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(Friends old and new chat)
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Latest revision as of 22:05, 9 February 2020

Friend Drama
Date of Scene: 08 February 2020
Location: McAnally's Pub
Synopsis: Friends old and new chat
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Karrin Murphy, Buffy Summers

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Sometimes life just gets weird. Although, for Nick recently it seems like it could be upgraded to most of the time and with crunch time coming up, its not the best of time to be dealing with friend drama. So, here he is. Sitting in a pub that is nowhere near home. Nowhere near the friends causing problems and where weird seems to be a perfectly acceptable situation. He could use that.

And so he sits at a table. Knitcap and jacket tossed on a chair beside him, exposing the solid color tee underneath. His hair pulled back, Nick lifts up the steak sandwich to his mouth, taking a hearty bite. Yush- He neebeb dis tu-

Karrin Murphy has posed:
The pub's got a smell of a burned out fann. Thank one cranky wizard p.i.

Murph comes in still looking pissed off, though she waves to Nick. Sliding into a seat at the table, she hangs her jacket on the back of the chair, then orders a beer and steak and steak sandwich.No. Lemonade will /not/ do. Not for this.

She sighs and returns with the sandwich and beer, which she takes a long slug from and slams it down.

"Fuck it" she says in liue of a greeting. "Oh hey Nick. What's up?" she adds digging into the sandwich.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Pale eyes follow the entrace of the frustrated cop. Flitting about as Karrin is first at the table, then the bar.

All the while chewing his oh so delicious sandwich. Just what do they put into these things?

Swallowing the bite, he sips the home brew he also acquired from the bar and quietly waits for the blonde to return.

The glass sets down upon the table as Nick looks to the now seated Murph, watching as she drinks and swears.

"I share that sentiment." Nick replies, giving a small smirk, "Sounds like you had a bit of a week too."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Yeah, found out last night Buffy is dating Thomas Raith" she says, face like she's sucked down a whole bag of lemons. Skin on. "And Harry didn't like it much. I'm telling ya, Nick. He'll cheat on her and screw her over and then I'll be all I hate this and have to shoot him or something" Murph groans. "Hey if you go to the Blue Lady,tell Thomas I'm sorry for going off on him, I'm just worried about Buffy" she adds, then looks serious. "I get it. Thomas isn't bad looking. But he's got a reputation" she sighs, "I told him if he hurts her, I will swear on Saint Michael and to God I will hunt him down and kill him, ya know? Maybe I overreacted. I'd had a few drinks. Then I said oh just kiss already. They did. Why?" Murph sighs, head in her hands.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks at Karrin, brow lifting. "Huh. Guess he's not participating in the 'don't date coworkers' line of thought then."

The performer reaches over to pick up his sandwich, "Could you do me a solid and not kill the guy who occasionally pays me to sub on piano? That group is fun to play with."

Teeth shearing through the bread and meat, the side of Nick's cheek bulges out from the big bite.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shrugs. "I'll only kill him, if he hurts Buffy" Murphy says, falling quiet to focus on her sandwich. She sighs, and chews. And thinks on what Nick's asking.Oh she's no better. She's dating Harry, see. She's dating the guy who works for her. Okay then...

Looking over to Nick once her mouthh is empty, Karrin sighs. "So what do I do about it?" she asks with a groan. "I mean. I don't trust Thomas not to cheat on Buffy, right...but I can't do jack about it"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The gaze towards the plate and sandwich is slowly redirected towards Karrin as the remnants of the food is set back down. He took a really big bite so he's got a bit of time before he can respond back. There's a lot of meat to chew. Both in the sandwich bite and in the information provided by Karrin.

Nick swallows. "Well..."

He leans forward, setting the lower arms upon the table, resting one hand over the other. "You don't do anything. You said your peace. Buffy's a big girl. She can make her own choices. And so can Thomas. And I can tell you from experience, that it is infuriating when people deem it their right to take all choice away from you."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods. "I know, I just don't trust Thomas to be faithful though" she admits shaking her head with a sigh. "Okay, maybe I'm overreacting. But. But..." she says sighing. "Just worried is all" Karrin says with a shrug, watching Nick.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yes you are overreacting. But, you can be worried." Nick replies, tone a bit even as his top hand clenches down, "You voiced your concern. You can even offer to help with the cleanup later. But, taking away people's freedom to make their own decisions, to possibly learn from their mistakes or enjoy the benefits... It just makes living kind of shitty."

Feeling an ache, he glances down, frowning a bit as he releases his hand, moving the arms off the table. He turns his attention to the beer, opting to take a long swig.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You sound just like your mom saying that" Karrin says, sliding a candy bar over the table. She glances to the celing then to Nick. Nope, no helicopter blades. Or fur, or claws. Phew. She knows in her heart of hearts, Buffy will do good for Thomas. But...but. Doesn't stop Karrin worrying however.

Shaking her head, Karrin tilts the bottle for a moment. Instead, she sighs.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
When the glass sets down, he gives a small smile, "Well, she and I both would understand what its like to have people trying to control you and choices taken away. Although, I doubt she'd have said 'kind of shitty'. Probably more... 'unfulfilling'."

He glances to the candy bar, "Do you just keep a bag of those on you at all times?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Actually, yes for giving to kids or people who are diabetc or need sugar" Karrin answers. "I go ta trunk full of stuffed animals, too. You want a bear, or a cat, or a giraffe or, or...you name an animal. It's probably in my Saturn's trunk along with my kit" she shrugs, giggling a bit. Yes. She /really/ has a trunk full of stuffed animals and candy. God help anyone who steals from her trunk...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah no. I'll pass." Nick turns down the offer, shaking his head, "We get so many stuffed animals during certain holidays that the condo looks like a semi-annual teddy bear's picnic gathering at times."

The glass lifts up again, "But, I never thought about it with the candy bar and diabetic thing. That's a pretty good idea..." He reaches over to take the candy bar, sliding it into the jacket pocket, "We ususally go through the stuffed animals, pick out the ones that are safe to donate and forward them along to the shelter."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shrugs, "Yeah well, you need any, call me or drop into the office. Got plenty like I said. So" Karrin nods, pulling a CD out of her coat. Or, the CD case. Looking over to Nick, Murph grins. It's /that/ Christmas album. "See, I bought one of these. I bought this at full price. You doing any more?" she asks. "CD's in my car. Harry's not allowed to touch it. I can't get another copy of the album any. So" she mutters.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head. "Nooooo. We get enough as is." He pauses, "But, the studio does collect stuffed animals and toys around Christmas toys to run over to the shelter en masse."

He looks down to the CD case placed in front of him, "We actually had a pretty good response to that one. There's the possibility of a re-release next season with some added material."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well then" Karrin says with a grin. "So drop all of them off at Christmass?" Murph offers with a grin. "Ah come on. You could give one to Thomas as a Christmas gift" Murph giggles. "Get the band together, perform at the Blue Lady for charity?" she asks with a serious nod.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick shakes his head, "It's a compilation album of different music acts. Granted I do instruments for a few of the other acts under a different name but it's not 'A' band. It's several."

He pauses to down the remainder of his beer, giving a contented smile before looking back to Karrin, "Last Christmas was mainly little Jade trinkets I picked up when I was over in Japan. Although, Thomas wasn't there when I swung by so I'm not entirely sure if he spotted his yet. I think his was one of the owls."

He gives a shrug, lifting up the remnants of his sandwich to pop into his mouth.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"You could always get people to cover them for charity, right?" Murph adds, not letting the point go just yet. "I mean it'd help out new and up and coming bands and singers, right?" Murph adds ordering another ber and sandiwhc. Oh, she's enjoying this. Confessional tomorrow's gonna be a PITA. What were your sins? Yeling at a vampire, Father. Why? He's dating my best friend.

Yeah. Murph may skip it tomorrow.....

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Mmmph mph mmph-" Nick pauses, chewing a bit quicker before he can finally swallow down the last of the sandwich.

"I'm not saying we wouldn't. But that's more something for Thomas to initiate being it's his club." Nick points out, "A barebones Holiday charity event? Yes, that's doable. The studio tends to schedule out people for that sort of thing a lot."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Noted" Murph nods finishing off a beer with a laugh.h. "So what, drop by the studio on holidays to drop off my trunk full of stuffed animals huh?" she asks with a sigh. "But...I'm gonna miss the koala and the gator and the opossum..."

Yeah.Murph has an opossum stuffed animal in her trunk. Don't ask...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the empty glass and plate and then back over to Karrin, "Hey, I'm not going to turn down more toys for a toy drive when it gets kicked off again. You're most welcome to send some love that way." He leans in slightly, lowering his voice, "We just won't tell them about the opossum. That can continue to greet future generations of trunk bears."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods keenly. "Opossums are weird like that. I'd throw a sloth in there, but they're so slow to make" she sighs. There's a joke in there somewhere. It's just slowly being funny.

Murph shrugs. "So what would you guys want toy wise? I can grab it if you'd like and donate when the time is right" she adds looking over the table to Nick. Well then, Murph's doing good.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Murph's pun does get a slight chuckle.

"Well, considering the target audience, toys that don't require much maintenance and are easy to carry." Nick replies, "Stuffed animals, card games, coloring books, hand held puzzles. Kid friendly. Stuff like that. Nothing battery operated."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps cautiously into the pub, peering around warily for a certain tall, wiry, cranky wizard who recently blew up her phone. "Is he here? Is the coast clear?" Mac just smirks and nods, waving her over and she visibly relaxes, stepping in all the way. "Heh, what an old bat...How about a coffee and umm..Bacon and eggs?" do they do that here?

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph grins, "That's easy" she says and waves Buffy over. "Come join us" shee calls, watching the Slayer. "Heya Buffy, what's up?" she adds, slowly working on her second sandwich. It's good, after all. Oh yeah it's good.

With a nod to Nick, murph grins. "Nick, Buffy. Buffy, this is Nick. I knew his mom from back in Gotham. He and I usually accidentally meet at Sunday services" she jokes. "It's amazing what a confessional line can do. Nick Drago of the grizzly helicopter variety" she nods sagely.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Seeing some movement to the side of his vision, Nick turns his head to see Buffy entering in. Lifting up a hand he gives her a wave.

The hand lowers as Karrin calls out to her and starts to make introductions. The looks over to Murphy for a moment before glancing back to Buffy, "I don't think we've ever really talked but, I do remember you from the Blue Lady." He tilts a head towards Karrin, "She's got a way with labeling people, doesn't she?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins at Murphy, heading towards her table, "Heh there, going well, finally finished my paper and got an A! Couldn't have done it without Thomas' help though.." she nods to Nick as he's introduced and smiles, "Yea, I've seen you around before too..Pianist? You do some good stuff." she chuckles, "Yea, I guess. Although I'm curious what nickname she has for me?"she smirks.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph nods looking from Nick. "Yeah I got a way with labelling people" she says reaching out to high five Buffy. "Congrats on the paper, good job!" she grins. She's looking from Nick to Buffy at this point. "His mom was a grizzly mixed with helicopter" Murph explains in a stage whisper to Buffy. "Smart, dangerous woman. Damn near kicked my butt in a church for giving Nick candy" she offers with a shrug. Oh she wanted to crack a Lil Nicky joke. But....no. Just..no. Karrin has standards. Believe it or not.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick smiles at the compliment paid. "Amongst other things." He answers, "And thanks for the compliment. It's nice to know the practice is paying off."

He turns his head towards Karen as she explains the Grizzley comment. "Alas, my mom got downgraded in the nickname it appears." The smile warms up a bit as he leans back in his chair, lifting the scarred arm back to rub at the back of his head, "There used to be a shield and saint tied in there too."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins and high-fives Murphy, "Nice one..Grizzly and a Helicopter..That Just leaves weird images in my mind.." she rubs her eyes, "So how do you like working there? Never thought I'd like 1920s jazz but, actually I really love the place.." she has a thoughtful smile as she says that.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph explains the full nickname. Shields and saints and helicopters and grizzlies are explained, as she high fives Buffy, and chews on her sandwich more. "So" Murph offers once she's swallowed the food. Letting Buffy take all this in. She nods to Nick, sipiping her latest beer.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Oh its very nice." Nick replies, smiling, "I do like it when I get called in to sub for Rey. The band's great. Sasha's got an amazing voice, and with the execption of the occasional recording session, I don't get many opportunities to play piano in public, much less jazz."

He sits upright, lowering the arm again. "It's also nice and low key which is good."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs at Murphy, "That's just sooo...Out there. Heey.." She nudges her playfully, "Got any good pseudo names for Harry? How about cranky Pants? or uh, Head Canon?" she laughs, she's really terrible at good puns, but clearly taking jabs at Harry for being so cranky lately. "Heh so Nick, do you have a pseudo name over at the Blue Lady? I mean hey, I'm Ice." She offers him a hand. "Ice to meet you!"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick considers the question, shaking his head while taking the offered one. "Ice to meet you as well. As for pseudo name, No. I'm more of a stand in than a regular so maybe its not a requirement for me. But then again, 'Nick' could be it. It's not the name that goes on the checks."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Karrin sighs, "None" she says. "Oh, he has fans doesn't he?" Murph asks. She can do puns, too.

Mostly since she's several beers in. Not thinking of puns.

Watching her, and Nick, Murph grins looking from Nick to Buffy like she's watching a tennis match.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow, "Oh yea? Guess it's just something reserved for us bouncers then.." wait did she just say bouncer? Compared to the others, big burly men who average 6 ft and above and 200lbs+ she doesn't look like she could be very effective at her petite size and frame. "Well darn I guess there's that too Murph." she laughs at the fan reference, "Did he break any new fans lately?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Maybe." Nick acknowledges, "For performers, it helps to get the names out there, not hide them. Well, most of the time. Sometimes it helps to release stuff under the name you're not known for."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Well...nah. You got a new phone?" she asks with a grin. "My phone's working. I'd let ya borow it but it's my work phone. Which explains how harry didn't get to blow it up. One of these days I'm gonna take him to Best Buy or Target or something" Karrin says. "And drag him into the modern age"

Shaking her head Karrin shrugs, looking amused at the idea of Harry in one of those big box tech stores. Or, how to ruin a company in one easy step.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Nick, perhaps pleasantly surprised that he didn't seem to doubt she could hold her own as a bouncer. "Heh, I guess you're right. Afterall, you're the main attraction. I'm just the background wallpaper. That bites if you cause too much trouble." she grins, seeming to enjoy her work, even if it's not very glamorous in comparison, "I wonder, what's it like being in the spotlight? Just once I'd like to see for myself.." but alas, The Slayer must always work in the shadows. As for Murphy and phones, she just shrugs and grins, "How do you manage to put up with him? He's nuts. I mean..I shouldn't be so mean, he did promise to help me out in that case but, geez..So cynical all the time. And pulling that trick on Thomas?!" she just sighs and shakes her head.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Nope." Nick corrects, "At the Blue Lady, SASHA is the main attraction. I'm just Nick. Not Nick Drago. Just Nick. I provide support. "

At the talk of phones, Nick pulls out his Nokia and drops it on the table. The screen is mostly destroyed except for one corner which prominently displays an icon indicating he has an unread text message on the phone. "Can't read text messages or look at the contacts list but it still makes and receives calls pretty well." The musician declares, "Just takes a beating and keeps going."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph shrugs. "That's a brick" she jokes. "Phones are weird like that, they go from what Nick's got, to what Harry destroyed, to....you guys seen the latest ones? Pretty sure soon we're gonna have a bunch of weird sci fi stuff. Like we don't alredy" Murph muses, relaxing. She shakes her head and looks amused at Nick's phone. See, I need one of those phones. Think it'd survive Harry being within five states?" she teases.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "SASHA, right, they put on a good act." she nods, "Just Nick. That like Cher?" she chuckles, "Alright then.." she arches a brow at the phone, wrinkling her nose, "Wow,What the heck..Did Harry do that to your phone or what?" she finds it hard to believe it could still work..She nods to Murph and sighs, "Phones are so expensive these days though, and I'm only working part time.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"It's a very useful brick." Nick amends to Karrin's comment rather chipperly," And I don't know Harry but that phone's been through a LOT and it still works."

He takes back his phone, sliding it back into his pocket as he starts getting up.

"Well, I should probably get going. I got to get a few things done before my flight tomorrow."

He glances over to Buffy and then Karrin, "If you want, I could ask Wade to see if he can track down another one for you guys. Just, not as run over. Karrin's figured out my number. "

He slides his jacket on, covering up the neutral toned attire with even more neutral tones. "Hell, she probably has Wade's too."

He turns, giving a parting wave, "Until later, guys."

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Murph looks to Nick as he leaves, then nods to Buffy. Grinning, Murph settles back into her seat, looking pleased. "So" Murph says gently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers waves to Nick as well, settling down opposite Murph. "So. How are things, you and Harry..Phones..Being mad at his br----Err buddy.." whoops she nearly said it again.

Karrin Murphy has posed:
Buffy gets a look. "What were you going to say?" she asks quickly then looks from Buffy to Mac. "Harry's good. Bob on the other hand. Bob...." she sighs folding her arms. She sighs shaking her head to Buffy. "See, that's the thing. Harry's good, but if he could use phones..." she mutters quietly.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shrugs and sighs, "Oh just..I wish Harry would quit being so cynical. He really needs some good male friends, you know..Buddies? Bros?" see how she smoothly slipped that in there? Like she totally meant to say that. "That's all. But he's so damn distrustful of...Everyone." by 'everyone' she of course means a certain someone but doesn't name names. "Hmmm? Who's Bob?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Bros, huh?" Murph asks with a smirk. "You really think Harry's the type to be a dudebro?" she asks. Yeah. She said it...and cringes. "I....just...I....just don't see Harry like that somehow. Pretty sure he's got more style and class than that" Murph points out. "Though he's got male friends. Well, a few at least, likee...um...." she pauses, racking her brains, "Thomas, obviously, and....um....Bob? Mouse? Mister?" she gueses. Oh yes she's desperate and lists off pets as friends. And then...there's Bob, too. Desperate, much, Murph?

Desperate, indeed!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Like I said, we need to change that, he's way too serious, too anti social." she quirks a brow at mention if the White court vamp. Cuz that's really what this is all about. "..He doesn't trust him, you know. Even though he's helped him out plenty of times in the past and he's proven his loyalty plenty of times.." Okaay well he's proven himself to her anyway and..Quit staring! Buffy is so totally not biased! "Umm Seriously? You're counting a dog, a cat and...Seriously who IS Bob? I've never met him, is he an imaginary Friend?"

Karrin Murphy has posed:
"Next time you're in the office, ask Harry" Murph nods. Great. She said that comment about Harry. Add one more to 'drunk Murph quotes' then. Seriously. She should just persuade Mac to get her coffee, like. NOW!

Sitting back, Murph's had quite a few beers. Good news is she won't blow up half of Mac's if she throws a hissy fit. Bad news? Hangover is gonna be a pain in the morning....

"Well yeah but can we come up with a way to get Harry to trust him though?" Karrin says, watching Buffy quietly. She shakes her bottle like it'll magically reful and makes her way, weaving a little, to the bar. "I'll take coffee" she says to Mac. "With all the sugar and creamer"

Though how. How to get the two to trust one another. Harry and Thomas. Not Thomas and Buffy. That one's taken care of!

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers hmmm, "Oh yeah, that's the other thing..Thomas is also concerned about him, think he's really cracking up, He told me that the other day he came over to visit Harry, and caught him talking to a skull. A skull! And I doubt he was seriously just trying out for a role as a Hamlet." because that's even weirder. Almost. "Oooh well I have an idea, I mean, besides making them work on cases together...Did you know that Thomas' birthday is coming up...On a Valentine's Day no less..Maybe we can talk Harry into helping us set up a surprise birthday party for him, heck you could even go out with Harry and look for an appropriate gift for him.."