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Latest revision as of 06:59, 25 January 2020

Catch up with Karrin
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: Harry Dresden's Office, Kingston Falls
Synopsis: Karrin shows up at Harry's, and then other follow
Cast of Characters: Harry Dresden, Karrin Murphy, Shadow, Buffy Summers

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry is tired, having stumbled into the office at the early hour of who knows when, since he doesn't have any sort of clock located in the office. Having gone out to SOHO to an old movie theater that still plays reel to reel movies on equipment that has less of a chance to blow up around him, he stumbled in sometime just before dawn and promptly passed out on the worn out couch that tends to be used for a client waiting area. Or it would be if he had any clients that had to wait. Or clients.

The wizard mumbles something as a ray of light hits his face, swatting at the offending beam ineffectually before just yanking his duster's mantle over his head to block out the sun.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
There's a banging on the door, and the smell of coffee and donuts, and baked treats.Karrin's outside, and hoping to rouse the wizard P.I. Who, she is totally seeing. She's about ready to call her colleagues in Kingston Falls and/or Mac to come over and check on Harry, when an idea strikes her. She's got her light and portable siren in her Saturn. Surely she wouldn't be that mean....would she?

Nope, she's not. Instead, she's waiting, the bag in her handss warm with delicious baked goodness. Just a paper bag, with treats in it. So she shakes her head and waits, patiently. If the worst comes to the worst, get on her cell and call in KFPD for a check on a certain nigh on seven foot wizard.

She's got a squeaky dog toy, too, and rests a foot on it. Squeak, squeak, squeak. If that doesn't get Mouse's attention...

Harry Dresden has posed:
The banging of the door causes a stir of moment in the prone, couch-laid, body as a groan emanates from under the mantle of the duster.

"GO away..." the voice exclaims, just before the squeaking starts.

The squeaking causes a louder noise, a deep 'wurf' from somewhere down the hall. The large bear-like dog lovingly referred to as Mouse lumbers down the hall at a hurried, but casual pace. Nope. He isn't going to let it be known how much he wants that squeak toy. Squeak toy. Squeak.

Mouse's resolve breaks as his lifts himself up on his back two paws, bringing the forepaws down on Harry with a resounding THUMP...as if you sat 'Get up and open the door!'

Muse jostles Harry awake, and he groans again while peeking out of the safety of the mantle.

"Muprh?" he asks, squinting against the sunlight. "That you? Why don't you just use the key?" he utters oblivious to the fact she has her hands full.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I got food" she calls, quitting squeaking for a moment. She does though fumble with the key and manages to open the door, coming in with coffee and...as balanced the bag on a pair of takeout coffee cups. Because hey, hey, she's organized. "I'm suspended from the NYPD for the next little while, so I figured I'd check in and see how you and Mouse are doing. Hey, Bob, you want any coffee?" she asks with a smile, before looking resseignedly at the desk. "Where do you expect me to get coffee?" she asks looking to Harry and the couch. "You'll get coffee and donuts when you wake up" she adds, sternly. Not that she minds Harry crashing on the couch. It's just...he'll want to sit down for this. Not lay down.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Food." repeats Dresden. "Food is good. Coffee is better."

Harry sits up on the couch, rising to help Murphy with the bags and cups (mostly the cups) so she doesn't spill anything. Reliving her from the coffee cups, Harry takes a sip from one, letting out a audible contented sigh. Mouse for his part sits and waits patiently for the release of the squeak toy into his 'care'.

A few seconds after the coffee hits Harry's bloodstream he blinks, "Wait. Did you say you got suspended?! What do you mean suspended?! What happened, Murph?"

From the back room, a voice with a slight hint of upper crust English accent mutters out, "Funny, Karrin. If I had lips, the last thing I would do with them is drink coffee. There are so many more...interesting...things I would like to do with them."

"SHUT UP, BOB!" exclaims Harry.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin smiles, "I ran into some Foot thugs yesterday" she says offering the squeaky toy to Mouse.and sipping her own coffee. "I had to shoot them, so I'm suspended pending investigationns. They were harrassing a shop owner in Flatbush and drew guns and fired. I used George to teach them a lesson. Who knew 5.7 bullets were that dangerous, but I got told to stay home till things are sorted" Karrin says simply sitting on the couch by Harry. "On the other hand, I did help keep the peace, so it's anet win" she shrugs, watching Harry then Mouse. "Bob, I don't need to know what you'd do. Get your skull out of the gutter" she calls. One of these days she's gonna teach Bob a lesson. One of these days.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"It's really best to just ignore him." Harry says with a wince as he looks down the hall to where Bob would be, hidden away back down by the lab. "Anything else just encourages him."

Harry takes another sip of his coffee as Mouse takes the offered squeak toy and wanders down the hall to play with it, as not to bother the humans. A soft squeak is heard from the bedroom area.

"Foot thugs? Are you ok? I mean, obviously you are so that is a stupid question to ask... But you know what I mean. They didn't rough you up any did they? It was a clean shoot? IA isn't going to come gunning for you again, are they?" Harry rambles off worried. "Don't they have anything better to do than bother a good cop like you?" he mutters with a shake of is head.

Something else clicks, and he remembers food. Harry starts to dig into the bag looking to see what is inside.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin sips coffee, looking relieved at Mouse squeaking his way to the bedroom area. Good doggie. She listens and nods, "Clean shoot. They drew and shot first. So" Karrin says. "I was defending myself and citizens" she offers plainly, digging in the bag for snacks to munch on, as she smiles. She's so glad for Harry. Which is a good thing.

Looking to the desk, Karrin smiles. "I'm pretty sure every time I drop in, it gets messier. Do you secretly tidy it up and leave everything out ofr me to find?" she asks with a grin, teasing her favorite wizard/boyfriend over that.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking over to his desk, Harry shrugs a shoulder as he pops one of the donut holes into his mouth and chews. "I have everything just where I want it on that desk. I can find anything I need in a matter of...hours. Maybe days. Surely no longer than a week." he exclaims with a sagely nod. "Besides, it makes it look like I have a lot of work to do, rather than just the scattered over due bills it really is. An empty desk would signify no work."

Shadow has posed:
    As the office fills with the scent of good coffee and the sound of a massive dog thoroughly enjoying a squeaky toy, noises from outside are mostly ignored -- this early in the morning there's not much traffic beyond a few very long commuters and the occasional cab, and absolutely nothing of interest just passed through the outermost layer of Harry's wards...

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin glances fom Harry to the desk then back to him, just listening. Compared to her guy, Karrin's short. he's nearly two feet taller than her. Okay, 1.9 feet, but, still....

She chews on a donut for a moment, then thinks aloud. "You know, I should house hunt around here. Prices in the big city are extortion" she says. Which is code for she's going to canvass the area for cheap, decently affordable homes. On /her/ salary, which is to say, cheap and doesn't need a boatload of fixing up.

Donut eaten, Karrin nods and sips the last of her takeout coffee. hey, Harry's got a coffee maker for more, after all. She sets the empty foam cup down somewhere and looks thoughtful, and around the office. She's not crazy enough to say it, but she does think the office could use a litle livening up. Just a tiny, tiny amount.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been meaning to touch base with Harry after their last meeting, hoping he got a lead on her missing friend(s). And so she strides up to his office, softly rapping on the door but pauses as she hears voices on the other side. Perhaps she should have made an appointment..?

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry opens his mouth to say something, and then closes it again as there is a rapping on his door. He pops the last of the donut hole into his mouth and stands, moving over towards the office door.

"You know, you could always move in with me, Karrin. I mean, it's small and I don't have the finer luxuries of things like hot water, but the rent is cheap. I mean, if you want." he mutters as he opens up the front door, looking down at Buffy. "Hello, Ms. Summers." he says as he steps aside to let the slayer in, "Come on in."

The wards, not sensing anything 'hostile', don't react...which is a good thing because nobody would like to be blown up. The squeaking in the other room pauses, however.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I'll do it" Karrin offers. "Mostly since I can help bring money in and look after you and Mouse" she offers, with a grin. Leaning over she has to pretty much stand up to kiss Harry. Which involves some balancing and gymnastics on her part on tip toes. She's not a ballerina, for better or worse. "Hey, Mouse" Karrin calls, "You done with your squeaky toys?" she asks looking amused at the impulse decision to buy the dog toys.

So she's moved in. Verbally at least. Which is good. She's just gotta get things out of her Saturn. Easier said than done when that thing is locked and she's not wanting to go outside yet. Instead, she nods to Buffy. "Hey, I enjoyed that concert last night" she offers with a finger wiggle that may or may not be a wave.

"I'm like the pied piper of visitors" she admits. Oh she'd mime playing a pipe. But that'd probably geet her arressted, it's best left unmimed, mostly since the implications of her hand movements...not really suitable with Mouse in the same office area (hey he counts as a kid, right?)

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Hello Harry, hows it going? I was just wondering if you got any leads on my missing friend yet..." she pauses as she sees that he's not alone, and apparently they were in the middle of something...Romantic perhaps? "Oh! Karrin, Hey again, I didn't know you were here...Did I interrupt something? I could come back another....Time.." she frowns suddenly eyes narrowed as she peers around warily. "Who's there?" She doesn't step in but glances down the hallway, tensing visibly..

Shadow has posed:
At first glance, the hallway seems entirely empty... Until one by one, the motion-sensitive ceiling lights spring on, painting a humanoid shadow on the walls that moves entirely unhurriedly toward the Slayer and the open door behind her.

    About five meters away, the shadows start to shift and flow and /solidify/ and for one eye-wrenching moment it's impossible to tell if it has two dimensions or three... And then a tall, imposing figure in a black greatcoat and slouch hat comes to a halt several paces away.

    Sapphire blue eyes - the only thing visible above the crimson scarf - look Buffy up and down for a moment, seeming to see through her, categorizing and weighing her every sin... And then the figure inclines their head. "I came here to consult Harry Dresden, wizard. Is this the correct address?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin nods to Buffy "Oh no no, stay. I was just sayingg yes to moving in here" she says with a nod. Not quite romantic in the traditional candlelights and violin sense...but hey in Karrin's world this is a big step. She looks past Buffy to the shadow. Or, the Shadow. "It's on the door, yes this is the right address" Karrin nods looking back to Buffy, offering her and the Shadow the bag of now less warm baked goods. It's not cold, per se. It's still warm and soft and edible. Instead,Karrin isn't getting up. Not from her spot on the couch, but she's both comfortable. That and if she gets up, she may not get her seat back. Needs more places to sit, Harry's office. Fortunately, Bob's quiet.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"It's going alright, Ms. Summers. I haven't had much luck on the case of your missing friends, sadly. The blood was dried so was unusable. Without a fresh sample I can't cast a tracking spe.."

And that is about the time The Shadow makes her appearance. Harry isn't one to go to extremes (riiight), so when the figure suddenly appears the Wizard is reaching for the blasting rod under his duster, fumbling with it for a second before pulling it out and pointing it at Nat with a "HELL'S BELLS!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods slowly to Karrin with a slight smile and nod and to Harry's well, sighing softly, "That's too bad..." she still keeps an eye on the mysterious shadowy figure, and briefly drops down into a defensive stance as she sizes her up, still blocking her entry into Harry's office. Her Slayer sense is tingling just a bit...But.."Huh. You're not a demon or a vampire but...You're not exactly human either. Who exactly...Or what are you?" somehow she doesn't sense that this...Being is evil. Enough at least that Buffy relaxes her stance, if just a bit, but she still stands in the entry, so that the woman would have to step around her to pass.

Shadow has posed:
    The various reactions elicit a laugh - or what is /probably/ a laugh, from a voice that doesn't even remotely sound human. "I promise you'll have no need of that, Mr. Dresden. I intend no harm to you or yours on this visit. I find myself in need of a magical consultation, my usual sources are currently unavailable, and you /do/ advertise as such."

    The crinkle in the eyes above the scarf hint at a smile probably underneath it. "May I come in to discuss this further?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin's going for her gun as Harry goes for the blasting rodd. Feet spread apart in a police stance, Karrin'on her feet, drawing her SIG Sauer pistol. She holsters it once the Shadow says no harm. "Sure, come on in but...you know there's things like doors, and knocking, right?" she asks watching the Shadow and Buffy. Looking over to Harry, Karrin gestures to the Shadow. "You know who that is?"

Harry Dresden has posed:
Lowering the blasting rod slightly and trusting Murph to have his back, Harry eyes the Shadow wearily. "Sure, feel free to come in." he utters after Buffy says the being in front of him isn't a demon. "Go ahead and let him in, Ms. Summers."

Harry, trying to regain some semblance of composure straightens up his duster, trying to brush out the wrinkles from where he slept in it, as well as running his fingers though his hair as a makeshift comb. Of course someone would come in for a job offer when he looked like he was out all night and slept in his clothes, because that is exactly what he did. Karrin must be so proud. He moves around the desk to the other side, taking a seat in the chair behind his desk. "What can I do for you...what the hell do I call you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, nodding to Harry and steps aside to let the person in..Watching their movements and being a very experienced martial artist, she suspects they may be more female than masculine but it's really hard to tell behind the coat and shadows. "Oh. Sorry about that..Guess you can never be to careful.." she offers an apologetic smile, pushing the door open a bit more and waiting for the mysterious figure to step in before following after.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph does have Harry's back, though once he sits, shee's positioned herself to cover the office with a good angle if anything bad happens. It's also a good spot to listen in, and offer help or advice, right? So she looks to them all. Top of her list is just what exactly this spooky figure wants. Though with Harry...spooky is normal. The fact Mouse isn't tearing at shadowy figure is reassuring at least. She's stood by the corner of the office, watching them all quietly listening around the office.

Coffee? Nope. Karrin's not leaving her spot, no. She's got Harry's back. Buffy's, too come to think of it. Twenty bullets in her SIg. Harry's got his rod and .357 and duster. Or at least, Karrin's assuming Harry's got his Magnum.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow, on the other hand, is empty-handed - save for a package under one arm. "To skip a great many details," the figure says as the package is put down on Harry's desk, "Someone with less than sterling intentions is shipping packages like this one to a great many citizens in Gotham. Based on the circumstances in which I discovered them, I /strongly/ suspect an enchantment of some sort to be involved. I need you to determine whether this is so, and if so, what this enchantment will do to its destined recipients. Time is of the essence; you will be compensated for immediate consultation..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
"Any idea what is in the package? How did you find it? What make you think it is something of an arcane nature?"

Harry seems to think about waiting for an answer, but money talks and the promise of compensation wins over the need to have questions answered before he begins. Looking from the Shadow to the package on his desk, Harry cautiously lifts out his right hand towards it and closes his eyes to get a base reading on the package, muttering under his breath in some quasi-Latin.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps in after the Mysterious figure, leaning against the wall as she listens with a soft frown. "Mysterious enchanted packages? wonder what's inside.." she murmurs, wondering if she wants to know what's inside. "Is there a particular type of person who receives these? As a student at Gotham University, I haven't heard of anything from any of my fellow students or profs..."

Shadow has posed:
    "A woman dressed in early Edo period court dress stated her intent to cast a spell on them before they were to be distributed," the Shadow replies, stepping back as Harry gets to work. "Furthermore, this would not be the first time the Foot resorted to magical means of control to extend their influence beyond the criminal underworld."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"So somebody in court dress wants to cast a spell?" Karrin asks. "Sounds to me like they're going for targets and wanting to go for people who can control things when the spell's done right?" she asks, looking to Harry. "That sounds like the Denarian coins doesn't it?" she asks quickly. "Just....not the Denarian. Which...."Karrrin says quietly, looking concernedly from Harry to Buffy to the Shadow, "It doesn't sound good. They want control, right. Oh, I had a run in with Foot thugs. I didn't get to search them but I've heard other officers talk about finding gold coins" Karrin offers. "No idea if that's a control method, but..."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry concentrates, a bit more, a frown coming to his face as he lowers his hand and opens his eyes. "Magical all right. Some form of low-level mind control from the patterns. If I had to put a label on it, I would say it is some form of suggestion spell, to gently push someone into thinking the way of the caster."

Harry starts to carefully open the packaging, using a letter opener to slice open the paper that covers it. "Where did you get this? Where was the caster?"

Harry suddenly looses focus on his conversation with The Shadow as Karrin mentions the Denarians. Absent mindedly Harry rubs his glove-covered left palm over his jeans as if to scratch an itch. "No...no. This is too low level to be Denarian, and those would be silver coins. Thirty of them. Not gold."

Somewhere deep in the recesses of Harry's mind, a female voice laughs angelically.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers continues to watch Harry work, always fascinated with magical workings, even if she's never been very talented with magic herself. Or at all really. She arches a curious brow at Karrin as Denarians are mentioned, "Denarians? period nobility? okaaay..." Well, Buff has probably heard of the foot but never met them first hand. "Welll if you ever need extra muscle to take these guys down, I'd be happy to help!" she grins as she slaps her hands together, apparently eager for some action.

Shadow has posed:
    "The Coins were distributed to law enforcement officers and judges," the Shadow replies. "Some were bribed, some were threatened, and at least one was simply tricked into taking it. In each case the outcome was the same: whenever a court case came up where the accused was in possession of a similar coin, the case was dismissed on whatever excuse they could find. I believe they were the Shredder's opening bid to gain control of the New York underworld, by showing them what he could offer."

    The figure turns to regard Karrin. "About half the gangs of Gotham have bent their knee to the Foot. A number of representatives of the gangs who declined his offer were recently massacred in a church. You may have seen the reports - the footage was quite graphic."

    As Harry reveals his analysis, the Shadow nods. "The next stage of Shredder's takeover, then -- after the demonstration in New York various political figures started arguing that regardless of their methods the Foot had made the city safer for the average citizen in one evening than actual law enforcement had managed in a decade. In all likelihood these are being distributed to render the general population of Gotham inclined to support or at least acquiesce to his takeover..."

    Buffy finds herself treated to another one of those piercing gazes. "... The offer is appreciated," comes the reply after a moment. "But I recommend you examine that footage before you make a final decision on whether this is a fight you want to take on. You have quite enough weighing on you as it is... Slayer."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin nods to Harry, relieved it's not her least favorite silver coin hiding fallen angels. She'll explain it to Buffy, later on. Instead her attention is piqued by the suggestion spell. "So it's a suggestion spell. So...the package is suggesing their victims do things? That makes sense...but...." she says, finally leaving her spot and heading to the coffee machine, hand hovering over it as if asking with her eyes if anyone wants coffee. She looks a little puzzled though about why packages. "Surely if it's a suggestion spell...and it's sent through the mail, it won't leak out to the mail clerks right? Or...." she pauses, giving the Shadow a sharp look. "Hey. I resent being told I'm useless" she says. "Thank the politicians tying my hands and the constantly changing code of conduct" she says. Karrin means no ill will toward the Shadow, but...ey, why not.
"I had a run in with Foot thugs yesterday morning and had to open fire on them" she tells the Shadow. "They are extoring shop owners in and around Flatbush and Brooklyn. So" she adds, flipping the coffee maker on, "Is that part of a takeover? Something about protection is what I heard then and the shoppkeeps refused to pay it. Ended up in a firefight and the four Foot getting hurt. Also a lion was settling his own score with the Foot, too. Something about they made him, he was roaring and wanting to fight the Foot himself" Karrin adds, watching the coffee maker for a moment, then to Harry, the Shadow and finally Buffy.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Looking to Karrin, Harry nods his head in answer to the silent question about coffee. "It isn't the package, but what is inside." he answers as he starts to open the package some more, being careful not to trigger the spell on accident. "Once someone opens whatever is inside and touches the object, that is what will set it off and place the charm. In fact...nobody touch this. I need to go into the lab for a bit."

He looks to everyone in the room, "I'm serious, don't mess with that thing till I get back. I don't want any of you all of a sudden under someone's influence, as subtle as the suggestion might be. Subtle suggestions are sometimes the worst. Slippery slopes and all that."

Deep in Harry's mind the voice of a fallen angel giggles, "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you Harry. Why do you deny me still?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers listens intently, trying to put two and two together. What is it with enchanted coins and magic? "Huh..So that's their plan..Bend the law to their will through magical means. Nasty." she wrinkles her nose, eyeing the package warily, "You got a safe or something safer? Anyone could come in here and unsuspectingly become its victim. Better yet, can it be destroyed?" to Karrin she nods, jerking her head towards the coffee machine, "Could you grab me some too? I could use a kick before my workout..." as for the mysterious figure, she peers back at her, boldly meeting her gaze and refusing to back down, "I still don't know who you are, but you obviously know more about me than you're letting on. I'd love to review the footage if I can get access to it..But it won't change my mind. Bludhaven May be my area of activity, but if supernatural shenanigans are happening elsewhere, that's where I should be. Besides.." she shrugs and grins in that over confident way of hers, "Seeing as I'm a student at Gotham, it only seems right that I should be one of its protectors as well."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph isn't going near that thing. It may as well be a one way ticket to the never never. Actually right now. More appealing, get out of the Foot's way. Just, yes. Leap into the never never to avoid thugs, Karrin. Shee sets coffee down very, very carefully as if it'll blow up half the Tri State area. It may as well, given the fine tolerances she's got from Harry's desk and clutter. Coffeee steet down, Murph returns to the couch and shakes her head. "So. Let's see if I got this straight" she offers, cop face on. She's suspended damn it, but she can still work on this with the shadowy lady, the Slayer, her Harry and Mouse, too. "The Foot are sending suggestion magic coins to people, to get them to be pliant?" she asks. ""Okay. That's not making sense" she adds heading for the door and downstairs. She returns several moments later with a duffel bag. "Mouse, you gotta move buddy. I need to unpack my things" she says. Then she just tosses the squeaky toy into the lab. Harry can deal with Mouse while Karrin unpacks. No way she's going to rsk Mouse being suggested to by magic. One. She's no idea if Mouse is even susceptible. Two. She's not wanting to find out. No. just. no way!