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Latest revision as of 05:28, 14 March 2020

Art Project In Central Park
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Central Park, Manhattan
Synopsis: Sara Pezzini serves as audience to Harley Quinn's artistic revamping of Alice's statue at Central Park
Cast of Characters: Harley Quinn, Witchblade

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley tends to draw attention merely by her manner of dress, but if that wasn't standing out enough, what she's doing would make sure she's not ignored. She apparently set up a bunch of paint cans and several brushes, she potentially bought at an art supplies store, and is working on 'improving' the Alice at Wonderland statue. Right now she's in the process of applying white foundation to Alice's face while singing 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane.

Witchblade has posed:
Sara Pezzini's not supposed to deal with small vandalism, being a homicide detective....but this has piqued her interest. She's just watching quietly, almost admiring Harley's wilful vandalism. Finally she steps forward. "You got a permit to paint?" she asks, "I mean you're painting very well and it's not hurting anyone so I was wondering if you had a permit to paint?" she asks with a raise of her eyebrow and looks pleased. Maybe the city contracted it out and she missed the memo, who knows. Though Pez isn't willing to slap the cuffs on. If anything, Sara's curious on things. Bad idea for a homicide cop.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"A permit for artistic expression? What is this a blackmail operation? I'm doing this city a favor, see?" Harley points the brush with a flourish at the statue, getting some white paint splattering all over. "When I'm done, Alice is going to be positively cheerful!" She grins at Sara as she adds, "think of the children, whadda they want? A drab Alice that's not fun? Or a happy fun Alice that's all cheerful!"

Witchblade has posed:
Sara smiles. "Oh no no, you're doing a great job. I was just checking to see if the city had given you the task of repainting and I wasn't told" Sara offers. "But you're doing a great job either way. Though you'll confuse English majors" she grins and giggles a little. "Ah this'll make a fun paper to turn in huh?" she grins.

She gives Harley a serious look then. "Look, I'll vouch for you being a cop, I can ask the cops in the park to leave you be and let you paint in peace, okay? Least I can do for somebody who....are you an artist and painter by trade? You've got the tools to be one" she offers with a grin, handing over $5. "lest I can do to appreciate your work"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Does the city often tell ya stuff?" Harley asks Sara curiously, looking a bit preplexed at the thought, before going back to her artistry. "Why would I confuse English majors? I'm just doing the city a favor, I'm not even asking fer money!" Harley tilts her head to the side when Sara seems to approve of her work, and then gives her a tip, causing Harley to laugh inanely. "How sweet of ya! Too few appreciate the cultural world of art these days!" She takes the money and reaches to stuff it in her bra. "I guess, since ya went ahead and tipped me, do you have any request?" Harley doesn't mind going along with a cop, she's done crazier stuff as it is.

Witchblade has posed:
"Kind of have to tell me stuff" Sara offers producing her badge, "I'm a cop with the NYPD, but I got taste in art. You're not in trouble, nah. See" Sara nods, badge back in pocket. "I got no requests, no. Just keep doing this statue, I'm keen to see how it looks when you're done" she offers and finds a spot to sit where she can watch the maestro at work. Yeah, Harley. Art maestro. Who'd have thought it...

Sara did and voiced it too. "Because English majors are strange like that" she adds. Oh sure, Pez. Take shots at English majors when she has her own degree in criminology...real classy, Pezzzini...

"They'll expect the statue to be like it was yesterday. You watch, they'll call 911 to ask what's going on" Sara smirks. "It's like,one guy at Columbia, he came home after winter break. His door was missing a handle. He'd put it to the RA who sorted it and gave him a new handle. So he got told, go to the RA and get the handle fitted when you get back. Did he do that? No. He broke down the door. Roomate called the cops. Poor guy got yelled at for breaking into his own dorm room. What's the point of that story? To illustrate how dumb some college kids are" Sara offers with a grinn. "My field's not immune, either"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Ya must be the best cop I ever met," Harley admits, as she switches brushes, now dipping a fresh one in blood red paint, as she goes about giving Alive a maniacal Joker Approved Smile <tm>. "Not enough coppers appreciate art, all they care about is guns and shooting poor people who just want to make it...it's a cruel world I tell ya."

Harley looks preplexed at the concept of anyone having issue with her art, "suppose Alice wanted a makeover, what then? Just cu she's a statue she don' deserve ta look good? That's discriminatory!"

Harley nods sagely at Sara's story, "education system is a failure, that's fer sure."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara grins. "I'm not your average cop though. I get down time between shifts, so" she says and looks amused.

"See. I appreciate art. I appreciate a lot of things you wouldn't expect. Though if you got statues to talk, I'd be the first one asking what's the big deal. Satues would have some amazing stories" Sarra says simply, falling quiet and watching her with a gleam in her eyes. "Hey, education system's not all bad. Depends where you are"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh! Yer a lucky soul, huh? Congratulations Officer Artsy," Harley praises Sara, as she takes a moment to hold her brush to center her work, as if it was necessary, and goes about completing the maniacal smile. "Oooo, Alice is already looking so much happier!" She considers Sara's musings about statues, and eventually nods, "I do talk to them sometime, they're good listeners."

Witchblade has posed:
"Oh they are" Sara admits with a nod. "They are so fascinating. If they could talk" she admits and watches the statue. "See, that's actually good. I like what you've done so far" Sara grins watching Harley for a moment or two, then she nods again and sits back down, just quietly observing. "You're not from around this bit of the city are you?" she asks curiously.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Do you ever talk to statues?" Harley asks Sara curiously, figuring she's an unusual enough cop that it could be an interesting conversation. "I'm from Gotham, ya know, where the fun never stops? We also got a psycho dressed like a Bat doing justice and stuff. Or crime. 'Pends on yer perspective." Harley switches brushes again, going about painting Alice's hair in cyan and pink to match her own highlights.

Witchblade has posed:
"Some nights, on my shifts, I talk to my desk, statues, whoever or whatever wil listen. I've been known to ask the coffee maker if it's got any input" Sara nods. Straight face too and she looks like it's a regular occurrence. For her? it is. "Yeah I talk to things to clear my head, so" Pez offers and grins looking thoughtful at Harley. "Hey if some vigilante was doing psycho stuff here i'd investigate. But I'm not in Gotham so" Sara admits, flagging down a passing hot dog food truck.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh...," Harley looks suddenly very invested in Sara, as she's taken a break from her painting of the statue. "Does they offer you comfort just for listening? Or do you sometimes get a reply?" She waits a response on that one before offering, "what about all those Avengers and Justice Leaguers and stuff? Calling yerself the Justice League is very telling!"

Witchblade has posed:
"It's a bit showy, don't you think?" Sara muses. "Nah never got any reply from a statue but c'mon. I'm willing to take any input I can on homicide cases. I'm just, ya know, not okay with those showy Justice league types. It sounds like a snobby country club for superheroes. hey, they got any grey poupon?" she asks....not even smiling. Sara's good at keeping a straight face.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"A little," Harley concedes, before noting, "ya know, if ya keep talkin' ta statues, you might wind up in Arkham. They do that to exceptional people," she nods sagely, and then gets back to working on Alice's dress, making it interchanging red and black.

Witchblade has posed:
"I'm not crazy" Sara protests with a shrug and pays for a hot dog, munching on it. See, this is relaxing, really. Just watching an artist at work. Bobette Ross maybe? Hmm, this woman is oddly peaceful to watch and she's got a goal in mind. Paint the statue. Sara can appreciate that and she settles back more. "See, what else would you paint?" she asks. If in doubt, Sara, ask. She may glean useful bits of info that way.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Of course you're not, dear, nobody ever is," Harley offers with a soft reassuring cooing tone at Sara. She shrugs at the question, "anything I want really, but Alice seemed to make sense, she's whimsical, she needed a facelift."

Witchblade has posed:
Sara shrugs and looks amused. "See, that's the thing. Nobody is. So" Sara muses with a grin, looking to the statue then Harley. Offering a hot dog, Sara gets to her feet and begins slowly to walk off. She's got places to be, like it or not. Sara's on the 'not' side of things.