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Joining the Hunt
Date of Scene: 06 March 2020
Location: Darlington Park, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: The scoobies search for clues as to Dawn's whereabouts, Thomas is forced to make a deal with a vampire.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Thomas Raith, Phantasm (Drago), Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
The sun is just starting to set and Buffy is out for blood. Although she had pieced together some of what Armastus and his organization were planning, and possibly where they were planning it, there were still some missing pieces to the puzzle, and with some other allies currently unavailable, it seemed a bit premature to wage war when the numbers were tipped against her.

So here she is, lurking in a park near where she first saw the goth vamp girl Trudy - if she's still alive - hoping to find some more answers.

Thomas Raith has posed:
They say the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray. This holds true for Slayers and Vampires too. Thomas knew full well Buffy intended to run in, gunning for bear, all by herself tonight. Which is why by the time she slipped out of his bed he was already dressed, armed, and had her gear waiting for her. So now he is moving with her. A wraith at her side, "so what's the plan?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
What is one to do with some unexpected free time? Read another book? Hmm. Tempting but. Nah.

Bingewatch something?
...This is Nick. Not Wade.
Reread another book?
Oh come on that's just a variation of the fi-, now you're not even trying.

...ok fine.

Ahem. Ok so it is night, Nick's got a lot of time on his hands and according to Wade it seems a certain nosy police neighbor is hankering to talk to him regarding the death of a vampire via drumstick. Beyond wondering who on earth would be reporting such a thing when the so called victim required a dirt devil to be removed, it's just time to get out and clear his head. So that's what Nick is doing. Practicing his abilities once more by taking a grand tour of the skies in his avian form. The purplish feathered bird has somehow found himself over the park area and the glimpse of a familiar couple does draw his attention. And it looks like t-

... Ok something's up.

The bird turns, flying a bit closer to the scene, watching curiously.

Buffy Summers has posed:
It's probably a good thing Thomas is with her, or else she might do something impulsive and foolhardy as she often does where her sister is concerned. As Thomas walks alongside her, she tests the sharpness of her favoured tonfa before replacing them in her utility belt. But she's not ready for all out war..Yet, and she shrugs at Thomas.

"Need to know what we're getting ourselves into. I know Trudy escaped the massacre at the cemetary somehow, and I know this is a favourite hunting spot for vamps of Sunnydale.." she nods towards the playground which is thankfully empty tonight. "Kids like playing out here and it's a popular pick up spot for irresponsible parents. Even if she doesn't show up, I'll get the lowdown on the Hidden Eye nightclub from one of her friends. Hopefully.."

As if on cue, the vamps are already crawling out of the woodwork, at least six of them, surrounding the pair with a hungry snarl. There seem to be more and more every day..

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith cricks his neck slightly, his own preferred weapons, a pair of razor sharp kukri knives drawn from his back as he sees the oncoming batch of blood suckers. "You'd think they'd learn after a little while." He says off handedly, "I didn't even feel like we had a proper work out after the last bunch."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
And so, we have Buffy and Thomas in the park, weapons ready as at least 6 vampires zero on them. Phantasm, in raven form, is flying towards the park, kind of glimpsing around to see if there are any others before he continues his descent inwards.

Because that would really stink. Thinking you resolved your fight only to find out there was another hiding in the bushes.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was making for lost time. "uhm what are we doing again?" She has zero weapons of choice. zero. Should does have sage. what? You can always some sage.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances at Willow as she joins them and tosses her a wooden stake." keep close to me, we just need to catch one of these vamps and make em tell us all they know about the Hidden Eye..Floorplan, where the prisoners are being kept, all that good stuff.." of course these vamps don't look like they're in any frame of mind for chit chat tonight.

As if on cue, on rushes at Willow, one rushes at the descending crow and two each lunge at Thomas and Buffy. Phantasm May notice a seventh vampire lurking in the shadows, watching but not attacking yet. She stands out with her overly goth attire, pretty, young face and dark red-streaked hair. Trudy smirks a little as she watches, focused primarily on a Thomas. Of course.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith gives e young dazzling smile and then nods to Buffy. "In other words don't kill them /too/ quickly." he says amused... then as a Vamp draws to close Thomas swings his knife in a graceful arc, decapitating it and reducing it to ash. He winces slightly. "Don't suppose I can get a mulligan on that one?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Crow. CROW?! Well, now this metaspeak is livid.

The raven, mildly surprsed that a vampire voluntarily opted to go after a bird instead of a human, adjusts his path accordingly. True to the playful nature of the bird, the bird's path corkscrews, arching around the creature targeting him. "I COUNT SEVEN!" The bird warns.

Eh, if they're already targeting birds, there's really no point to playing up to the role.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Really. Willow really needs help. Really. However Buffy doesnt have time.

"Eeeps!" Willow tries to beat her opponent. She doesnt to bad - even if it only because her opponent cant figure it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods to a Thomas, "Right, except it looks like we actually have a seventh one lurking..." and peering into the darkness, she recognizes the familiar form of Thomas' obsessive admirer. "Heh, your goth friend is back and playing coward as usual. She'll do.." Buffy pulls out her tonfa, about to dust one of the three targeting herself, when Willow squeaks, alerting her to immediate danger to her BFF.

"Willow!" eyes widen, rushing at the vamp pursuing her first, engaging it on a quick dance of kicks and circling, before catching it by the scruff and hurling it into the outstretched pointy branch of a nearby tree, instantly dusting it.

Unfortunately that keeps her open to the other three vamps, two of whom manage to grab her unawares by the arms, a third proceeding to punch her repeatedly in the stomach..While Thomas' first vamp is quickly dealt with, another is already rushing at him, attempting to tackle him to the ground, and the sixth vamp growls at the RAVEN, flinging claws wildly in the air at the corkscrewing bird.

....Wait, did that bird just talk?

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sees the vamp lunging for his knees and uses his Kukri like a pair od sissors at it's neck. Honestly, at least the Red Court pay the curtasy of coming at you 20-1 or more. These things are barely worth thre trouble. He blinks slightly as the updated number count is offered and asks in a supremely calm voice "Is that crow on our side?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I remember, always let you in first!" Willow goes in her satchel and tosses a fat wad o'sage. Doesnt help. Oh yeah! Buffy was vials of holy water, and she doesnt of them, but vampires do!

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the 'Eeeps', the raven's path alters, moving towards Willow. Buffy, with her slayer-esque speed gets to Willow's attacker first.

Wings spreading out, the bird missle move is aborted, leading to him to fling, talons first. One set of claws landing on each of the vampire's shoulders. They shouldn't mind. It's like he's not even there. Except, neither do they seem to be.

The raven gives low chuckle. "Field Trip."

The raven and the two vampires grabbing on to Buffy vanish.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances up at the raven and smirks as it grabs two of the three vampires who shriek and wriggle, trying to get free. "...Okaaay, I'm assuming it's on our side." did she just call him an it? Yup! Give her a break already, it's a freakin' raven. So random. But at least she can focus on the last vamp, bringing her arms down on its beating fists, kicking it back, and again she proceeds to..'Play' with the vamp for a while, beating the unloving daylight of it as she grabs and hurls it into the monkey bars before repeatedly pummeling it, stressing her words with each punch. "I'm getting sick of you vamps...Why won't you stay dead already?" a good five minutes pass before she finally decides to stake it. And with Thomas finishing off the last vamp, she takes a breath, wiping the dust off her clothes. "...Is that all? Everyone okay?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The raven is a bit quiet for the moment, and for good reason as he has apparently left the field of play with two of the vampires. As for where, that's hard to tell here. But one thing is for certain. Someone is having a hell of a dream tonight.

There's the sudden pair of screams coming from the air as the vampires appear, plummeting towards the ground.

"They're not!" The Raven cheerily replies from the sky.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith watches as the two vamps pancake then ash. He looks at Buffy and then back at the scorched Earth and says "I think the crow get's vamp kill of the week.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks around her. "I think I'm okay? Oh! The holy water worked really well!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at the Crow...Raven..? As it drops the last two vamps to the ground. "So, who is our new feathered friend? Clearly you're not any normal raven.." she peers intently at the bird as she says that. It seems to be on their side. But one can never be too careful.

Then as the dust settles, the Goth vamp girl steps out of the shadows, clapping her hands slowly, still watching only Thomas intently. "Bravo, nice work..I knew you'd come looking for me sooner or later.." she smiles sweetly at the White Court vamp, ignoring the others as she flips her hair.

Buffy frowns slightly, glancing at Thomas, voice lowered a bit. "Remember, we need information, don't kill her too soon, Thomas.." famous last words..

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird takes his time flying down, glancing around from his viewpoint to see if there are any others still waiting in the wings.


Ok, he flies down, perching nearby.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith's voice is almost a whine at this point, "Why? I mean really why is it that I never get to kill /her/. She really is starting to bug me." He sighs butting his Kukri away and drawing a sleek looking Glock. "Can I shoot her in the kneecaps? She can talk without kneecaps."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"That really bugs me." Willow moves closer to the 'gang' - maybe not the raven... yet.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers narrows her eyes at Thomas, reaching out to rest a hand on the gun, lowering it. "What, are you kidding me? No! We need information, and since she's all obsessed with you, and lusting after you, you're the only one she'll open up to.." she sighs, "Please, Thomas...Do this for me? Just this once...Then you can do whatever you want after, I really don't care.." Ahh the burden of being too pretty for your own good.

When the Raven lands near Willow's shoulder, she peers at it warily, hovering a bit protectively over Willow. "..Who are you, anyway?"

All the while, Trudy moves nearer to Thomas, pouting a little at the sight of the gun, "Ooh, that's no way to greet an old 'friend'." she grins and winks at him, attempting to reach out and caress his cheek with those cold thin hands of hers. "a Clearly you missed me, or you wouldn't be here, hmm? Did you change your mind about joining us?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird looks to Buffy, giving a bit of a birdy wink before looking to Willow. "Thanks for the donuts. Half off, right?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grumbles slightly, "Empty Night. Alright Buffy. But I swear she starts trying to bite me again I'm going to punt her to the other side of the park. He gives Trudy a cool look. "We aren't friends Trudy, you can stop diluding yourself. Where is Dawn?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
The wait a minute! The raven not only flocks to Willow, she has a funny feeling she recognizes them. Or something. She a furrow. "Do I know you?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, feeling pretty bad for Thomas, and his propensity to attract everyone and everything. "I'm sorry...I'll make it up to you, okay?" and she backs away to give Thomas some 'private time' with creepy Goth vamp girl..She glances over at Willow and The Raven, "Hmm? You know this talking bird? Who is he?" although the mention of donuts rings a bell and she peers intently at the bird..But he's..."Nick...?"

Trudy pouts a bit at that, but doesn't look like she's giving up any time soon, "Awwe, is that any way to treat me?" she grins, "I know what you're after...." but the name does give her pause, a bit surprised. "...Dawn? Ooh, you mean that whimpering brat that Riven brought in? What's it to you?" she frowns and folds her arms. "People come to us willingly, because they're lonely..Or don't know where else to turn, or they're just bored, looking for a High. What's it to you, anyway?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird gives a nod to Willow's question "We've met. But probably not a good time to be doi-"

His head turns, looking to Buffy as she says his name, giving a nod, "Focus on Thomas."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs a bit nd says "Wel she /is/ important to me. Like a kid sister you might say. And if anything were to happen to her, anything at all, You could say that I would be very displeased.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That did it. Donuts. It all comes together now. "Nick? Gosh." She goes a *squee* before what we he trickles though. "Oh right!" Her attention has returned a the goth girl.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Now *that* has Trudy's curiosity piqued. She smirks, "Ooh, the incubus *cares* about someone..How touching!" she laughs, shaking her head, "So you feel close to her, but why..? Unless..." eyes narrow on Buffy and she laughs. "Of course! She's the Slayer's sister, isn't she? It would make sense, Riven tells me she's constantly talking about that Buffy b*ch..." she snarls at Buffy, clearly disliking her, for more than one reason. She takes a step closer to Thomas, smiling sweetly, "Don't worry, she's unhurt...For now. But now that you've so kindly revealed that very important piece of information, it changes everything!" she giggles wickedly, wriggling her brows flirtatiously at Thomas.

"If you *really* want to save her..Come to the club and bring the Slayer..." eyes slide over to glance at Buffy with malice. "She's the one Lord Armastus is really after.." she licks her lips, "But you won't get in without the password, heck, it'll be hard even finding the place unless you know what you're looking for.."she smiles sweetly, gliding closer to him, reaching up to cup his face if allowed,her face so close he can feel her cold dusty breath against his skin, "Soo what will it be? It's not too late to join us...Forget about them, Thomas..."

Buffy listens intently but keeps her distance, letting Thomas handle this, knowing he's the only one she will talk to, will even begin to co-operate with. Mention of Dawn causes her to clench her fists though. Doing her best to keep from dusting this creep.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing the squee, the bird tilts his head, looking to Willow. A slight smirk forming upon the beak. Which, probably should not be something a bird actually can do.

He looks back to the exchange between Thomas and Trudy. Smile fading as Trudy steps closer to Thomas, there's a bit of anger building. Black eyes narrow. Doing a good job of glaring at the vampire. But, the phantasm holds his beak for now.

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Honestly Trudy, the offer gets less and less appealing every time you make it." Thomas says in a tone dripping with boredom and distaste. "But how about this, you get to introduce us to this Azzy-whatever his name is. Never know, you might get a lucky shot in."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow still has a bit of grin until the goth girl. That a *grrrr* from Willow, especially when realized *who* was being about.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"His name is Armastus...And it's not like you get a VIP sitting with him or anything...Well SHE might.." she grins, glancing at a Buffy, "Though I really Dunno what he sees in her. All the same, it won't matter in the end, when he's done with her." her eyes darken wickedly as she says that, licking her lips, "Best for you to stay out of the line of fire, choose a side now. And stick with it." she giggles, attempting to twirl a strand of his hair if he doesn't swat her away. "Alright, I'll give you a VIP invite, but you have to do something for me.." she pauses dramatically, considering, "Come to the club, bring the Slayer. Give me five minutes with you, in the Scarlet Room, and you have my word the Slayer's sister will be unharmed. How about it?"

Buffy swallows a bit. She doesn't trust this..This goth freak, but Dawn means everything to her, and she swallows, nodding slowly to Thomas to take the bait. Surely, whatever she has planned for him, they can find a let out clause, right? Still this creep is making her lose her patience and her hands clench and unclench, licking her lips anxiously and with a bit of irritation..How dare she.....

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith hesitates for just a moment and then just says, "Your word on it, by the Accords, five minutes and Dawn is released unharmed." His eyes taking on a frozen fire silver cast.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The scar- The bird looks over to Buffy to kind of check her reaction before looking back to the agreement being brokered, focusing in particular the word choices. A thought comes to mind but it is best expressed later so he continues to just glare. GLARE.

Buffy Summers has posed:
"Excellent.." she smiles sweetly, leaning over to whisper something in his ear, presumably the password to enter said place, along with how to find the place, which is apparently a bit tricky as it's deliberately hidden in the side of a hill. And with that done she steps back, cold long fingers tracing his face once more before letting go with a seductive wink, "Ooh one last thing. I guarantee I will release the girl Dawn Summers unharmed..But I can not guarantee that Buffy will not be harmed in the process!" she cackles wickedly before stepping back into the shadows, retreating for the night.

Buffy takes a deep breath, stepping closer to Thomas, "Thank you..I'm sure we'll find a let out caise. I can't stand the idea of her hands all over you.." she shivers, trying not to imagine what she has in store for him. She glances at Willow and Nick as well. "Thanks for your help.."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith sighs a bit, reaching out and sliding his arm around Buffy. "I've done mor and worse for allot less." he says simply, kissing the top of her head gently. "And besides, we'll have backup."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The bird nods, glancing in the direction of the departing bi- woman before looking back to Thomas, "True. I don't know how she is with following agreements to the letter, but I do believe that agreement never said anything about the amount of people in said room during those five minutes."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"D'uh bestie, " is was grinned at well. "You can the next one."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers swallows, watching Trudy take off. She's not blind to the veiled threats to herself either. Still she leans in against Thomas, glancing around, relieved to see there are no more vamps. "I know...just be careful with her.." she sighs, glancing at the others, "Thanks for your help tonight." she smirks at Nick, "Sooo you're some kinda shape shifter, huh? Impressive. Can we count on your help too?"