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Latest revision as of 04:02, 18 March 2020

Good and Cheap. Not Fast.
Date of Scene: 14 March 2020
Location: Chinese Food Restaurant, Two Bridges
Synopsis: Cheap and good food does not come quickly
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Mercy Thompson, Willow Rosenberg, Saoirse Flynn

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Sometimes. You just don't want to cook. And that sometime for Nick is today. Seated at a table at a Chinese Food Restaurant, Nick is currently reading a book.

There's a set rule in life when it comes to solutions. Quick, Cheap, and Good. Pick two. This also applies to food service it seems. He's aware of how great the food is here. He's also aware of how cheap it is as well. As for why he brought the book? Well.

He ordered his food about half an hour ago.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's settled into a corner, eyes closed, relaxing. Mostly since...she's in the same boat. Cheeap. Good. Fast? Not so much but she's ordered her food and is waiting, too. Cheap food's good, and being honst, the Vanagon may well like the Chinese food too.

shuffling in her seat, Mercy opens an eye and looks around with a wry smile. She's hungry and wanting food. It's worth waiting for however

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The page turns. The crease indicating how far Nick is into the story and it is a good one. So pulled into it, it isn't until the plate clunks in front of him does he realize his food is ready.

A bag is set down on the table beside him. Wade's 'to go' order. Which, honestly will have to be reheated since Nick had the forethought to order that meal at the same time he ordered his own.

The book closes and a nod of thanks is given to the server before he looks back to the meal, leaning forward to take a whiff, smile upon his face.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's own plate gets set in front of her and she nods. "Thanks" she says then nods to Nick. There's a pause, and Mercy inspects her meal. It looks fine, so she pokes it with a fork and digs in. Heaving herself upright more in her chair, she stares down at the food and twirls the fork in her hand, enjoying the tastes that end up on it. A little chicken, some vegetables, some noodles, hmm....a bit of crunch here...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Picking up the fork, he stabs at a hunk of bright orange meat resting next to the rice, the fork angles upwards allowing for him to bite off the food.

The fork lowers as Nick leans back in his chair. Happily chewing. Seeing the nod, the chewing slows for a moment as he tries to place he-. Ah. The garage owner. He nods back.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
With the fork down, Mercy nods and looks pleased. She's not a picky eater, no. Instead she smiles and looks to Nick. "You enjoying the food?" she asks with a pause as she chews lookingg impressed at it.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick looks to the woman at the other table, giving a nod. His chewing goes back to normal speed, a hand lifting up to cover his mouth. "Worth the wait. Yours?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy smiles. "Ya it's good" she offers and looks glad to have come out here. "You put those tools to use?" she asks. meaning, well, the rubber tools she got to trick people with. There's a hint of mischief in her eye as Mercy grins, then ducks her head going back to eating. Oh she's doing the silent giggling thing, too. Mostly since Mercy's amused by pranking Nick. hey, when you're the daughter of a trickstr god...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Tools?" Nick looks confused. "What tools?" He didn't buy the tools at her yard sale, that was the other guy.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"You know, the hammer you were looking at. Or, was that someone else? I forget" Mercy admits looking amused still at the idea of pranks. Being the daughter of /that/ Coyote...yeah it's in her nature. She lifts her head a little, still eating...though she pauses ande smiles. "I need to get things together for another yard sale. Anyone want a nearly working Bug?" she jokes. Hey it'd free up space in her garage really. Watching Nick for a moment, Mercy jabs at a piece of meat and spears it, as if inspecting if it's safe to eat. Nothing that orange should be. Then again, this place is surprisingly good

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"That was someone else." Nick answers, scooping up a bit of rice with the fork.

"I'm also not the person to be asking as far as who is looking to buy cars." The musician adds in, "I didn't even bother to get my license. If it wasn't for the baked goods I probably wouldn't have bought anything last time."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I've got brownie batter at home" Mercy offers. As if hinting she'll make brownies and sell them. Sure, that'll get people to the garage, have an oil change, get free baked goods. Mercy's not above that at all. So Mercy's looking thoughtful while eating, the idea of brownies is pretty good too. Still though she shakes her head, finally trying the mystery orange meat. Because it's meat, and she's hungry. It's chicken. In way more orange sauce than is really neded, but still...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, if I happen to be on that side of town when you're selling brownies, maybe I'll stop by." Nick sort of promises before eating the rice.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's just found a great, if unconventional marketing strategy. Brownies for all. Or cookies. Or whatever she's baking too. See. She's not putting flyers on walls. Nope. Instead, bake and make sure there's fresh baked goods. She raises an eyebrow at Nick. "So" Mercy offers. "No license, and you just drop by for free snacks. In that case....I can keep on baking and forget selling anything mechanical. Ont the other hand....I could just as easily fill up a Beetle with brownies, all wrapped up neatly. Want the brownies and the fudge and frosting? Buy the car" Mercy offers with a grin. Oh she's enjoying this too much really.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's brow slowly raises as Mercy starts to talk about buying a car in order to get brownies. He stabs another piece of meat as he swallows the rice.

"I'm not sure anyone's going to buy a car just to get a lot of brownies."

He pops the hunk of orange chicken into his mouth, chewing.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy is too amused by this, way, way too amused. She has that twinkle in her eye, and she's trying to giggle silently at the idea of buying a car to get brownies with fudge and icing. "Yeah but have you hung around college kids?" Mercy asks between giggles. It's just the idea of some stoner college kids buying the car to eat the brownies that has her giggling. Mercy though gets her breath back and digs into her meal moree, eyes on the plate lest she say something and collapse into giggling yet again. See. Mercy's in that sort of a mood, she's just in high spirits.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Chew. Chew.



"Okay... I'm not sure anyone sober is going to buy a car to get a lot of brownies." He amends.

He studies Mercy quietly for a few moments before Nick shakes his head, getting another scoop of food. "You're an odd one." He declares before popping more food into his mouth.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"You know the educational system well" Mercy offers with a laugh, digging through her food again, twisting the fork. Watching Nick, Mercy grins. "I'm an odd one, what're you getting at? My idea for filling a Beetle with brownies? What's the problem with that though?" Mercy offers with a gleam in her eye. Oh the trickstr 'yote is out in force. With a flick of her wrist, food enters her mouth as Mercy chews, thinking on it. "So" Mercy says, mouth empty. "So what would you like, baked things, or baked things and useful things? And no before you ask, a mixing bowl isn't on the list" Mercy nods, looking to Nick with amusement.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
*ring ring*

Willow is being out of the box. Today she has decided was a take a bus anywhere and treat herself to lunch. Which is why she enters here.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Well, small living quarters, don't drive, kind of cuts down on stuff your garage offers." Nick replies, "So, baked things for me."

Glancing up at the bells ringing he notices Willow coming in and raises a hand to wave to her.

"But you shouldn't base a yard sale over the opinion of one stranger."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy glances around the restraunt and pauses eating for the moment as the bell rings. Looking up Mercy glances over, looking to the door then Nick.

"You're right" Mercy nods, "I shouldn't base my yard sale off of your opinion. So" Mercy says. "What about..." she says with a knowing smile, eyes down again. "What about, hmm...more baked goods?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow blushes was she as noticed by Nick. "Oh, hey! Uhm.. can I join you?" She's pretty sure, but manners suggest she wait.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"More the merrier," Nick replies, to Willow, gesturing to the seat in front of him before reaching over to move Wade's to go from the tableover to the seat beside him.

As Mercy continues asking about baked goods, Nick turns his head to look at Mercy. He scoops up another bit of food and slowly brings it up to his lips, staring at Mercy as he takes in another bite of food, he shakes his head.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy pauses chewing and looks amused, then nods to Willow. "Please. Come sit with us. The food's good but you may have to wait a little" she explains and waves a hand at the counter. "It's great food. Cheap, and worth waiting for" Mercy adds and resumes digging in the dish, twirling noodles on her fork then spearing vegetables to eat quietly.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh. Well I really cant afford much." Willow sits across from Nick. "Maybe I'll have the lunch special?" She looks between the pair. There is cheap, and there is Willow cheap.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick glances over to the nearby table to the trouble maker before sighing. Considering how much back and forth chatter there's been he might as well make room for one more.

Lifting the bag once more out of the seat, he slides over, freeing up a spot for Mercy while he sets the bag on the section of table in front of the fourth chair.

Nick smiles as Willow picks the cheapest thing there is. "Good call. That should be reasonably quick. Probably would have ordered it myself if I wasn't also taking care of Wade's food."

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse draws a bit of attention, tall. Blonde. Curvacious. Blue-eyed. She just stands out against the crowd. Maybe it's the long flowing skirt she wears, black with a pink ribbon tied around her waist above her hips to a bow on the right side. Maybe it's the black sneakers with pink laces and highlights. Maybe, just maybe it's the snug pink turtleneck she wears under the open denim jacket?

Though it could also potentially be that she's floating about a foot off the ground. After opening the door she floats in and waves to the staff whom eyes her dubiously. "Hello there!" she has the rolling Irish accent undeniable, and her demeanor is bubbly, optimistic, and bright. "Do you have the general? And do you have any rice?" She peers at the menu when she's pointed to it "Ohmygod! You have meals that come with both General Tausao AND fried rice? That's exactly what I was looking for! Can it get any better?" She peers a little closer "Ohmigosh, it does! The fried rice has chicken in it! I like that in fried rice too!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks from Willow to Nick, then back to Willow. "Great" she sayy scratching the side of her nose. "I'm surrounded by magic types. I got a walking magic encyclopedia" she whispers lookingg to Willow. "And something that's making my brain go in circles trying to work out what you are" she says to Nick, rubbing her temples. She's smart enough to put the fork down, looking to Willow. "If you'd like something else I can help pay for it?" Mercy offers. She's of the opinion that Willow's either in a hurry, or trying to save money. Leave it to the 'yote to offer to help Willow out with paying for lunch. "I gott a bit of money to help people out with" Mercy offers, inspecting thg the steamed vegetables. She pushes them around on her plate. No this won't do. She's a coyote. Not a rabbit. Magic hits her nose full force and she sneezes, scattering vegetables and rice across her plate. Ew. Okay, fine. Magic doesn't sit well with her. So she orders a replacement dish. With no vegetables and more noodles and chicken and sauce, please!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow giggles. The girl as so.. so. Come to the, Willow isnt much more. But her train of broken, and she *blinks*. "Uhn, oh I cant.. I mean.. in.." Mercy is blinked. "How are do you what we are?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick blinks, looking to Mercy, "What I am?"

He scootches back as the force of Mercy's sneeze disperses her food, causing for some of it to land dangerously close to his plate.

He slides his plate a little further from Mercy.

"I-" He pauses, looking to Saoirse, "Is she actually floating in?"

He glances over to Willow, "What she said," He agrees, looking back to Mercy, "How can you tell?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"I've a nose for magic. Apparently sneezes for it too" Mercy offers with a shrug. "I can sense magic, and you both are magic" she offers, eyeing the bits of food. "I'm sorry about that, it just got in my nose, and...wlel..." she offers apologetically. "It's like something going up my nose. Magic's just like that" Mercy adds. Oh she's not saying who her father is. If anyone's figured that out, points to them! Mercy though looks to Willow then Nick, looking a bit puzzled.

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse pulls out a credit card from her pocket "Here you go! It's like being a superpower, you just tap it to the macine and it pays for you! Oh, you don't have that machine? Okay, I guess it's just a regular credit card then." She takes the card back and takes a few napkins. Then she floats over towards the magic table, floating about 4 feet from the ground and inverts so she is upside down and offers over the napkins to Mercy. "Here you go, for your nose after your sneezy! Make sure to get a good blow and..hmmn. I'm not sure what your going to do with it after, but I don't really want them back."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I'm not used to people knowing that about me." Meanwhile she cant her attention away from a girl.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"So you have a nose for magic." Nick sums up before glancing to the bit of food that landed near his plate, "Or an allergy to it."

He turns his head, looking up at the upside down floating blonde holding the napkin. Lips part as he processes that before he looks back to his plate, eating a bit quicker.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks a bit starteled by Saoirse floating and inverting. "Uh....thanks?" Mercy says and looks at the napkins then follows the advice. Ah they'll go in the trash once she's done, no doubt. Still, she waits, and looks to Nick then Saoirse. "You're not magic. You're making my head hurt" Mercy offers, "Though we're all helping the poor girl" she says with a nod over at Willow. "See, I'm surrounded by strange things. Myself included" she offers, waiting on her fod to be remade

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse perks up a little "Oh, I can do magic! Check this out! See, nothing in my hands?" She opens them to show them, then reaches into a pocket, and pulls out a sealed bag of jumbo 'Ultra Puff' marshmallows that are all squished together. "See, marshmallows! I eat them, so they disappear, then they send me more because they have a contract with my sister so our family gets unlimited marshmallows! Just..not all at once." She points at Nick after he starts eating faster "He's a hungry boy!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks skepticall, "Eating is a magic trick?" she asks. "Hey eithr hes hungry" she says with a nod to Nick. "Or, he wants to eat his food to get to dessert? I dunno which. Or he's afraid of magic doing a number on me" she adds speculatively and looks amused then worried at the same time.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nom nom nom. Yes this food is great. Indeed. Yep. Definitely the reason why he sped up his intake.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's not trying to break the sound barrier with food. With her new plate arriving Mercy chews slowly, methodically. And smartly too, watching Saoirse then Willow, mercy has her eyes now down on the food and twirls fork through food, eating deliberaetly, methodically,

Saoirse Flynn has posed:
Saoirse watches Nick eat, slowly righting herself and hover a foot above the ground. "You shouldn't eat that fast, you'll get burps and an upset stomach." She looks between each member "So your all magic people? I'm not. I'm just a Nanotechnology. My sister is too. Oh, an you use magic to make bacon taste better?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick pauses eating to take a sip of his tea. "I've got a to go order to drop off in a bit." He explains, covering his mouth, "Probably should have gotten my food to go as well."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods and looks to Nick. "I'll get out of here before I magic sneeze my way through a wall or something. It was nice meeting you all" she adds. Headig out the door Mercy leaves a $50 on the counter and has her food in a to go bag. Her Vanagon will get Chinese food after all. With that said, Mercy's out the door and gone into the city.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick turns his head, looking to the departing Coyote, Nick focuses more upon his meal. Pausing momentarily from time to time to address questions posed to him. But hey.

At least he slowed down his eating.