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(Pez and Bean swing by to see Nick. Some concerns are shared.)
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Latest revision as of 01:00, 19 January 2020

Check-In At Shaw Studios
Date of Scene: 18 January 2020
Location: Shaw Studios, Lower East Side
Synopsis: Pez and Bean swing by to see Nick. Some concerns are shared.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Samuel Morgan, Witchblade

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Ah Saturday. A break from the grind and a time for people to enjoy their time off. Typically. Shaw Studios is still open for business and most of their studios are booked for various recording sessions. But, unlike the incident during the Yeet! session, the sessions going on today are much smoother. No powered entities busting in to shake down the musicians, no concerning letters, just Larry and Gary patroling their respective floors. Wade Shaw in his office, dealing with scheduling software, and several lights flipped on to indicate where the recording is happening.

Off to the lounge area, Nick is sprawled out on one of the extremely cushy lounge chairs, An arm is folded back, acting as a makeshift pillow as he stares at the ceiling tile above him, frowning. His other hand holds on to a bottle of water, the fat end of the container resting lazily on the chair upholstery.

As for the knitcap? That's resting on his stomach.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Manhattan is starting to become familiar. Or, at least, as familiar as something like Manhattan can become to someone who has little reference to the 'normal' world. In a way that makes it easier to walk around, the crowd being so dense it's practically anonymous. And there is no better place to hide than in plain sight... which is why Sam, Bean to his friends, is currently walking around the city as if he hasn't just violently assaulted several people a few nights ago. Just him, a guitar case slung over his right shoulder, and a German Shepherd by his side, meandering through the throng.

    It is, in fact, the Shepherd who enters first. The tag on his collar proclaims him to be 'Bear', and the high vis vest clearly identifies him as a working service dog. The red bandana around his neck? That's probably just decoration. The canine traipses in, as his human holds the door open, and takes a look around, walking in a slow circle before looking back over to Bean. It's safe to come in.

    And so it is that Bean enters Shaw Studios unannounced, looking around for a certain musician...

Witchblade has posed:
Her vacation started yesterday, so Sara's officially 'not to be disturbed' for dead body related things. She's here because...honestly? She figured the studios looked interesting and she's killing time. Plus she got her hands on Wade's name, and did a bit of digging. Nothing illegal, all public records. It led here. Sara's brought treats, too. The smell of fresh baked bear claws, cookies, and cinnamon rolls and the odd eclair or two are coming from the bag she's holding.

So, Sara looks over the studios and smiles, she's got her bag in one hand, and is slowly, carefully making her way to the lounge. Good a spot to start as any, really. Bring food. Or in this case? Snacks. Because she's been secretly wanting to sit down and eat a bear claw or two and kick back, relax and say screw the NYPD's dietary requirements. She passes the grade, so what's the harm?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Larry, the guard who has first floor duty today glances over towards Bear curiously. The vest does its job as all the dog does get from Larry is a look which is soon passed on to the guitar ladden owner. The assessment is then switched over to the detective. Seeing the food bag, he says nothing. Making a mental note to stop by the lounge later to sniff for leftovers.

As a figure starts to near the lounge doorway, the distant look currently being bestowed upon the poor unassuming tiles above the musician's head falters. Pale eyes shift, observing the newcomer and a small smile forms. "I don't think anyone's dead yet, Detective." Nick teases, looking to the bag in hand, "Bring enough for the whole studio?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Aha. The mystery of where to find Nick has been solved, as Bean hears the man's voice coming from a door that the woman who entered after him has started to approach. Of course, everyone in sight is getting the usual surreptitious once over, noting stance, body language, gait... building a quick threat assessment of the strangers. Larry is mentally entered into the category of 'paid muscle', and erased from his list of potential threats. Sara... carries herself with more confidence than the average person. Used to being in charge, most likely, and absolutely certain of herself. Indicating, potentially, that she's not afraid of anyone around her. She goes higher up the list. Much, much higher.

    Bear follows Bean as the teenager peeks his head around and in to the lounge area, knocking perfunctorily on the door jamb. "Hi there."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara laughs, a soft laugh. "True. I'm on vacation. Hold the phone, I'm actually, you heard right, on vacation. Hey, there's a few wrapped in a seperate bag in there for the guards. Make sure they get their treats" Sara nods and then settles into a seat with a grin, relaxing. "Yeah there's enough for everyone here. I looked at the details for here, ya know, online, did some rough math. My paycheck is funding snacks. Nothing" she says, opening up the bag, "Wrong with that. So how've you been?" she adds.

Oh she's not caring about the assault. She sees it as self defense. Plus, she's not involved, true. She's not involved, though she does zip her phone in her pocket and looks relaxed and easygoing. She nudges the bag open, the smell of food is good, very good. All fresh baked things. So, she listens, eyes closed and sitting back relaxing as she's just inhaling the scents of fresh baked goods. See, who cares about catching up on paperwork when Pez has friends and neighbors to visit. Like she's doing now...

Tucking her hair back Sara glances to the door with a friendly smile. She's not going anywhere yet. Comfortable seat? Check. Food? Check!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The knock draws Nick's attention away from Sara towards the smaller visitor plus canine companion, "Hey Bean." He greets.

The performer lifts his head slightly, freeing up his pillow arm to grab the hat on his stomach before starting the process of sitting up, making note of the guitar, upon righting himself "Is your guitar teacher one of our guys?"

Nick looks over to the bags and then tilts his head, looking to the attentive guard visible through the doorway, "Hey Larry, I know you heard her, come in here and grab something for you and Gary. Wade'll understand."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Not yet." is Bean's reply as he enters the lounge, giving Sara a polite nod on his way in. Bear does his usual quick circuit, and then walks between Bean and Sara, as if delineating personal space. "But I figured if I was going to come say hello, I'd at least bring an instrument to make it look as if I'm here for business."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara glances to the canine. Doubtful said four legged friend is allowed sticky, gooey treats. Larry on the other hand being very much two legged and guard, is. She looks over and nods. "Yep c'mon in. I brought enough for everyone. Come grab some, folks" Sara offers. She's picturing a recording session being stopped by somebody knocking on the door to offer food, and grins to herself for it with a glance to the bag. "So aside from my showing up with food, yeah what's up with you lot?" Sara asks. She glances to Nick, "Can somebody go give Wade a bear claw or something?" she asks suddenly. Not really fair to leave the owner out of the fun, huh?

Not really, so, Sara's wondering what to send up to his office, wne she setles back, relaxes and looks supremely relaxed. Not a corpse in sight either. She's waiting on introductions, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, looking to the doorway, he adds in, "Larry, Grab something for Wade too. He's still in the office."

As Larry makes his apologies and acquires the food for himself, Gary, and now Wade he gives the detective a nod of thanks before backing out of the room, food and all.

Nick absentmindedly holds his hand out for Bear to potentially sniff during his rounds. He's not sure what Bear needs to do when going in a room.

"So it's a prop today." He assesses, giving a nod, "Are you SURE you're not an actor?"

He looks between the two, "Ah yes. Bean, meet Pez, my neighbor. Pez, meet Bean." He pauses, considering what to say about Samuel, "We have this knack for running into each other."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "We all play a part." Bean smiles... but it's an odd smile, one that doesn't quite reach the eyes. It's the smile a police officer sees quite often, when someone is being polite but not being quite genuine. "And who knows, maybe I'll actually get to have some lessons while I'm here." Bear doesn't seem to need to do much. Just... be there and sit around, while Bean as well sits down in a chair facing the door and at least one reflective surface.

    He inclines his head towards Sara and leans over to offer a hand. "Sam Morgan. My friends call me Bean, because they already knew another Sam. It stuck."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara can be nice. When she's not staring at dead bodies, and bullets, and, things. She nods to Sam and takes the hand. "Sara Pezzini, NYPD, Homicide. I'm pretty sure we gotta keep bringing food on the DL, lest my colleagues use it for a PR campaign" Sara says. There's truth to that, as she nods to Larry then Sam and Nick. "You know my neighbor? See, long as you're keeping him safe, we're good" Sara offers with a nod over to Samuel again, then to Nick. "I'm really no trouble. I don't keep you or Wade up with wild antics. You got to give me that" Sara offers. For her a wild night is going to sleep later than usual. Ah the life of a cop...

She does though chew on a bear claw while she ponders however, she looks from Nick to Samuel then Bean, looking apologetically to the canine. "This sorta stuff's bad for dogs" she explains.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No, you're pretty quiet by the time you drag on home." Nick admits, shaking his head at Bear's predicament, getting up from his seat, heading to the vending machine, "I think I know something he can have." He glances into the machine's window, smiling at the single serving bag of goldfish crackers inside.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "He's not allowed any treats while he's working." It's one of the things Bean is very strict on. Of course Bear gets more than his fair share of treats and games afterwards, but when he's wearing his vest, he has to know that he should be working, not playing. "Treats is how I train him." And he reaches down to give the dog a good ruffle between the ears, prompting a happy tail wag the lolling of a long tongue.

    Sara introducing herself as NYPD doesn't seem to have any reaction. In fact, no reaction at all, which in itself might be strange. Most people are at least a little bit worried about meeting a cop for the first time, right?

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods, "Same for our dogs" Sara says noting the lack of a reaction. She's not doing anything, but....she's enjoying a bear claw. "So your service dog gets treats after work. Makes sense" Sara smiles, relaxing more as she settls into the chair and looks quietly thoughtful, then stays quiet while taking in the room itself from her seat.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Then, you can give them to him after work is done for the day." Nick replies, matter of factly, fishing out some change to plunk it into the machine.

Clink. Clink. Clink. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The machine whrrs, jettisoning the white and orange bag into the abyss, spurning the crouch of food retrieval that the musician performs.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "It's a balance. Sometimes I feel really awful for having to deny Bear treats when every other dog around him is having fun, but... it's work, you know?" Sure, everyone knows that work isn't supposed to be fun, right? But Bean is sixteen, so that's actually quite a cynical outlook. Seeing that something more might be expected, he leans forwards and helps himself to a pastry. A clearly very unfamiliar pastry, given that he's having to figure out for a moment how to best hold it.

    Bear's head swivels to the sound of the machine, tilting in inquiry. Machine trouble, human?

Witchblade has posed:
Sara watches and glances to the door, still very, very much enjoying her pastry. Unlike Samuel, Sara's definitely aware of how to hold a pastry and is demolishing it slowly, carefully too. She's hoping the machine's kind, much as she's dealt with vending machines, huh, nothing aswift kick won't, or can't, fix. See, Pez is liable to call a repair tech, really than kick it. Which is a good idea really. Sara's smart like that, see, she went to school, got her degree.

Glancing to Samuel again, Sara nods. "Bakery few blocks from here, they do good stuff, where I got all this lot from"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
No machine trouble. Just awkward design. Nick shoves his hand into the flap, pulling the bag out of the food well. Task acomplished, he shifts the weight on his toes, rotating away from the vending machine before standing up.

He walks over to Samuel, offering him the bag. "Every so often the treats have to be switched up to keep things interesting, right?"

He steps back to the lounge chair, flopping back down in it, looking between Sam and Pez.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Variety is the spice of life." Bean agrees, accepting the bag of treats and finding a home for it in one of his many pockets. Bear glances at it, with those big, pleading eyes, looks over to the machine and blinks...

    *Beep* *Thunk* *Thunk*

    Two more bags fall from the rack.

    "Don't know where I'd be without Bear." the teenager smiles, ruffling the canine's ears, utterly ignoring what just happened. "A real life saver."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara glances at the machine for a moment. Okay, that was odd, but she's used to odd. Hell, she's the host of the Witchblade, so odd is a part of who she is. Nodding at Bean's words, Sara smiles. "Good, I'm glad about that" she says gently looking pleased then she wipes her fingers off and reaches for another pastry as she eyes it with a nod, then smiles. Looking in the bag again, Sara isn't sure what to go for next however.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns to blink at the machine as two more bags of goldfish thunk to the food bin. "Huh. Guess the machine's due to be serviced soon."

Nick unscrews the cap of his water, "So, Pez. That group you met around Christmas called Wade, offering me the spot full time. What did you think of them?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    As the talk moves to professional topics, Bean goes quiet, just observing and listening. Honestly, he wished he'd known Sara was NYPD before giving his name, add that to a list of errors that will require reviewing later today. Not that he's actively wanted, but a search on that name would reveal... oddities.

    Leaning back, he looks at the room itself, the placement of the cameras, the security features...

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's quietly thinking on that for a moment. "Honestly? There's something a little odd about them" she offers. "I get the whole animal motif. But....it's just....here's something weird" Sara says. She can't put her finger on just what, though. It's that nagging thing. "Jut...be careful if you do go for it" Sara says simply. She's worried, she's worried about Nick, true, she's worried about the other group members, too. If anything, Sara's being a little selfish and hoping Nick won't take the job but she can't stop him.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm." Nick gives a small nod, frowning, "I can see that. I like the music but I'm not a fan of other things. During the tour I usually ended up on my own or hanging with William."

He shrugs, "Wade's pushing for me to take it though."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "What's the things you don't like?" Finally, Bean pipes up again. Mostly because his social simulations have taught him that it's important to appear active in a conversation, but also because he doesn't like what he's hearing. When a police officer has a feeling that something might be weird, that's when it's time to start paying attention.

    "I mean, if they're offering you a job, that means they have an open spot, right? So what happened to the musician you're replacing?"

Witchblade has posed:
"Right" Sara offers, "Just got that little voice in the back of my head, ya know? Can't quite put my finger on why but..." Sara sighs looking uneasy. "Look, I only knew you there but the rest of that group were creeping me out, honestly. I don't like that one bit. Plus that voice in my head is driving me nuts too and I don't like that either. Yah Wade may want you to take the job but honestly, if it's bugging you, look for another job?" Sara offers.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"The non-disclosure agreements are the worst, how I ended up with them to begin with, the rooming arrangements..." Nick replies, matter of factly to Bean, "Ki-" He pauses, shaking his head, "One of the band members... Honestly if the last member was dating them, I can see why they quit."

He shakes his head, taking a sip of his water.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Are you sure they quit? Did you speak to them?" Bean does have a suspicious mind, and clearly isn't afraid to voice that suspicion. Something about the description of this group, of their interaction, is setting off alarm bells with him as well.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara's got her cop hat on, and she's thinking. "Okay so why would they want to keep it all hushed up?" she asks. Broad question. And she's supposedly on vacation. Nick got her thinking though, she's wanting to figure this out. May as well start with a simple question, then....and go from there huh?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's a reasonably established group. There were rumors that there was some drama going on for awhile. And a public statement was made when it was official." Nick answers, "Considering the premise of the band, they can stay unassociated to them for as long as they want. And its not uncommon to want to use an industry alias when working on stuff you're not known for. It's brand protection."

He points to himself, "For instance, my session work doesn't get credited to my stage name, nor do the songs I sell to other acts."

He glances down, giving a half smile, "But...thanks. With your input it's now 3 to 1."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Here's the thing to consider..." and although he's pretty sure the point has already been made, Bean makes it regardless. He's not even sure why. Granted, he knows Nick a bit now, but as he's putting his oar in, he's at the same time wondering why he has suddenly started feeling protective of someone he doesn't know well at all. "... is if someone were to ask you about that band because they've been offered a spot, would you recommend it to them? If the answer is no, then you have to give yourself that same courtesy."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara nods listening. "You got a point" she says to Samuel, then looks to Nick. "Look at it this way. Anything creepy going on with the group?" she asks, looking to Nick again, then Samuel. "So if something creepy's going on" she says and gets up. "I was going to go see what Wade knows. So" Pez says with a look to them all. She nods, "Oh, keep the bag by the way, I already told Samuel where to get pastries" she offers, looking to them as she slips out the door. Destination? Wade's office!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gives a wave to the departing Pez, then looking to the bag of sweets.

"It would depend a lot on their current situation on whether or not I'd recommend it." Nick admits, "Last time, it was a good idea but this time around..."

He shakes his head, smile a bit more certain, "Besides, it's not like I'm out of work or something. If I really want to tour that badly, I could just- make another album."

Glancing to the doorway to make sure the cop was gone, Nick gets up and goes to the vending machine to retrieve the (now) free Goldfish crackers.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean nods to Sara as she heads out, reaching over to help himself to another pastry.

    "Why did they offer you the job though, Nick? I mean, I'm sure you're an excellent musician, but... why this, why now?" There are questions that he'd like the answer to but probably never will. "I could have a discreet look into the band, if you'd like."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick carries the additional crackers over to Bean, handing them to the student. "First time was because they were still touring when the other person quit. Filling in at a last second's notice is what I do."

He moves back to his seat, "They're still looking to fill the space so..." He shrugs, "Seems cut and dry. Probably just gave me first offer since I know the music already and they know I actually show up to practices." He leans back, "You don't have to go into that trouble. I'm going to turn down the offer."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Extra crackers. They go into his many pockets, much to Bear's delight. Yes, Bean can't refuse the canine anything, and he's pretty sure he masked that use of his abilities well enough.

    "Glad to hear it. But I'll probably won't be coming around here again." He finishes the pastry, and looks with a more serious expression at Nick. "If your neighbor has a habit of looking into people, you'll get in trouble talking to me."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head looking towards the doorway Pez disappeared through, "Oh, if that was the case I would have been in trouble with her long ago when she moved in next door." He dismisses, shaking his head, "But I can understand the need for caution."

He looks towards Bear, "Whatever makes you feel secure." He pauses, "Oh. Funny thing. There was an incident in the subway a few days ago. But, in the heat of the moment, I never got a good look under the hood of the guy who helped me. Funny how that goes, eh?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yeah, funny thing, I read something about that. Full of weirdos, the subway." Bean looks over to Nick with an unreadable expression, although there may be a bit of gratitude there. "I'm serious though, my file isn't clean." if he know more about sports, he'd use some kind of analogy. As it stands, that will have to do for a warning.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"No kidding." Nick replies. His tone, not at all convincing of any fom of surprise. "Well, ok. But, if you need to talk or some advice from my end, you've got my number."

He pauses. "How's your sleep?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Noted, and thanks."

    It's the question, however, that gets his attention fully. Blue eyes look at Nick a bit more closely, suspicion dawning. "It's been better. Had a few good nights a few nights back, but ... sometimes you miss something more if you only had it for a short time."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Blue meets blue as Nick nods, frowning, "Thought so." He sighs, "I had problems sleeping for a long time growing up. I recognize the look." He gestures to his own tired face. "Stares back at me whenever I look in a mirror."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bear is getting confused, getting some very mixed messages from the humans. Just to be on the safe side, he lays his long snout along Bean's lap, who puts a reassuring hand on his neck. "Mirrors were not my friend for a few years. But I figured it was something like that when I heard you on the train."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods, growing silent for a few moments. "They were not friends. Far from it."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A double pat on the neck, and Bear is seemingly released from something. He traipses over to Nick and looks up at the man, putting a paw on his knee. You okay human? You don't look okay, human.

    Bean understands the sentiment, understands it very well. "Eventually you have to learn to live with yourself."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Feeling the paw, Nick looks down to the Shepherd. The frown lightens slightly as he slowly reaches a hand over, eventually settling in to scritch Bear behind the ears. Good. Bear. Good.