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Surviving Infinity: That's What Friends Are For
Date of Scene: 17 January 2020
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Thor comes to Xavier's seeking help in the quest to bring Tony Stark and Captain Rogers home. Shannon, Bean, Sam Guthrie, Illyana, and Kurt answer the call. Plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Thor, Samuel Morgan, Cannonball, Magik, Nightcrawler

Nightingale has posed:
     It's the simple joys of life that can work a brand of magic all their own, to ease the cares and worries of the day--and Shannon had her fair share of those in the past couple weeks since New Year's. There was, of course, the start of a new semester, a robbery at the museum foiled, and since New Year's itself, there were rumors of mansion residents and friends among the Avengers gone missing, through some means or another. A text message with well wishes for the New Year to Captain Rogers had gone unanswered, which was not unusual in of itself. But when she heard Rogue had returned from indeed being missing, the two in combination gave her cause for worry. Did she have friends still in trouble out there? Was there anything that could be done, despite being merely a student? It was a game of 'watch and wait'--a game she /hated/ playing, but had to gain some proficiency in, regardless.

     She's dressed for the icy weather as she's out in the backyard today, with some dark blue jeans, a cream colored tunic sweater, some stout black boots, and a puffy, caramel-hued, velveteen parka. What sticks out like a sore thumb, though, is her hat. Yes, it's the red and white 'Where's Waldo' style hat, which at least keeps the thin, ice blue braid on the left side of her face in check. Somewhat. She's rolling a very large snowball, apparently large enough for the base of a snowman, combining fun with a little bit of strength training. Maybe she could put recent events out of her mind. Right?


Thor has posed:
Put recent events out of her mind? Nope. Because in lands the God of Thunder himself, and the King of Asgard. He does recognize Shannon, however, and, "Ah. Good to see you. I have news to impart. I do not know how many of you are home at the moment, but there are updates I must provide concerning the disappearance of some of my friends. I'm sure Rogue has already done some of these updates, but I have more to add myself."

Thor, of course, looks as he normally does, in that shining Asgardian armor, with Mjolnir stashed on his belt and that flowing red cape.

Nightingale has posed:
     Now that was a voice Shannon had not expected to ever hear again, despite assurances otherwise on their last meeting, nor had she ever expected to see the King of Asgard but in fond memories. What started as a smile of greeting quickly fades at his words, her brows furrowing. She nods once, slipping her phone from her pocket and tapping out a message. "I haven't had much of a chance to talk to Rogue, but I do know she got back a few days ago. As for others missing, I'd hoped it was just my worries getting the best of me, but it seems otherwise in this case."

     Her fingers fly over the screen of her phone as she taps out the message to Sam. <<Big brother, we have company of the Asgardian variety. Could you join us, please? Backyard, stat.>>

     With the message sent, she glances up again, tucking a stray bit of pale gold away behind her left year. "I swear, one of these days we'll meet on a happier occasion. All aside, it's nice to see you."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The aim is perfect. The object, once launched, flies straight and true. Its shape hangs in the air, like a pencil line slowly extending, approaching faster, faster... He races. With all his might, with all his heart, he races, because the thing must not touch the ground. It mustn't! But it's so fast, so nimble, nearly impossible to intercept. It flies on, and he chases, chases to avoid disaster.

    A leap, he soars! The object, unheeding to its fate, is unable to dodge.

    *CHOMP* With an air of triumph, Bear snatches the frisbee out of the air and lands, tail wagging.

    "A rare guest today. Welcome." Bean mentions as he walks into view, carrying a backpack full of toys for his canine friend.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie got a text, and comes walking out the back of the mansion looking about. He seems to be looking for someone or something and seeing the guest here, he will walk over offering Thor his hand in greeting.

Thor has posed:
Thor does hear all the 'rare guests', and wonders if that means he hasn't been around enough. Last time he was here, it was during that magical sealing spell that prevented outside eyes from being able to see into this place.

"We have a grave situation, and I have come to inform you of what has transpired. Rogue will have further details, for she too was taken through one of the portals. At any rate, two of my friends are still missing...Iron Man and Captain America. We believe they were lost through portals...to another galaxy far away. Rogue and Captain Marvel had to travel a VERY long way to get home..."

He also shakes Sam's hand when it's offered.

Nightingale has posed:
     At that bit of news, the color drains from Shannon's face; her shoulders slump, and her wings droop almost immediately. A few choice words rattle about in her mind, but in present company, they thankfully remain unspoken. "They're both friends to us here also," she offers, her voice gone somewhat hushed. "In point of fact, the good Captain was kind enough to visit just a couple days before Christmas. I've been honored with his friendship as well."

     Silence reigns for a few moments, as she gathers her thoughts. "They've done a lot to help us here. Please, how can we help them now?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As far as grave news goes, it hardly gets any more grave than this. Bean happened to like Steve, and had about a thousand more questions for Tony. Quite aside from the fact that they were Avengers, and the mere fact that they were taken and are still missing is bad enough, this gives him a bit of a personal interest in the case. About a thousand different options and permutations start to race through his mind... not that he shows even the least emotion or any indication of cogitation, kneeling down to fuss Bear, take the frisbee from the German Shepherd and launching it again.

    So, time to start eliminating some options then? "Son of Odin, do we know roughly what part of the galaxy these portals went? Or did Rogue and Captain Marvel not have time to determine their own position before they started their journey?" Basic principles. Always start from basic principles. "I'm familiar with a great many frequencies and codes that Captain America might look at using to contact us."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "If you know where they are or can communicate with them, Ah know someone who might be able to bring them home. Ah will see if Ah can get word to her as soon as Ah can.

Thor has posed:
"As for mounting a rescue...we think they might be in the Khundian Empire...which is slightly further away than the Shii'ar empire. We're going to mount a rescue attempt later..." But then, he turns to Shannon for a moment, "But I don't think Mr. Xavier is going to let students get away with going a few galaxies over. My apologies." It may or may not be Charles who makes that call, but he's reasonably certain somebody well.

"On the other hand, it is not especially likely that we will get them back unharmed, and we may require the healing abilities of yourself and Triage later."

"Still, we've been unable to contact them directly. Very few forms of communication travel quite that many light years. We're mostly just guessing based on where Rogue and Captain Marvel were, and it's still a needle in a haystack. Our first few attempts may not be quite right, and we'll be relying on the Bifrost to get us back and forth if we miss." Thor sounds like he's expecting a few misses before they get a hit. The galaxy, even narrowed down to one interstellar empire, is just so damn big...

"We're expecting to hit a planet called Deku 3 first."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon nods slowly, though her shoulders droop still further, a slight hitch in her voice. "At the moment, it would likely be just me. I haven't heard from Triage since a week or so before Christmas. The last time he had to leave for a while, it was for family matters, but that time he left word. This time, there was none." She purses her lips, and there's actually a little bit of mist in her eyes. However, she takes a few deep breaths, squaring her shoulders, and standing just a tiny bit straighter. Though her eyes glisten, there is a hint of steel in their depths, the look of someone who has already seen danger, confronted fear, and come through to the other side of it all.

     "Whether it's back here, or out there, whichever is permitted, just ask and we'll do what we can." A glance is given to Bean and to Sam, and she cants her head slightly. "I'm sorely tempted to suggest we let Mr. McCoy know about this as soon as possible. Between all of us, word should get to where it needs to go."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Ah yes, permission. That one concept that had been fairly difficult to get through to Bean. Of course he understands discipline, and the constraint of action imposed by strict hierarchies, but... well, in the end, who's going to stop him, really? His hand falls on Shannon's shoulder and squeezes it for a moment, just to reassure her that she's not alone in this, or in anything. The entire thing might be spoiled slightly by the sight of Bear sitting next to him, grinning around his frisbee, though...

    "Between us, the other Avengers and all the resources and intelligence of the people I'm sure are already looking into this, we'll get them back. Sign me up for the rescue mission." That didn't sound like a request. "And when we let Doctor McCoy know, we should probably also get in touch with Doctor Banner. If we can track the power signature of Tony's equipment, we can probably do better than just randomly hit planets and hope to get lucky."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Dr. McCoy knows and is working on it, well at least some of it. He was there for the original kidnapping Ah believe." He will inform the group. "We have one in house teleporter who can bridge that distance, but it comes with quite a few danger of it's own, and as Ah know someone. If you can get me the frequency the Avengers communicate on, Ah will get her to see if she can contact them. There are limitations to her powers as well, but less dangers."

Thor has posed:
"Very well. If I may, you may wish to bring one of your telepaths. We have some top rate interrogators, but none of us are gifted with that particular gift. If they know where my friends are, it may be possible to read their minds of the truth."

With that recommendation aside..."I cannot recommend using a dangerous teleportation technique over the Bifrost. If you mean to mount a seperate rescue mission, then that is what you may end up doing, but if you mean to come with me, then do not endanger yourselves in that way."

"Dr. Banner is already looking into, and has constructed various science ways of trying to find them. There is a good chance he'll be coming with us, for multiple reasons." Banner is both...Science and Heavy Hitter. One of the best to watch his back. Still, Thor doesn't do much science, so he's kinda vague with science ways.

Nightingale has posed:
     Though it was unlikely that either Shannon or Bean would be brought along on any trip, by the way the pair stood together, one might also be left with the feeling that where one went, the other would somehow follow. It was like trying to control a force of nature, which few--present company excepted--could manage. Too, there was that odd little smile that somehow crept onto the healer's face; she wasn't out of the fight, not by a long shot. "Miss Grey... Jean, that is... she's the first one that comes to mind. Why do you think it's hard for us students to pull one over on anyone here?"

     A light chuckle escapes her, and she shrugs, turning to Sam. "Guess we'll have to head into the Danger Room and get the ball rolling on some of that training we were talking about sooner than I thought."

     Bean's gesture is returned, with a bit of a smile. Nope, neither of these two were to be counted out, no way, no how.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It'd be good to see Doctor Banner again." Bean nods, suppressing a smile (barely) at the mention of 'various science ways'. "You will probably also want someone with you who can deal with any unknown technology you might fight or be opposed by. It would be my pleasure to assist with that, and any other further scientific efforts the eminent doctors would like to make."

    Just as Thor might not be very familiar with science, Bean is utterly at a loss when it comes to teleportation, so doesn't venture on any comments about the Bifrost and the advisability of using other teleporting techniques at the same time, or lack thereof. And don't get him started on magic. How do you even begin to quantify magic?

    "I'll agree that Miss Grey is probably a good choice if you need to get to the truth of something very quickly." No comment on the relative lack of shenanigans in the school and how it might relate to having a powerful telepath as a headmistress. His agreement with Shannon was practically immediate. These two clearly known one another well.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to them and says "Lila's teleport is not the dangerous one, but she can only go places she has been, luckily she has toured far and wide." He will add "Guido just got back to earth he should be able to help me get ahold of her. Illyana can possibly teleport us straight to them, but there is always a bit of a interesting ride."

Thor has posed:
"Indeed. A mage's teleport is riskier when they have to go sight unseen. They're better off scrying a location first so they at least have an idea of what they're going into. Also, a teleport is dependent on the energy of the mage, and travelling that many light years...well, I wouldn't want to put that on her if it can be avoided..." Various science stuff, perhaps, but he knows what he's talking about when it comes to magic. Or as much as one can for someone who is not himself a mage. Still, he worked with his brother far too often, and he's one of Asgard's best at magic.

"Very well. I shall make a request to Headmistress Grey for her aid. She must be very busy, but I am sure she has assistants for those times she must be away. If it helps, we won't be stuck at the destination, as I'll be able to get back the same way I got there."

Nightingale has posed:
     Nodding slowly, the winged teen lets out a slow sigh. Of all the times for their other healer to go MIA, it had to be now. She crosses her arms over her chest, lost in thought for a moment. Echoes of encounters past swim up to the surface of her memory, some directly at war with how she felt in the moment.

     'Make a stand, but do it with the school. Make sure you're not alone.'

     That from the good Captain himself. If she got directly involved and found a way to take part in the rescue itself, at least she knew she wouldn't be alone. None of them would.

     Then, of course, there had been the time she had to mend fences with Kitty, coming to understand the delicate balance between learning to harness her gift, and the school's need to make sure she would be safe. Both Kitty and the Captain were very wise, very strong people she looked up to, but at the same time, she wanted nothing more than to jump right in and help.

     After several long moments, she speaks up again. "We'll all of us do what we can. They've gone above and beyond helping us here, we can do no less and still be able to call them friends."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Oh now that was interesting. As much as Bean doesn't know about magic, he understands the law of inverse energy potential all too readily. "Huh. So that means, if we know how far Rogue and Captain Marvel were sent, Captain America and Iron Man must be at the same distance from the origin point, and the teleporter themselves must have originated from a point somewhere between that theoretical maximum range and Earth itself." Which is still a vast, vast stretch of cosmic distance, but at least it's less vast than 'The Galaxy'.

    "And does that mean that if you know the maximum teleport range of a mage, you can calculate their theoretical maximum power as well?" As he's musing this, Bean takes the frisbee from Bear and launches it again. It's play time for his furry friend, and here he is, standing around chatting theoretical quantum magic mechanics with a God. Honestly, his sense of priority is all skewed these days...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Most of the teleporters I know are mutant based." He will add with this "So, there is magic, science, and enhanced abilities. Do we know for sure what type of teleportation was used on them from the begining?"

Thor has posed:
Thor listens to Sam's theories about calculating the potential of the mage from the distance teleported, and, "...I don't know if it quite works like that. I'd have to ask Dr. Strange. For some things, only the experts will do." On the first point, "But yes, that's how we've decided on Deku 3 as the next point to hit. We think it might be close." Might be being the operative phrase.

"I think the initial teleport was technology based, so I can tell you little of that. But my friends are working on reverse engineering it as best they can." Once again, science, not his sphere

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just grins, crossing her arms as she glances between Thor and Bean. "You've also got a technopath right here. He might as well be the tech whisperer. Not an ability I understand, but it's fairly formidable." Mention of the good Doctor turns that grin into a look like she's eaten a whole lemon, pith and all, but she keeps those particular thoughts to herself. As for the rest? All this space stuff went right over her head, but she knew one thing for certain--none of the ones here would stand idly by, when allies were in need of help. She can't help beaming with pride at both Sam's, ruffling her wings.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Mostly." Bean tempers expectations a bit, giving Shannon a wink. Is he formidable? Well, he'll allow that. But is he the tech whisperer? Hmm. Debatable. Truth be told, he himself isn't sure if his abilities will even work on alien technology, or if his mutation is somehow hyper specialised to influence earth technology only. It's not something that has ever come up before. "Son of Odin, thank you for bringing this to our attention. You may consider us your allies in this quest."

    Is that proper Asgardian for 'we're here for you, pal'? Again, Bean doesn't know, but he's trying to emulate Thor's way of speaking.

Magik has posed:
    Speak of the Devil enough, and you might just summon her. At least it can be said her ears aren't burning.

    They cannot be burning because the surface of her black leather pants and boots gleams with excess water and a flooded circle washes out around Illyana as she manifests on the stone walk. Ghostly tendrils dissipate from a slice in reality somewhere about two meters off the ground and she drops forth from it, golden embers cooling to pewter before they hit the ground. Armour crawls up her sleeve to that usual spiked pauldron, the blade habitually carried at her back alongside a handsome, actual sword with a standard blade. Presumably a steel blade or the like, it's hard to sway with the black lacquered sheath. Water drips off her gloved hand and she reaches down to pluck a bit of water weed, tossing it aside in the dormant bed to be a perfectly suitable source of mulch. The portal above her wavers as the faint glow in her eyes is extinguished.
    It takes very little time to assess her surroundings, those on the grounds observed while she approaches. Shannon's wings are as suitable a destination as any. "Quest?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over a brow raised a bit and says "A bit of aquatic action?" He will ask. "We were talking about trying to find Captain America and Iron man, and our people who can teleport there. Ah was mentioning you, but admitting there can be interesting effects when you teleport across vast distances, but you might be able to go to them without knowing where they were.'

Thor has posed:
"In turn, I mentioned risky means of teleportation were not necessary if you meant to travel with me directly, as I mean to cross the cosmos with the Bifrost. I was hoping that we might recruit Headmistress Grey for such a mission, as a telepath would be of great help when we get there." Admittedly, he can't travel to a person. Just a specific point in space, which is typically on a planet.

"That said...can you actually scry them? See where my friends are in the rather wide section of the Khundian empire?" Which is an interstellar empire, so, well, still considerably more space than this Solar System.

Nightingale has posed:
     This was getting a little out of Shannon's usual purview, so she remains silent, shifting her gaze between all those present. So much for building a snowman. How come simple things usually managed to snowball into something huge when she was around? The world may never know....

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "You're going to have to point out the Khundian empire on a map of some description, I'm afraid." Bean begins, his eyes falling on the partly finished snow man. What would be more appropriate than to build a mini-frostgiant with Thor standing right there? So he reaches down and picks up some snow, compressing it into a ball, dropping it on the surrounding snow and rolling it around, idly, letting it gather mass as he gathers thoughts. "In theory there's no reason we can't use Keppler, the VLA or even Arecibo to look, but they all look in a spectrum that's going to take anywhere between decades and centuries for a signal to arrive. If anyone knows of a faster than light array they're holding out on, now would be the time to mention it." And so he muses, slightly preoccupied, Bear starting to help the snowball along by pushing it around with his nose. "Does anyone know if Tony was working something like that?"

Magik has posed:
    "Good practice," Illyana asides to Sam, a suggestion of a smirk barely leaving an impression on her lips. No sword is drawn, no sign of overt threat given to their guest as she closes in on the group with confident, certain strides. Her hands lift and she inclines her head to Thor. "This is an unexpected visit. You have my thanks for handling the matter with the dragon." Elemental light flashes through her eyes, a thrill charged that almost might give a suggestion of a smile. "For that, I owe you a debt. Separate from this, da?" Her Russian accent gilds the perfect English infused by a distinct manner more common to Oxford than to Salem Centre. She looks to the others, following Shannon's expression and then back to Bean. The slightest shake of her head sends that pale frost-gold hair stirring around her shoulders.

"Distances are no object." A flat statement gives no boast, only unvarnished truth without so much as a twinkling of showing off. She hasn't the need, apparently. The poor snowman in the making gets a blank look, as it's so far off her radar of experience as to be the stranger thing. "Do you need to go now?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "To scry them, will we need to head to Limbo?" He asks her knowing a bit about Illyana helps him know what to expect. He smiles a bit at the Shannon and Sam, and to Thor he adds "She is a powerful lady." He resists the urge for bad bad lady as illyana might misunderstand his use of bad.

Thor has posed:
"Speaking of Fafnir, is he still in Limbo? He must be hating it there. Without the flames of Muspelheim to keep his strength up, he will be entirely uncomfortable. But...I cannot say you owe me any debts, for was it not you who helped my friend out of Limbo?" That would be Hulk, of course. And rescuing Hulk would be plenty, as debt payment goes.

As for a map..."If you have a Galactic Map to begin with, yes, I can point it out, as well as, perhaps, a few other locations you may not have marked down yet. If you do not have such a map, I will try to have one sent to you."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just shakes her head, and shrugs. "That, you might want to bring up to Miss Grey, or one of the other instructors here. There's only so much us students normally see, barring extenuating circumstances." The thought of seeing a map like that, though, well, that had the girl's eyes lighting right up with curiosity. There were surely other worlds, other forms of life, other cultures to learn about. There was one of them right here, and of course, there were others she'd encountered in her brief time here. It only sharpened the hunger for knowledge, anything that could scratch the itch of curiosity.

     Sam's assessment of Illyana and her gifts widens her smile, and she inclines her head in agreement. "You learn to respect Illyana very quickly, if you haven't met her before. She hides it well, but she can be as kind as she is powerful."

     Bean gets a bit of a grin, and she sets to helping him roll the middle snowball for the mini-Frost Giant, appreciating the irony of building it in present company. Her eyes twinkle with a bit of badly-needed mirth, assisting him in the simple task.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Did they have a galactic map? Not that Bean was aware of, but then he wasn't aware of all the resources of the other part of the school where he didn't go all that often, and the few places where he was absolutely forbidden to go at all. Conceivably there was a galactic map there, but... "I'm afraid I don't have one handy. But your offer is most kind, one can never have enough maps." Except for junior officers. Under no circumstances should they be given access to a map. Or a compass.

    With three sapients now rolling the ball, it starts to grow quickly. It's a simple, nearly childish task that nevertheless seems to be every bit as important to him as the current discussion. Seems. "Entirely theoretical..." and it seems it was time for theoreticals already, which meant that a plan of action was soon to follow. "If we can scry the position to a relative degree of accuracy, how soon could the Avengers mobilise to take advantage of such an opportunity? I'm sure Miss Rasputin is able to perform her magic as and when required, but we should keep in mind that in this case sooner is probably better than later. After all, whoever took Captain Rogers and Mister Stark won't be expecting us to get them back the exact way they were taken in the first place. We should capitalize on that element of surprise before it gets known to them." Which is a statement that has barbs in it, if anyone cares to dissect the implication behind those words.

Nightcrawler has posed:
A slight pressure on the edge of the yard, like a storm about to break before BAMF! Indigo smoke bursts through reality and from it comes... Well he's in a suit, he's still walking slouched and looks like a blue demon with elf ears... But our boy is in a suit.

The number of people in yard is throwing him off, and Kurt stops up short to take in the sights.

No clue what's going on.

Big gold eyes staring.


Magik has posed:
    "Yours was the opportunity to help, and you kept many from harm," Illyana replies. The fringe of her long golden bangs threatens to fall in her eyes, blunting the direct stare she levels like a blade, her default not a great deal softer about that. She glances aside to Shannon and rests back on her heel, the abundance of energy spooled up and barely kept in check. "No," she says simply, shaking her head. Hiding from the truth is a little easier on that front. "This map would be useful to have. Good to know where this empire exists, if only for directions others can follow. We will not need it to get there, but contigences are important.
    She doesn't startle when Kurt appears, a blessing. The blue demon earns a curt nod from the Demon Queen. "We are talking about rescuing missing people kidnapped by an empire elsewhere. Debrief at seven."
    Back to the others, her attention moves between them. "Scrying would be helpful for accuracy. I ask the simple question: why do we not go there, take them, and come back?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises looking over to Illyana. He remebers where some of her portals have taken then, but will keep quiet again for now, just giving her a brief questioning look.

Thor has posed:
"Because we haven't an exact location yet. We have a general area. It's the space equivalent of saying they were taken to Russia, with no further details than that. If we had the correct location, a retrieval would've been accomplished already. It is because we're not completely sure that this is taking time to accomplish."

And when someone teleports in, "Welcome. Yes, we're trying to save Captain America and Iron Man from a slightly narrowed down location on the other end of the galaxy."

"If you don't have a galactic map already, I'll have somebody send one over to you. It's useful to have, even if you rarely leave the atmopshere."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"No my friends, I ah... No galactic map..." Kurt stares at Thor. It's been a while since Steve's party, but cripes the guy is impressive looking. Kurt actually looks down at himself and then back to Thor before stating, "I do have the ability to get you all access to a dimension that is connected to all others and is a world of portals in and of itself?"

He allows a moment, lips pursed before adding, "Ruled by my psychotic assassin father..."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon extends one wing in Kurt's general direction by way of greeting, her hands full with the task of helping Bean roll the snowball up onto its mate, slightly smaller in size to form the torso of the mini-Frost Giant. Though her expression initially softens upon seeing him--this was someone she liked, respected, and trusted a great deal--it almost immediately shifts to a frown.

     "Yeah, you were mentioning something about red bamf's and your father just before Christmas, but we never got to talk more about it. Guess things got a little crazy around the holidays. Soon, though?"

     There's something of a pause, and she purses her lips, thinking for a moment. "Speaking of your teleportation ability, what -are- the limits on that? Are there any we'd need to know about?"

Magik has posed:
A quiet interjection arises from the blonde sorceress. "No need to put yourself at risk. He is not worth the danger to you," Illyana tells Kurt. "I can reach them. Scrying will help. It will demand only a moment's blink and keeping your eyes shut if you do not particularly care for the momentary teleport."

She inclines her head slightly and then holds her hand out, light flickering there. "Do you have anything of theirs? It would be enough to establish a link from Limbo."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "As the Son of Odin says, we don't know where they are." Bean mentions to Illyana, and then blinks once. "Unless... that is not an issue for you? Can you take us to a person, rather than a place?" This is, after all, Illyana Rasputin he's talking to, the Queen of Limbo herself. Mere trifles like exact coordinates in physical space within dimensional boundaries might not trouble her.

    His musing is interrupted by the arrival of Kurt, and he gives the teacher a polite nod, and the start of a smile. "Herr Wagner, it's good to see you again." Even if the talk shifts to those creatures that they had to fight, and the questions he never asked of Kurt. Doing all that, he hoiks the snow ball up onto its brethren with Shannon's help and stands there for a moment to judge its placement, deeming it correct and starting on another.

    Which leaves him just enough time to hear Illyana make her declaration. "I'd be surprised we can't find something belonging to Captain Rogers and Mister Stark in their homes. Mister Odinson, what do you say?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Illy has taken us across space before, distance should not be a problem. I am willing to go with her." He gives the vote of confidence."

Thor has posed:
As for having something of theirs, "As a matter of fact, I do. Not on me, but there's plenty of things that could be used back at the Avengers' Manor. We'll just have them brought out." Hmmm. "We are no longer discussing distance, just where, exactly, we're going."

Kurt's story catches the Thunderer's attention and, "...Will you require aid once we've finished rescuing my friends?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
"I can move people, but it's tiring, Shannon... And the red ones are my father's. He's  a murderer, he's ancient. He ages different, like mother. She's the reason I'm blue with gold eyes. He's the reason I have my other... looks." Kurt addresses Shannon, shrugging. "Mystery, solved." a stiff frown there.

"But I can help facilitate to getting to the Brimstone Dimension and from there it's easier to get just about anywhere else." lips in a line, "But if Illy has it in bundled up."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just stops what she's doing, straightening up and brushing the snow off her hands. There's a smile that slowly turns into something of a grin as she glances over at Thor, and... she actually chuckles. "You won't have to go back to the manor, sir. I've actually got something right here." Fishing about for the well-loved, rune-bedecked, brown leather bag tied at her belt, she opens it up, rummaging about its contents. Within a few moments, she withdraws what looks like a simple calling card; the edges are slightly worn, probably from being carried about, but is evidently cherished, as it's in good condition.

     With a bit of a grin at Illyana, she asks, "Will this do? Captain Rogers gave me his calling card the day we met in Salem Center. I've kept it with me since."

     Her brows furrow as she hears Kurt, and she sighs softly, her eyes misting over. "I'm sorry." She hated hurting those she cared about, and bows her head in shame.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Heads up." is Bean's only warning as he lifts the new snow ball from the ground, much smaller than the other two. Lifted, in fact, so quickly and so near to Shannon that unless she gets her chin up and stops bowing her head, she's going to get a face full of snow.

    "So, assemble the team, scry for position, pop through hell to our friends, grab them if they're by themselves, flatten anything that's not friendly if they're not, go back through hell, back here in time for dinner. I like simple plans."

    Plonk. One minitature Frost-giant.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie stands back listening for now. The others have this planning going on. Sam is listening to see if there is anything he needs to add.

Magik has posed:
    Illyana swivels to look back at Sam, triangulating from him to Kurt and Thor. "Are you prepared for the fight? I would expect to hit hard the moment we go through, as need be." Her frown settles in for a moment, thoughtful more than anything else. "I do not know what protection they would have laid down. Captain Rogers requires significantly more physical restraint than Mr. Stark. We can use scrying to try and see the state of it. I fear they might expect this and set up contingencies. We hit hard and fast, then Kurt is in a place to take one if things go awry." Better than saying pear shaped, fubar, or other alternatives.
    When Shannon hands over that calling card, she takes it from the seraphic woman and smoothes her fingers along the engraved information. "Something carried. Something near to him. It is as good as setting up a call with his phone. This was -meant- to find him. Yes. Very good indeed." That's high praise from a girl who rarely tolerates so much as smiling.

"You make a good monster," she adds to Bean. "What do you need for preparation? We will need you in case of any technical problems a hammer doesn't fix. Though if they have a ship, it deserves to go on a vacation without them. I hate kidnappers."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"We'd need to go through the labs... The BAMFs built a portal to the Brimstone dimension" Kurt offers, "It's still down in Hank's lab, we built it to get components for Wanda." tail looping to scratch at his chin. "I mean." he looks around to the others, "Maybe not the best thing to keep intact down in the basement, but it could potentially help us, ja?"

He pauses to consider as well, "As for fighting, I'd do what needs to be done to save a good man, no? He'd do the same for any of us."

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, Shannon lifts her head just in the nick of time to avoid a faceful of snow, giving bean a bit of a 'look'. She shakes her head, rolls her eyes, and chuckles softly. Yeah, she'd remember that one. His day would come, never fear!

     Kurt gets a light smile, her expression a bit more serious, her voice hushed as she adds, "They both would--and have. How can we do less for them?"

     She does not move away from Bean, however, despite his snowy shenanigans, crossing her arms as she glances between Thor, Sam, Kurt, and Illyana. Take one of them, take both. There was no way anybody here was about to stand idly by, when allies needed help.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    He made the best monsters. One way or the other. Bean is not going to deny that. For the moment, his monster is only an effigy in snow, with two coins for eyes and a sardonic, near saccharine grin picked out with furrows created with a single finger. The likeness is complete. Bean has built a snow man.

    Wiping his hands, his expression becomes more serious, his brain shifting not just into a different gear, but a different gear range altogether. "First we need to know who's on the team. Then we need to know how close your portal will get us. The next step, and the final step, is to divide the team into discrete groups, assign tasks and then go for it. The longer we wait, the more certain it becomes they'll know we're coming."

    "As for what I'd need..." what he /wants/ is certain. But he already knows he won't be given access to weaponry, so there's no point in requesting it "... when you have the best team ever assembled on this planet, that's all I'd need."

Thor has posed:
"It is good to know there are several means of transport. That way, it is unlikely anyone will be left behind or left without an escape route should one be required. Nonetheless, for going in, we should use but one method...I will recommend the Bifrost, as it is safer than going through Hell or Limbo, mostly because I know where the Bifrost is connected to, and I have more allies there if I need them."

"I must head out...please convery my regards to the Headmistress, and my request for her aid." And then, Thor flies off.