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Coming Full Circle
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Darlington Park, Sunnydale (TBD)
Synopsis: Buffy is reunited with Spike after a long absence. Spike and Willow walk a severely hung-over Buffy to her house.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Spike, Willow Rosenberg

Buffy Summers has posed:
The sun is just about setting and Buffy steps out of a stranger's house, looking quite roughed up, oh and totally stoned. Seems she's been drinking - a lot, and apparently just had a gentleman caller. Which is so NOT like Buffy (What, you think she's Faith? HAH!). Of course, she didn't think to pack any aspirin or bottled water as she stumbles into the park, laying down on a park bench as she waits for her head to stop pounding..

Unfortunately, this is a hot spot for vampires and considering how they've been growing at an exponential rate..This could be really bad..

Spike has posed:
Spike is evil. Oh, he's actually evil, but he's still been forced into an odd if uneasy alliance with Buffy. The same Slayer who is out here, sleeping. She's out of it, Spike knows this...and he sighs. "What the hell, Buffy?" he asks and stands by her as if watching. "What's got into you. You're the Slayer. You're not Faith" Spike says simply. "You're much better than this, Buffy" Spike says and there's....emotion in his voice. A quick note of concern. Yes. Spike's concerned about Buffy. Oh there's jealousy and anger in his eyes if he ever finds her gentleman caller. Reaching a hand down, Spike looks down to the slayer and sighs.

"Buffy" Spike all but screams. "You've let yourself go. What the hell is going on?" he asks watching herslamming his foot into the ground.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers groans, clutching her head in painn...Ugh, next morning hangovers are the worst. Wait, what, it's sunset? The heck how long has she been out for..? "Geez...Why dont you just leave me alone..." she sighs, but sits up straight she she recognizes his voice.

"Oh...Spike!" she jumps shakily to her feet, wrapping her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly, "Where've you been, you big idiot? All this time, you just...Vanished..." she sighs, wobbly on her feet, leaning into him. "Ugh...Feel lousy...Walk me home..?"

Spike has posed:
Spike's a little taken aback but hugs Buffy just as tight. "I had things to do, Buffy" he says. No, they are not old lovers or friends catching up. No no no! Spike is a /vampire/....who just got asked to walk the Slayer home, like this is, this is....Victorian eara London and he's a gentleman?

Buffy's not in a good place right now if that's anything to go by. Spike nods and looks amused. "I can give you a piggyback ride"

Those words are said before Spike even realizes it. "I...I mean...I....uh, sodding....what did..." Spike says trying desperately to pull his boot and foot out of his mouth. A small partt of him thinks the idea of the Slayer riding on his back as he walks her home is too amusing, really. She's not a little kid, but that doesn't make it any less funny...

So he doubles down. "I swear if you throw up on me though, you're washing it out of my hair"

Two feet in mouth, Spike. Buffy would likely enjoy that...keep digging, blondie. Keep digging!

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There comes Willow. Walking along the park. She been picking bit and pieces of twigs and roots. She almost runs into Boffy. "Oh! Buffy... ah crap, you look terrible!"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, leaning against Spike, shaking her head a little. "I can stand just..Just let me lean against you.." she sighs, "It's not far..You know the place." oh yes, he's been there plenty of times before. Looks like she's not too mad at him for once when he offers her a piggy back ride though.

She smiles faintly thought, "I'm sorry...I'll try not to. Just..Need to rest my head..Uggh...Head foggy..Don't remember what happened..Why are you looking at me like that?" she pouts a little, give her a moment or two though. It'll all come back to her...

Oh heey, there's Willow! Oh no..."Um...Willow! Hi...I'm just.." she groans, clutching her head again. Ugh...What did she DO?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh boy does Buffy look terrible, and what ever less she to herself, getting a "PG 13" for Willow. Which makes Willow a little bit sad. "Uhmm.. I can go? But really, I can handle the truth." Which really make her hope she /can/ handle the truth.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, looking apologetically at Willow. "I'm sorry, I just...I've had a rough couple of weeks. I guess I just...Drank too much? And woke up in a stranger's house?" with no clothes on even. Good grief! she blushes terribly, looking away, "I...Really am a terrible person.." she does nods to her though, "Please do come with me, I need you too..My mom's home isn't that far away.."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh no! And the way Buffy put it out there... "Something is real wrong... " Willow it really concerned, especially at Buffy's reactions. "Something is wrong!" She looks to Spike. maybe he can make listen.

Spike has posed:
Spike nods to Buffy and smiles to Willow. "Alright, you want to go home, let's see" Spike adds. Looking over to Willow, spike looks amused to see the witch, and looks back to Buffy. "You either cling to me. or walk and lean into me. Either or" Spike offers. "Want my arm? And yes, the piggyback offer still stands" he offers with a knowing smile. "You're better than this, Buffy. If it was Faith I'd get it. But you're the strong one, the Slayer that's ade my life hell. C'mon, let's all go to Buffy's place" Spike offers, including Willow. Who he raises an eyebrow at. "Haven't seen you in a while either"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly at Spike, laughing either as she clings to his arm, leaning in against him still as they make the painful journey back to her house. Well at least it's not TOO far away from here, maybe three blocks tops? But at this pace, it's gonna be a little slow..And Spike can probably already smell vamps lurking not far away.

"Heh, comparing me to Faith, of all people? Come on, I try, I really try, just..." she sighs, squeezing her eyes shut. "I've had a rough couple of weeks, okay? Cut me some slack ok? Just..." she groans again, "Don't suppose either of you have some aspirin.." and then Buffy stumbles a little. He may have to go for the piggy back ride at this rate.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I've been touring Britain for the last the couple months. And d'uh Buffy's place and my place are the same." And cant have aspirin, BUT she does have willow bark.

Spike has posed:
Spike shoots an arm out as Buffy stumbles, and listens to Willow. "Ah my country. You find anything interesting?" he asks, offering Buffy an arm if she wants it to steady herself. Spike smiles, watching Buffy. "Easy Buffy. "Easy" he adds with a wry, knowing smile. Given the piggyback ride's offer is still on the table...Spike offers it again.

"So your place then? You did invite me in so" Spike nods, "I think you've got coffee there, right?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and sighs, "I'll be fine..Really, just need some aspirin..Ooh.." she peers at Willow curiously, "Willow bark? Never tried it before..You have some on you?" anything to make this headache go away. For now she seems to manage without piggy back although she keeps that in mind as she leans in against Spike, perhaps a little too close for comfort, enjoying his presence, clearing having missed him.

"Umm..Just over this ridge here and across the street..See..?" she points it out, although the lights are dim. Her mom is either out or sleeping, same with Dawn. Well hopefully this wont be weird. "Of course you're still invited in, Spike."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow takes up Buffys other side. "I got some willow bark?" She doesnt really expect to be taken up but really she has to offer. Even if willow bark was the main ingredient of aspirin. Then it hits her, d'oh. Buffys house.

Spike has posed:
Spike's listening to both and nods. "We need to think of a reason that won't get you skinned, Buffy" Spike says. He's...definitely not okay with being here with so many vamps. "Sod off" he snaps at the dusk air. "You vampires go play with your toys in another bit of the city!" he says and looks a little annoyed at the vamps. Oh as much as he'd love to pummel vampires....he's got a Slayer to get home first. Who'd have thought it? Spike, escorting Buffy home. Seriously, what?

So he is in the sittuation of having a conversation with Buffy and Willow while walking home with them. Not how he figured tonight was going to turn out.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly at Willow. "Thanks. I'll be okay..I'm sure..Just across this street.." in her haste to get away from lurking vamps just out side her peripheral, Buffy does manage to summon the strength and clear headedness to quicken her pace, crossing the street and stepping into the light of her front porch.

"Phew.." she breathes sigh of relief, fumbling for her keys, glancing over her shoulder. She can see vamps lurking in the shadows around them. "Oh, it'll be fine, mom and Dawn will be heading to bed soon and..Ummm...Well, she trusts Willow.." Oh right, there's Spike. "Oh, it'll be fine! Remember we play band together.." she laughs nervously at that lame explanation.

Spike has posed:
Spike laughs, "I can sing" he offers. It's not the worst reason ever, really. See, see, Spike can be helpful to a point, but he smiles and looks to Buffy again. "So what's going on thenn? I mean, you get home, aspirin, and sit down on the couch and relax" he offers. "Maybe watch Passions?"

There it is...he's asking to get hit. Which isn't exactly smart given Buffy's current state. Still though, they are slowly making progress toward home. Well, Buffy's home at least. Spike....nah he lives in Gotham, though. Instead he looks serious for a moment as if looking around for any threats. Well, besides Buffy hurling on him, that is.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "And play triangle? I mean really, I've never heard you sing before.." she sighs, cranking open the door, all but stumbling in. Phew. At least they don't have to worry about stalkerish vamps anymore..

Just cute and sexy vamps in the living room of a drunken Buffy who's not in her right mind..Thank goodness for Willow, or things might get really weird in her current state.

"Passions, huh? Sure.." she laughs nervously, stumbling onto the sofa, stretching out, groaning as she clutches her pounding head. What the hell did she just do...Her mind is still mush..

"Umm, Will could you fix me some of that willow bark, or it not there should be aspirin in the kitchen, cabinet above the sink. Spike.." she sighs, she wants to cuddle up to him or..Something. It'd make her feel better in her current situation, but she can hardly say that out loud, right?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Sure," Willow takes the willow bark, and disappers. Maybe Spike will be lucky and get some truth out of Buffy.

Spike has posed:
Spike's got the same cuddle idea as he settles on the couch. "And people think I watch too much TV" Spike says, sitting back wih a smile. Oh somebody's got to make the first move. Spike though doesn't turn the TV on yet. he's more focused on helping Buffy out. "So what happened?" he murmers gently, reaching his arms out to her. "Hey Willow, could you check for coffee please?" he asks. He's even saying please and thank you. Okay then, apparently he's learned manners in his absence. Or, he's keeping it gentle to help Buffy out. Either/or

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, resting her head in his lap. Cuz he's warm and soft and...Ugggh..She's still waay drunk and hung over and totally out of it, isn't she? "Don't remember it all..." she sighs.."Just..Head hurting soo bad..Just need some water and aspirin.." Buffy squeezes her eyes shut, getting flashes of memories here and there..At the Blue Lady..Meeting the shy but cute guy in a moment of grief...

"Oh, hell...I'm screwed.." she grumbles.

Spike has posed:
Spike for his part just goes to wrap his arms around Buffy and plans to just hold her. If nothing else it'll make her feel better. "Shh" he says gently, flipping through the chanels on the TV and looks unhappy at nothing being on. The volume's way down to not annoy Buffy, and Spike opens mouth, inserts foot. "I could get used to this, looking out for you and you cuddling"

You're in it now, Spike...he thinks. Slayer. Vampire. Great....just great, Spike looks down toward Buffy and smiles. "You are so cute" he admits. Yep just keep dropping yourself in it, William...keep it up and you'll be up to your neck in trouble. That's his thought, swiftly followed by 'Buffy needs proper rest'

So Spike settles back. If Buffy's using him to rest, he'll do that then.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs softly, snuggling up to him, perhaps surprisingly. What, no, shoving him away or stabby punchy? She must be really out of it. "Mmm...I could get used to it.." she murmurs, still struggling to keep her eyes open. Whatever's on tv or not doesn't really bother her. She's not exactly paying attention to anything really, except for soft warm, comforting arms around her, making her feel like maybe everything will be okay.

"Spike.." she murmurs, "Am I a really terrible person...?" it's a totally random question, out of nowhere, apparently.

Spike has posed:
That catches Spike off guard. "No, why?" he asks and looks worried. "You're not that bad, Buffy" he admits keeping an eye on her with a look, and just stays stilll. "You feel any better?" he asks gently as he's trying to find something....anythig to watch on TV.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs softly, reaching out to grasp his hand, and she's slowly getting her strength back, even if she's still out of it. To Willow she nods and thanks her as she offers her willow bark and a tall glass of cold water. Mmm..She quickly downs the water, asking for another before leaning into Spike some more.

"Heh..I just..Did terrible things. Using people. Using you. Even now maybe. Doesn't that bother you? Doesn't this bother you?" she glances up at him, her face so near that he can probably feel her breath on his skin.

Spike has posed:
Spike listens. "Yeah?" he asks gently. "You know what? I did bloody awful things. I killed people, took their coats, I've done some awful things. Yet I'm not all bad. I can't bite you and drink you dry. But you know what" Spike admits. "You're bloody confusing, Buffy. I should hate you. I should want to passionately kill you. I don't. I like this. I like you cuddling with me" he admits. "See, This is just...." he says and pauses, "Just normal, ain't it?" he says with a smirk. "Just the Slayer, the big, strong, tough as nails Slayer, drunk as a skunk, cuddling with a vampire" he says. There's no mockery in his voice. There's concernn as he moves his hands to keep a good grip on her like he's scared she'll slide off the couch.

"You've used people? Guess what, sweetheart, we've all used people" Spike says hearing her out. "We've all used people and we've got our secrets"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles, closing her eyes, feeling a little less sick and headachy and a little more..Comforted as she pulls her head up a bit so that she's actually sitting in his lap now, head rested against his chest.

"I guess..I haven't killed anyone yet. I mean, vamps don't really count but, geez, my love life's a total mess, and now I've done something incredibly stupid to make things even worse and..And why am I even discussing this with you? Where've you been all this time anyway, and why'd you come back now?"

Buffy sighs, eyes closed still, running her fingers along his chest, imagining it's...Someone else holding her right now. "I mean, not that I mind of course. If I hadn't run into you, in my current state, I'd probably have been eaten by vamps by now.."

Spike has posed:
"Don't think on that. Just relax and focus and sleep" Spike says with a nod. "It'll do you good. I could make sure you sleep well" he offers. And no not in /that/ way. That'd have the opposite effect, too. Looking over to the door, Spike speaks softly. "You need to not make a habit of getting drunk and out of it. The cuddling? Sure, I can get with that" he offers with a wry grin.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers pouts, "You are so not fair..You know I don't do this all the time..And I had a very good reason too.." but she bites her lip, hesitant on what exactly that very good reason is. What the heck happened to her to make her stumble out, stone drunk from a total stranger's house, all roughed up as if..As if she'd been..Getting rough and tumble..

"Yeaah..I should sleep.." she sighs, nuzzling up more against him, because he's warm and soft. "You're right, you should hate me, cuz all we ever did was try to kill each other, and now..Now I'm just using you."

Spike has posed:
Spike looks unfazed. "So you just come out and admit you're using me? I should be mad. I should be feeling something. Guess what? I'm not" Spike says gently. Is that...tendernes in his voice? What....who...how....why? Hmm, good point, good question.

"You" Spike says "Are using me. Really. I'm just what, a warm spot to cuddle up to when you want sleep? You know what? That's cute in its own way. Yeah, I called you cute Slaye" he says, then taunts her. "What're you gonna do, punch me or kiss me?" he asks. Oh, he's asking for it now

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly, "How come? What's wrong with you? You should hate me, wanna kill me. Don't you realize what I'm trying to say..?" she sighs, squeezing her eyes shut, still quite out of it. Maybe that's why she's talking nonsense.

"Geez, you're enjoying this somehow..Even if you know it's not real. You really are messed up. And I'm too tired to care anymore.." she reaches up a hand to touch his face, tracing his lips tenderly with her fingers. She can't deny that she likes him, she's clearly attracted to him but..

But it's not the intense, epic proportions of love she felt for..Him..Buffy frowns, imagining it's Thomas she's talking to, cuddling up to right now, even though that cant happen.

"Just wish my head didnt hurt so bad..How long is this hangover gonna last, all night?" ugh, why can't she just go to sleep instead of flirting with the cute vamp? What the hell's wrong with her?

Spike has posed:
Spike's no issue with Buffy flirting. Nope. But she needs sleep. "You need sleep though and you'll feel better" he offers looking to her with the same look a parent gives a kid who rolls in drunk at three in the morning and won't go to bed. Spike sighs. "I swear. If I gotta carry you to bed, Slayer... will shut the door on my way out and stand guard outside it" he offers with a tone that's half serious. Mostly since...well...other things are on his mind.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles faintly, her arm dropping tiredly by her side. Dammit, why's he have to be so..Nice and sweet and kind with her? It's so not fair, just makes her feel all the worse for using him like this..

But really, Buffy can't think so well right now as drowsiness finally sets in. It'd be even more awkward if he carried her to bed and ran into her sister or mom wouldn't it? Either way, Buffy DOES fall asleep, still nestled up in his arms, a faint smile on her face..

Who knows what she's thinkg about?

Spike has posed:
Spike starts for Buffy's room cradling the Slayer, and stops to talk with her mom. "I'm good, how're you doing? Oh no no Buffy had a long day so I was going to make sure she got to bed safely" he nods, avoiding a question of 'just what do you want with my daughter?'

Spkine though smiles looking to Buffy in his arms, "You're so adorable" he whispers, starting carefully for the stairs and Buffy's room. Oh he absolutely will stand guard outside Buffy's room if he has to, if only to make sure she sleeps!