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Latest revision as of 03:33, 17 January 2020

Log 8684
Date of Scene: 07 August 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Dazzler, Deathstroke

Dazzler has posed:
Alison is just...tired. Between protests and benefit concerts, she feels as if she has been somehow disconnected with the battles raging out in the world. And so, late one night after a concert has ended, she decided to just...drive. Of all places to end up, she finally comes to a stop near the Gotham docks. She isn't certain that the new drug circulating has made it into Gotham. But maybe there is only one way to find out. She parks her car and gets out, deciding on a walk through the dock area. Just to see what she can find. And so, wearing a hooded sweatshirt over her fluttery paisley dress from the concert, she shoves her hands in her pockets and just goes for a walk.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke has both a job, and a reputation to keep. Both are things that can come and go, especially in his line of work, and so it is that once in a wile he has to make a serious effort to be up to his name, and to earn his pay. With a new employer, he acquired both a powerful organization to back him up, and at the same time, a powerful organization to set various targets for him, a probably more stable source of income at the expense of a reduced freedom, somehow. Or at least that is what the world can believe, for now.
The reputation he has to keep is not only that of the world most deadly assassin, but also of a walking armory. Reason enough for him to have the hilt of a broadsword peeking from his right shoulder, the butt of an assault rifle on his left shoulder, the folded energy lance attached to the small of his back, plus several bandoliers that crisscross on his armoured chest, containing magazines, knives of all shapes and sizes. If that wasn't enough, another pair of belts are wrapped around his waist, and at least two pistols can be seen in them, as well as pouches containing grenades and various gadgets, other knives, other magazines, because you can never be out of bullets or blades! And all of this, of course, is on top of a set of armour that covers him from top to bottom, the mask covering his face with the single eye announcing to everyone knowledged in the field that he is Deathstroke, or the terminator, or someone not to mess with. And right now, Deathstroke is standing on the roof of a nearby warehouse near Gotham's docks, waiting for a group of thugs to appear, waiting for a group of people that don't yet know they are dead.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler is experienced. But she is tired. There has been so much going in with the introduction of Hook: raids on drug houses, brothels, and vacant buildings in the city. If anything like that is going on here, she needs to find out. It might be her tired state that affects her judgment. It might be the fact that she just doesn't care anymore whether she gets in over her head. But she doesn't notice the mercenary - yet. She is moving along from building to building below him, peering into warehouses and around corners. Looking for signs of life.

Deathstroke has posed:
The signs of life come, in the form of what could be a dozen of men walking, talking, almost marching in military formation if military formations were loose and full of guys in their twenties with a not so good taste in clothes and automatic guns in their belts. It looks like some of them have seen too many gangster moovies because, seriously, they try so hard to look the part that it's almost comical! Almost. Apparently just two of the group are veterans, if a pair of hardfaced men that at least try to hide their guns can be considered as veterans, at the very least they look the badass part, sort of.
The group might even be close to dazzler herself, and considering they're doing nothing to even come close to being stealthy, it is not difficult to ear them talk, laugh, insult eachother. Only one of the guys of the group is too quiet, too well dressed compared to the rest, too recognizable, for those who know it, as the son of a somewhat relevant drugdealer of the area. And there it is, Deathstroke, walking to the rooftop's edge, waiting, patiently, for the group to be closer.

Dazzler has posed:
She hears them coming more than seeing them. Dazzler recognizes the sound of trouble when she hears it. She ducks in behind a warehouse, around the corner, and couches behind crates. It is only then that she recognizes the figure atop the roof across the road from her. But she knows that, given the choice between the two, she'd rather be seen by and tangle with Deathstroke than a bunch of rookie gangster wanna-bes. At very least, she is fairly certain that of them all, Daz is his least likely target.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke waits, waits some more, and then keeps waiting, patiently, until the group is directly below him. Then he leaps forward. His mind calculated everything, his body is only executing what was already planned, so that he lands gracefully on a nearby container, and from there to a high crate, then a lower one and then directly on top of one of the gangsters. It is while his right boot impacts with the criminal's head that his right hand draws the broadsword in a smooth motion, the blade coming down in a diagonal stroke to cut in half another gangster, then thrusting forward at incredible speed to stab the chest of a third.
All of this took no more than two seconds, two seconds and three dead bodies, because as soon as deathstroke removes his boot from the head of the first gangster, it can no longer be called a head. And so it is that he brings the blade up, preparing for what will be a quite impressive display of deadly efficency for the benefit of the drugdealer's son, who is staring, wide eyed.
Pretty much everyone is staring, at least everyone not including what looked like the two veterans, whose hands are already closed around their guns, ready to draw and open fire on deathstroke himself.

Dazzler has posed:
Alison stays back. This is not her fight. But that young man in the center - the drug dealer's son? He is one of those wanted on the list to check out for possible ties to the new drug called Hook. She knows better than to get in this guy's way, but she isn't going to leave, either. Getting access to this dealer's son would be a huge stroke of luck.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke peers at the two men drawing gun and, as soon as they fire, he throws himself to the right in a side roll, coming up just behind another thug. The sound of the two gunshots is still ringing through the air as the terminator stands up, the broadsword swiping in an arch parallel to the floor that cleaves through the neck of two of the wannabe gangsters. Then his left hand comes down, landing on the grip of one of his pistols, that he draws and fires with a quick, unsettlingly precise motion into the head of one of the two veterans. Then the muzzle of the gun shifts and, as he twists his body to the right to avoid a bullet, he fires again, the head of the second veteran jerking backwards as a hole appears in the exact center of his forehead.
Six more guys remain, seemingly now starting to reach for their guns, forming a human wall in front of the dealer's son. The guy should be protected, from deathstroke, but having six people in front of him makes it so that he has his back quite exposed.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler tilts her head, watching the precision with which Deathstroke attacks. From behind the men guarding the dealer's son, she can do little without falling into Deathstroke's path of destruction. So instead, she stands, and steps out from behind her cover. "You're just going to die, all six of you. You've seen what he is capable of. Step away from your ward, and save yourselves.

Dazzler seems to brazenly walk between Deathstroke and the six men guarding. "What's your angle? You killing this guy or just picking him up for someone?"

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke throws himself forward, sliding under a gunshot to prepare to thrust his blade into the stomac of one of the six remaining survivors, at least, until Dazzler herself steps into his path. And so it is that he has to stop, as well as everyone else, his blade withdrawing to avoid accidentally cutting through dazzler herself.
"he is not my target, he is a message." the metallic voice is clearly coming from Deathstroke's helmet, announcing in a cold tone the answer to Dazzler's question. "step aside, these men are already dead, no sense in delaying the inevitable. For what it's worth, it is not yet the day to get into a grave, for that one." and he points to the dealer's son with his free hand, the other one still wielding the broadsword

Dazzler has posed:
The information is enough to satisfy Alison's curiosity. There is clearly little to be done for these men, but the "message" she wants a moment to speak with.

"I'd like a moment to ask a few questions of that one," she says. And with that, Dazzler flickers and disappears. She is now standing back near where she was under cover before. She crosses her arms, and waits.

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke blinks when Dazzler disappears, but for the moment, his priority is shifted to the six men that are now realizing they are just walking bodies. They predictably enough scatter around, starting to run. Two of them drop to the ground with throwing knives sticking out from their back, still alive for now but definitely not going anywhere. Two gunshots ring through the air in such a quick succession that it almost seems like a single shot, and another two drop down with the back of their heads blasted away, and the other two are reached by the blade of deathstroke's broadsword, meeting the same end as their ex allies. Because there are no allies in death, right? Then the terminator turns, sheathing his broadsword, and calmly walking to the two with throwing knives in their backs. He extracts the blades, cleaning them carefully on the men's clothes before sheathing them again, then efficently proceeds to snap their necks, the cracking sound being the only sound. And there, the dealer's son stands, still petrified. "if you need to speak with him feel free too, I'm done here. But, kid, tell your father that what you have just seen will happen to every single person surrounding him, every, single, person. If he doesn't stop doing what he has in mind. I am sure he will understand." then he turns, stepping backwards and leaving the spotlight to Dazzler.

Dazzler has posed:
At once, without warning, bars shoot up out of the ground around the young man. They create a prison just large enough for the man to stand still in the center.

The bars, constructs of light, are luminous and blue. "They are as solid as steel," Alison explains as she approaches again, and circles around him, "and will burn like shit if you touch them. All I want to know is what you know about Hook, then you can run home to Daddy."

Deathstroke has posed:
Deathstroke stands to a side, motionless like a statue, patiently waiting not really because he has something more to do, but because he wants to see how the situation unfolds. Plus, he needs to make sure the vessel of his message reaches home as safe as possible!
Seeing a dozen men die in less than a minute, and even more in a quite brutal display of efficency, might cause people to be quite shocked, especially if the dead ones were friends or, at least, acquaintances. And so it is understandable that the guy, there, is not exactly at his best, though, getting info out of him should be child's play for someone that can conjure cages out of nothing!