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Latest revision as of 05:54, 24 January 2020

I Don't Mind Logging
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: Its the School
Synopsis: Rogue's skin is so dang soft.
Cast of Characters: Colossus, Rogue, Cannonball, Spider-Man, Shadowcat

Colossus has posed:
    Absences are common at Xavier's. It is a large school with many students, many people and teachers and faculty who live rich active lives that lead them across the world and at times... beyond. So it is understandable how such a place is in flux. For many it is difficult to gauge the comings and goings. One notices Logan's absence by there being more beer left in the fridge. Perhaps Cyclops' absence is signaled by things being a little more relaxed in the school.
    But with Piotr's departure it may have left things with a faint feeling of disquiet. That small absence of casual warmth and a smile, the gentle artistic soul being gone might have been noticed by those around. But, hopefully, as the tall Russian walks down the sidewalk toward the garage and the front door, that time of disquiet may be at something of an end.
    Duffel bag over his shoulder and a large grey pea coat upon his broad chest, Piotr strides that easy stride of his with his smile growing just a little as he gets nearer and nearer to the mansion, his heavy work boots thumping with each step.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the front yard today, her car is pulled up to the garage, but she's out in the snow filled hard floating above said snow and holding onto a rope that is tied to a... its a billboard advertisement, the kind you see alongside highways. Its for some movie called 'Explosive Tomorrow' that came out last summer and bombed hard at the box office.

On top of the billboard are about fifteen students all wearing winter weather clothing and they all have their hands up, or holding on to one of another because Rogue is flying them around at high speeds!

The sounds of the students screaming, laughing, or what have you fills the ambiance of the school as Rogue takes them over a big steep snow bank and they fly OVER the driveway to the other side of the snowy yard!

The Southern Belle ZIPS through the air, one hand raising up to wave to Colossus as she sees him, a huge smile on her face and her two-toned hair whipping about her head as she soars!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is just stepping out of the garage, he has been working on his car a bit today." He will look up at the kids and Rogue smiling at this. Then noticing Pete, he will look over to the other man and offering a wave "Well hello there welcome back." He will call to the Russian "Illyana will be super happy your back.. Oh and the painting went over like gang busters."

Spider-Man has posed:
"No, Tommy, I don't think that if you ran really fast at a mountain you could cross dimensions..." Peter is arguing with his tiny green skinned mini-Peter as they walk side by side from the garage. Peter is wearing a Spider-Man T-shirt under a brown leather jacket and blue jeans in tennis shoes. He has a backwards METS cap, as does Tommy, but at least the kid is going for his own style...

Wearing a Ghost Spider (Spidergirl if you ask Peter) shirt.

He's being a dick.

On purpose.

"You're going to make me regret letting you watch Buckaroo Bonzi aren't you?" Grumbling as he wipes at his hands, rubbing a rag between his fingers as they come near to the front yard with the smaller, greener, five twoier Tommy bouncing out ahead of Peter to walk backwards.

"No means no, Tommy... I'm not building you an interdimensional speed ramp to run your bike down... no. Stop looking at me with those frog eyes-" It's not mean, he actually has frog eyes, "-... KITTY HALP!"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Just a second!" comes Kitty Pryde's voice from inside the garage. Followed by, "Right, you got it. Wobbly at first but once you get going forward it's so much easier. Right, that's it. Now just turn as you're heading towards the door. Turn nice and gentle. No no. Turn!"

A thirteen year old girl comes rolling out of the spacious garage and onto the icy driveway. She lets out a squeal and starts wobbling hard on the bike. Kitty runs out of the garage behind her, reaching the young teen just as she's going over sideways. Kitty grabs her and phases her through the bike, pulling her to the side and helping her get situated on her feet before letting her go.

"Hey, you had it. Just need to work on the steering now," she tells the girl. "Why don't you take it back inside while I stop Peter from going to other dimensions," she says, turning to look about. And she takes in... everything. "Rogue..." she says, grinning, and then, "Peter?". But then she spots a large Russian. Since Burning Heart isn't playing she decides it's not a Rocky IV reenactment and calls out, "Piotr. I mean, other Piotr!"

Colossus has posed:
    The Russian's lips twist upwards as the smile gains life. He lifts a hand to return the wave to the wild woman in flight, then his voice as well though not too loudly as he calls, "Greetings, Rogue!" The R of her name is rolled richly with his accent as he adjusts the hang of his duffel bag.
    Only for his attention to be taken by Samuel and Piotr's eyes light up with happiness, "Cannonball. Greetings! It is good to see you." The tall man continues his walk and thump thump thumps a heavy hand upon Sam's shoulder in a companionable manner. "I am much pleased to hear it did so well." His eyes slip toward Peter and Tommy, then follow after Rogue's flight...
    "It seems things are as chaotic here as they ever are, da?"
    And as if to answer that question with her mere existence, Kitty Pryde bursts onto the scene with her young charge who is almost set to take a tumble. It's enough that it urges the Russian to break into a half-jog to perhaps help though Kitty has it well in hand. He arrives in time to help the bike up a bit and he grins crookedly, "Katya."
    Then to the side, "Peter," And to the children he lifts a hand still smiling, "Young ones, you have good teachers. Some of the best I would say."

Rogue has posed:
As Rogue flies off to the far east part of the front yard she leads the group of riders toward the biggest jump of them all! This hill of snow is about 10 feet up in its arching ramp and as she approaches it she shouts out. "Ya'll are on your own for this one!"

The Belle comes to a sudden stop and releases the rope, the bent-billboard flops down to the ground and goes about halfway up the sloping incline before it gets stuck in the middle and... well...

It turns into a catapult of the student body, with student bodies!

Screams, shouts, hollars, flailing arms and legs as all the riders go soaring through the air and splat down into a large pile of snow built up on the other side.

Rogue... winces. "That weren't supposed t'happen." She states, raising her gloved hands up to her wool knit cap to pull it down a little and look about, this way and that, as if she's planning a flight outta here now!

Spider-Man has posed:
The Mother Hen in Peter wants to swing after the flailing, flying teens, but the cantankerous adult teacher wants to learn them a lesson in doing things they ort know better'n to do. Like literally anything Rogue does... Unless they're Rogue powered.. which by their flailings and flyings of an uncharacteristically chaotic nature, they definitely are not.

"That does not end well."

Tommy stares on dreamily at the teens, clearly wishing HIS teacher was a little COOLER... like Colossus! the little traitor runs right over to the big Russian and has twelve million questions about everything that gets hard when he turns into metal...

Legit, it is not kosher.

"I ... I did not teach him those words.." Quietly, embarassedly, and to both Piotr and Kitty in a defeated voice as he looks down at the snow covered ground, kicking his feet.

"TOMMY! Come on man..." Red as a caryon. "Sorry..." To Piotr.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to the kids, and then to Rogue. He even checks out the snow pile a bit to see if he can tell if Rogue set it up for just this reason. He will stand back and watch everything going on with a smile. He chuckles a bit to himself, enjoying the fun the kids are having. "Reminds me a bit of when we were young."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins to Piotr Rasputin as he helps right the bike. The girl takes it, offering a soft thank you and giving a smile replete with braces so that she gleams with the smile. Kitty grins to her and then turns to give Piotr a side-hug if he allows. She's wearing a jacket, not terribly heavy given she was in the heated garage. "Glad to see you back. Staying for long?" Kitty asks after letting him go.

The questions from Tommy cause Kitty to wince and she castes a mildly baleful eye over at Peter Parker. "Mmm hmm," she says in a tone touched with disbelief on Peter's statement of innocence.

The flying students distract her though. She winces, bracing herself for broken bones or something. "God when did I turn into an adult?" she complains softly to herself as the kids land in the soft snow, thankfully. Kitty shades her eyes as she looks up at Rogue overhead. "You know the Professor can still deliver the lecture no matter how far away you are, right?"

Colossus has posed:
    Meanwhile, behind Colossus, the silhouettes of the flying children can likely be seen as Rogue makes her own moderate mistake in the handling of today's youth. Hopefully with no injuries. But, for his part, Piotr isn't entirely aware of what is going on behind him. He is focused on those around him as they converse.
    When the youth advances and Tommy starts to ask those myriad questions, Piotr is perhaps not the swiftest on keeping up with the rattling off of inquiries, but he knows enough to get a hint of a blush in his cheeks as he looks uncomfortable for a moment, lifting his eyes up to Peter as if to say, 'Save me.' And thankfully he does.
    "Those are questions you are best off asking in Biology class, young Thomas." And he gives him the pat-pat on the head just enough to send him back toward Peter.
    Samuel then makes mention of the past and that earns a nod from the large Russian man. "Indeed. It seems so long ago does it not?" The last word drawn out almost as if it had two syllables.
    Side-hug taken and given in like, Piotr's heavy pea coat is so heavy, warm, and smells of the sea of all things. He nods to Kitty, "Da, Katya. I feel the wanderlust sated. For now at the least." He gives her shoulder a squeeze before disentangling to focus on the others in their small conversational circle.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sweeps up over the billboard and the snow ramp to glide in over the pile of students. "Is everyone okay?" She asks. Some of them are laughing, others are groaning, one of the prissy blond girls is all upset and prissy because she claims her phone is broken now. One of the teenage boys throws a snowball at her though to shut her up, so she just growls and starts throwing them back.

Everyone looks fine, just... frazzled and snow-covered now.

Rogue grins then and she claps her big poofy gloved hands together with a loud ThUD. "Excellent. I didn't wanna go t'jail t'day for kidslaughter--" She ducks a snowball when its thrown up at her and then spins around to fly back toward the others.

As she reaches the driveway she pulls her skateboard out of her long black coat and drops it on the perfectly swept and clean pavement driveway, then drops herself down onto it and roooooooolls toward, Peter, Kitty, Piotr and Samuel... hands in her black heavy longcoat's pockets.

"Heya, Metal Petey..." She greets him as she rolls close enough. Her voice having that sassy undertone like she's sharing a secret with him that nobody else knows. "Happy t'see ya again."

Spider-Man has posed:
"What?!" Peter's hands shoot up in the air, "I'm completely innocent of all wrong doings in this case, your honor..." Kitty as Judge and Jury, but that's true right? She kind of is, where he's concerned. Both those hands come down on Tommy's shoulders, directing him, through physical manipulation, away from Piotr. "Yes, in Biolo- WAIT A MINUTE!"

Low blow, bro It's written in his eyes.

Because Tommy has the memory of an Elephant. He will remember.

Peter drops his head down in a sighing relent to his trangressions, his lot in life the butt of jokes of his own design. The jailor of his dignity, his own snappy wit. What a terrible sentence this is!! What crimes I commit in the pursuit of levity that leaves me struggling thus for breath against the cold bossum of embarassment!



You are a fool Peter Parker.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breathes a sigh of relief as the kids seem ok. "I don't know how we survived sometimes. Though honestly that kind of fall was an easy day back then, wasn't it?" Kitty asks Samuel Guthrie with a warm grin.

She looks back to Peter Parker, having already caught the class assignment there even if it takes Peter a moment to pick up on it. Her lips quirk in a grin at him and she moves over to slip her arm about his waist. "Isn't teaching just grand?" she asks him with a warm grin.

"So Piotr, your art students really knocked it out of the park with the winter decorations. Had little train three feet tall that went around the school, and up onto an elevated section outside the second floor windows. Was pretty amazing," she tells him.

Kitty flashes Rogue a grin. "Trying to make up for not doing the sleigh this year?" she asks.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie grins and says "Hey we came out pretty good for it, Ah am sure they will as well." He does keep an eye on the kids to make sure no snowballs are flying their way. At hearing Colossus words he will smile and says "Illy will be glad your back with us, Ah know she has missed you." He comments to the big russian.

Colossus has posed:
    The tall man turns his shoulders to the side, to grant Rogue safe passage past if such is her intention, the wheels of her board scraping along the sidewalk and through the faint slush. He smirks and replies in kind, "And hello to you, Miss Anna-Marie."
    There's a thump as he sets is duffel bag down upon the sidewalk, looking between the others, "What?" He looks at Peter who seems displeased, "Is that not correct place for such discussion?" Most of the others there might buy it from him. But Kitty might know the big lug enough to realize when he's playing up to his perceived role of... not being the swiftest of individuals.
    But then he shifts his attention to Kitty and his brow furrows a little, "Ah, I am saddened I missed it." He bites his lower lip then nods slowly, "What is the next holiday coming up that we can decorate for?" He asks, and of /course/ he doesn't realize it is what it is.
    His eyebrows lift though as Sam mentions Illyana, "Da, she is my next stop once I get settled. Is she here?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue rolls on up to them and then stops without taking a booted foot off of the board and putting down onto the pavement (she cheats when it comes to skateboard propulsion mind you).

Her green eyes sweep back out to the eastern yard to see the gaggle of students gathering up and going on about their business, some still throwing snowballs around, one shouting at Rogue to come do another run. Rogue just shakes her head at their antics and mutters something. "Je pourrais tous les jeter sur la lune et ils voudraient encore un autre tour..."

Her stare goes to Kitty then and she grins at her, gives a single nod. "You know me too well, Sugah." She says in a teasing sort've voice before her eyes go back to Piotr when he asks what holiday is next.

"My birthday." Its a holiday to her. "21st. At Harold's Hideaway. And -you- are invited." Rogue then pulls her right hand out of her pocket and it is without a glove. She wiggles her bare fingers a little and lays her palm out flat. "Gimme your hand, Petey." She says to Colossus. Her eyes go up to his and she whispers in a super serious and entirely over dramatically seductive way. "Touch me. Its safe .. I promise."

She's Trouble. For sure. As everyone here knows.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter the Squishy leans against Kitty's side, watching Rogue descend from on high to present her palm for Piotr's inspection, stage whispering to the burnette beside him, "How amusing would it be if she turned her powers back on?" Technically not very, but jeez... There'd be a moment where he struggled not to laugh.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans against Peter as she watches Rogue offering Piotr her hand. She doesn't say anything, not wanting to spoil any of the moment for either of them. Instead she just leans her head against Peter's shoulder and then gives him a little nudge with her shoulder at his joke.

"Yes, Illyana's going to be overjoyed to see him," she says. Kitty's lips quirk as if she's trying not to smile too much. "I'm sure some others will be too. Like, oh the Professor. Doug..." Kitty says.

A little purple from takes wing up near the roof, Lockheed emerging from the school. He glides on down, using a few flaps to help guide himself over to land upon Piotr's shoulder and nuzzle a dragon face against the Russian.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie cuts a look over to Kitty and says "Yea, Let me see if I can find Illy." He pulls out his phone out to send out a text message. he does look over to the happening between Rogue and Piotr as he is curious fully what is going to happen here.

Colossus has posed:
    Standing there in the middle of them all, Piotr smirks crookedly as the ever irrepressible Rogue makes such a casual demand upon him and offers her open hand in his direction. Of course he's suspicious. One can tell with his eyes narrowing a little. And then the way he sort of looks over to the side at Kitty first, perhaps in a telling way, then to Samuel. But only for his attention to settle on Peter as he murmurs that comment.
    His eyebrows lift as he considers those words and then sideeyes at Rogue, "Is what he says true, Rogue?" He pulls off the leather glove he's wearing as proof against the cold and then slooowly extends his hand toward her.
    "If so, I am very happy for you. Pozdravleniya." His lip twists, "We shall celebrate your birthday then, a reason enough for rejoicing, no?"
    And at that he takes her hand, giving it a small squeeze though his touch is very gentle, tentative even as the purple dragon alights upon his shoulder. To his credit, Piotr doesn't stifle the small chuckle that its nuzzling causes. "I missed you as well, Lockheed. Good dragon."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes go over to look at Peter, but the sun is just peeking enough over the top of the mansion that its glowing golden rays are shining down upon her face and making her have to squint to see him, so she looks away! She watches Lockheed go to flirt with Piotr then and it makes her grin also.

But when Colossus touches her hand and they share the first touch of her skin to him without any dangerous side effects her grin turns to a smile. "All the birthday present I need, is just t'finally feel my friends." She gives his hand a squeeze back in return, though its a firm one, she's still got her Carol-strength apparently!

She releases the Russian then and turns to hop off of her skateboard. She kicks it up into her other hand and clutches it, then slips it back inside of her coat where its hung on a loop inside. She sweeps past Samuel and jumps at him, then slides her hand THROUGH his hair! "You too, Sweet'n'Sexy!" She says to Cannonball with a laugh as she starts to skip away toward her car now!

Spider-Man has posed:
"Are those not the smoothest hands you've ever felt!?" Peter chirps at Piotr when he finally takes rogue's hand, "It's like rubbing silk... I'm telling you, she moisturizes. Like not even cheap, dollar store stuff, but like Avon.. Cocoabutter and shea shavings, it's rediculously." Hands up, then back down around Kitty.

And then Lockheed... "Well that happened..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gives Piotr a little nod, not keeping him hanging during the questioning look. She laughs at the reaction of everyone involved. "Such a nice gift," Kitty mentions to Peter Parker, smiling over to him. She glances down at her hands. "And you're totally telling me I need to moisturize more, aren't you?" she asks with mock injury.

Lockheed finishes his greeting for the Russian, taking wing and flying a loop around Rogue before coming back to land on Kitty's shoulder. Which since it's right by Peter, means that Peter is the recipient of an attempted dragon head butt. A little one in the forehead. Like a fist dap, interstellar dragon-style.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Would it hurt to apply lotion after showering?" Peter wonders to Kitty, clearly joking, "You know we have hard water..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will catch Rogue as she jups at him, and swings her in a hug spinning before setting her down on her feet chuckling at the hair being mussed "Congratz hon, and as for the birthday, Ah have a mason jar with your name on it." He tells her grinning a bit. He does put his phone back in his pocket till he hears back.

Colossus has posed:
    "Da," Piotr answers again, for a moment lost in the very soft feeling of Rogue's wrist and palm, his eyes drawn down toward her hand then back up towards Peter at the youth's description and being so apt. Then he immediately looks over at Kitty and adds, "I mean, they are okay." Russian stoicism returns though feigned.
    But Rogue's mood is infectious so he laughs a little and shakes his head, "We shall celebrate this birthday then, and all share a great group X-hug." With all the power of two hundred normal hugs!
    He nods again as if that decided matters. "For now, however." He says as he clasps Sam's shoulder with a squeeze and then draws Kitty back into a side-hug gently for a moment before releasing her so he can shake Peter's hand if he allows. "I am to be settling in and taking a shower. Then I will find my sister and I will endure her admonishments for my absence."
    That said he hefts his duffel bag once again and grins to them, "It is good to see you all once again." He starts to walk.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does the twirl hug with Samuel, and he'll likely note that in such a moment she doesn't weigh as much as a helium balloon even, which is one of the perks of being able to control the gravitational pull of your own body! But then she's off again toward her car to toss her skateboard into the backseat.

"Tell Illyana I said 'Whats up'!" Rogue shouts back over at Colussus before she opens the driver's side door. "You two stop fightin' about my soft skin, all right?! You're both permitted t'touch it any time ya want!" She blows a kiss to Kitty and Peter and then goes on about getting inside of her green dodge, the muscle car of her vehicular collection.

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete does shakes Piotr's hand, "You should definitely moisturize after showering..." Because running with a joke is his thing. "Tell Illyana I shrieked and ran away at the mention of her name, hiding in a cave until I'm well into my seventies before I dare step foot back into the light of day for fear that she'll be waiting there staring at me with those crazy eyes."

Slow look up at Piotr. her brother...

Slow look down at his hand in Piotr's.

You're a fool Peter Parker.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde first gives Peter a soft elbow. It was warranted, though really enough time had passed that even if she hadn't heard the comment, another elbow was probably warranted by now. The young woman returns the hug from Piotr before taking out her camera to take a picture of him.

"To memorialize your return," she lies, before hastily tapping off a message where Piotr can't read it and sending the picture off to Doug.

> Choose your destroyer.... the choice is made!

Kitty tries to keep a straight face after sending off the picture and pockets her phone again. "Yes, go get settled, we'll have to meet up later," she tells Piotr. Kitty looks to Peter Parker then, smiling to him and saying, "Buy a girl dinner?" ready to head inside to eat.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Yes... I'll buy you dinner..." Peter says deadpan at Kitty, wrapping an arm around her to pull her into his side, "Arby's... to memorialize his return..." HE HEARD.. He knows what game she's playing.

"Did I tell you Eddie Brooke too me on a date to Arby's? Better watch out.. he was a pretty smooth operator. And that TONGUE.."

Colossus has posed:
    It is fortunate that Peter makes Colossus laugh, for when he converts that train of Parkerthought into words, the tall Russian seems to go subtly grim with those normally wide eyes squinting tight. But he cannot hold the smile back as he nods and laughs again a little, "I shall tell her, Peter Parker." Then in a slightly higher pitch of voice, almost sotto voce, he tells him. "You should perhaps begin the running now, yes?"
    Of course then Kitty takes the picture an he gives an oh so friendly wave as Kitty is able to capture the Russian and just... how so crazy tall he is. So damn tall.
    And then he's back on his way to the mansion and the future.