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Latest revision as of 04:33, 2 February 2020

It's a smallish world, after all...
Date of Scene: 01 February 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Karrin, Chimp and Nick meet up for drinks and sandwiches (at 10am no less)
Cast of Characters: Karrin Murphy, Phantasm (Drago), Detective Chimp

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Ah, Mac's. Murph's here relaxing at a table. She's got the weekend off, with a casual attire on, her usual gear, jacket, t-shirt and jeans and boots. She settles into the chair, one of thirteen. Looking to the bar, Murph's been here often enough so she knows how things go here. Today, at a little before ten in the morning, Murph's relaxed and settling back with lemonade, yes, Mac's lemonade. She sips it and looks pleased at the taste. Mac makes great lemonade with lemon ice cubes and sandwiches. One of which is on a plate in front of her. Murph's still settled in, relaxed, eyes closed, not touching the sandwich (yet)    
She's got Nick's number out of the databases, and a bit of questioning, and invited him out here to catch up. Oh hthere's nothing going on with them. Far from it. She's only got eyes for Harry, so there's no fear there from Murph. Nick's like this little kid she knew way back when. She's even brought a bag of candy. She's well aware there's eleven more seats at the table, too, and she's not picky who joins in.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Coming down the steps, Nick glances around at the Pub's layout and decor curiously. With a name like McAnally's he had assumed yet another Irish or Scottish themed Pub. But this does not look like that.

Coming near one of the pillars, an assessing eye goes over the scenes carved in. The side of his lip twisting upwards before turning his head. Pale blue eyes skim across the patrons inside, looking for one in particular. The one who had invited him.

Seeing the blonde he cocks his head curiously before walking over. The warmth of the bar is enough for him to tug off his jacket as he heads over, revealing to be wearing a non-patterned gray tee underneath. On the underside of his right forearm, a long, old scar.

"When I got your invite, I had several questions come to mind." Nick says in greeting to Karrin, "One is 'How did you get my number?' and 'Early for the pub, isn't it?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp comes walking in not a bit after Nick. He runs a hand through his hair as he heads towards the bar itself. He climbs up onto the stool, and looks over to Mac, and says "Beer me, and a couple steak sandwiches." He is not to far from the other two's table though.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph sighs and sets her wallet on the table, opening it. "You should know by now I work for the police, Nick" she says and sips her lemonade with a smile and a swift move to pocket the wallet. "Nah I'm on my weekend off. I came here to get away from the office really" she adds. "Lemonade's good enough for me right now. So" she grins.then spies the chimp. "You should ask him that question. It's not even dusk yet, sheesh" Karrin sighs. After her spectacular collossal putting herself in it the prior night at the Blue Lady....Murph's well aware what she's saying. She got Harry to be speechless. Which was impressively stupid for her, really. Watching the chimp get a beer and sandwich orders taken, Murph settles back relaxing. No comment on the scar, nope. Murph's not asking yet

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Tugging off the knit cap, the length of Nick's hair tumbles out briefly before the performer brings a hand over, tugging a hairband up his rist onto the other hand. He brings his arms up, gathering up the hair to pull it back quickly. flipping the low ponytail down the back of his shirt.

He glances over towards the chimp when indicated, giving just the slightest of blinks before looking back to Karrin, "Nah. I don't know him or what he's been through. But I know you enough to be judgey." He gives a smirk, "Maybe not to the Saint Copter Grizzly Shield Mom level. But judgey nonetheless." Jacket draped on the chair and knitcap resting on the table, he sits. "How's work?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over to Karrin and says "I could say time works on when one wakes up, and how long they have been up, but to be honest, I don't really care what others thing about my drinking, but am curious any news on the other night?

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head to Chimp. "Nothing yet. I've decided to put off any digging till Monday morning" she shrugs. useful Karrin, weekends for relaxing attitude. "Hand over your lighter to Mac. You are not spitting fireballs in here" she says with a look to Chimp then to Nick, once his hair is tied up."It's work, you know? Slow, boring, not much supernatural stuff to investigate honestly" Murph sighs looking to Nick. "So I gotta make my own work, I've been exploring Bloodhaven, got jumped by some vamps last night and this stupidly tall ginger helped me out, and that chimp did too. We fought off the vampires" Murph offers. "I'm just like I said not looking it on the weekend" she shrugs, sipping her lemonade. "You want anything to eat or drink?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
There's a frown as Karrin mentions getting jumped by vampires. But he shakes it off as she poses a question.

"Oh what he ordered sounded good. And I can't argue with the time thing. I'm on the latter part of my day as well.", Nick replies, displaying no shame to what he says next, "I'll probably get a Steak Sandwich and some Guinness."

He looks to the cop and the chimp. "So you got jumped when you weren't working?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to the man and says "Little help for ya there man, go with one of Mac's house brews you will not find better, and it may seem odd, but it is best warm. Trust me, been coming by here when in town for years

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shrugs, "Yeah, You helped, and this tall, well built, large ginger woman helped us out. She threw a goddamn car at the vamps, you were belching fire at them" she says to Chimp. "Remind me to never, ever take you drinking and let you keep a lightere says. "I was just fending them off" she shrugs, looking to Nick. "What the chimp said. You want one of his house brews or lemonade with lemon ice" Karrin says with a nod. She's being honest

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to the Chimp, "Thanks."

He looks over to Karrin, "I'll take the vet's advice and give it a go." He starts to get up from his seat, "I can get a Guinness some other time."

He pauses, "Have either of you ever met a Hellboy?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp chuckles and says "Yea, I know hellboy, been a few years since I saw him, heck might have been a case had with." He pauses not sure if he wants to add on that one. He then heads to another conversaton "I did the dragon bit cause did not have anything really good weapon wise, and fire keeps them back

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Okay good, somebody has. Murph shakes her head and smiles sipping her lemonade. "Why, you trying to meet up with him?" Karrin asks, glass back on the table with a thunk. She's curious and more than a little worried, really. She's trying to just figure this out a little, more to the point. She's trying to understand Nick's motives.

Looking to Chimp, Murph nods, "You did good, you did real good. That large woman did great too" she says. Describing Cait as 'large' can go so, so many ways.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh no. I've already met him." Nick replies, shaking his head to Karrin, "Just the topic is just reminding me of it."

As someone confirms that they have met him before, Nick smiles to Detective Chimp, "Seemed like a pretty laid back guy when he wasn't fighting. Only time I met him, he had grabbed this vampire and just flung him so hard that the air time was just, unreal."

He chuckles a little, heading over to the bar to place his order.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Is a funny thing could call him or the lady either Red, and both could chuck a vampire for a good country mile." He looks to Karrin and says "We gonna be out and about in that area, we both may want to start carrying stakes.'

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods, "I need stakes strapped to my everything" she says with a look to Chimp then Nick with a smirk. "So, what're you having, Nick?" she asks then shakes her head looking relieved.

Murph stretches and finally digs into her sandwich, munching on it. Mac does good food.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"As previously discussed. Steak sandwich and house brew." Nick replies, now resting an elboow upon the bar, "If you're short on wooden sticks, I got a couple drumsticks stashed away on the inside pocket of my jacket you're welcome to. I got a bunch more where those came from."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp hmms and says "Might be an interesting way to carry some. Maybe put some type of tips on them can pull off easily enough. I mean I get odd enough looks carrying a steak won't get a lot of extra looks bit still.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods. "Make points out of them, yeah" she offers and nods to Nick and Chimp. "Hey if I catch you with them I won't say a word. I undrestand why you carry hem" she offers with a nod, looking pleased. She's willing to look the other way, her work takes her into supernatuarl territory. She's got to cope somehow and bending the rules, that's not something she's entirely fine with doing all the time. But every once in a while, sure.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick leans over, placing his order in with Mac before turning back towards the others, "Mine are not modified. They're just drumsticks. I won't need an excuse."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "And usually I can talk my way out of it, or flash the right id, but it is always good to be prepared for when something does not change much.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods with a smirk, "Hey, you know what you're doing. You know what works with vamps, so I'll follow your lead. I'm more of a cop when it comes to supernatural level things. So" she says and chews on her sandwich more with a smile.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks over to Detective Chimp. He does not know what he's doing. But, being there's an expert in the room, he looks over curiously, "So. Other than wood, fire, sunlight, blessed things, and superpowered people tossing them like they're a baseball, What else works on them?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well there are items of Faith. More seems to be people needing to have the faith to go along with them. That or the vampire themselves having faith in it. Chopping heads off, but that works for most anything to be honest, long as it has a head. If you can disintegrate them or some other form of getting not enough of the body left to grow back from."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Yes that" Murph nods looking to Chimp then Nick. "Oh and they can't go into houses unless invited, too" she offers with a smirk, sipping lemonade between her words as she sets the glass down, enjoying the sandwich and lemonade mix. It's good.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. What about detecting them ahead of time?" Nick asks, head tilting curiously, "And is the invite thing an each and every time thing or more one and done?"

Plunk. Plunk.

Nick looks to the plate and beer set in front of him and gives Mac a nod of thanks.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Once you invite them in, they can come in any time after that." He will tell the other man "Lot of the supernatural types have some effect to them about coming into someones home without invitation"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murphy shakes her head. "What he said" she admits. Chimp knows more than she does on vampires. Murph's not used to fighting them. Instead, she's a cop, not a fighter, she has her job and does that job well. See, she's smart like that. "Chimp can explain it. I got sandwiches to eat" she admits. Which is her way of saying 'I will tell you when I get done eating'...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"So one and done." Nick surmises, offering his card over to Mac to pay up front, "What about residences with multiple people living there? Like Bob does the inviting and they're out of the house one night, does Susan have to deal with potential visitors, or is she covered because she didn't do the inviting?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Pretty sure any resident who invites in covers it. Now, not sure if someone inside who is not an actual resident invites in. It aint exactly science, more old rules and the meaning behind them often."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph pauses eating when Susan's name is mentioned. Oh great. Nick had to. Well then....Nick's opened up Pandor'as box as far as Karrin's nightmares go. She shakes her head and keeps her eyes on her sandwich which is untouched once /that/ name gets mentioned. She hasn't said a word after Nick and Chimp have spoken. Yet.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick grimaces at the possibility of non-residents doing the inviting as well. "I hope not, That's really going to suck if you have very welcoming friends."

He pauses, considering his words before shaking his head. "Pun not intended."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles and says "Seems they often stick to the darker sections of society these days where less noticable.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You can't revoek the invite?" Murphy asks finally. She looks from Nick to Chimp then to Nick again munching on her sandwich, thinking as she eats, she's quiet, then listens. "Okay" she says once her mouth's empty. "You can't revoke the invitation?" she asks looking over to Chimp then Nick yet again.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Hmm. Often. But not always."

Nick lifts up the beer to take a sip of it. Brow raising, he lowers the glass to look at it in surprise. "...Wow."

Nick turns his head, looking to Karrin's after hearing the muffled inquiry. The second time around he looks over to Chimp. Tilting his head in indication of Karrin. What she asked.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "It may restrengthen it some, but pretty much once the invite has been made it is wiped away as a barrier to them. It is one of the types of protection we had to keep serious."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick is quiet for a few moments, considering Chimp's wrods as he sets the glass down in order to sign the slip presented back to him. Setting the pen down, he proceeds to put the bank card back in. "I wonder... If the person who does the invite moves, does the invite go with them, dissipates, or stays with the residence?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph listens taking notes. "Se this is all complicated. I much prefer finding crime scenes without people trying to kill me" she shrugs and sips her lemonade yet again, looking to Chimp then Nick. "See, I'm wondering if I can protect mself by hiding in church?" she wonders.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and says "Remind me a bit of your dad that way." He says to Murph "He was one hell of a detective."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Ya he was" Murph offers, though her voice holds a tinge of sadness at Chimp's words. "Why you think I became a cop, huh? I love my job in SPECTRE, so..." she nods and wipes her eyes with a sleeve. Is everyne out to play with her emotions today or something?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Wouldn't a church count as an object of faith?" Nick asks Karrin, picking up his plate and beer, "So long as you've got faith and all."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Well most churches are on consecrated ground, which has a power of it's own, be it to keep undead and evil things away or to keep people from being turned into undead once they are buried or what not."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods to Chimp. "Hell of a cop from what I heard" she offers with a look to Chimp then Nick. "Consecrated ground, yeah. I was gonna mention that" she says.

She so was. Oh, she /so/ was going to!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Food and drink paid for, Nick carries his meal over to the table. "Seems like all the more reason for you to keep up your attendance, Karrin" Nick teases, setting the plate and drink down.

He before tugs out the chair again, sitting next to the chair holding his jacket and knitcap. "But preferably with less following of other parishoners."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's phone rings and he pulls it out "Yea Chimp... Yea yea, Danny, I'll be right there know where they door in Kingston is?" He waits a bit and says "Got it be there asap." He looks over to Mac, and lays some money on the bar. He turns back to the other two "Seems some stuff comes up I need to handle."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shakes her head at Nick. "You assume I'd miss a weekend, Nick. What do you take me for, a dedicated police officer?" she askss. Sandwich finished, and lemonade glass empty, she heads to the bar to pay. She's waiting, but keeping an eye on Nick, too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances over to Chimp as the detective excuses himself, sandwich, now to-go. The beer, alas is at a loss.

"Good luck. It was nice talking to you."

As the detective leaves, Nick looks back over to Karrin as she gets up. He just got his food so he uses the time alone to take a bite of the sandwich.

He stops, looking blankly to the wall across from him before he starts chewing slowly, eyes closing.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph slips out the door, her bike coming to life as she sets up and sets off, for home. Or, more accurately, Harry's office which /is/ home for her. She's thoughtful and relaxed, riding home.