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Latest revision as of 02:58, 19 March 2020

Dancing up a Storm
Date of Scene: 13 March 2020
Location: Club Evolution, Mutant Town
Synopsis: Megan and her entourage of young musicians discuss playing at Sam's club.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Pixie

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is here at work this evening. The place has an ok crowd not to full, but not empty. Sam is here making sure everyone is doing there job. he does have some books he is looking over at the bar.

Pixie has posed:
It's late at night and spirits are low around Mutant Town lately. There's been a rumoured killer on the loose and crime has been at an all time high. Megan arrives with a small group of classmates who are feeling a bit stressed with school, along with rumours in town. But of course many of these folks are very curious too, and looking for a good time at the club. So here they are!

Megan peers around and sees a Sam, waving cheerfully at him and breaking off from her classmates. "Hiya Sam! Got any good bands playing tonight?" as usual she's chipper, hey, she got a good grade on her latest math paper so yay her!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hug Megan, he is careful of her wings, but he has known her for a while so it is more second nature. "We got a few local bands, the last one is pretty good." He looks over to the group and says "And I might be willing to give you guys a ride home so you can stay and see them."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles and hugs Sam, glad to see a familiar face. "Heey, haven't seen you in a while, been keeping busy?" her friends mill about, dancing and chatting as they peer expectantly towards the stage. "That's cool! I'm so glad I got a short break from classes, y'know, school break and all? I was thinking it'd be fun to put on a little talent show or something? I mean, I'm no Dazzler, but I'm thinking I could put on a good lightshow and try my hand at the keyboard for a musical number with shannon maybe?" she grins, peering hopefully towards the stage, but having never actually put on a show there herself.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Well you know if you girls want to come out on open mic night just let me know. Shannon can be a bit hard to get on stage at times, but she seems to be doing better about it at least. Do me a favor tell the guys it they decide to leave on their own tell a bartender to let me know.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Open mic night! When's that?" clearly she doesn't hang around here as often as she should, though her eyes sparkle excitedly, "that sounds like loads of fun! We'll totally do some fun music and 'special effects' too!" seh giggles, knowing her fairy dust can cause trouble when people breathe it in, but hey it's not so bad if she sprinkles a little on stage right?

"Yeaah, that's too bad that Shannon can be a bit shy. i've heard her sing and she's pretty talented. What about you, I dont think I've ever heard you sing?"

As for leaving on their own she nods. "Yeah they know, the town's pretty rough lately, some sorta rumours about a killer on the loose or something?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will tell her when open mic nights are, and says "You don't want to head me sing. Jay got that talent me, I am ok at the most to be honest. But between dating musicians and being here, I enjoy listening more than I enjoy making others listen to me.'

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Heh, that's what they all say. Isn't that what open mic night's about though? Just getting on stage and singing your heart out? It's kinda fun I think. I mean, my voice isn't that great but I think it'll be fun! Heey, can we like, get up on stage in costume and play our own band too? I got a few songs in mind.." her friends, some of whom have never been here before, wander about, giggling a bit. There are maybe three in total, although they're all drawn towards the dance floor and stage. Fortunately they're not trying to sneak in a drink or anything.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Band costume, or other costume?" he will ask her, and says "Have been wanting to tell you by the way while here, might want to keep a lid on what your wings can do.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smirks, "Band costume of course! But you know me, I like to dress all fancy and flashy. Everyone thinks I'm a *real* fairy but.." she shrugs, "Ooh that reminds me, I finally got to meet Dr. Strange the other day! He said he could teach me some new spells perhaps, maybe even take a look at this whole 'hole in the soul' thing. He thinks I might have some fairy in me too, isn't that cool? Although a little scary too.."

She bites her lip, "I hope there wasn't any permanent damage done by the soul dagger being created.." That whole thing that Illy did sure is an ongoing 'sore point' with Megs, that's for sure, even if she does keep up the high spirits all the time.

"Hey Mr. Guthrie, this place is so cool!" one of her friends chips in, her hair dyed a bright periwinkle blue, "We cant wait to play onstage, and bring out are flashy fairy costumes!" she giggles.

Sam's warning does cause her to pout a bit. "Awwe, you think it's a bad idea? I mean, we ARE in Mutant town afterall..Right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and looks to the friend and says "I hope you guys enjoy, we have a lot of fun here least we try to." He looks to Pixie and says "More concerned with your safety, even at minimum worried people will be bumping into you a lot for the buzz

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly, looking quite concerned. "Ooh, I never even considered that. I mean.." she bites her lip, glancing over at her friends who continue to explore the place, chatting lively amongst themselves. "Well, no one has ever really considered trying to 'use' me like that but that's a very good point. Still, as long as I keep my distance and just put on a nice light show on stage..It should be harmless..Right?" she beams, clearly eager for some razzle dazzle and flashy effects.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Very very lightly and we should do a test before opening I want to make sure that the fans or what not don't make ya go poof." If ya know what I mean?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs nervously at that. "Um, make me go poof? Hahaha, that doesn't sound like much fun!" she makes a face, "Ooh, okay, a dress rehearsal would be good..You can see our super cute costumes! I'm sure you'll love 'em, right girls?" she nods to her other friends, all of whom wear very colorful hair and look like they just stepped out of Tinkerbell. "Oh yeah, we're the Twinx! And we're totally ready for action..Don't worry, we won't let you down!" they all strike super cute poses right out of some weird fairy superhero cartoon. Yup!

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Well poor ment more like the dandilion you blow on to make a wish know what I mean?" he asks her. He smiles and says "How old is younger in the band?'

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn hmms, "Well I hope no one tries to blow on me like a dandelion, that'd be weird.." she makes a face, "Ooh if you see Shannon, I hope you can convince her to come too. That'd be fun! We need more fun around here with midterms coming up and all.." she shrugs, peering around at the others, "Oh, That's Nellie, she's sixteen." she points to the girl with long, bright white hair, "Shellie is seventeen.." the girl with periwinkle blue hair, "And Kellie is Shellie's older sister and she's eighteen!" she nods to the girl with the curly cherry red hair. All three girls smile and wave to Samuel. "Hii! We love your place! It's super cool!" looks like they're all super sugar-rush high girls too! Oh yay.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "It is good to know not only for what to serve you guys but also good to know if I need to have a talk with someone who is too old flirting with you girls." Yup he is protective

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn giggles and nods, "Fair enough. And thanks for watching out for us! Don't worry, we'll be good and wont try anything bad or anything.." she winks at the others. But hey they've got minors in their group and she doesn't want anyone to get hurt. "Of course we wont try to drink any alcohol or anything either, promise! We girls gotta stick together, right girls?"

"RIIGHTT!!" they all giggle and nod. "Anything else we need to know for the rehearsal? We have our own instruments but do you have an amp we could borrow? And microphones?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "We can furnish pretty much any gear you need n problems/ Other than that, if annyoe claims to be a producer or something bring them to me to talk with not alone.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Producer? That'd be cool, I mean..You think they'd try to take advantage of us or something?" she makes a face. The youngest member peers up at Sam as they talk. She's pretty tiny and curious.

"Well that's cool. i'm so glad I finally got this band together though. this is gonna be sooo exciting!" she giggles. "Any other possible problems you think might come up or people we should avoid talking to other than shady types?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie I think that is all hon, but if your not sure about something just come talk to me. Now go have fun while your here tonight.