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Latest revision as of 04:38, 20 March 2020

Blowing Off Some Steam
Date of Scene: 28 September 2019
Location: Salem Center, Westchester County
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Mercy Thompson, Triage, Zorro

Nightingale has posed:
     What a completely insane week! Gods, men, friends needing healing right and left... lies and deception... it could get to be a bit much to take sometimes. As wonderful as it was being at the school, every once in a while, you just needed to get /OUT/. So Shannon's roped Chris into a trip into Salem Center, close enough to home to be a relatively safe spot. Or so they thought....

     "Thanks, Chris. Seriously, thanks. I was going /NUTS/ back there." She runs her fingers through her hair as the pair make their way down the street. "Beats being cooped up in medical again."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's come here to, well, shop. It's her way of relaxing. Belgian chocolate. And, yes, Italian food and German engineering. She's got her Vanagon buzzing down the roadd, the van hard at work carrying the mechanic here. Parking up, Mercy gets out gingerly. She's got a bowl wrapped in foil, though it smels of cookies, or, or, baked goods. She's brought it to see if anyone can help.

With her hair tied back now, her jacket unzipped and her tennis shoes on. Mercy is carefully, carefully carrying the bowl with her, just making her way down the street.

Triage has posed:
"You're welcome," Chris answers with a grin and a chuckle. "Staff keep the lab and the wellness center sterile enough, but they can't do much about the /feeling/ that you get after being there so long. It feels more like a prison than a place of healing." He strolls beside Shannon, quarterstaff tucked casually under his right arm and a stuffed satchel swinging from his left hsoulder. He is dressed for comfort, as befits anyone on a day off.

Zorro has posed:
The Salem Center was the last place Zorro thought he would be, especially in the middle of the day. But, here he was, hiding out in a vantage point that was located in a old historical building under renovation starring across the street at a new addition to the downtown area for any regulars. Athena Security Solutions, a company known for it's high-quality security systems and it "well-trained" army of rent-a-cops had set up a "field office" in the Salem Center, buying out and renovating a victorian era home and turning it into a office, presumbly to recruit new emplyees in the area. This was a move done by Athena's parent company, Kraken, a controversal provate military contractor based in Greece, as basically a PR stunt to follow Orku Saki's example and earn some PR. Zorro, of course, was suspiscious.
     Zorro wanted information of Athena's and it parent company's recent projects and the only way to do that, was to somehow get into the office, which was easier said then done. The front entrance still mostly looked like the old Victorian Home the company bought, except there was now a surprisngly beautiful looking fountain at the center of the lawn, with a statue of Athena in it. At the front steps was a man wearing a white long polo shirt, a tie and black, belted trousers, the uniform of Athena. Zorro stared at the building, trying to find another way in for later.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods quickly, wrinkling her nose. "Yeah, and there was good company in and out of there the whole time, but still... enough is enough. Going to at least try to avoid winding up in there again anytime soon." She shakes her head slightly, and rolls her eyes. "And that's like asking the sun not to rise."

As she stretches out, arching her back and spreading her wings close to their full span, she catches a glimpse down the street of... "Mercy?! What the heck!" Laughing, she calls out, waving to the other woman. "What brings you out this way? Bit out of your neck of the woods!"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy gives Shannon a nod then adjusts the bowl. As she lifts her hand to wave, the foil slies off, revealing a full bowl of delicious things to be licked out, cleaned out. There's a spoon in there, too, dripping with baked mix. Looking over, Mercy grins, oking over...Mercy grins. "I came out here to get out of the city" Mercy adds, "Karate class didn't go too well" she says and looks amused, watching them all over the bowl. It's almost a peace offering. She offers bhe bowl for a moment.

Mercy looks to Shannon again. "See, last time we ran into each other, I was saying about bowls, look what I got" she says with an amused laugh. "YOu guys want to help out?" she asks watching them all, the smell of cookie dough filling her nostrils....as Mercy grins.

Triage has posed:
Triage shakes his head. "I wouldn't place bets on that. Trouble seems to sense us and converge on our location like ants at a picnic." He falls back for a moment so that Shannon has room to flex. When she calls and waves, he flicks his sunglasses up from his nose to get a beter look. "What? I've seen Buddhist monks in the park carrying bowls." Mercy draws closer, and he can see that she is most definitely /not/ a Buddhist monk with a shaved head. He looks with a grin to Shannon, sure that she'll respond to Mercy's explanation.

Zorro has posed:
Zorro let's out a sigh of annoyance, there is no way he can see anyhting from the building. So, after a few moments of thinking it over, he decideds to go scout the building as Hector Rodriguez. Though, he would try to avoid being seen, as someone like him showing up in a small town like this would no doubt be a big attention getter. So, after getting dressed as Hector, whose wardrobe of the day consisted of a brown polo shirt and blue jeans, Hector snuck out of the building and started to approach the Athena office, trying not to be noticed by the group.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and actually laughs some--a rare enough sound from her these days, but particularly over the last week. She eyes Mercy's offering, and facepalms. "Why are you going around town with bowls that need washing?" She cracks a small smile, and glances between Mercy and Triage. "Mercy, this is Chris. Chris, this is Mercy... ran into her in Central Park several weeks ago. And for some off-the-wall reason, these bowls... wow."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
"Because" Mercy says. "I was going to help you with baking. And we both agreed" Mercy adds. "Besides. We both agreed that the best part of baking, that's licking out the bowl. So. Bowl's full of cookie dough. I could sit in my van and lick it all out myself, or, I could share?" she offers and gives Chris a smile. "Nice to meet you" she says. "I'd shake your hand but I'd splatter cookie dough everywhere. Knowing my luck, I'd get caught littering" Mercy says and debates setting the bowl down. That is asking for trouble, really....

Triage has posed:
"Here. I'll hold it," Chris offers, extending his left hand for the bowl. He glances to Shannon. "I count it good fortune to meet ladies who enjoy cooking," he adds to Mercy. "My mother taught me to cook at an early age. She always said, 'You'll always know where your next meal is if you get a good job and learn how to cook!'" In the corner of his eye, he glimpses the stranger but only enough to judge that he poses no threat to Shannon, who is /officially/ his responsibility on this escape.

Zorro has posed:
As Zorro walked towards the Athena Building, he let out a small swear. He was still having a hard time finding an alternative route into the office. Luckily, the guard has not noticed him staring at the building yet, but it would be only a matter of time before he did. Suddenly, he noticed a fire escape attached to a apartment two buildings to the right of the building. Zorro grins to himself and starts to rush towards the building, rushing past Shannon, Chris, and Mercy as he does. He then rushes into the alley where the fire escape was and, in a surprsing show of athleticism, leaps up to the ladder and crimes it. He then makes it to the top of the escape and starts to stare at the building, crouching down to avoid attention.

Nightingale has posed:
     Just as Shannon is grinning and reaching for the bowl, someone runs right past her. She just barely manages to get her wings out of the way before something is pulled the wrong way. "Scheisse! What the...?!" Her head snaps about so now she's looking right at Zorro going up the fire escape. Up. Not down. This could /not/ be good. "Never a dull day, is it?" There was something about the way the person moved. And, on the way by, she'd caught a glimpse of that face. Something... there was something there. But what could it be?