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Latest revision as of 05:35, 14 March 2020

Monster Men: Beginnings of Evil
Date of Scene: 20 February 2020
Location: Gotham Arms (Apartments), East Park Side
Synopsis: Hugo Strange plots a heist. His target, Stockgen Labs
Cast of Characters: Hugo Strange, Berri Sundae

Hugo Strange has posed:
It has been a few weeks since you last heard from Hugo Strange. Your "initiation" was still in your memory as you walked down the seedy streets of Crime Alley towards the Gotham Arms apartments. You have received another coded letter from Hugo Strange, the same code as last time, and it ordered you to this shady apartment building and to knock at apartment number 9.

As you climb the stairs to the second floor, the sounds of arguments, TVs, babies crying, and other familiar sounds fill your ears. You eventually stop at apartment number nine and hear what sounds like chatting and oddly enough, reggae coming from it.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Another code, another job, Berri arrives at the appartment looking as 'out of place as ever." With a tap of her parasol against the door, she waits for the opening. The music was...interesting, but everyone had their own tastes. Besides, cover was cover.
     Assuming she hadn't got the address wrong.

With her parasol lowered and her hands resting on the handle of the object. She waits, tilting her head to the side and blinking a little as she greets whomever it is that comes to greet her.

Hugo Strange has posed:
As the door opened the smell of weed filled the air. Before you got a glimce at who opened the door you hear a husky voice say.

"Yo Jacob! Got anything else in here! I ain't in the mood to eat your mama's cooking."

"Ah shut da hell up Matthew!"

This second voice had a thick Jamican accent and was right in front of you. The man who opened the door was a tall, thin Jamiacan man wearing a blue dress shirt, a orange tie, and blue jeans. He appeared to be smoking what appeared to be a blunt as he looked down at you with a raised eyebrow. He then chuckled and said," Ah, you must be the "little one" . Come in mon, the Doc's been expecting ya. Da name's Jacob by the way, dis is my apartment try not to trash anything."

Berri Sundae has posed:
A nod...and a light wave of her hand over her face at the smoke blown vaguely in her direction. Truely the 'industry' really did attract all types. Lifting her parasol into her hand and nodding once more in confirmation that she'd -try- not to break anything, the two-tone girl with the icecream color-pallate walks forwards and into the depths of the appartment. Presentation wasn't everything, but certainly Berri was left hoping these folks were more professional than they look!

Hugo Strange has posed:
As you walk into the apartment the smell of weed seems to get stronger, as if more then one person has been smoking it. You turn a corner and find yourself at the center of the aprtment, where you pick up the thoughts of six more men. The first man you see is a tall, fat, bald man wearing a white dress shirt going through Jacob's fridge looking for something to eat. Next you see what appear to be two twing brothers with blonde hair and green eyes sitting next to each other on a leather couch. One of them appeared to be in the middle of lighting a join while the other just rolled his eyes at his brother.

Sitting on a nearby cloth recliner was a very familar face. it was the same Samoan you brainwashed a few weeks ago. He notices you almost immediatley and glares at you, but you also sense a hint of fear in his thoughts. Standing behind him was a Asain man wearing a orange dress shirt and a purple tie who appeared to be inspecting what seemed to be a pair of glasses.

Finally, at the center of the room, sitting at a leather chair was the good Doctor himself. Hugo smiles at you and says with a grin," Ahh, Berri, sit down and make yourself comfortable. We are still expecting two more "guests."

Berri Sundae has posed:
More guests? That earns a raised eyebrow. Already the gathering was an interesting enough mix. Still she nods, making her way into the room and glancing around for space to sit herself down. It doesn't take long for her to decide the standing is the better option. The Samoan man? He gets a nod, a light quirk of her lips even offering a slight smirk that's almost certainly a little tormenting, but inevitably her eyes fall on the doctor himself as he continues.

They'd wait, but there was still a question of task and the surroundings were...tiring. Getting that smell out of her hair and her clothing was going to be a pain!

Hugo Strange has posed:
Suddenly, the door to the apartment is banged on very hard. Jacob grunts and gets out of the chair, blunt still in mouth, and goes to answer the door. A few moments later, two men walk in. The first man was Lars, Hugo mountain of a bodyguard and your co-worker in protecting the good Doctor. The second man was a medium sized Caucasain man wearing a black dress shirt and black tie and sunglasees. He grabs a blunt from Jacob as Lars stands besides you, looking like a giant if anyone were to stare.

Hugo looks around and smiles as he says," Good, everyone is here. Now to business. How many of you gentlemen are aware of what Stockgen Labs is?"

Berri Sundae has posed:
Certainly, a giant and then some next to the petite form of Berri. The two bodyguards earn a little blink and a slight tilting of her head that was probably greeting, but once more it's back to the 'good' doctor and his explainations.

     The lab was an unknown to her, but the young woman didn't exactly 'speak up' one way or another. Instead she remained still an silent, expecting explaination to come regardless.

Hugo Strange has posed:
Hugo glances at you and Lars and grins a bit before turning back to the center of the room and says," Stockgeb is a research company in New York City owned by one Baxter Stockman. I have gathered you all here for one reason and one reason alone. I attend on "infiltrating" their Manhatten labortory and obtaiing something from it. Berri could you please pass that sheaf of paper over there."

If Berri were to turn to her left, she would see a brown manila envelope sitting next to what appeared to be a bottle of Captain Morgan's rum and a tiki statue.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Infiltrating something wasn't alien to her. Between her training and her abilities, not to mention previous employment, there were plenty of places she had made her way into a little less than lawfully. The fact she was ment to be working with others on this? That's...interesting.

That request on the envelope, it's swiftly fetched and offered out to the 'good' doctor.

Hugo Strange has posed:
Hugo grins at Berri as she hands him the envelope and says," Thank you Berri." He then opens the envelope and places down a photo of a green looking fluid and a research paper. He then looks to the gathered crooks and says,

"I am looking for something the Stockgen Researchers call Mutagen. It has "interesting" effects that I want to use for an experiment. I know for a fact they keep vials of the stuff in their research labortories, and i want some." He looks around to gauge the reactions of the men in the room.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Of course, she couldn't help but peek just a little at Hugo's mind. Just what was he intending for that mutagen? What could it do? She didn't know and she couldn't be sure, but damn was she curious! Folding her arms under her bust, she continues to lean and listen. Only a small glance is spared to the others, but so far she's far from backing out.

Hugo Strange has posed:
As you peer into his mind, you learn that the Mutagen was known for it's Mutative abilities on things that were tested on. You then see a flashback of Hugo going through the files of one Bruno Krunkov, a Biology professor from Gotham State and puling out a file for something called "Project Atlas." Before you can get anymoe info, Hugo mind suddenly switches to a the layout of a lab.

Hugo grins as he pulls out blueprints of what appeared to be Stockgen's Manhatten HQ and says," Alright gentlemen, take a good luck at these blueprints, this is where the Mutagen is located.

Berri Sundae has posed:
Included among 'gentlemen' apparently, Berri does lean over to inspect the plans, but it's a cursory and almost unnessary thing. With her focus and her eavesdropping on the Professor's mind it was going to be all too easy to understand where he's trying to draw her attention and what he wanted them to know. Handy thing too, because the petite mute girl wasn't really going to be asking questions aloud. Certainly, she wasn't going to bother digging for her notepad just yet!

Hugo Strange has posed:
As the gathered criminals take a closer look at the blueprints, Hugo grins again and says," Of course, the blueprints themselves aren't going to help us infilitrate the building. We, of course, need a "inside man" to case out the builidng." His eyes then land on Jacob, the Jamaican as he says,

"Jacob, you will apply for a janitorial job for Stockgen. As the only one here without a criminal or other stand-outs you will get the job fine enough. Once you get the information we need, you will hand it over to Berri, you understand.

Jacob nods in affirmation as Hugo turns to the other goons and starts to assign them. The Twins were to gather tools, the Fat Man was to get more information on Stockgen's security, the Asian was to find weapons, etc. Finally Hugo turns to you and says," Berri, i am putting you in charge of this heist. Do not disappoint me."

Berri Sundae has posed:
Briefings are given, notes are passed out and then finally Berri gets her own information...or was it a threat? The woman tilts her head, raising an eyebrow and then blinking lightly. Was it apathy? Curiousity? Dismissing? Hard to tell for most, but Hugo would not be left guessing if had had been at all, instead Berri lazily reaches for the notepad tucked in her half-jacket and scribbles her own words of response.

<It is your plan, your methods. I'll work with them. If they're good enough, it'll all work out.>

Hugo Strange has posed:
Hugo nods at Berri reponse and says," Excelllent. I assure you that this plan will work fine. Now, this meeting is now dismissed. I will contact you all once the heist is readuy to begin. Now, I must be leaving, I have a appointment to keep." With that, Hugo stands up and leaves the apartment.