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Training for Trouble
Date of Scene: 04 March 2020
Location: The Magic Box, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Buffy invites friends over for some much needed practice and donuts.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Phantasm (Drago), Thomas Raith, Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's nearly closing time at the Magic Box and the last few people are starting to leave the store. Buffy had invited both Nick and Thomas to come check out the arena in the back room however, mostly because she figured they might want to join her for a workout. And with Nick becoming vampire bait it might be good for him to improve his self defense lessons too. Assuming they arrive, they will find her in the back room, taking out her stress on a giant punching bag that sways dangerously back and forth with each powerful punch she gives it.

Dressed in a short black top and red leggings, her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she's ready for a fight, or maybe looking for one. Clearly something's on her mind..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
It's been awhile since Nick's been at the Blue Lady, mainly because of the time spent filming up north, so his appearance is a little different than Thomas may remember. Dressed down in his Goodwill best, solid colored clothing with no discernable patterns on them and a knit cap, those parts are about the same. But instead of the clean shaven look, Nick is now sporting a bit of a beard. All in the name of work. Work, which, due to some weather issues has been put off, leading to him having extra time back home.

So, with the extra time, (and the need to get away from a rather weird, new quasi-roomie who seems to pass out at his place a lot), Buffy's invite was accepted. Coming to the doorway, Nick glances in, "Sorry I'm late. It's been a weird few days."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith is a few seconds behind Nick, offering the singer a warm smile and a bit of a smirk. "Nick, there you are. I thought you were dead. You look good." He says with a grin, parking his bike and smirking playfully at Buffy. "Just so you know Buffy," he says cocking his thumb back at Nick, "If 'Come see my gym', was a euphemism, I'm down... but I'll expect reciprocation in the future."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks a bit as she sees Nick, remembering the last time she saw him. And Dean. And Wade. Totally drunk and hungover. And rambling about things that got totally misconstrued. "Heh, Nick. Did err...Not-boyfriend-Wade catch up to you in the end?" she coughs, she can't help it. Totally Dean's fault. Again. "Come on in, thought you could use a workout and check out my shiny new gym, y'know, you being a vampire magnet now or something.."

And then Thomas appears and she beams at him, crossing the floor quickly to wrap her arms around his neck, kissing him softly on the lips. "Hey, handsome.." she wriggles her brows at him, smiling impishly, "Who knows? Guess you'll have to stick around til later.." She clears her throat, picking up her towel, wiping the back of her neck. She's been here for a while now.

"So! What do you think? You like? Feel free to try it out. Got some cool weapons over there.." Including her tonfa which are currently hanging up there along with other cool stuff. Is half this stuff even legal?

"I guess Thomas doesn't need practice, especially after saving our butts back there the other day..Thanks for that by the way..But Nick seems to be a vampire magnet or something. I wonder if they're the same vamps that have been taking out my friends too..?" she shrugs, closing the door behind them. Giles and Anya will probably be doing some paperwork after the store closes. She doesn't want to interrupt them.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, Traveling for work will make you scarce at times." Nick turns his head, looking to the club owner, and giving a nod of greeting, "Evening, Thomas."

A brow raises as Buffy asks about Wade, tagging along an odd title "Oh God not another shipper..." He mutters, before shaking his head, looking "It was just the ONE that went after me." Nick points out, "And that one is dust. The others were in Salem Center and they seemed to be targeting someone else."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit at Nick, "Vampire Magnet huh? Should I introduce you to my sisters? I mean you'll end up just as dead, but you'll enjoy it a hell of a lot more." He kisses buffy back, slow and gentle and with obvious genuine affection, giving her butt a bit of a squeeze in the process before circling around some of the equipment. He picks up a massive 45 lbs dumbbell with two fingers and asks playfully "Doing light weight extra reps so as not to bulk up?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Nick, slightly amused, "Oh yeah? My bad, sorry." she grins and shrugs, "Ahh, just the one then. That's good." but then she pauses at the rest of what he says. "Targetting someone else? Any idea who?" when Thomas lifts up the dumbell with ease, she arches a brow, impressed. "Wow, you been holding back before or something?" she chuckles, "Yeah, having a Watcher, even a former Watcher training you, means I get all these sweet new toys."

And with that, Buffy walks to the wall of weapons, picking up a simple wooden staff. "But I need to get in some training after that vamp army nearly whipped me the other day.." she narrows her eyes, "This isn't over, even if my friend's dead..And I'm worried, because now Dawn's gone missing." she draws a deep breath, staring at the staff, clear worry in her voice.

"I can't let them take her too.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow comes late. But she has a dozen donuts (half price!) and walks in to the 'crew'.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As lovely as I assume they appear, and despite how I have a tendency to end up in doomed relationships, I'm going to politely decline, Thomas." Nick replies, giving a smirk, "But thanks for the offer, I think."

He glances away as the couple kiss, letting them have a bit of privacy in their less than private choice to display it, "They were targeting a high school student. Mutant. Magic User. Sweet girl. Just, WAY too-" He shakes his head, trying to find the word to describe it, "Unquestioning."

As he is facing away from the couple, he does see Willow as she comes in. "Hello." He greets.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith walks up behind Buffy and puts his arms around her, giving her a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Then he hears the door chime again and looks over to see Willow entering with the mana of the gods." "Willow, so nice to see you again." He says with a smile, setting the barbell down and grinning a bit. "Well if I showed you all my tricks, you might get bored of me." He tells the Slayer playfully. "Now if there is a coffee machine here we will be in business."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly at Thomas, nodding. "Thanks.." Arching a curious brow, she turns around to face Nick curiously, "Huh, Highschool girl? Oh, a mutant.." she shrugs, "Dawn's a sweet and innocent highschool girl too, she's been dating a shady kid that we met at an even shadier goth party a while back..Looks like he may be involved in the same cult that that crazy Trudy goth vamp girl was involved in.." she shrugs, "Maybe they were trying to recruit that magical mutant girl too? But I haven't quite connected all the dots.."

And then Willow returns, and her gaze softens, smiling faintly, "Heey, Willow! Mmm more donuts? Lovely, thanks!" she reaches out to hug her other BFF, grabbing a donut. She could sure use the energy.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh!" Willow blushes. "Ahm thats Thomas, and we are..."

She stares with a lost look, "Mmm. Looks like.. oh! " She gets it. "You're Nick. " The donuts are handed out.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I still think the one who went after me was just pissed off that I got offered his old job when he quit." Nick replies, "Don't think they're connected. So... What's this about a cult?" He looks back to Willow, taking the offered donut, "Buffy warned you about us coming, eh?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins slightly At Willow, taking a jelly filled doughnut from her box and offering her an easy grin. "Nice to see you again too Willow." He says with a smile, moving to inspect some of the other equipment. He takes off his jacket and drapes it over a chair, throwing a few stiff jabs into the heavy bag. Rocking it on it's chains.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Nope. I kinda hoped he would have" A nod for Thomas is given. "But nope. I was wondering how were we going to eat these." Willow gives a smirk.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"I think the same way one would eat an elephant." Nick replies, looking to the donut in his hand, "One bite at a time. Thanks for bringing snacks."

Nick bites into his, a little gloop of jelly perilously dangling fron the newfound opening as he moves his mouth away.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith smirks a bit and then his phone rings. He pulls it out and says "Raith. Okay, Alright? Axe it's okay take a breath, how bad is it? Alright, get Smash or Crush to cover the door, you go see to your daughter. I'm sure she'll be okay." He puts his phone away, "One of the bouncer's little girl just fell down some stairs. She's on her way to the hospital, I've got to get back to the Club."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh. Maybe we'll get next time." Willow tosses a smile for Thomas. "More for us!" Willow should note: she bears no shame at a thought of more donuts.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns to look to Thomas, the glob of jelly swaying with the movement, teasingly close to falling. "Hope she's alright." As the clubowner heads out, he looks back over to Willow. Eyes glancing down to the treat in time to bring a finger over to wipe the jelly onto his finger and bring it to his lips. Close. That could have fallen to the floor.

He looks between the two ladies before looking back to Willow, the newer of the two faces. "So how long have you known Buffy?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Me? Oh gosh I feel like I've known her my entire life." Willow speaks around her donut.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Mmmph." Nick comments from behind the bite of donut. He pauses, covering his mouth, "Ah, so close like siblings then?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers had stepped out for a few moments to talk to Giles and Anya about something, but returns several minutes later, passing Thomas on the way. She shrugs, grabbing the staff again, nodding to Nick. "Well, I'm glad it was just a one-time thing..My sister..I think she's next on the list..But this time, I can't let them hurt her. That's why I need to improve my skills." she practices a few circles and swings with the staff, moving it effortlessly and smoothly around the room. "Care to spar with me?"

She grins at Willow and goes in for another donut, "Dammit, these are way too addictive Wills, did you make 'em yourself?" she grins, glad to have her back.

To Nick, Buffy nods, "Yeah, a sort of cult I guess. Call themselves Carpe Noctem, I'm not entirely sure of the details, but they seem to be pretty secretive, recruiting young, naieve people who think they're joining an exclusive club with no idea what goes on underneath the surface. So far, we've just got bits and pieces. Couple kids enjoying a high from getting their necks bitten. A secret goth party with vamps trying to recruit unsuspecting teens to join their exclusive 'club'. And a lead on a missing friend that led us to freshly dug graves that sprung into an army of vamps. Between the four of us, we only managed to decimate half of them before someone called 'em away, fortunately Thomas got there and dragged us all out before we were wiped out ourselves.."

She sighs, still practicing some jabs and swings with her staff. "So..Care for a sparring match?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Yep," Willow nods emphatically. "We're closer that close! I think we blood bonded when we were grade six?" She shushes when Buffy speaks.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. I can understand that. I've got a friend name Wade that I've known for close to ten years. I consider him like a brother to me." There is a bit of emphasis to the word brother for those in the room who may be under some form of confusion to the status of the roommate.

He stuffs the rest of the donut into his mouth, giving a shrug to Buffy's invitation as he slides off his coat to where he's down to a worn but solid gray tee. He reaches up to tug off his knitcap, exposing a long old scar on one of his forearms, positioning indicating it to be of the defensive variety.

Donut consumed, Nick replies, "Seize the Night? Wow. Someone's been listening to too many German musicals..." He looks to the staff, "I'm not really trained so, you'll probably have to go easy on me to start. I've seen what you did to Dean. Funny. But only when it happens to him."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods to Willow. "Yeah, we're BFFs alright. Will's been like a wise sister to me. Although I guess I'm not as close as you and Xander, am I?" she grins at Willow, "I wonder how his construction company is going? I haven't seen him in a bit.." glancing to Nick, she shrugs, grabbing a second wooden staff from the wall and tossing it to him. "No sweat, we'll go easy then. I'll show you some tricks..Soo, you and Wade are like brothers, huh? Sorry for the confusion. It's totally Dean's fault, him and his weird drunk texts and general weirdness. He has a habit of getting into trouble."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I dont know? Xander is my.." Willow stops speaking, then she shrugs. "Xander is Xander. He is the second part of my soul, only dont in a romantic way."

She giggles as well a Dean. "He is so funny. Does he still protect you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods to Willow. "Heh, I remember when you used to have a crush on him. He's a sweet guy. We should drop by his place and say hi sometime..And how about Fred? I know you met her briefly. Did you drop by the Hyperion and visit her again? She seemed fond of you.." As for Dean, she smiles softly, "He's a funny guy, and he's also a bucketload of trouble..But at least his heart's in the right place.."

Nodding to Nick, she grasps the staff with both hands in front of her. "Alright, just mirror my movements. Staves are a good defensive weapon because they give you a nice long blocking surface, whereas swords are harder to block with and require more strength as you're only holding one end and using that end to both jab, slash and block with."

She begins slowly, just showing him how to hold the staff with both hands, how to move it from one side of the body to the other, how to block with it before using any actual offensive moves. Pretty basic stuff.

"Yeah, Wade seemed pretty upset. Glad you're both alright."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick catches the staff with both hands, looking to it oddly. "Yeah. You should of heard what he was saying the moment I walked in after getting back from the airport. And then all he'd talk about was how he wanted a freaking cheeseburger with bacon." He shakes his head, looking to the stick as he shifts his hands around on it to figure out the best grip. "Also, did you know those idiots left the door unlocked? I didn't have to use my key at all to get in." <-- This goes after Willow explains Xander...

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"When did I crush on him?" Willow makes a face. "You mistook something." She *might have* or *might have not*. She not saying so.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks up at the mention of Hyperion. Why the hell is that name ringing a bell?

No matter, he watches Buffy's demonstration attentively, doing what he can to mirror her. He's not really used to having the advantage of having weapons on him, so it is a foreign concept to him.

"Wade was out cold when I was there. Little surprised he got that wasted. He hasn't drunk that much since the accident."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles a bit at Willow. "Really? Coulda fooled me. When he got together with Cordelia, you were so mad..even when you were with Oz at the time." she shrugs, "But I guess people change. He and you are still BFFs." she nods to Nick. "You're doing pretty good...Feel free to drop by here and train any time.." however, Thomas is texting her now and she frowns a bit. "Alright, I gotta go. Take care you two!" and she puts the staff down, waving as she leaves the dojo. Giles and Anya are still in the lobby so they'll be happy to lock up after they're done.