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Custom Costume
Date of Scene: 27 December 2019
Location: Flatbush, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Nemean decides to have a custom costume made for himself. Alice can provide.
Cast of Characters: Red, Nemean

Red has posed:
Christmas is just over, and peope swarmed the streets to get their post christmas shopping done. To liquidate their christmas money and gift cards. But that's usually a thing of the morning and afternoon, not the evening, and in the evenings, it's Alice' job to man the counter in the little costume shop in Flatbush, just a couple blocks away from "mutanttown". The silly santa hat on the Enclave power armor in the window is gone, but there is still a bowl of some candy canes remaining to remind that it is just 363 days to christmas again... or that it is just over. But the bell is sent back to normal movie tunes, not christmassy ones.

Nemean has posed:
It's hard to blend in anywhere but mutant town these days, but a costume shop seems like a good place to start. Because the universe seems to like dramatic irony, the movie theme in question is Be Prepared from The Lion King. Nemean almost groans to himself when he hears it, but with the hood of his jacket pulled up over his head and his tail tucked safely under the hoodie, it's not easy to tell he's not a normal looking patron at first glance. Unless you look at his feet.

Red has posed:
Getting up, Alice puts her teacup down, giving a smile to the customer. "Evnin'. What's your poison for this time of the year? Bringing back a christmas costume or seeking one for New Year's Eve? Or funding your next year's convention suit?" she greets, herself rather sed to obvious mutants. She grew up in M-town. She went to school there. And hell, even if she isn't on the obvious side, she's a mutant.

Nemean has posed:
"Uh. More of a general use kind of thing." Nemean replies, as he steps up towards the counter and pulls his hood down, showing off the lion face below it, "I know it's kinda hard to hide one's identity looking like this, but I figured maybe something better than a trenchcoat and fedora."

Red has posed:
"Trenchcoat and fedora? That never works. GLASSES is the new, old 'nobody knows me'." Alice quips with a little raised eyebrow. "Hm, I don't think I went to school with you, but can't know all of M-town anyway. So you wanna try to hide your coat or something specific? Because there are easy ways and hard ways. Like, if you wear Stormtrooper armor, nobody expects there to be a Trinarii under the helmet."

Nemean has posed:
"Don't know if a Stormtrooper helmet would fit over my muzzle." Nemean muses, "And uh, I'm not like, a mutant. Or at least not what most people consider a mutant." He considers how much backstory to go into, "Long story but I used to be human until like six months ago. Like normal human, no powers or anything. But sticking to rooftops and shadows is a bit overdone. I wanna be able to go out in public without necessarily getting stared at."

Red has posed:
Alice hmms as she taps her chin, giving nemean once again a once over. "Really not a Mutant? Well, I guess there's some ways... If you are bold, masquerade as a furry. That's if you wanna go out in almost nothing and have a zipper taped to your back. Or you become a Jedi, wear silly robes and mindtrick everyone. If you are gifted that way and want to wear sackcloth all the time. Hey, I even have a jedi Robe set here somewhere. Or you become a hero like Tigra and make people accept you how you are... or, of course, you have yourself made a custom costume. And you probably chose the later."

Nemean has posed:
"I'd probably need a pair of furry underwear to pull that off." Nemean muses, as he considers the fursuit idea, "A custom costume would be good. Maybe something that looks heroic enough that taking down bad guys who are trying to rob stores before Christmas, I won't wind up on the news in a tattered hoodie and jeans."

Red has posed:
"Who there, You know that rvigilantism is a crime, yes? That's unless you are an Avenger, and even then, it's police acively looking the other way and being shieded by the UN that lets them run. But yea, you wanna look heroic. hm... Himmie a moment..." Alice notes, herself wearing pretty nomal geeky T-Shirt (Choose your weapon and dice), jeans and boots as she grabs for some paper to do a general sketch of Nemean's body shape. "Anything you are looking for in particular? I mean, material, color, style..."

Nemean has posed:
"Well, most of my heroics have been with Beast Boy and Vorpal." He muses, "So something similar to them, style wise, might make sense.." He considers, "Though I suppose I could always go hit up the Army/Navy Surplus and buy a bunch of tactical gear too.."

Red has posed:
"Can't say I know either... what they wear and such?" Alice notes as she scribbles a couple extra body shapes onto the paper pad to work on. "Colorwise first probably."

Nemean has posed:
"Oh that's easy enough, I can pull up some stuff on my phone." Nemean digs into his hoodie pocket and pulls out a device, scrolling through it, typing a few things, before handing it over, "You can find some pics on there of both of them. Beast Boy is a shapeshifter, green skin, usually wears a white and red outfit. Vorpal is, well, like a cheshire cat, I guess. Pinks and purples, you've seen the movie I assume."

Red has posed:
"The animation? Hm... You're rather blue, purple and black go well with blue. And with red and pink." Alice notes as she searches for her markers, putting them onto the counter and then separating out some.

Nemean has posed:
"I could dig purple and black." He says, as he hmms a little bit, "And yeah the animation. Like the cartoon. And I suppose the live action ones too but they weren't as good."

Red has posed:
Alice chooses some two or three colored markers before leaveing a couple colored stripes at the side of the paper, noting which color they are. "Ok, got a sheme... now... what style? Tight or loose, form comformign or concealing, adding to the shape or not... you know, like... spartan armor or a bodysuit or a knight's armor?"

Nemean has posed:
"Bodysuit would be good. Something I can hide under regular clothes.." He muses, "Spartan armor would be interesting considering the name I go by, I admit.." He says, laughing, "I just realized I never introduced myself. My name's Nemean."

Red has posed:
Alice nods as she starts to sketch somethign more, adding some outline to the figure to hint thickness. "Long or short sleaves, zpper in the front or back and what kind of material?"

Nemean has posed:
"Short sleeves, back zipper. Kevlar?" He asks for that last one, "Otherwise maybe some kind of rubber or spandex or whatever the cool kids use these days." He honestly has no idea what he's really asking for.

Red has posed:
"Aramid fiber? Sure, could do that, but that stuff is usually all black. Could hem it with neoprene to get some color and line it with spandex for warmth and to shape it. Short sleeves or like none at all?" Alice sketch starts go get some shape as she starts to hint the pattern of the material.

Nemean has posed:
"None works." He replies, "Gotta show off the guns, after all." That's probably a joke. He doesn't really come across as the type to be egotistical like that.

Red has posed:
Alice nods as the sketch becomes more full, reaching over to scribble some fur to where the material ends. "Hmmm, could add a hood or something?"

Nemean has posed:
"Oh yeah, definitely need a hood." He says, as he points to his own, "Don't wanna scare the normals too much right off the bat, right?" He considers for a second, "Don't think I need a mask though. Not really trying to hide my identity."

Red has posed:
Again Alice nods, adding some hood to the sketching, the pencil tapping against her lips in the short pauses. "Hmmm, What color of lining? Keep it purple like the edges? Maybe some kind of pattern in the chest region..."

Nemean has posed:
"I don't think it needs to have a logo." Nemean replies, as he considers, "I'm not Superman or Batman, I don't plan on selling merch based on myself.." He muses a bit to himself for a moment, "Lining color does sound good though."

Red has posed:
"I'm not talking Logo, I more mean a pattern... one moment..." Alice says, reacing under the counter to get out a binder with skeches and stuff, opening it to show some current heroes and vigilante costumes. "Not that I made any of those, but look, how to break up the monotony of black..."

Nemean has posed:
"Ah yeah, I got what you mean." He hmms a little bit, considering, "Admittedly a purple pattern there would be good to break it up. As long as it was a bit less copyright infringing." He's joking judging by the tone of his voice

Red has posed:
"Copyright infringing?! What you want to allude there?" Alice notes and moves to the next sketched body, the pen hovering over the figure. "What kind of pattern though? Something irregular? Something regular?"

Nemean has posed:
"I meant nothing by it, was just supposed to be a joke. Clearly I'm not cut out for standup." He says, as he considers, "Hmmm. Well, something irregular might be nice." Something that does stand out

Red has posed:
Alice hmms as she starts to sketch some stuff at the side, something looking like lightning strikes, something akin to an explosion wave as seen in movies, an immitation of the Jurassic Park numbering slashes. Just some doodles. "What you like?"

Nemean has posed:
"What do I like? Well I mean, lots of stuff. I'm kind of a geek despite the appearance.." He muses, faintly, "Used to work for the government in law enforcement. But I'm into sci-fi and fantasy stuff mostly...And honestly I'm friends with a lot of weird folks."

Red has posed:
"I meant for the pattern. Uneven circles... or slashes... or a lightning pattern or something else?" Alice notes, chuckling as she points to the sketches.

Nemean has posed:
"Oh. Right!" Nemean looks a bit embarassed for a second, "Oh, like lion claw slashes." He makes a motion with one of his hands, "You know, that'd look cool, right? Like claw marks across the chest."

Red has posed:
Alice nods slowly as she eyes his fingers, then shrugs, putting a paper onto the counter. "Mind stroking it a moment? So I can see how a lion rake should look like?"

Nemean has posed:
"Ah yes, of course!" Nemean says, as he looks at the piece of paper, and then extends his claws, drawing them across the paper and leaving four clean slash marks through the material. He's careful not to scratch the counter under it.

Red has posed:
Alice nods, taking the piece of paper and a black marker, tracing the mark before adding an irregular pattern around, turning it into what might be the pattern if that was flesh and not paper. "So, we got a plan? Well, good question... did we talk materials already?"

Nemean has posed:
"I think as far as material goes, I mean something that'll allow me to move without any issues would be best.." He says, "I admittedly don't need any armor because I'm pretty bulletproof as it is. Though I'm not opposed to some kevlar plates or something.." He muses, "I mean I dunno if rubber is good. What makes a good suit?"

Red has posed:
"Kevlar is Aramid. It's not a plate, it's a fiber mesh. Bulletresistant, and if combined with some other things it can even be made better in that regards. Or you mean Carbon fiber reinforced plates? That's a hard, lightweight shell. Could be used to make a barrel body just as much as add abs and a sixpack. And add some stuffing below. Or protection. It's somewhat cut resistant. Flexibility could come from neoprene and spandex, the first one is rather insulating, the later one less so but still warm, yet being rather easy to damage. Rubber itself isn't a good material if it's thick, but a thin one can work. Might look rather kinky though." Alice notes, going to grab a binder with material samples. "There's a lot that can be done."

Nemean has posed:
Once the binder is presented, Nemean flips through a couple of pages, feeling some of the materials between his fingers and against his fur, "Neoprene could work for most of it. And hey if it looks kinky that's okay, maybe I want to use it for some extracurriculars." Nemean jokes, though he hmms faintly, tapping on the carbon fiber with a finger, no claw though, "I know my body is naturally resistant to being stabbed and shot, but an extra layer of protection over my vital organs might not be a terrible idea. Lets go with that.."

Red has posed:
Alice nods as she writes some numbers down, then pulls a fresh sketch piece out to work on it. "Carbonfiber plates are shiny or matte... mounted on neoprene? That allows to add some shiny rivets, if you want, or matte them away."

Nemean has posed:
"I'm not opposed to shiny. Heck if anything maybe it'll get them to shoot at the protected parts...I mean if someone is hypothetically shooting at me because as we both know vigilantism is illegal." He says, nodding as if he actually believes a word of what he just said.

Red has posed:
Alice nods again as she sketches a pattern of plates, using pencil to give the plates she makes in a spartan or roman pattern, leaving white spots for the rivets so far, but ioncluding a little trim of purple. Then the strike pattern. Then more of the details spoken about so far. "Doesn't seem half bad... might need a belt or something..."

Nemean has posed:
"Oh yeah, a belt is good. And maybe a couple of weapon holsters.." He hmms faintly, "I use swords and a few guns. So some kind of tactical belt would be good.." He doesn't appear to have any of his weapons on him at the moment, though. Which is probably for the best.

Red has posed:
Alice sighs a little at the notion of holsters. "I can make a belt for standard clips, so you can get holder matching for your stuff, maybe a couple boxes or soft cases for other stuff. Mirror the logo onto the buckle... there... I can't gice you a quote from the cuff, but that kinda cosplay ain't cheap. I mean, a lot of custom parts... you got a number I can call if I have a quote for you?"

Nemean has posed:
"Oh yeah, lemme wright it down." He jots his number down onto one of the pieces of paper, and then pulls his wallet out of his back pocket, "Can I put a deposit down? A grand good?" He asks, figuring it's going to be way more expensive than that, but he has the cash.

Red has posed:
"A grand... eh, yea, that might work as a deposit. Wait, you carry a grand in cash?! Or you want to pay with card?" Alice asks, writing the number into a differet form, together with a rough description. "Also, I'll need a name for the order."

Nemean has posed:
"Yeah it's in cash. Long story." Nemean says, "Lets just say I'm not worried about getting mugged." He puts the cash down on the counter, "You can just put it under Nemean. Unless you really want my old name, I can give you that too. Depends how you have to file it for taxes I suppose.."

Red has posed:
Alice eyes the bills, checking the individual ones before writing down the name onto the order. "That's ok, I just need a name to file it under for orders so I can look it up easier. And to tack to the parts. I will do some calculations and stuff and call about the actual price later the week and if that's ok, I start with the making using the deposit, ok?"

Nemean has posed:
"Sounds good." Nemean replies, "Can you give me the number you'll call from?" He asks, as he pulls out his phone, "I tend to screen calls just in case, so I'd like to have it in here ahead of time.."

Red has posed:
Alice nods as she searches a buisiness card, slipping it over to him, writing Alice onto it. "Most likely one of these two. Store phone and personal cell. Might have to order some stuff, so a time estimate is a little hard."

Nemean has posed:
Nemean takes the card and quickly enters both numbers into his phone, "Thanks." He says, sliding the card and phone back into his pocket, "I'll be looking forward to your call. Suppose I should head out for now and let you get to work."

Red has posed:
"Can't promist to start today, but I will try my best to get the estimate done this week still and call then." Alice reaffirms, nodding a little as she sorts the papers into a plastic bag, then writes a reciet about the upfront cash, handing a copy to Nemean. "For your papers. Have a good one!"