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Latest revision as of 16:16, 23 February 2020

Date Night for Ri and Re
Date of Scene: 16 February 2020
Location: Apartment rooftop.
Synopsis: The couple have dinner and talk about the past.
Cast of Characters: Gambit, Wild Rose

Gambit has posed:
Things have been hectic in both their lives and Remy and Riana haven't had a chance to be...well Remy and Riana. So it's about sunset when he calls her cell phone. Last time he was near her, he switched his ringtone on her phone to Desperado...

Wild Rose has posed:
     The sound that greets Remy's ears as Riana picks up her phone is an all-too-familiar screeching, coupled with her coughing. There is also the tell-tale trail of smoke curling into the air from her kitchen window. "Remy? You've got the timing of a salesman at supper, cher!" There is the sound of dishes clattering into the sink, leaving little doubt that yet another attempt at cooking has failed in spectacular fashion.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau says, ":laughs a little bit and she can hear the smirk in his voice. "Supper sounds about right. So what are yah feeding Jack tonight?" he asks amused, knowing just where the ruined food will go..."

Wild Rose has posed:
     "An attempt at jambalaya." The growl in Riana's voice is as apparent as Remy's smirk. The barking of said pooch can be heard very close by. Supper? Supper! Mine! Sure enough, the barking soon dies down, and one can almost hear the martial artist rolling her eyes. "I swear that dog has a cast-iron stomach!"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau laughs a little bit. "Well come up to the roof... Someone may have left a surprise for you." He says with a smirk still in his voice. "At least 'e's stopped eating your shoes right?"

Wild Rose has posed:
     "He gets the runs tonight, he sleeps with you, cher." Wait. A surprise? There is blessed silence on the other end of the line as Riana thinks this through, and manages to get her smoke alarm to quiet down. "Alright, be right there." /Click/.

     A few minutes later, the rooftop access door opens, and Riana slips through, closing it behind her. She hasn't quite got the smell of burned jambalaya off of her, but she's at least wearing something nice--dark slacks, her black parka, and what look to be some new black boots for the season.

     Smiling somewhat, she peers over at Remy, quirking her brows. "Hello, you."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles and takes the woman into his arms and gives her a soft, sweet kiss. "'ello yahself." he says playfully. He strokes her face lightly then gestures to where he has a small table set up. The high walls of the roof keeping away the wind and the chill A Dinner for two with candle light is served along with what looks like red wine. "Surprise." He says amused.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie had almost forgotten what that kiss was like, smiling as she returns it in equal measure. The wind and the chill are forgotten as she tilts her face towards him, allowing her eyes to close for a moment. "Now this is a nice surprise, cher," she says. "Tapadh leat." The lilt to her voice betokens a hint of the Highlands for a moment, rather than the twang of a girl born and raised in Massachussetts. "Did you cook?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks just a little bit and gestures her to the table, pulling out her chair for her. "Herb-salted Pork Tenderloin, served wit' vegitables, Au jus, and candied pecan." he says with a smirk. "Ah always 'ad ta cook foh mahself, so Ah learned ta be good at it." He says playfully. "Yah approve?"

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie ooh's at the supper that he's cooked for them to share in the quiet, peaceful haven of the rooftop. Nodding once, she smiles, and slides neatly into the chair. "I've been having to cook for myself, yet it's Jack who gets fed. There is something very wrong with that picture." He had gone to quite a bit of trouble, and her lips curl upwards. "One of these days, I'll have to learn from you."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau looks amused and smirks ever so slightly, "Well yah do still owe me breakfast.." He says in a playful voice that implies food isn't what he is thinkoing of as he pours the wine. "So 'ow is de dojo coming along?

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie shakes her head and sighs, shrugging. She reaches out to pluck the wine glass from the table, twirling it lightly between two fingers. "So far there hasn't been a location that's just jumped out at me," she replies, a mild hint of frustration in her voice. "I did wind up meeting your artist friend, though, while I was checking out Little Odessa. I'm not too worried, though." Lightly swirling the ruby red elixir in the glass, she admires the sparkle of the candlelight as it refracts through the heady stuff. "What about you, though? I was starting to think you vanished."

Gambit has posed:
"I've been going t'rough some personal stuff involving an ex, Stuff Ah didn't really wan' on mah brain when Ah was comin' ta see yah. Ah'm sorry about dat. Yah shoul' lock me in stocks an' beat me wit' green leafy vegitables." he says with a playful smirk on his lips.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie bursts out laughing. "Ha. You'd pick the locks before I could say 'jack-in-the-box'!" There is a rosy tint to her cheeks, though, and she covers her cough by taking a little sip of wine.

Matters turn a bit more serious, though. Her smile might fade and her brows furrow, but she looks up at him. "I finally went and did something I should've a long time ago," she begins, letting the words fade to silence for the moment.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau tilts his headm, and then seems to see it in her eyes. he reaches out and takes her hand's in his across the table, giving them a warm and comforting squeeze. "Tell me chere. What 'appened?"

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie squeezes Remy's hand; she actually trembles just a little bit. "I finally came out to my family, about being a mutant." A heavy sigh escapes her, her shoulders rising and falling with the outrush of breath. "It was... mixed. They accept it but were pretty hurt I didn't tell them sooner. So there's that mess to work through."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau nods a bit and kisses her hands. "It's easier wit' friends. Even aquaintances. Yah can always replace dose. Mos' folks only get issued de one family." He sips his wine and smiles a bit. "Ah 'ad it easy. De eyes not easy ta 'ide, yah know?"

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie smiles a bit, plucking a piece of candied pecan from her plate and holding it out between her fingers. "No they're not. What was it like for you, when you... changed?" This wasn't something she brought up much to him, but each bit of the story was another piece of the picture across the table from her.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau considers and sips his wine. "Well Ah 'ad de eyes mah 'ole life, like Ah said... but when Ah was twelve... "h takes a deep breath, "Mah cousin 'ad done somet'ing stupid. It nearly killed 'im. Gave me nightmares dat night. Ah charged mah bed wit' me in it. Mah bed, part of de floor, de night table. Mah pappa some 'ow knew somet'ing was wrong. He slipped inta mah room an' lifted me out of de bed wit'out waking me. Evacuated de 'ouse. Got me outside. A Skeeter landed om mah cheek, an Ah slapped it uncousiously. Woke mahself up... and de secon' an' t'ird story of de west wing went kaboom.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie looks at Remy for a long moment, the lines between her brows deepening. Without a single word, she sets down her wineglass, gets up, and moves around to the other side of the table, hugging him tightly. Nothing more needed to be said. What words would suit, anyways?

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau just hugs her, giving a bit of a shake that he quickly suppresses and then kisses her again. "It was scary chere. But Ah've come ta terms wit' it. Came damn close ta selling mah soul ta do it, but Ah clawed mah way t'rough de shit ta get back ta de point Ah can shave wit' out 'ating de man in de glass.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie gently touches his face, brushing a stray wisp of hair away from those hellfire eyes and smiling. "What could there be to hate, though? I haven't seen it yet." Her gaze remains intent, searching yet not pushing her luck.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smiles a bit and says softly, "allot chere. Ah got allot of Red in mah ledger. Ah've made decisions dat cost people dare lives. Innocent people. Some whose biggest crime was loving me." He takes a breath and looks in her eyes, "Yah shoul' be aware dat dat 'as 'appened. Ah 'ave enemies. dangerous ones."

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie only listens, keeping silent. What could he have done to have his ledger dripping in red as if dropped in the middle of a massacre? She simply holds both his hands for a few long moments, squeezing them. It looks as if she is in pain even uttering the words, but somehow she forces them out. "Do you want me to walk away?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau says, "Want? non chere. But if yah were smart yah'd run. Fast. But Want? I jus' wanna 'old on ta yah so tight an' nevah let yah go." He says softly, tears in his eyes. "I don' wan' yah ta go in wit' blinders on one 'and...An' scared ta let yah see me wit' out dem on de ot'er.""

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie rests her forehead against his, looking into those blazing eyes. There was pain there he had never shown her before, and something else she had never seen in that devil-may-care gaze--fear. He was actually frightened for her. She reaches up to brush those tears away, just holding him. "I'd be pretty damn hard to kill," she offers, smiling.

And that is all the warning Remy gets.

Turning her head away, she reaches for her wineglass, drains the contents and... /crash/! Shards of glass fall to the rooftop, leaving Riana with a sharp, jagged pike that was the stem of the wineglass.

"The only way is to show you."

When all is said and done, a line of red is left down the back of her left arm. A line that seals nearly as fast as it is created, fading away in a matter of a minute or two, as if it had never been.

"I'm sorry about the wineglass... but you had to see I'm tougher than you think. Now, do you still want me to run?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau blinks, but the whole thing is over before the Cajun can really even get out of his seat. He steps closer, turning her arm over in his hand and then looking her in the eye... But he instead takes a step back and pulls his shirt up over his head to show a series of deep claw mark scars. "What about agienst somet'ing like dat.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie whistles low and looks at the claw marks, and what remains of them. She touches the scars briefly, her face twisting into a scowl. "Who did that to you," she growls, tensing visibly, the imperative to answer his question forgotten for the moment.

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau shrugs. "His name was Victor Creed. People call 'im Sabortoot'. An' we were at a time wha' yah could loosely call business associates. Dis chere, is 'ow 'e tries ta terminate a business relationship. An' bear in mind 'e rat'er /liked/ me."

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie frowns deeply and nods. "I could probably survive that. Might take a little longer to heal, and I'd hurt like hell, but I'd probably live." Wrapping her arms around him, she squeezes gently. "How will I recognize him, so I can avoid him?"

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau gives her the best description of the mutant he can, "Razor sharp claws and teeth, blonde hair over his entire body, and mean as a rattlesnake in a honey bee nest at a political rally." He strokes her back. "'E's one of de worst, but 'e's far from de only."

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie smiles, settling into the embrace, resting her head on his shoulder for a moment or two. "They can't all be as wonderful as you are, you crazy Cajun." She looks at the remains of her wineglass, wrinkling her nose for a moment. "Well, there's one good thing to come of that. Now we have to share a glass."

Gambit has posed:
Remy LeBeau smirks slightly and kisses her lightly on the lips... then reaches under the table and takes out a picnic basket and a spare wine glass from that. "Ah'm like a boyscout chere, Ah always come prepared." He says playfully.

Wild Rose has posed:
Riana Mackenzie kisses Remy right back, and just... snickers at his comment. Okay, perhaps a little more than snickers. Giggles? No. She bursts out laughing, her sage green eyes sparkling with mirth. "A Boy Scout, you are definitely /not/!"