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Latest revision as of 20:21, 17 January 2020

Best of Intentions
Date of Scene: 13 December 2019
Location: Lobby, Hyperion Hotel
Synopsis: Buffy and Angel have a 'date' through a strange machine Fred made.
Cast of Characters: Winifred Burkle, Angel, Buffy Summers

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred was crafting a new device! Who the heck knows what it does, but she's been busily working on this thing for weeks. It seems to have switches, dials, and other sorts of contraptions and devices and gauges and meters, and enough technobabble that Stark might have to look at it twice to figure out what it does. Still! The masterful device has neared completion, and all she has to do now is find a couple of...test subjects, on which to test her brilliant device.

Angel has posed:
Angel's first thought upon glancing at it? Rube Goldberg would be impressed. Swiftly folllowed by 'Fred is at it again' and lastly that Fred needs a hobby. And/or a pay raise. A hobby that's not involving making things that look impressively confusing. Mostly since Anngel's just now coming into the 1900s tech wise. he has a cellphone, and a laptop, and...that's about it. He never uses either. This tweeting thing? Who let birds go online anyway? Technology and Angel are still a ways apart.

So that's why Angel's looking in on Fred from the doorway, kitten in hand, the little fuzzzball in both Angel's hands and watching Fred too with content little purs from Angel's holding of kitten. It's like he's /trying/ to get in the videos. Or maybe he's secretly jealous he's not making videos. Because sure, Angel, do less work than before.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers was still in town and while tensions were always high between her and Angel..Well she did have a gift to drop off and she was still concerned about more Master appearances. So that's why she steps in, peering around cautiously, eyes narrowed upon the gizmo that Fred is working on. "Ooooh, what's that, looks, uh...."well she's not sure any normal word could describe it.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
What? Buffy's here too? Perfect! Now she can test her brilliant device! She furiously adjusts various things on the device, presses a dazzling array of buttons, the machine beeps and whirrs like it's a star wars droid, and soon, she's grinning to herself. Excellent!

"Oh, Buffy! Hi! You're just in time to help me test this thing. Go stand over there next to Angel for a minute."

As she continues pushing buttons, a satellite looking thing emerges from the device and points itself in Angel's direction.

Angel has posed:
Angel's not sure ths is safe. The kitten's done the cat thing of getting out of harm's way. Angel on the other hand....not so much. Plus he's trying to figure out why Buffy's there, too. She's slept off her drinks, (who knew the old hotel bar was fit for the Slayer then?)....and Angels givine device a 'duh?' look. if this was a cartoon, there'd be a little sign over Angel's head showing how confused he is. Right now though he's not moving. Surely Fred wouldn't do antrnything bad to him? Oh wait, it's Fred. Angel's expecting mad science. Not mad science aimed at him....most days. Doubly so for things that look like they're out of the pages of ACME's latest catalog under 'death rays and other supervillain toys'

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks at Angel, "Good morning to you, too. No hangover for me today." with s shrug, she dictates on Fred, arching a wary brow at the 'testing' part. "Ummm....That depends, what exactly will that thing do...To a Slayer guinea pig?"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred neglects to explais herself. Surprisisgly, no part of the device says 'ACME' though it probably should. Fred hums to herself, ~Almost Paradise...~, as she flips the mais switch!

And a beam shoots out of the satellite of the device, and the couple disappears!

Only to reappear is what appears to be a resort of some kisd. It's defisitely not Earth's normal dimension, because the sun is shisisg and Angel is not on fire.

Fred is nowhere to be seen.

Angel has posed:
Angel's looking a little worried. "Is this Fred's idea of a romantic trip?" Angel asks. Yes. That's his first thought. Great. Stuck here with Buffy. On a resort. his first thought was 'well this is romantic'. Great. Just....great. Followed by the usual where are we questions. And oh yes, the how do we get back home. Followed lastly by the okay, this is sort of pretty questions. He'll take it, not being on fire and all that. Also....not staked. That's a plus!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks and...When she opens her eyes...They're...Somewhere else. "Errr...What? Where's Fred? Where are we? Howdo we...." she just glares at Angel's little quip, "Um, seriously? Are you saying I'm the LAST person you'd rather be with on-a romantic resort!? Seriously? That's so...So....Ugh!" Buffy clenches her fists, trying really hard not to punch him right now as she looks around. Surely this is an illusion, a joke, Fred must be here somewhere. "Fred! Dammit, where are you?!"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred remains nowhere to be found...over there. From her section, however, she's watching through a TV like viewing device. Rather than reply here or any other way, she pushes yet another button.

A key drops from the heavens, somehow. It's room 106 in the resort.

There are other beings at the resort. A pair of what appear to be sentient lions seem to be doing scenes straight out of the can you feel the love tonight scene in the Disney movie. They're surprisingly good singers too.

Angel has posed:
Angel just stares at the key. "Oh. Really?" he asks watching the key fal. Then he sees the lions. "I.what...I...have no words. No. None. Nope" Angel mutters looking to Buffy. "Can you believe this?" he asks. No way he's touching the key. No way. Nope. Not happening! Angel shakes his head for amoment. Angel looks to Buffy. Then the key. Then back to Buffy again. One key. Both of them. One room....

Winifred Burkle has posed:
As they watch singing lions, it gets worse. Because a couple dressed in 15th century clothes walks by. They are young. REALLY Young. Like, maybe 15 for him, 13 for her. "Be not her maid, since she is envious, for thou that art her maid are far more fair than she..."

What could only be Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet continue on...while they're not exactly quoting every single line from the play, they are talking in lines that could be written in the play, and they speak in perfect sonnets, if one listens closely enough. The meter and rhyme schemes are on point.

Angel has posed:
Angel looks more worried, "Okay, okay, fine. Fine" he says gently. "I've no idea what's going on, but...Buffy?" Angel calls, having wandered a few paces away. He watches the couple, then the key. Grabbing the key Angel shakes his head. This is a bad, bad idea, probably?

Winifred Burkle has posed:
As Angel picks up the key, another couple...this one with a large Beast of a creature is escorting a very beautiful woman in a golden gown. And she appears to be holding a Rose for some reason. They're probably surprisingly good singers, if they are who they appear to be.

No way to tell what kind of idea it is till they make it to the room.

Angel has posed:
Angel shakes his head at the goings on, shaking his head again he just....stares. There's no words he can muster to explain what's going on. Shaking his head for a third time, Angel peers at the key then everything else. "Alright, Fred. I will take your toys away when we get out of this!" he shouts, though he begins walking, not that far to keep the Slayer in sight, but....sure, exploring may give him a clue on how to get out of here.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
As Angel mentions toys, what should appear on the ocean shore but...a couple jet skis that weren't there a minute ago. Because hey, that's one definition of toys that's fun and still rated PG.

And because things aren't quite surreal enough yet, Marc Antony and Cleopatra walk by, discussing Roman conquests.

Angel has posed:
Angel sighs and looks to the jetskis. "Okay, re those...?" he asks carefully. He cautiously goes over to one, making sure the key's safe in pocket and unable to fall out...without Angel falling in the ocean. Looking to the jetskis, Angel strides over to one, inspecting it. "I said I'd take your toys. So you give hem to me?" Angel asks. "Buffy deserves toys too, you know!"

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Well, there are a PAIR of Jet Skis, meant to be ridden together. So there's one for Buffy too. They actually probably would be a lot of fun in whatever sort of dimension Fred's sent them to, or more likely made, given the control she seems to have over reality. At least it's a benevolent creator. More or less.

Angel has posed:
Listening, Angel is at least glad whoever is pulling the strings is kind. He's not figured out who...yet. Instead, he's glad of a kind, benevolant creator. Mostly since, well, it could be worse. He's trying to stay on this creator's good side, too.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had wandered off somewhere, getting caught up in a toy fight and a weird musical winter wonderland, then somehow ended up on the back of a flying elephant before it dropped its feather somewhere..And hurled Buffy from the sky, falling right towards Angel's open arms...Who will hopefully catch. her before she goes splat..

Angel has posed:
Angel leaps up and...has his arms ready to catch Buffy. Somehow...he's thinking in the back of his mind. This is romantic and somebody is going to get it when they get outta this. First though. Catch the Slayer. Hopefully nobody hands overr a rose. Or many of them. Angel's ready, waiting to catch Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers yells as she falls through the sky and, unfortunately Angel catches her which probably triggers romantic music probably much to both of their annoyances. She frowns a bit,feeling self conscious as she quickly leaps out of his hands. "Um. Thanks, I guess. Not that I couldn't handle that myself. What us this place, fairytale land?? Oooh what's this?" she peers towards the water skis and of course she has to try a pair on. But there are two pairs soo. "Well? what are you waiting for, let's go Skiing!" she grins.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The aforementioned romantic music coming out of nowhere? Straight up Elvis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGJTaP6anOU Otherwise jet skies await.

Angel has posed:
Angel smiles, "sure, why not. Can we run down the violins and other romantic music?" he adds with a look to Buffy then the waterskis. "Oh yeah I got that room key too" he adds with a sigh at it all. Climbing on a jetski, Angel grins to Buffy. Sure he can drive....but....this?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers rolls her eyes at Angel as she climbs on the jet ski and starts the motor. Okay, so she's never driven one before but Buffy has always been rather adventurous. Best to roll with the punches. "Seriously Angel, quit being such a party pooper and try living for once! Consider this a vacation, even if it's with someone you apparently hate enough that you'd move to another town to get away from them..."

Angel has posed:
Live a little. Vampire. Soul. Sure, why not. Angel starts the jetski and finds it's easier than he thinks. Right up until he twists the throttle and it takes off across the water. The shriek Angel provides? Priceless. Thankfully, Angel's smart enough to slow it down some, a nice brisk pace,as he's slowing the jetski down to find Buffy againn. "It's a vacation?" he calls, "With you, sure why not. Next thing you know we'll be sharing that room" Angel adds. Sure, sure, somebody will take the couch. Or....something like that

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins, twisting and turning in the water, "Heey, this is great! Cmon admit it, you haven't had this much fun in a really long time! I can see it. How about I race you to the other side? Winner gets..." she stops to ponder, yeah, nit sure what the winner gets, and she really shouldn't be teasing him, because teasing leads to flirting leads to..Well let's not go there. Or think about that key or where it leads or how long they will be here or...or...

Winifred Burkle has posed:
The ocean is actually calm as they jet ski around...of note is the sight of a mermaid singing something about ~part of your world~ up to a ship that has a handsome black haired prince on it. Because of course there is.

Angel has posed:
Angel actually...laughs. "Bring it, Summers" he calls and revs the jetski. Oh he wants to tease. He wants to show off and enjoy this. He's willing to race Buffy. He's willing to...

Not let Angelus loose. Still though, he's not that close yet. See, this is fun. This is way better than being in the office doing paperwork and...and...things. Hey he may even thank whoever sent him here too....as he twists the throttle of the jetski and rockets forward. he wants to win, to see what Buffy has in store for the winner. He has a hunch what he'll give Buffy for winning.Not that she'll get a chance if he has his way.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers approaches the ship and finds herself humming along to the catchy but oddly cheesy romantic tune, because they really don't want to go down that road fir many reasons. But hey, this is kinda fun and she swerves around the ship attempting to take a short cut to the their side of the body of water, probably spraying passerby in the process. "Cmon Angel, are you asleep or what? I'm gonna win this thing and you're gonna regret it!" she continues to taint because she can't help it, it's too much fun and she hasn't seen him like this in a long time...Brings back memories.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Off on a nearby island, one can see the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Will, on shore with his wife Elizabeth Turner, with the ever catchy 'He's a pirate' theme playing.

Flying overhead on a futuristic ship of some kind or other is a young man complaining about sand to the Queen of Naboo.

But the Ocean itself remains just perfect for this race. It favors neither player. Only their own skills can bring this victory home.

Angel has posed:
"You're not going to win!" Angel calls, speeding up to go flat out. Swinging around the ship, Angel's closing on Buffy and he's singing along too. It's definitely catchy. It's the sort of catchy that Angel will be humming....and quite possibly get everyone else humming. It's like a plague of catchy music. Angel's just focused on Buffy, focused on what the prize is if he wins. Or what he'll give Buffy if she wins, either.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins, swerving to the side to spray Angel with more water should he come too close. "Are you sure about that? You're just a grumpy old man, doesn't know how to have fun, but I gotta admit, I've never seen you this cheerful before!" she grins, singing in tandem wth him, which would be romantic if this was a Disney movie and not a darker, often tragic cult fiction tv show. She's not sure what she gets if she wins. Maybe she shouldn't think too hard, Afterall they're just friends now and they e both moved on and..Why is Buffy even going down that road again? Best to just enjoy it fir what it is: A jet ski race and nothing more. Oh and a single key.