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Latest revision as of 07:03, 25 January 2020

Beauty and the beast...though no one would call her that to her face.
Date of Scene: 24 January 2020
Location: The Blue Lady, Fort Joseph
Synopsis: Harry and Karrin leave, Thomas and Buffy take their dinner upstairs awa from the crowd.
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Thomas Raith, Buffy Summers, Harry Dresden

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The Blue Lady. Back for the second night, pulling her Saturn into the lot with a movement that suggests that no, Karrin is not in a mood for anyone's crap right now. Instead. She climbs out, locks her car and walks with a purpose toward the entrance like she's heading to some sort of showdown. She's just dropping into the Blue Lady. Fortunately tonight the Slayer isn't on the door.and no cover charge. Instead, she's waiting to get in. Given she's in her t-shirt/jacket/jeans combo, with tennis shoes, she's no punk or troublemaker at all. Buffy said that. It stuck with her, and given things at her new home, well....she needs to get the ever loving hell away from things that could go very, very wrong. Plus she can totally shop too and head.....home. It's an odd concept.

But given she's movedthat afternoon...she's here in Bloodhaven, and getting used to things. No box truck, nope. No way. She's doing things in her own way. Which is why she's here and now. Under her leather jacket is her SIG Sauer pistol. She's keeping hold of that thank you very much. She's also amused at how much of a small world it is, really...mostly since everyone seems to know everyone else.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Hey Lady," the voice of a different bouncer, a Hispanic man with a pair of frigging tomahawks on his belt. "Yah ca'nt be bringin' dose in here 'ey?" the man tries to offer her a smile but his hand hovers near one of the axes. His arm is scarred in a strange patern, as though at one time it had been tattoo'd and that tattoo had been removed. "We don'ts want no kinda trouble in here no? Why you wanna make Axe's job more difficult. Pretty lady like you wouldn't wanna do that to a gentleman would'ja?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin sighs. "Come on, Julio. I'm with SPECTRE. So" she says firmly, "Let me in. You really think gentlemen hang around here huh? You're no gentleman. I can put in a good word for you if you help me out" she says, but dutifully puts her SIG in the glove box of her Saturn, relocks it and comes back. No gun. Just a cop who is a little too good at martial arts to need one, but carries anyhow. "See. No gun. Now can I go in?" she adds looking hopeful. That just makes her slide right on into the 'cute' territory. Great. Good job, Karrin, good frigging job

Thomas Raith has posed:
Julio "Axe" Montoya offers her a big grin at that and even hols the door for her, "We all gots our own jobs to do, ja?" he asks with a smile. "You wif SPECTRE mean you wants me ta be 'aving the boss meet you down here?" he asks with a rather heart melting smile. "Dat's 'is personal booth over dare." He adds helpfully.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods. "So, Axe. You are my direct line to the boss. Gotcha. I just gotta walk up to you and ask for the boss. Makes sense. Yeah go on, tell him Murphy's here, and I could use somewhere to relax" she sighs rubbing her temples. Okay. Today's been weird. Moving, spooky shadow people. Now Ax is normal. Oh, sweet sweet normalcy. Stepping in, Karrin nods and flumps into a table by the bar with a heavy sigh. "Seriously. WHat's up with today?" she asks aloud.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is on her day off, and with homework out if the way, she's looking to chillax for once. So naturally she came to her place of work, because she has become quite friendly with the other staff and it's good music and food to boot. She was smart enough to leave her weapons at home though as she nods and smiles to the bouncer. "How's it going tonight?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph's left her gun in her Saturn. Which is in the lot, locked, and is waiting and relaxing, settled at a table near the bar. She's dressed the same as she was in Harry's office, and looks just as confused now. Apparently thinking on the drive over hadn't helped. But hey, SPECTRE is SPECTRE. Is she really off the clock. Hm...no.

So she waits on the boss to show up, looking around for familiar faces. She's been here once. That was for the new agey jazz. They never did sell records made pre-1940.

Shame, that. Harry would love the old time music. Grouchy wizard bastard

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith comes down the stairs in his snow white suit, looking a bit like the 20's gangster boss, and a little like Mr. Rorke from Fantasy Island. He grins a bit as he sees Karrin and heads in her direction, taking a moment to stop by where Buffy is doing her homework. "Come with me, I wanna introduce you to someone." He says with obvious pleasure on his face." He signals to Yosa, and the one-eyed bartender nods, and has a bottle of wine sent over. "Karrin Murphy, you are even more ravishing then the last time I saw you... Of course you aren't covered in entrails this time, so that helps.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers spots a Karrin and of course the owner of the club with whom she is familiar. "Hey Raith, been a while. Keeping out of trouble?" she winks following him towards Murphey, "Hey again Karrin, needed a break from all that weirdness in Harry's office?" oh, looks like they already knew each other.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin rubs her temples and waves to Buffy. "Hey Buffy, it's been a few hours. You still as confused as me?" she asks looking to Thomas, "Are you coming onto me?" she asks, arms folded but her eyes sparkle when she talks to Buffy. She likes the Slayer, really. Buffy reminds her of....her. Just, with no badge or gun.

She looks to Thhomas with a laugh. "So your bouncer told you, huh? I'm here to relax and unwind. Been a hell of a day. Moving, settling into my new place, and...ah yeahh, weirdd stuff" she sighs, looking to Buffy then Thomas again.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit, "Of course I am," He says casually, as though she asked if fire were hot. When the wine arrives he takes the bottle from the server and pours for the ladies. "Well this is the right place for it." He says with a grin, He glances at Buffy and says "This woman wonce destroyed a 10' tall plant monster with a chainsaw." He says amused. "Those were the days huh Murph?" he asks amused. He leans back slightly, "What sort of weird stuff?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "Don't take it personally. He hits on everyone." And she's totally not bothered by that. Totally. "You look good in white, Thomas.." she smiles softly leaning g over to adjust his bow tie. Jst cuz. "Wow, a ten foot monster? impressive."

Harry Dresden has posed:
The classic beetle with mismatched doors and hood stands out among the other cars in the parking lot. It isn't the type of ride that belongs with the BMWs, or the Mercedes, or Lexus, or any of the other high-end luxury vehicles that The Blue Lady club attracts. Still, there it is puttering into the parking lot with an engine straining like Sisyphus was pushing back against it.

The car stops, shuddering as the engine is killed with a few more weezey breaths and Harry crawls his way out of the beetle, all 6'9 of him. It's like a clown car, the only thing that would have a more amusing visual would be if he was driving a mini, or better yet a smart car.

Harry strides forward, staff in hand, dressed as he normally is. T-ahirt, jeans, boots, all covered by the black leather duster that billows behind him as he walks. Harry approaches the front door, looking as if he is trying to actually belong here...and failing miserably.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"I was gardening" she offers, drylyy as Karrin shrugs, "Just weird things honestly. Weird things, weird magic stuff" she says. She's unsure just how much to tell Thomas Raith. But. But.....she sips her wine, and shakes her head, looking to Buffy again. "What's up?" she adds, looking into her wine again

Thomas Raith has posed:
"'Scuse me bot'er." Axe, the front bouncer says to the man, hand drifting down towards one of the Tomahawks at his waist. "Jou mind leavin' yah big ole club up here. No need ta be pokin' at anyone. De waitresses here pretty quick and all." The young man has a huge smile, though that axe looks very sharp. Thomas however looks over and grins even more, "Well would you look at that, speak of the Devil and he arrives." Then he calls over "Axe, it's okay. He's a friend." The bouncer shrugs and nods.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Gardenning? seriously? Those are some weeds.." she can't help but chuckle. Clearly Buffy likes Karrin too as she remember bds her a lot of herself too, oddly enough, "Yeah, that shadow figure was odd but whatever mystery they needed help with in Gotham, I'll be there to kick butt. Because that's my job." and she takes her job seriously, even if she doesn't get paid for it. And then she sees a familiar towering figure heading into the club and she smiles and waves to Harry.

Harry Dresden has posed:
"It's not a club, it's a staff." Harry says to the bouncer, looking down at the Axe man, "And I don't poke people with it, so you don't have to worry abou..." continues Harry as he is cut off by Thomas' call. "Yeah. What he said...but if it makes you feel better..." Harry tosses the staff towards Axe as he walks through the door, assuming the doorman will do something with it.

Harry makes his way over towards Thomas on the others, combing his fingers through his hair and trying to make himself look at least a little more presentable for a place like this, his steps faltering a step as he sees who Thomas is with. "Oh, Hey Murph, Ms. Summers. I wasn't expecting to see you here. I just figured that you were off getting more things from your apartment. I got back from the lab and everyone was gone."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin gets up and grins. Harry's here. Sweet. Maybe Thomas won't hit on her. Or maybe he'll hit on the seven footer (and her boyfriend), for the comedic value. There's a little bit of Karrin that wants the big boss to get smacked down. On the other hand, she shrugs, "Nah, came here. I got a moving truck to bring things over. Told them to use the stairs. God knows my stuff will fit in your office. Mouse gets a couch to lay on. Everybody wins" Murph grins. It's hard to reach up and offer hugs to somebody a foot and a half taller, or nearly two feet taller. Karrin drags a chair over and climbs up on it. Oh the joys of being short and dating a tall wizard...

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith moves in the booth to sit closer to Buffy, leaving room Harry to sit next to the cop. He raises an eyebrow and grins hugely, "Moving into /your/ office?!" The Incubus seems inordinately pleased to hear that, "Harry you actually took your shot? I am so proud of you!" He waves over to DiDi and calls out, "Steaks for everyone, we're celibrating over here." He calls... And also plcks 4 cigars out of one of the passing cigar girl's boxes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, "Congratulations you two!" She barely knows Murphy but she's won her over already. Harry she knows a bit better but not as well as his brother. "I think more like, moving into his apartment." she smirks at Thomas, "I'm sure Mouse will love you two.." she shrugs at Harry, "Figured Id chill out after a long day of working out and homework and...Well. Work. I work part time here as a bouncer Afterall, so I get a discount on food. Pretty sweet deal.."

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry Dresden says, "Office, apartment...one in the same." says Harry with a shrug. "I had to consolidate when that demon tore the shit out of my place a couple of months ago. But hey, at least it makes the commute easy."

He leans down giving Murph a kiss, now that PDA is apparently a thing between them, and then watches as she heads off to go powder her nose, or shoot someone. One of the two.

"So," he says flopping down into the booth, "I notice I didn't get drowned in an over pressurized sprinkler system..." he says as he looks to Thomas. "You'll have to let me know when you install that, so I don't come around anymore.""

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shrugs a little bit, "It's installed actully. At least four of the switches have to trip." he looks amused. "I wouldn't go around slinging any magic, but as long as you behave yourself it should be fine." Didi comes back over bringing each of them a steak dinner. "I swear Harry, I never thought that you had it in you. I'm glad to see.." He hesitates. "I'm glad to see you moving on." He raises his wine glass. "To old friends."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pouts, "Wow really? That totally sucks! But...Ihope your apartment is at least slightly roomier than that teeny tiny car which, to be honest is...Err..." a ridiculous rust bucket which he frankly looks like a clown in. Not that she can say that out loud. She clears her throat. "But Anyway, I think you two make a cute couple.." she pauses as Harry threatens not to come round anymore. "Really? I think you should come around here more often..I mean, you two seem like you could become really good, er...Friends.." and totally not for any other reason..Buffy does wave to Murphy as she hurries off to take care of something or other, "See you later, Karrin!" she nods to Thomas, raising her own glass. "Well I don't know you guys as well as you know each other, but I'd like to raise a toast to future close friendships too." she grins.

Harry Dresden has posed:
A free steak dinner? Music to Harry's ear. He is about to dive into the first bite of steak when Thomas makes his hesitating comment...which causes Harry to pause the forkfull of meat about an inch from his open maw.

Slowly Harry lowers the fork back down to the plate, as his eyes move over towards Thomas. "You think it is too soon, don't you? You don't think I haven't thought about it? About her? About what I did to her? Stars and stones, Thomas I blame myself every damned day for that. Every day. I have nightmares of her coming back and..."

Harry trails off and pushes the plate away from him and sighs as he stands up, "I think I am just going to go. Let Karrin know I went home."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith stands and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder, gently but firmly. "No Harry. I think it's about damn time." He says softly, seriously. "You and Murphy... Empty night, everyone who knows you two have been pulling for that forever." He gestures to the plate. "Susan was a great woman. She'd want this happiness for you. For the Gods sake Harry, stop martyring yourself at every opertunity."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly in surprise. She doesn't know about this prior relationship that they hint at, but clearly it didn't end well. And apparently it struck a nerve with Harry, a bad one at that, "Harry Wait! Don't leave so soon...I'm sure Thomas meant well, he really does worry about you..And Karrin's an amazing woman, even I can see that and I barely know her. I think you should at least give it a chance..You deserve to be happy, the both of you." she smiles as she sees the exchange between him and Thomas.

Harry Dresden has posed:
Harry looks down at his older brother for a long moment, a visible wince when her name is mentioned. "I am sure she would be, Thomas, but it WAS my fault. I should never have...I should have gotten her out as soon as I saw her in there. If I wasn't such a jackass to Bianca... If I didn't go into that place to purposefully antagonize them..." So many what if's. So many 'should have, would have, could haves'. The weight of them all hitting Harry causes his shoulders to sag. He manages a small smile, "At least I am not looking for a cure 24/7 now. I managed to dig myself out of /that/ particular hole."

He looks from Buffy to Thomas, "No, I should go. At least, I need to take a walk and settle my head before I do rain torrents of water down on this place." As if on cue, a light flickers and something goes pop audibly. "I'll be back after I get emotions in check."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sees the sensor flick off, then a second. He looks over at Yosa and does a hand across the throat gesture... and before another sensor can go off the Bartender disables the Anti Magic supression device. "Harry I-- He sighs a bit and nods. He places his face in his hands as the tall man departs. "Empty Night I'm such an idiot."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles softly at Harry and nods, "I get how that is. Go and take time to process...Whatever it is that you're going through. But if you need people to talk to or just to blow off steam..We're here for you, Harry." she rises to her feet to see him off, before glancing towards Thomas with some concern, resting a hand on his shoulder giving him a gentle reassuring squeeze, "Don't you start talking like that, Thomas...He just needs time alone, I think he just needed to hear the truth so he can work through it instead of avoiding it. You're a good friend, Thomas.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith watches the man leave, shaking his head. Once he is gone he says softly, in a strange monotone that is not very like him, "Susan Rodrigaz... She and Harry were lovers. She was a reporter for some rag newspaper... Anyway she followed him into a literal Vampire masquerade ball... And ... it went bad. She got half turned. Harry blames himself."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks at him in surprise, expression changing to one of surprise, "Wait what? Sooo..She turned into a..A vampire, and he blames himself for not being able to protect Her?" she frowns, "Well that's just dumb..I'm sure he did everything in his power to save her, he shouldn't blame himself.." even if it means that Buffy may have to kill her if she ever meets this Susan, "Well, I think this relationship with Karrin is a good thing, a fresh start." her hand hasn't left his shoulder, smirking at him, "Cmon, let him work stuff out on his own..He'll come back. You've done what you can. In the meantime, let's just relax and enjoy the rest of the night. It's not often I get time off from school and work."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith head shakes, "Not a Vampire. At least not all the way. Something... I dunno halfway in between. As long as she doesn't kill someone she won't turn all the way." He says sighing, "He was trying to find a way to bring her back. He finally realized what the rest of us all knew... there isn't a cure."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, "Huh, is that possible? I mean..I guess there's Angel, who has a soul, and Spike has a chip in his head..Something like that?" she is unfamiliar with other breeds of vampire though, and isn't sure if one can retain their original personality without a soul. "I mean..I guess there was Harmony..Who had a particularly strong will, so it's not totally impossible." she nods and frowns, "There usually isn't a cure, unless you have an exceptionally strong will...Or you can regain her soul." the latter at least is pretty difficult though. "But then I guess there are different vamps out there too. Maybe there is hope for her, I dunno...But Karrin deserves a chance too, I can see she really likes him.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head slightly and cuts into his meat. "For this breed it's a two step process The first step is the basic, get drank from, be fed vamp blood. The second step is they have to /kill/ to feed from someone. Until then they are only half turned. Some of their strength. They can go out in datlight, that sort of thing... but they get the hunger... and if they ever give into it... they give in all the way."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers follows him back to the table, eager for some real food after a long day of work. "Huh..So that's how it goes. Kinda like with you..?" she arches a brow at him as she plays with her food, "And of course you feel guilty because you're his big brother and you're supposed to protect him from stuff like that...Isn't it about time you told him the truth?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith shakes his head slightly, "Lets take the steaks upstairs... I don't really feel like being around other people at the moment." He saus with a sigh, closing his eyes as he pictures Susan for a split second more... pictures a young girl whose name he now barely remembers. Pictures a split second he had to chose between saving one or the other... and letting his Brother's lover go.