....not with her own food still on the table. She's more waiting, and glances to the brunette again. "They didn't give you volunteers name tags?" she asks.

Mary Marvel has posed:
The girl blinks. "Oh, gosh...I forgot to put mine on!" She fishes around in the pocket of her jeans, then peels the backing from the sticker she'd gotten at the front, then slaps it on her t-shirt, above her left breast pocket with the Spider-Man symbol on it.

HELLO, MY NAME IS... Mary Batson

She smiles. "Wish I could, but I have to be ready at a moment's notice. I think that boy over there..." She points to a tall high schooler in a denim jacket. "...I think he has an M-80 and might be planning to toss it in the porta-potty near the stall selling grilled bratwursts."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper stands up and nods. "Thanks. Sit down and take some food. You look rushed off your feet" she offers. That's so Piper, mother to everyone. She gestures to the spread of food with a nod. "Take what you like" she offers, looking around the sale. "How's it going?" she adds. Gopher....gopher a sit down more like. Piper is still eyeing up the chocolate cake out the corner of her eye. Not that she wants to go for that cake right now....not with her own food still on the table. She's more waiting, and glances to the brunette again. "They didn't give you volunteers name tags?" she asks.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper stands up and nods. "Thanks. Sit down and take some food. You look rushed off your feet" she offers. That's so Piper, mother to everyone. She gestures to the spread of food with a nod. "Take what you like" she offers, looking around the sale. "How's it going?" she adds. Gopher....gopher a sit down more like. Piper is still eyeing up the chocolate cake out the corner of her eye. Not that she wants to go for that cake right now....not with her own food still on the table. She's more waiting, and glances to the brunette again. "They didn't give you volunteers name tags?" she asks.+scene/undo

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper sighs. Great, somebody with explosives. What do you want me to do about it?" she asks. She's got an idea. If he's out to cause harm...it's for the greater good. Piper's muttering under her breath, chanting a spell

If the boy wants to be so deadly, make his M80 play a medley" she whispers. Yes. Musical M80s anyone? Piper's just tried to make the world's first musical firecracker. Piper looks to Mary, "Thanks for telling me. Sit back and watch" Piper nods. THe medley of songs she's chosen? Anti-violence and anti-war songs. For a touch of irony. "It's okay to sit down. I said you could" Piper nods, looking much like a den mother.

She looks over to another volunteer. "It's okay. I said she could take a seat" Piper explains, "Look. She's been running ragged all day. Give the poor Miss Batson a break" Piper offers, getting her sarcasm revved up

Mary Marvel has posed:
The one in charge of the volunteers shrugged. "Sorry, Miss Halliwell. Four other volunteera pulled no-shows. Miss Batson is the only one from her class to show up. She's really a..."

"WAR! Hunh! Good God, y'all! WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR? Absolutely NOTHIN'! Say it again...!"

People are staring at the porta-potty, which is currently playing the kind of music no one expects to come from the human body. The porta-john shakes a bit before a young woman, looking thoroughly unsettled, bolts out of it, her Fabletics leggings a little askew, a scrap of toilet paper hanging out from the waistline.

The denim jacketed teenager looks flabbergasted. Whatever he had expected to happen, that wasn't it.

Mary stares at the porta-john. "What the heck just happened?"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper shrugs. "Gues somebody got one of those novelty ipods for Christmas and loaded it up with a lot of hippie era songs?" Piper asks with a grin. "Singing toilets. Now that's weird" she adds. And for somebody who fights demons...saying things are weird is putting it up there. She does, though shake her head. "Can't you pull in other volunteers?" Piper asks with a slightly annoyed look. "I just..." she pauses. Here comes the P3 crew to help out. All...two of them. THen two more. Then her bouncCERS> Then the sound guy....Piper looks to them all.

"Before you ask. No. We're not playing that at P3. Just. No!" Piper says, to a disappointed looking sound tech's grumbling.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks at the new people. Miss Halliwell must know a lot of people.
The supervisor sighs, then says to the group, "Well, if you're going to help out, you might as well follow me. I'll show you where you can provide the most help." He looks to Mary. "Take the break I promised you two hours ago."
Mary smiles and sighs. "FINALLY. My feet hurt. And my legs."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods to her crew. "You guys work with the supervisor. Think of it as bonus pay" she says and looks to Mary. "They're from my club" she offers, "Take whatever you like from the tables too" Piper adds with a knowing smile. Looking over the spread again, Piper nods. "It's so nice, everyone's all nice and orderly and polite. It's not like back in Bloodhaven. You have this event there, I'd need to get somebody with a shotgun to protect me" she says. She's only half joking, too. Then again, she's hoping she didn't jinx it by saying how nice everyone is.

Piper ties her hair back and adjusts her apron, bringing more trays of food out of the containers. "Alright, more samdwiches, more pastries and entrees" Piper offers. She nods and looks around again, seriously eyeing up that cake. Fortunatley...she's not her older sister....well, not quite as stubborn.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks over the spread, then picks a tuna fish sandwich, then adds a dollop of potato salad. Not a lot, though. This is for charity.
She sits down again, then chomps and smiles. "This is REALLY good, Miss Halliwell."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper grins. "It is. I do try, I spent all day yesterday cooking, drove my sisters crazy. Chased them out of the house with the smell of tuna. Pretty sure all the cats in Bloodhaven were going nuts over it...didn't find any beating down the door mind" Piper offers. Tuna's not Piper's first choice. She finally makes a move for the chooclate decadence cake...and comes back with h a large, chocolate-coated slice. Oh, this is good. This is awesomely good. Piper looks pleased and digs into it.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary chuckles. "So nice when you're an adult and can eat cake whenever you want." She takes another bite, then grabs a plastic water bottle hanging from her belt and sips it. "Mmm. A guy in a movie once said, 'Others try, you succeed.' We watch a lot of old movies. My dad likes them."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"You can as a kid too" Piper offers. "Just don't get caught. It's a literal crumb trail. And the plates. Oh, Goddess, the plates!" Piper says, between bites of chocolate cake. "Left the girl running the stall a five dollar tip" she explains and nods. "Old movies are good. It's often an idea I have to" she says setting the fork down. "To say screw it, shut down P3 for a night and just show classic movies, you know?" she nods, "Turn my club into something more. It's not gonna happen, there's too much money in nightclubs. Plus, who would wanna come out to Bloodhaven to watch 1980s and 1990s movies?" she ponders, fork back in hand. She looks to Mary. "See. I'm jealous. Least you have a family. It's just me and my sisters"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary scrunches up her nose. "'Don't get caught?'" Piper can actually SEE the needle on Mary's Respect Meter drop a couple of notches. Someone told Mary Marvel the same thing, that they were only sorry they got caught.
Grownups are supposed to know better. But it's rude to tell a grownup they're wrong, in public, no less. She won't be rude...but the tuna sandwich tastes a little less awesome now.
Then she talks about movies from the 80's and 90's being old. "Miss Halliwell, I'm talking about REAL old movies. Like CASABLANCA. THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. THE AFRICAN QUEEN. THE TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE. That kind of old."

And having sisters. Well, she's got her brother, anyway. That's something.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper shakes her head. "Hey, I had to help raise my younger sister. That's where I learned the don't get caught argument" Piper explains, then perks up at the idea of really, really old movies. Her eyes are getting a certain look like this may just work. Glancing to Mary, Piper looks thoughtful. "You want to help with that?" she asks. It's a gentle enough question. Piper could genuinely use help

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary finishes her sandwich, taking one last sip before standing. "Getting help with what, Miss Halliwell?" She looks intrigued, but only because this is another way to help someone. And she's not going to engage in the Who Had It Worse Game. Nobody wins those.
"Just tell me what you need me to do, and I'll do them the best I can."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"Picking out the best classic movies" Piper says with a gentle look. She's trying to make up for stepping in it. "What would you suggest for people who have never seen any of the ones you listed?" she adds and looks optimistic. See. Being a witch is tough. Being a witch and messing up...when she was that age once....that's where Piper's kicking herself. She settles back into her seat again, the cake forgotten.ith a genuine smile.

Mary Marvel has posed:
"Oh!" She looks thoughtful at this. "CASABLANCA is a great romance movie. So many good lines." She pauses, then gets a dreamy look on her face, "'Play it, Sam. "As Time Goes By."'" She grins. "Rick Blaine is a real man. Okay. Uhm...THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN. GREAT movie Western. Seven dangerous gunmen willing to do the right thing, in the face of impossible odds. There's this scene where one of the gunslingers talks about making a contract. Another comments that it's not the kind that would hold up in a court of law, and the first one tells him, 'Those are EXACTLY the ones you have to keep!'"

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper's wondering if she's managed to make up for the faux pas. She's hoping so, really. Piper nods. "I've heard of those movies but never got the chance to watch any of them. Should I take a weekend or two and just settle back and watch those movies?" Piper asks. She's genuinely not seen either of the ones Mary listed. Shocking

Mary Marvel has posed:
"Space them out. Some movies you have to just enjoy. Binge-watching isn't as good for movies as it is for series. All us kids and our parents tend to set a movie night, make a big batch of popcorn and nachos and Kool-Aid, and then settle in and all watch together. There's also historical movies like SHAKA ZULU, WATERLOO, even PATTON. The last one's a pretty good one about a soldier who handles war well, but peace not so much."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper's taking mental notes. See. This Mary girl knows what she's doing. Which is useful for a witch who hasn't had the time to watch movies. Instead...Piper's writing down movie suggestions. Once the bake sale's done...she'll go hunt down said movies. With, or without Mary's help, too. Which she suggests too. See, with her being in charge of this little bit of the bake sale, Piper's not sure how to make time for movies. All the cleaning up and...and....things

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks thoughtful. "I like these movies. The non-historical ones, you know who the good guys and bad guys are. Even the historical ones provide lessons about understanding, how things can reach a certain point and that you need to study to understand how it got there."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods, "Not seen any movies in ages though. Been busy running P3, and not getting stabbed or my neck torn open in Bloodhaven" she admits. She's got tricks up her sleeve, being a Charmed One. Shaking her head, Piper looks impressed. "You know your stuff" she says, eyes showing she's very, genuinely, interested

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary stops immediately, the wistful look disappearing in a split-second, and Piper has Mary's complete attention. "...Stabbed? Neck torn open?" She looks unsettled, to say the least. Either Miss Halliwell leads a more interesting life than she lets on, or she plays some scary online games...

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper raises her palms. "Bloodhaven's pretty dangerous. It's across the river in Jersey. My club's in Avalon Heights. Dangerous part of the area, honestly...lots of trouble around there so like I sa, lucky not to get hurt. It's worse after dark. Guess when my club's open? Yeah" Piper sighs. "Let me ask you something. You believe in vampires? Demons? Things that don't care about the civilized finer things in life?" she asks.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary looks at Piper for a long moment. "Uhmmm...you realize there is a Ghostbusters franchise downtown? That there are embassies for Themiscyra and Asgard? Mutants, Atlanteans, aliens...? Miss Halliwell, taking stuff for granted is sticking your head in the sand. I'm willing to handle quite a bit."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
"You mean Bloodhaven's not the worst place going?" Piper asks with a sigh. "On the one hand. I'm relieved. On the other, I did fight one of those giant robots with some help. THat was pretty bad honestly. So" Piper says. "You thinking I should stay in BLoodhaven or stick my feet out into the wider world and then some?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Ohhhhkayyyyy, this took a sudden turn. "No, what I meant was...ah, geez...I didn't mean anything by that? I was just saying that I keep an open mind about a lot of stuff. You kinda have to."

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods. "I hear you. It's just...I've been in Bloodhaven for most of my life, live and work there and don't get out of the area much with work and things. Okay, I went to school but even that wasn't exactly open minded" PIper admits with a shrug. "You're more outgoing than I was at your age honestly. You're...if I had to guess...18?" she says, taking a wild guess at Mary's age

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary eased up a little. Okay, she can taste tennie leather, but only a little. "I'll be...17 in about...five months?" She smiled slightly. "I live in a foster home in Brooklyn, after all. Stuff comes at you when you least expect it."
Like a car crash, a brother you never knew you had, or being able to become a superheroine with a magic word. Stuff like that.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods. "I was close...and you're more outgoing than I was at your age. Pretty much raising my little sister at 16 or 17" Piper offers with anod. "Look, it's okay" she sighs. Yah life throws things at you, honestly. I hope they're treating you right in that home thoughh, heard too many horror stories. One of the girls who works at P3 fosters a kid said she'd never foster with all the horror stories she's heard, but I'm sure there's good in the world too" Piper ponders, loooking over to Mary again, before taking a ham roll and biting into it.

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary nods. "I've heard those stories too. But the Bromfields are really great people. They take really good care of us. We don't have much, but we've got what counts. They love us, and we love them." She sips her soda, then stretches. "My brothers are cool. One of them even found a cool tool from a superhero last week."
She seems to have missed the whole "fighting a robot" thing, but when you have your foot in your mouth, you miss stuff.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper' taking it in stride for somebody who fights demons. She nods. "I'm glad" she says between bites and nods. "I'm glad though" she nods and looks pleased. "You ever been to Bloodhaven?"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary shakes her head. "Lived in Brooklyn my entire life. I've been around the city, but never to Bloodhaven." She smiles wryly. "But I'm not as scared as I used to be. I'm...a lot more capable now."
If she only knew.

Piper Halliwell has posed:
Piper nods. "Good, I see a lot of myself in you, the shy, quiet girl, the middle child" she offers and smiles. "I've not been to Brooklym much, I mostly...well, normally, work from Bloodhaven"

Mary Marvel has posed:
Mary is about to say something when the supervisor walks up. "Mary...they need someone at the front to hand out flyers."
Mary stands up. "Break time's over." She nods to Piper. "Thanks. Hope you have a great rest of your day!" She beams and waves before scampering off to the front.