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(Calibur, Phantasm and Kid end up fighting some mutant hybrids :D)
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Latest revision as of 15:22, 19 January 2020

Mutant Mayham
Date of Scene: 18 January 2020
Location: Abandoned Warehouse, West Side, Burnley
Synopsis: Calibur, Phantasm and Kid end up fighting some mutant hybrids :D
Cast of Characters: Kid, Phantasm (Drago), Caliber

Kid has posed:
Gotham, gotham, gotham. Oh Gotham. With you batmans and made lads. You have done it again. Perhaps even surpassed it. SOME scientist decided that it would be a good idea to try and make mutant hybrids of creatures. With an unstable concoction of some form.

And now...those very creations have broken out and are beginning to rampage within the facility itself. Built into the underground of an others bland abandon warehouse.

The intitial signs of something going wrong was the BANG BANG BANG on a thick steel door. That was now denting before it stops.

Kid, in his usual teen disguise happened to be in the area when he heard all the ruckus and decided to investigate. Sleuthing through the abandon warehouse he slowly made his way towards the sound.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Perhaps it was the first bang, the second bang or the mutant hybrids going all murderface but the really nice dream Phantasm was passing through got ugly REAL quick. Gone was the beach, the beach bodies, the happy sun and peaceful waves and instead the raven finds himself pitched forward once more into the waking world.

Stunned, the bird blinks while the newly woken up guard looks to the raven, proceeds to scream and run out of the room.

The Raven mutters, setting his wings upon the floor, pushing himself up to stand on his talons to acquire his ever so intimidating height of 26 inches. "What the hell was that about?"

Caliber has posed:
    As of late, the situation at GeniSet Labs could be described in a single word: Boring. At least 'study' time had reached it's conclusion and Caliber was able to jet-set right on out of the building and off into the great metropolitan horizon to see if anything 'interesting' could be found.

    It's the loud bang that causes her flight-path to slow, balanced on the tech-spheres not so far up from the generic looking building. "... Was I just hearing things or...?"

Kid has posed:
Well alot of things happen at once - Phantasm was in a rather plain room with two entrences. The guard who initially ran away...ran back in and out the other way saying in quick succession "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE" like he was a broken record, and could be heard as he kept running.

And why...became quite obviouse. Following after him was an eight legged multied eyed Spider Tiger, with a maul to make the chesire cry. And it was now looking at Phantasm...and roars. LOUD. Loud enough to potentially stun a person a moment if they did not react quick enough.

As for Kid, he opened the already badly damaged door, the heavy door falling to the ground with a loud metallic thunk. And with it...the symphnay of screams, roars, and panic can be heard. Loud enough to attract those with some semblance of enhanced hearing...but quiet enough no one would think twice about it in Gotham.

Caliber has posed:
    Still hovering above, the absolute NOPE-ing of the guard isn't quite made out. The sound of the door falling, and the cacophony of tortured calls coming from inside the building, Caliber DOES hear. "Heh, some excitement tonight! Wonderful!"

    Without a second thought, the mechanical mutant commands the spheres to take her down, allowing her to hop off once she's near enough the ground. If Kid is still there, she offers a wave, "Helping or bugging out?" NO PUN INTENDED.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Why YES. That would indeed be called a Nope. The raven sighs. Ejected from a dream into a Nightmare scenario. The wings spread, causing Phantasm to fly upwards arcing over before landing on the Tiger-Nope. "GIDDYAP!" The raven hollers as it starts passing some of its energy towards the monstrousity, tugging an ear in an attempt to steer.

Kid has posed:
The Tiger-SPider roars! And unlike say a bull that would be trying to buck someone off...the Tiger-Spider pulls off the kind of flexibility only a hybrid could do! It raises two of arms and sharp claws drippin with venom are unsheath and try to stab at Phantasm - 6 of it eyes turning to face the bird. All while it begins twisting and turning to try and get him off.

As for Jua, he looks Calibur up and down and signs 'Neither'. Seems he didn't really talk. Regardless the door was open for both of them and...after a moment of hesitation seeing the narrow hallway, he barrels down into the hall way and down.

When he gets down there, scientist and guards both rush past him, as he comes face with a new mutant. A Lioncarda! Lion+Baracoda Hybrid. Scales and furs patched up it's skin, it had a long face, and a mane of fins. And was busy biting a man in half. Yea...this is not good.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The Raven's eyes get large as the claws try to get stabbity. The bird shifts side to side, trying to avoid the creature's reach, while still trying to keep contact with the creature. "No... Go that way..." He tries coaxing by shifting over to the side nearest the direction he wants the creature to go, trying to lure it into walking through an object or wall.

Caliber has posed:
    While Caliber didn't really understand signs, she sends a quick radio call back to GeniSet for a little assistance from home. While it isn't Lock or Sheen that answer the call, the member of the lab that does can at least find the information she needs. 'Neither'? Well the way he charged in seems to lean toward 'helping out'. "After you then!"

    A moment later, Caliber's rushing into the facility all the same. Coming face to face with this other chimera surprises her, "Well, I can't ever say I've seen anything like that before.." she muses as her spheres move out in front of her. "Not to keen on meeting those teeth, either!" she decides before moving up. Each of those spheres wrap themselves in a sort of shimmering-shield before she makes a motion to send one of them ramming into the creature. "That isn't food!"

Kid has posed:
Raven is having luck! Not QUITE the intended way, but it was getting the point across. The creature grew increasingly frustrated, anbd began trying to ram into the walls to get get Phantasm off, letting out additional roars of anger. And judgin by the sound of it...it was attracted something else.

Meanwhile, Caliber and Kid are initially met withy another roar as the body is tossed aside. The creature began to charge forward, perhaps intent on trying to dodge the sphere...and yet...

Kid was following the sphere, charging with it. The teen mutant-looking fella suddenly seems to split in two - which cause the beast to falter in confusion. This allow Calibure sphere to hit the creature head on, sending it sprawling.

As it got back up, each Kid slide to the left and right respectively and jump up, seeming to remerge above the creature and land upon it back...

And with that, Kid open his maul...and actually BITES into the creature skull, causing it to howl with pain and bleed profusily as his canines pentrate it. Seem it had weak bones due to it hybrid nature...or Kid very strong teeth. Regardless they had the upperhand.

Caliber has posed:
    Well. That was an interesting moment. Caliber expected pretty good help out of the mutant, some brawn to boot, but the splitting up and the big bite? "Brutal," she muses before pulling herself back into the moment. The two spheres are directed to either side of the chimera before they emit a beam of power between the two, a precision strike meant to target the half-breed and ensure that Kid isn't hurt. "Careful!" At least she gives a heads-up before the strike.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the creature runs towards the wall, the lack of tangibility does not give the means for the creature to stop AT the wall. It instead enters through the wall. Halfway through, Phantasm leaps off, taking his dream abilities with him.

There is a reason why phantasms prefer not to take hitchikers. This would be it.

Kid has posed:
With the Ravan phasing the tiger-spider into the wall - it thankfully gets stuck. A few moments of struggling before it simply is diced into three sections....front, back...and whats ever in the wall. It strange blood was already liquifying part of the ground. Tiny Tiger-spiderling begin spreading out as if about to rampage...but they just end up curling up and dieing. THANKFULLY science didn't go right...wrong? Best not to think about it.

But as for the place Phantasm was in...he seems to have ended up in the the lab itself. Inside where several large cyclanders containg other incomplete hybrids. Most inert and no longer recieving power as it seems such was cut off. But there were THREE broken containment units. One spider-tiger size...one much larger and fishy smelling...and a Third MASSIVE broken one. In the distance was the sound of screaming, gun fire...and what could only be describe as A Sound of Thunder.

As for Calibur...with the warn set out, her spheres make their strike, as Kid jumps up, gripping onto the cieling by a beam. The strike goes through and the creature let out one final roar before going limp. Smoking. Probably dead.

Kid let himself back down...and snaps the creatures neck. Definintly dead. He looks deeper into the dark of the facility and growls. The sound of thunder reached even them....they needed to go deeper.

Caliber has posed:
    Hearing the thunder, that ominous tone from further in, Caliber can't help but look toward it, up at Kid, then back to the noise again. Well, we're here, may as well finish the job," she declares before starting move further into the facility. Between the capabilities of those spheres, Kid's strength, and then her own, she doubts much will stop them.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The raven looks towards the remnants of the Spidger, shaking his head before he gets up, looking towards the tubes. The head turns, hearing the thunder.

"Oh PLEASE tell me they didn't try to make a Pikachu!" The bird complains as he hops up, wings spreading as he starts to run towards the source of the screams, form elongating to that of a wolf.

Kid has posed:
Kid signs 'Lot of Good food' and yes...he was infact eating the tail of the Lioncarda as they went in deeper. He had no problems with this. Still as he followed Calibur he looked...extreamly uncomfortable. More so as the spaces became tighter...and than wider as they themselves enter the same room as Phantasm. He saw the test tubes, the machines, and his face contorts. He already hated the place.

But none the less, both this small group and Phantasm were heading towards the epicenter of this lab. Dead bodies tosses about, the halpless victems of the experiments gone wrong. And in the center, they see it.

A massive being of 30 feet, it back and lower legs with whipping tenticles lined with sharp hooks. Lightning curling about it's form. Two small arms and a massive head lined with rows of shark like teeth. It was an Octupus...a Shark...and a T-Rex all embedded with lightening powers. It was....well frankly it would have been ridiculouse if it wasn't for the fact that they were clearly on the menu...cause it was eyeing ALL OF THEM.

Caliber has posed:
    There's a wolf, raven, something, here? "Three's a crowd but.." they step into the room with the massive creature, "Four's .. a crowd.." she stammers, clearly a bit shaken by the rex-octo-shark. ".. Man. Lock would kill for you at GeniSet alive, but, well, I'm not here for science today! He'll have to gawk at it in the video logs,".

    The spheres come up to her sides, she sort of takes a stance, then glances at the motley crew that had gathered. "For food, for protection, for the sanctity of nature?" she offers motivation to each of them in turn, Kid, herself, Phantasm, "Lets kick its ASS!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The wolf gives an accusing glare to what survivors are left. WHY THE HELL WOULD THEY MAKE SUCH A THING?! The wolf growls, before bursting forward with speed.

The wolf makes snapping motions at the creature before it jumps, starting to run on the walls, bringing it up higher and higher with each loop. Distraction time!

Hope someone else knows how to beat the thing.

Kid has posed:
The Sharktopuses Rex ROARS once more, sending out a wave of sonic energy capable of knocking back anyone who wasn't tied down...or wall running really. The wolf gets it attention first and multiple tendrils lash towards Phantasm, crackling with energy. As they strike the walls missing Phantasm, they leave behind craters with debree falling!

Kid himself points to one of Caliber spheres....and grabs one. He points up, and at the creatures head, hopinh Calibure gets the point, before hanging on in hopes.

Of course other tendrils were lashing out angrily at no particular direction, including towards Kid and Calibur! As well as machines being knocked this way and that!

Caliber has posed:
    Typically, Caliber isn't too fond of people messing with the gear that GeniSet made for her, but this was a situation that warranted it. So, now she isn't sure if Kid wants to do the well known fast-ball special or something else. She still has the second of the pair if needed, at least.. which she decides to float over toward Kid just the same. "Well hey, if you got an idea I'm ready willing and able!"

    And, well, since there's TWO spheres, she hops onto the free one, then settles in on the other one. "Heave ho! Send me forth to slay this beast!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Running is getting more challenging as random things blow past the phantasm on the wall, at one point, there is a decline in height to avoid one of the tendrils. By the time the third tendril smacks into the wall, the wolf leaps, swiping a claw across one of the tendrils before continuing the run along the wall. The wolf gives another growl, which if translated to Tyrannosquidipus, is probably a very insulting comment.

Oh no he didn't.

Kid has posed:
The Creatures gives pause...just straight up pauses. All it's tendrils take an L pattern along it body, as if putting it's hands on it hips. With one tendril it shakes it back and forth with sash and makes a strange serious of roars. Likely translated as 'Oh Hells No, who the abyss do you think you are B*tch!' or something along that lines

Yea...multiple tendrills go slamming towards Phantasm at a much greater and angrier speed. And this time, they emit a eletric burst of energy around them. Lightneing flies off it body!

Kid has to dodge one such bolt as well as a console, with Caliber. He looks to Caliber...well it wasn't QUITE what he was thinking. But he'll work with it....

With one hand on each sphere (Caliber BEST hang on)...he hurls both with all his might in a curve ball manner. WHich considering he can lift a truck, is nothing to sneeze at. This was the Fast Ball Techno Rillo Special! And it was comming in HOT! He was aiming for the eye. Definintly the eyes.

Caliber has posed:
    If Caliber says anything, it isn't going to be heard as she goes absolutley surging toward the beast like a bolt of lightning. A quick command gets one of the spheres to her hand. It gets pushed ahead of her, and that's when the barrier turns on! If Kid was aiming for the eye, Caliber thrusts the shielded tech-sphere in the same direction before her other arm, fist locked and loaded, comes surging around in the most brutal hook anyone has ever seen. A massive one-two punch with all the brute force of Kid translated into velocity for the strike.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The ears droop slightly. Oh sh-

The wolf goes tumbling dowards towards the floor as the tendrils start slamming into the wall. The wolf becoming extra poofy looking as the light of the electricity fills the immediate area. "ARWWOOooo..."

The wolf lands on his butt, bouncing across the floor a few times.

The head shakes before the wolf growls out another insult, starting the wall run up once more.

Kid has posed:
While the Wolf WAS about to incur the creature wrath more - it doesn't come. And his Wall Run ignored...mostly because Caliber and the Sphere go in one eye and out the other, blinding the creature! It was gross and disgusting - but it also couldn't see them! It tendrils were now flailing all over, trying to hit anything, everything!

Kid hops back several times, and even get hit by a bolt, and goes flying back agaist a wall, looking badly hurt from the shock. He looks to the massive creature...that should have killed it, but it was still going!

But he gets an idea. It's a hybrid, with different features. And he could only think of one way it would survive that kinda blow! He sends out a telepathic message, not that anyone would know it was from him. o O ("Trip it to the ground and pull out it's brain. It shaped like a donut!")

Caliber has posed:
         And then she just went through it's head instead. ... Ew.

Coming out the other side, the woman is coughing and hacking up a storm. She didn't realize just how fast she was going. The barrier on her spheres kept her mostly dry but.. still.. that was a thing that happened, "OH MY GOD THAT WAS DISGUSTING." She's honest, no doubt of that. She's going to need a second to get her composure back. TAKE HIS BRAIN, PHANTASM.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the Wolf continues up the wall, it seems like he didn't hear the suggestion Kid throws out, but the form seems to shift as the wolf nears the top and leaps towards the creature's head. Not a new form, but a different expression within the wolf's expression as the snout scrunches up, baring it's teeth as it dives into the opening created by Caliber's sphere, tearing at whatever it can get to, indiscriminately.

Kid has posed:
Well, it seem this was going to do the trick. Kid couldn't help but think 'Oh Grow a Pair Lady. It just blood and guts'. Granted...at the moment, the massive creature was flailing as Phantasm manages to burrow into it head. It flails violently for a few minutes as it brain is torn to shreds...before falling over dead. It seems that did the trick.

Kid sighs with relief. THIS was a hell of a night, thats for sure. He goes over to the squid and looks at trhe wolf. He picks up some brain, and eats it. He picks up another chunk, and looks to Calibur...looks to Phantasm, and shrugs walking away while eating the other chunk of brain. He seems to fade from existance. Guess no one will be questiongly him on THIS one!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Covered in blood, the wolf crawls out of the body, promptly shaking it off. The now reddish tinted canine looks to the brain eating Kid and looks at him with a doggy expression of surprise before he himself vanishes from view.