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Latest revision as of 10:00, 15 January 2020

Bear Good Dog. Bear Walk in Park. Good Bear. Good.
Date of Scene: 15 January 2020
Location: Washington Sq. Park - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Walkies and Talkies in the park.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Samuel Morgan, Cannonball

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, at least it's not freezing cold.

This is the blessing for any folks who have opted to leave the warmth of the indoors and instead brave the park. There are some of the brave, but the numbers. Alas, they are few.

One such soul, dressed down as always in his second-hand attire with the long hair tucked away in the cap, is a Nick. And he is being very brave in that he's lying on the ledge of the fountain near the arch. Not the play fountain, he's brave. Not Crazy. Usually.

Relaxing, he is reading a rather worn book. Likely one gotten at one of the public library rummage sales years ago. For those who come up closer, it is a copy of 'Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde.'

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    When it comes to Victorian horror, there are few monsters as well known as Shelley's Frankenstein and Stevenson's Mister Hyde. The mere thought that reason and brute violence lay so close to one another, that both can exist in one man with merely the strength of will separating them, a single failed experiment from bursting forth upon an unsuspecting world, must have come as a shock to contemporary readers. Luckily, such thoughts, such evil, has surely been banished forever?

    Entirely coincidentally, Bean walks into the park without seemingly a care in the world. By his side, and on a leash as is required in the city, trots Bear wearing his distinctive yellow vest. But today, it seems, there is time for play, because Bean comes carrying a backpack filled with all the necessaries to exercise a dog in the park, and seemingly every intent on using every last minute of the day. It was remarkable what a good night's sleep could do... even therapy had made some progress today.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is out for a jog. He stayed in the city last night and cause of such it is much easier to do the jog here. He is in sweats, tabaggon and such. when he sees the young man with the dog he will stop as he nears them "Hey." he simply says

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The rhythmic sound of the falling water slapping onto the surface of the pool below does have a bit of a soothing effect. With the lying down, the power seems more so as Nick's tired eyes slowly blink, only for him to shake his head slightly. The arms lift the book higher as Nick stubbornly turns another page. Pale eyes zeroing in on the text.

Or at least that's the intent. The side view of something fluffy in his peripheral vision ends up overriding the need to read as the rocker turns his head to investigate. A brow arches as he recognizes the dog, and the owner as well. Wow. Of all the parks in New York...

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Life has a tendency towards serendipity that, if it were written down in the most articulate of prose, would be dismissed as mere artifice. And yet here it is. Of all the parks in New York City, Bean has happened to step into the one containing two people he knows. The odds of this are so astronomical as to be laughable. But, yet again, here it is.

    "Hey yourself. Good to see you active." is the response to the hail. A very, very unusual response, given that the teenager tends towards the formal and rarely ventures beyond a nod and a repetition of the surname of whomever may be hailing. Today, however, he falls in next to the jogging Sam, instantly turning the pair into jogging Sams, paying no heed to the backpack strapped to his back, and certain in the knowledge that Bear is trotting eagerly alongside.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over to the other Sam. "You make it sound like you think I am sitting around all the time. I do have a wee bit of an exercise regiment too you know." He does not seem to be too bothered by the jogging, as he is used to it. The older Sam leads the way a bit as he ends up taking them near Nick during his run.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Book closing, Nick slowly starts to sit up. turning to reach down to pick a bag off of one of the fountain steps. Hoisting it up, he sets it in front of him and reaches a hand to slowly untwist the tie securing the zipper pulls together.

Upon making enough of a gap, he slides the book in before slinging himself fully towards the walkway side of the fountain as the bag emits a small zipping sound. When the pair comes nearby, Nick lifts up a hand in a slight wave of greeting.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Of course, it's just that I never get to see it." Bean replies with a smile. Whatever reservations might have prevented him from making such a reply in the past seem to have gone, and today at least he seems downright sociable. It's probably hard not to be, on such a brilliant day and with an eager dog running alongside, and it only gets better when another acquaintance makes themselves known. Bean returns the wave with one of his own "I thought New York was bigger than this. How are you?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will come to a stop near Nick with the other Sam "I end up doing more of my running either at night or inside places. Not the best morning person. I can do them but I go more with 7am not 5 am." he jokes a bit and says "Friend of yours?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Big city phenomena. Most people stay within a set amount of blocks from their home and rarely venture out of it." Nick gives a bit of a tired smile, "I'm doing alright. Just got out of training a little bit ago so thought I'd do a bit of reading by the fountain."

He glances down, making sure the twist tie is well and thoroughly twisted around the zipper pulls. "And how about you and Bear?"

Nick looks over to Samuel, "Ah we've run into each other a couple times." He offers a hand to to the younger adult, "Nick."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean was about to make the introductions when Nick does so himself. He gives a nod, and a smile, patting Bear's neck as the happy dog comes to sit next to Sam The Younger. "Doing well. Just taking in the sun and the fresh air... fresher air... you know what I mean."

    And he does turn his head towards Sam. "Didn't Shannon give you his card? He's the musician that can play at the club on short notice." At which point, he turns to look back at Nick. "This is the mythical Sam, manager of Club Evolution."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will offer his hand to the other man and says "Oh seems we finally meet "Samuel Guthrie but you can call me Sam." He offers a smile and says "So, your people handle a lot of people?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head to look to Bean curiously as he mentions the card Shannon wrangled out of him before looking back to Samuel. "Oh. Well this is interesting timing."

The performer nods. "Shaw Studios maintains a large and detailed list of highly capable local musicians and music groups in order to allow people an easier time for staffing music sessions of various types. If you contact Wade with the number on the card he can set up a profile for you to match you with the musicians best suited for the club environment you're aiming for. I'm just one of the many on that list."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Different Wade." is the first thing Bean says before he takes off his backpack and kneels down. Bear sits at polite attention while his human removes the high visibility vest and clips it to the backpack. This can mean only one thing... it's playtime!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Ah will have to talk to them, and see if I can get some of the local groups that play at the club hooked up with them as well, Might be able to send help both ways. Ah try to help the locals as well, some of course find a hard time getting work elsewhere.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks, looking to Bean and then to Samuel. "Wade Shaw." He offers as there appears to be the potential for confusion, "Friend of mine. He's the founder of Shaw Studios. And was the bassist for Silver Round."

He quiets as Sam mentions the local groups and gives a nod, smiling slightly, "Shaw Studios is pretty equal opportunity so long as there's talent. "

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With the talk going towards business, Bean finally frees Bear of the leash. Almost immediately, the Shepherd dashes off and runs a full circle around the trio, tongue lolling with obvious joy. The eagerness only grows when the first thing out of the backpack is... yes! The Frisbee! His favorite thing!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins a bit at the boy and his dog "We have some really good people there. We do open mic night as Ah am sure you have seen and it gives a lot folks a chance to find their places.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head turns, watching Bear go nuts. Lips spread apart exposing teeth in a big grin towards the dog and Bean before looking back towards Samuel, smile fading into more of an apologetic one, "I haven't had much chance to go to clubs I wasn't already booked at recently. Been pretty busy until recently. But, maybe I can wrangle Wade over to the club for one of those nights. I'm sure he'd love to expand on what the Studio is able to offer."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Come on over, we do good nights, Ah even hired a new Doorman who will probably be my head of security soon. Very experienced guy, ever heard of Guido Carosella? He is really good at his job.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The sound of an old Nokia ringtone errupts from the backpack Nick has with him, triggering a bit of a wince.


The musician looks back to Samuel, "That's likely a reminder that I should be on my way for another appointment. But anyways, it is nice to meet you, Sam. I'll try bringing Wade along on another off-night."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will offer his hand to the man "Well a pleasure to meet you, hopefully we will get to meet again sometime at the club. Have a good day and hope it goes well."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Farewells given, Nick doesn't bother fishing out the phone. Instead he turns and exits out of the park at a pace easily maintained by anyone who's spent a lot of time running around. Looks like it wasn't an alarm but more of an angry phone call.