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Latest revision as of 08:34, 16 January 2020

All's Fair In Love, War, and Playing With Sticks
Date of Scene: 13 January 2020
Location: Rooftop, Rockman's Apartments, Bushwick
Synopsis: Remy and Riana spar on the rooftop of her apartment building. A mysterious bet is made, and unfortunately--or fortunately, maybe?--Riana loses.
Cast of Characters: Wild Rose, Gambit

Wild Rose has posed:
     The holidays were over, but the fun was just beginning. Jack was back in Riana's apartment--hopefully not chewing up another pair of her shoes--and the woman herself had made her way to the rooftop of the apartment building. Without a dojo of her own to spar or practice in, it was the next best place to go.

     It was an unseasonably warm evening, with snow from the past few days melting and only leaving a few slushy puddles. Riana was outside on the roof, with her titian tresses tied back in a ponytail, in loose-fitting jeans, black t-shirt, and a somewhat well-loved (read 'puppy-chewed' here) sneakers. At the present moment, she's leaning over to stretch out her hamstrings, her staff leaning up against an air vent nearby.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau has his own staff leaning agienst one of the vents, along with his duster. Rather then his combat uniform, which Riana has rarely seen him in, he is wearing black sweat pants and a pink sweat shirt that reads "Don't laugh, it's your girlfriend's shirt" emblasened across the front. He doesn't streach much, going into a few staff twirls to loosen his arm muscles as he smirks, "Don' worry chere, Ah go easy on yah."

Wild Rose has posed:
     Oh, Riana had seen Remy in action before. It was how they'd met, after all. The simple ease and grace with which he twirled that staff brought the corners of her lips curling upwards in a wry grin. Easing up from her stretch, she reaches for her staff in kind, executing a few twirls. For the moment, it seemed a battle of wits, who could psych the other out first. "We'll see," she quips, her voice bearing a note of mild amusement. This should be an interesting exercise--but in what?

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau's eyes suddonly blaze, as if hellfire itself has ignighted behind his eyes. He then goes into a rather complex flurry of thrusts and blows with the bow, the staff screaming through the air rather then whistleing, leaving a trail of fushia energy streaming from it's tip. He stops it at a level with the woman's head and smirks at her. "Sure chere, we see." He says playfully.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Oh, now that's not fair, cher!" Really, he was hitting her with the hellfire eyes? Never mind the energy blazing from his bo staff, it was the eyes that got her, and could turn her insides to jelly. Bringing her own staff up in a sweeping block, she brushes his weapon aside, eyes a-twinkle with mischief as she leans over to whisper something to him. With a wink and a grin, she steps back. Let the games begin....

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit, taking a few steps back and taking an open position. His staff across his back, one arm in front of him with his body leaned slightly foreward as if he were about to charge her, "An' we bot' know jus' 'ow much Ah /'ate/ doin' de dishes." he says in a playful tone...

Wild Rose has posed:
     So the game was afoot! Riana takes a more relaxed stance, favoring her back foot, with her feet at an angle to each other. Her staff is held in a two-handed grip across her body. She smirks right back at him, wiggling her eyebrows and blowing him a little kiss. "Get used to the idea, cher. I'll be sure to cook a big meal." Either that, or take-out would be ordered. Again. Really, would she never learn how to cook?

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau comes at her in a flurry, though he doesn't use his power, at least not to add any umph to the blows. Swinging the staff from behind his back with furious momentum towards her knees while already moving to not be where he expects her counterstrike to land.

Wild Rose has posed:
     To attempt to block the furious flurry of fast strikes would likely get Riana's staff ripped from her hands. Her stance, thankfully, allows for her to shift quickly, twisting away and stepping to the side to dodge. He was fast. Lightning fast. All she had was a split second to twirl around behind him, bringing her staff down in a sweeping blow to the back of his knees.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau backflips over her staff, sweeping up with his own weapon to try to knock her's aside, a devil may care grin on his face as he moves with no regarg for his own safty... or the laws of physics... playing it would seem.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Okay. Remy was good but wow, had he been just playing that first day they met? Her strength comes into play as she just manages to keep a hold of her weapon; a resounding -CRACK- rends the air as the two staves connect. As he lands, though, her hand darts out to grip the front of his shirt, as she attempts to pull him in for a kiss. If he was going to fight dirty, so was she!

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau lets himself be pulled in, his lips coming to her's in a deep slow kiss... as his foot hooks her ankle and tries to over balance her. To land on top of her and continue the kiss while simultaneously trying to pin her body with his own. "Yah sure yah wanna try an' fight dirty chere? Remy an' old 'and at fighting dirty."

Wild Rose has posed:
     Bingo. Right where Riana wanted him. Oh, it was difficult to concentrate when he did indeed topple her over onto her back, her staff clattering onto the rooftop as it fell from her hand. The kiss continues, deep and slow, and likely to melt any remaining snow from the roof.

     He might have the advantage of her in his different training, but when it came to raw strength, this is where she might have an advantage. Keeping her arms wrapped around him, she arches upwards and twists to one side, in a bid to unbalance him and turn him on his back instead. A grin spreads across her face as she breaks the kiss, eyes sparkling as she peers down at him.

     "I'm a fast learner."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks a little bit as she uses her considerable strength to overopwer him. "Is dat so chere?" he asks, and his hands glow pink. He slams them palms down to the rooftop beside him with a sound not too unlike a shotgun going off. The result is that he is /propelled/ back up and over, landing on top of her again, shifting his weight though to lay more across her torso this time. "But Ah get ta pick yah apron."

Wild Rose has posed:
     The double discharge of scintillating fuschia energy at close range would make most people jump halfway out of their skin. In this, at least, Riana is very much like most people. She's startled enough for a split second, and that instant is all Remy needs. It's all he needs to turn the tables on her, and this time, she is the one pinned to the rooftop. It's also a bit harder for her to get any real purchase to dislodge him from across her torso, though she arches upwards strongly.

     Unfortunately, laying across her torso as he is, her arms are pinned down as well. Plus... does she really want to get up? It's a conundrum, for sure.

     In the end, though, she tries to work her feet under her, to bring her knees up and kick Remy loose. Success, however, is debatable.

Gambit has posed:
As she starts to shift her legs, the Cajun cocks a single eyebrow and shifts his weight on her to prevent her from getting proper purchase. "Now now chere, do yah really wan' Remy to pull out /all/ de tricks?" he asks, the question both a dare, threat, and promise.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana's only response to that is to grin at him and kiss him very soundly, the kind of kiss that gives a snowball, well... a snowball's shot in hell. At the same time, she tries once more to twist her entire body, fighting for any purchase she can to complete the maneuver. However, she's not fighting /too/ hard--just enough to make things interesting. "You can try, cher. You can try."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau kisses her back deep and hard, even as he continues to shift his weight slightly to prevent her from flipping him again. His hand grabs a handful of her shirt, his tounge continuing to dance with hers even as they struggle... and then with a soft pop het top evaporates like confetti from a party popper.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Riana lets out a squeal of mock outrage, only pulling in her arms enough to preserve her decency. "REMY ETIENNE LEBEAU!!!! A mhic salach a 'ghalla!!!" At that, well, she definitely holds very, /very/ still. The fight was very much over. Score--Remy, 1. Riana, 0.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit at her words and leans over giving her an almost chaste kiss on the lis as he stands to let her up. "Alls fair in love an' war chere... and Ah do love goin' ta war wit' yah." He says playfully.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Oh, so you love going to war with me, but what about the love?" Riana does a little arch-and-flip maneuver, landing in a crouch and then standing up straight. With her arms crossed over her chest. Her staff is on the roof next to where she had finally been pinned down, done in by a woman's need for modesty in public. Her face is crimson red, and she laughs, grinning mischievously at him. "Never mind, we can figure that out inside."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks walking over to his own discarded staff. He kicks it up into his hand and then presses a button on it, colapseing it down to just a little over a foot long. "Now chere, who up 'ere is even gonna see yah?" he asks playfully... " Of course there /are/ taller buildings then this one around, but still.

Wild Rose has posed:
     "Well, it's not time to do dishes yet, cher. So if you don't mind, maybe either something to cover up with, or we could go inside." Grinning mischievously at him, Riana dips her head forward to whisper in his ear. "Some things are for your eyes only."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little and gestures to the door, but at the same time whips off his long tan duster and drapes it around her shoulders. It's too big for her of course and it draggs the floor like she was just a little girl playing dress up in her daddy's clothes, but still.

Wild Rose has posed:
     Thankfully, the duster is plenty big enough to keep Riana decent, much to her relief. She waggles her eyebrows at Remy all the same, leaning in against him for a warm embrace. "Je t'adore, cher. You are a thief that stole my heart, and I don't want it back."