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Latest revision as of 16:18, 23 February 2020

Magic and Muscle
Date of Scene: 12 January 2020
Location: Fogwell's Gym, Clinton
Synopsis: Martial Artists and Magicians meet and greet at a boxing match!
Cast of Characters: Ryu, Pixie, Petra Emreis, Chun-Li

Ryu has posed:
It's Friday nights, and the fights are on tonight! There's a small crowd that has gathered to watch the action, as they are cheering on the conclusion of the latest flight and preparing for the next one. There's drinks offered as well as snacks. Folding chairs are set around the ring for people to watch. As they're finishing clearing up, the announcer pulls down the microphone from the wire dangling from the ceiling. "The next match features a pair of hopefuls for the Street Fighter tournament. In the red corner, at 250 pounds, give it up for Max!"

Max, an African American male that stands over 6 foot tall rises up and dances around and throws a couple of jabs.

"And in the green corner, at 209 pounds, hailing from Jersey City, everyone welcome Scott!" A blonde young man that is nearly the same height as his opponette, Scott rises and just gives a nod to Max.

As they prepare to battle, at the back of the crowd stands a male figure. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Ryu is watching the fight between the two with interest. After all, the next Street Fighter tournament is soon.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn isn't sure how she ended up in a place like this, but her weird friend who always has unusual connections invited her here, and she's always up for trying she mehung new. Just do t throw her in the ring or anything and she'll be good!

Petra Emreis has posed:
A boxing match wasn't exactly what Petra had in mind when she'd first stepped into the gym. Truth be told, the sorceress had intended to work out a little and try to maintain the fitness that was so important to her 'occupation'. That and...it was a good way to de-stress now and then. Perhaps that's why the ashen-haired girl was still dressed in active-wear, the shorts and tank-top of attire intended for exercise over socializing as she stood in the corner, vaguely contemplating how she might get to a seat without accidently knocking someone in the head with the gym bag hanging off her shoulder.

Damn...should have read the notice at the door!

Ryu has posed:
As the fight starts between the pair, Max dances around and then does a flashy kick to try to get the first hit in on the blonde fighter. Scott is able to block it and is swiftly countering it with a punch that knocks Max backwards. First Hit to Scott! The two start to control blows in the ring.

Outside the ring, Ryu oofs as he gets bumped by the bag. Turning around to see who just hit him, he raises his brow and gives Petra a brief smile. "I take it you didn't know there were fights tonight?" he asks her curiously, before gesturing to the corner of the gym. "There's plenty of space over there. Did you need a hand with anything?" he asks, his attention only half on the fight.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, stretching her arms. "Yikes! That looks violent! I mean I just wanted to work out!" her friend just grins and elbows her, "Dobt worry, it'll be fun, cmon!" She nudges her to follow her closer to the ring but with the crowd forming she does get separated, and bumps into Petra, nearly losing her footing. "Ooof! I'm sorry!" she glances curiously at Ryu for a moment, wondering if she's seen him somewhere before, "Ooh are you that famous Street Fighter guy?" she beams.

Petra Emreis has posed:
The punches between the pair of fighters was enough that Petra turned to look, a turn that had indeed caused her gym bag to 'thump' Ryu. Blinking a little, she turns back while grasping the strap, giving a sheepish "Oops sorry-," that is quickly overridden by the question her way. "No I...I've only really been in town about half a day and this place was the nearest listed gym." Petra shrugs, the white-haired woman begins to speak, but the sudden bump at her own back had her stumbling and nearly knocking over one of the chairs she's swift to grab.

Back to Megan, the woman gives a little wave of her hand. "It's fine, kinda close in here."

Ryu has posed:
Ryu moves. It's a subtle, yet sudden movement as he catches Petra at her side to keep her from falling over. He holds her for a heartbeat to make sure she's steady before releasing her. "You alright?" he asks, though Megan's question causes the Asian fighter to give a little frown, but he quickly covers it with a soft chuckle. "I am Ryu." he offers in greetings. "I am just watching tonight." That's the hope at least.

In the ring, Scott and Max are moving around, trading blows with each other. Suddenly Max does another flash kick, this time it catches Scott and he stumbles back against the ropes. Things look bad for Scott for a moment before he's pushing from the edge of the ring to get back into the fight.

Chun-Li has posed:
Uh oh, Chun-Li saw Ryu and you know what that means!

She walks over to where he is. That's what.

She smiles as she notices Petra and Megan nearby, nodding to each before smiling to Ryu, "I didn't know you were in town, Ryu." Chun-Li grins as she approaches him and looks at the pair, "And already making friends, I see?" She smiles to each in turn.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is glad that in these close quarters she is mostly covered up, her wings hidden underneath a green tracksuit and matching pants, both with pink lines along the sides. Onky thing that sticks out is her bright pink hair, pulled up in a short ponytail. "Ah, Sorry about that. Do they usually have fights on Saturday nights? This is my first time here.." she smiles at Ryu, noting his quick reflexes. Wow, cool. She smiles, nit wanting to draw anymore unnecessary attention towards him. "Well that's cool! Yeah I'm new here, just looking around..."

Petra Emreis has posed:
Another newcomer! Petra was still sort of ackwardly left sitting in the space of the 'isle', blocked from moving too well and finally giving up to just sort of sit down after she'd been caught by Ryu. It was far less embarassing if she could make it look a little more deliberate. The arrival of Chun-Li brings a smile, a little friendly wave of her fingers in greeting before she looks back towards Megan and her questions. "I didn't know either so...yay new people I guess?"

Ryu has posed:
After Petra stands back up and then settles into the seat, a new voice catches his ears. "What..." he starts to say, then turns as Ryu finds himself face to face with someone he had not seen in a couple of years. "Chun-Li!" he says in excitement, picking up the Chinese woman in a warm hug, lifting her off the ground, before he sets her back down. "What are you doing in New York, I thought you would be back in China!"

Then he pauses. "Hello." he greets the pair. "This is Xiang Chun-Li. She is an old friend. And these two are..." And he realizes he didn't even get their names yet and already held Petra. Well. That's awkward.

Back in the ring, Max is celebrating as he's already won, when Scott suddenly unloads a massive haymaker on him that knocks Max's sunglasses off and send him sprawling on the mat. He's not getting back up. The crowd is erupting into cheers at the victory.

Chun-Li has posed:
Chun-Li lets out a gasp and then a giggle before she pushes Ryu, "Ryu, none of that." She grins warmly, "And it's good to see you, too, you big oaf. I'm assigned to New York City now. Interpol business." She nods her head and then smirks, "You're the one who has no reason to be anywhere other than to get kicked in the nose." She grins before looking at the pair and nodding to each in turn as she is introduced. She then looks to Ryu and then the girls, "So, am I to stay in suspense as to who you two are?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Chun-Li? I think I've heard that name too...Nice to meet you all! I'm Megan, just a high school student, nothing special. Didn't come here to fight, just to work out. I mean, looks like a cool place! Guess Saturday night is not the best day to train though..."

Petra Emreis has posed:
For her part? Petra didn't really seem to recognize either name. Instead, the ashen-haired girl with the scar is left to give a sheepish little crossing of her arms at her stomach while she nudges her bag under her seat. "Petra," she offers lightly, tilting her head to the side at the menion of Interpol. She'd heard the term, even seen a few of them operate in europe once or twice, but it had been a while. Of course, that hadn't quite killed Petra's own faintly English accent as she speaks. "I'm a-..." she pauses, whincing a little at an impact in the ring. "Someone who didn't read a flyer."

Chun-Li has posed:
A smile to Ryu as he goes to cheer on the victor and Chun-Li turns her attention back to the pair, "Nice to meet you both, Megan and Petra." She then smiles at at both before shrugging, "It's not every Saturday I imagine because people wouldn't recover quickly enough for the most part." SHe nods her head, "Not enough heads to knock together to create a weekly fight but yeah, often places like this have fights on Saturday Nights at least once a month."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "Well that's cool, I mean, it looks painful and all..I was hoping to learn basic self defence skills myself but it looks pretty scary.." she shivers as she watches the contenders exchange violent blows." she arches a brow at Chun-li, "Did you say inter pol? Like, international police?" oh dear, she tries to think back to the last night club she tried to sneak into without proper ID..