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Age of Darkness: Who Are You
Date of Scene: 24 February 2020
Location: Central Hub, Watchtower
Synopsis: Flashback Scene--The Robed figure with the symbol of Rao has been captured and taken to the Watchtower. Supergirl demands answers and gets more than she bargained for.
Cast of Characters: Cosmic Boy, Supergirl
Cast of NPCs: Age of Darkness

Cosmic Boy has posed:
Cosmic Boy, of the Legion of Super Heroes, was pacing inside his sciencell. Very similar to the cells on Oa, set up there on the Watchtower by John Stewart and Hal Jordan, it was virtually impregnable. It could hold even the most powerful beings in the Universe, including a certain magnetic Legionnaire.

It had been several hours since his capture by the Legion at Superman's gravesite. He was still wearing the grey-brown robes Cos has been wearing when seen in recent days. On the left breast of the robes was a certain symbol or insignia that any Kryptonian would recognize - the symbol of the Sun God of Krypton, Rao.

SO far Cosmic Boy had not attempted to escape. So far. Looking at the edges of the doorway, he reaches out with his powers, to ascertain if he could escape, and felt the "twang" of an anti-magnetic field. "Fascinating. Oan technology...on Earth. In the 21st century..."

Supergirl has posed:
Things had not been good for Supergirl since her return to Earth. She had been off helping the Lanterns, at the request of her cousin. Thus, she hadn't been on Earth when everything happened. Leading to her having so much guilt and upset upon learning what had transpired during her absence.

She had heard about the robed figure. When the news came that he was captured, she was at the Watchtower as quickly as possible.

The door to the exterior room opened and she stormed in, cape rising from the movement of air around her in her rush. Her boots clicked on the floor with every angry step. She stomped right up to the exterior viewing window on the sciencell, putting her arms akimbo with her balled fists resting on her hips. At least she looked more angry instead of crying as she had been for most of the day. That might not be a good thing.

"Who are you? Why are you wearing that symbol?!"

Cosmic Boy has posed:
Now that was a shocking entrance! Rokk Krinn, aka Cosmic Boy looks up, the alarm on his face evident by the reaction, and his quick jump back about 3 feet. Away from the transparent screen in front of them. Strangely, he was now grateful that there was a barrier between the two of them.

It took a few seconds for Cos to catch his breath. His eyes regard the beautiful Kryptonian woman carefully, with familiarity, as though he knows her. "Kara..." He says, with a warm smile, as though she was a best friend or comrade in arms. "It has been so long. It's me, Rokk. Cos. Of the Legion."

Cos looks down at the robes that were covering up his traditional pink/purple costume that he had worn since the beginning of the team, with a few modifications here and there. "Um. Symbol...oh! Yes! Here!" His right hand traces the symbol of Rao. "Rao...I...don't remember."

His face looks askance, and upset. "Why am I here anyway? I was in the Time Bubble, we were sending a few teams back in time to try and save the future...something happened...an explosion. A sense of falling...then I'm at Superman's gravesite...which is impossible. Superman didn't die, not for..." A pause, as he looks back at Kara.

Supergirl has posed:
Her blue eyes are suddenly being narrowed when he knows her name. A hint of red seems to be leaking into the whites, little arcs of something that seems like plasma dancing there. She is most definitely angry and now he knows her secret identity! How?

As he continues, she is completely confused. "I don't know you, Rokk Cos." Flat. Terse. So very at odds with the usually bubbly young woman. She took his names as being together, not realizing they were two different things. "I have heard of a Legion." He mentioned coming back in time. "Legionnaires. Legion of Superheroes. I have a friend who is a member of that group."

She flicks her gaze to the symbol on his shoulder but her eyes snap back to him when he mentions Superman didn't die. "Do not play games with me, Rokk Cos. My cousin is dead. Lost. I was off planet and I didn't protect him, as I was sworn to do. If you continue to toy with me, you will see what a Kryptonian can really do and it is not pretty."

She raises her chin a little, that leak of red still there as she eyes him through the barrier. "Let's try this again. You claim to be a Legionnaire from the future and to have no memory?"

Cosmic Boy has posed:
Cosmic Boy notices her reaction, and the red leaking into the blue, which makes him take another step back "Um. Just Rokk. My name. Or Cos, short for Cosmic Boy. My hero name." His eyes narrow slightly, not accustomed to this kind of...anger from Kara. Or this whole thing about her cousin.

"Um." A re-set. "Yes. I am the original leader and member of the Legion of Super Heroes, from the 31st century. I probably know your friend, who is a member...?" Clearing his throat, he continues.

"I am not playing games, Kara Zor-El, cousin to Kal-El, both of Krypton. Superman. Clark Kent." A deep breath. "I know what a Krytonian can do. We were close friends, and teammates in the future. Your past. I mean...was the timeline so broken by the Trapper?" Cos starts to pace, sideways, back and forth. "It makes sense why you wouldn't remember...why I can't remember...ugh, my head hurts. Where is Brainy when you need him...he'd have this figured out."

Cos stops, and realises, that he forgot there was someone watching. "Supergirl. I think the accident that tossed me into your time, also robbed me of my memory. I think someone...she tried to make me kill..." He tries to remember, and falls to his knees in agony..."Argh!"

Supergirl has posed:
As he speaks, he is talking calmly. Making sense. He is making sure she knows he is a friend, sharing information that is answering her questions yet at the same time adding more, giving her an idea how much he knows. The red fades from her eyes, then the anger follows as confusion replaces that emotion in her expression.

"Cosmic Boy. Yes. he is one of the founders of the Legion. I learned that from Mon-El. My friend, I mentioned." Which if he is who he says he is, then he would know the Daxamite well.

Then all bets are off and she is stepping forward, stopping just shy of hitting the open button on the cell in her concern as he falls in pain. "I don't understand any of this. I don't remember being a teammate to you but if it is in the future, then it must not have happened for me yet." Logic. She can figure out that much.

"Are you alright? Do you need medical attention? Who tried to make you kill...who?"

Cosmic Boy has posed:
Cos raises his hand to let Supergirl know he was fine. "Just. I tried to remember...but something is stopping me...I am ok. As long as I don't think about it." A mental block? Cos exhales as the red fades from Kara's eyes and the pain in his head starts to fade. Not sure if the shield would have saved him, considering her raw power...and his powers were on the fritz inside here, so no chance of deflection.

Slowly standing, Cos straightens his robes, and shakes his head as the pain fades. "That is something I will need to deal with..." Looking at Supergirl again, he says, "Right. Ok. Where do I start?"

"Mon-El is a good friend of mine. Lar Gand. Daxamite. Dark hair, blue eyes, tough as you are, nice guy, heroic." As for you...perhaps it hasn't happened to you yet. That is possible. Or something more sinister. Someone changed the timeline. I suspect it is the later, not the former, which is troubling, especially with this..." Cos taps his forehead with his right forefinger. "Something is going on...and I am not sure...did I say that? Who tried to kill who? I don't remember...wait...where am I? And why am I wearing this robe?"

Supergirl has posed:
Her arms fall to her sides and now this is more the Kara of old, the one he might know--even though they haven't met before for her. Her concern is there, worry for his situation.

"That seems to be the question. We may need to see if J'onn can look inside your head, see if something is wrong there. If something was done to you. As for where you are, this is the Watchtower. Used by the Justice League. We use it to monitor for problems and threats on Earth or coming from space to Earth."

She looks at the robes again, specifically at the symbol of Rao. "You were saying something about thinking 'she' was trying to get you to kill someone but then the brain freeze. Well, not exactly brain freeze but you get the idea." If they even have brain freeze in the future. Maybe they had ice cream that didn't cause it. That would be worth going to the future.

"That is the symbol of Rao and your presence in it is very confusing. It gave some people hope that you might be Superman under there. But obviously, wasn't the case."

Cosmic Boy has posed:
Thank you Kara...er, Supergirl." Cos changes, mid sentence, obviously not used to calling her that. "Um. That sounds fine. The Martian Manhunter could help a lot." As Kara describes the place they were, Cos looks around his cell. "Right. Makes sense. The Sciencell should have told me where I was. Good, solid, Oan construction here." Cos smiles.

Looking down at his robe, Cos looks a bit confused, and shrugs. "I...I know the history. Researched it. Knew about Kryptonian lore, history and mythology. I am not sure why or who could have orchestrated this...I...am hesitant to back in, with the headaches. Perhaps with an assist from your teammate it might reveal why I chose this...but I will tell you this."

Cos looks into Kara's eyes. "He's not dead."