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Latest revision as of 04:38, 20 March 2020

Adrift in Transit
Date of Scene: 27 September 2019
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ace, Star-Lord

Ace has posed:
Somewhere out in space in one of the countless vast voids that exist between solar systems a ship is adrift. From the looks of it one could almost mistake it for a derelict ship. It has a distinct junkyard chic to it. Though a scan would reveal that it is, for the most part, a functional ship. From one of the nacells to the side coolant pours out not unlike the steam coming out of the engine of an overheated car. Somewhere within the ship a terran woman is cursing while using a fire extinguisher to fight back a small inferno which has broken out in the engine room.

Star-Lord has posed:
There are numerous methods for travel in space. Warp. Jump points. Good old fashioned light speed flying for the Kryptonians on Earth. Wormholes... a lot of methods. So the chances of encountering a ship adrift in space can be... astronomical (HA!) if sheer volume of space is the only thing one concerns themselves with.

If you concern yourself with the rest of the context of space flight, sensors, navigational routes, proximity between star nations, and how big of a bullseye you paint on yourself metaphorically speaking narrows the odds down considerably. So when the Milano came out of a Jump Point just out of the Nova Empire and then picked up the Galaga, it took a few hours at maximum thrust to get over to the drifting junker.

Soon though, they were in visual range, and would be on sensors if Ace has a working system for it.

No comms have been attempted yet, even as Star-Lord pilots the Milano around the ship to take a look.

Ace has posed:
The general shape of the ship is that of its namesake if someone attempted to make it out of scrap. Any scans would show that a great deal of the ship is actually Earth tech which has been repurposed in such a way that would be an abomination to a sane engineer. There are other parts of the ship though that seem to point back to the ship originally being from a very ancient and very extinct species.

Even as Ace fights the blaze, the ship itself is still functional enough that the AI performs its own scan of the Milano and sends a comm ping that amounts to a handshake from one ship to another.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Huh. Don't see AI on ships like that much." Peter muses to himself in the bridge, opening a commlink to the ship. "Hey there." The voice coming over the channel is actual english. No translation required. "This is Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy to unknown... something or other," There's a hint of amusement in those last few words, "need help?"

Ace has posed:
The AI accepts the link and Star-Lord's screen is filled with a wall of gray. This is followed by cursing (also in English) and the sound not unlike an engine backfiring. A figure approaches the camera on the other end. A hand waves some of the smoke out of the way. A human woman with blue hair squints into the camera. She briefly turns and unloads some more of her fire extinguisher on a blaze just out of view of the camera.

"What? Who? Uh, yeah I guess I could use some galactic-tier guarding at the moment. On the plus side I'm not going to blow up... hold on.... yeah not going to blow up."

Star-Lord has posed:
"You don't sound sure about that." Star-Lord notes over the comms, "We're a mercenary team. Of epic proportions, if I do say so myself." Star-Lord starts to guide the Milano into a docking position, "If you can clear me for docking, I'll see if we can help you out."

Ace has posed:
Ace pfffts and says, "I'm sure. Like 87% sure bare minimum." She looks a little more relaxed somehow when you mention that you are part of a merc group. From the name she assumed you were some kind of space cops. Considering that her problems resulted from parts she acquired through some legally nebulous means, it wouldn't be smart to give up too much information to a law man.

"Anyway, I'm Ace. I represent... myself." On her end the smoke seems to be clearing out. "I had a regulator on my drive go out. Well it kind of went boom. I managed to throw together a replacement that should hold for a while. But I'll be at a crawl. I can probably hit around 130% of light speed. Where's the nearest depot?"

Star-Lord has posed:
Upon docking, the Milano begins the airlock cycle, with it beginning just as Peter gets inside. Upon the hatch opening, Ace gets her first look at Star-Lord... who looks literally just like a Terran, with space guns on his waist holsters, and a haphazard overcoat and other attire around his person.

He has a cocky grin on his grin, "I'm Star-Lord. I represent the Guardians of the Galaxy, and have very reasonable rates for our services." He looks around, and he raises a brow, "which by the looks of this thing, you sorely need." He quips, before he looks back to Ace, "We're just on the border of the Nova Empire. There are a few repair depots on their side of the border, if you're looking for a tow."

Ace has posed:
Ace meets you at the dock after it cycles. The air inside the ship smells like burn plastic and ozone. When she meets you, she has what looks like a metal baseball bat in a sheath on her back. It's always better to be safe than sorry when out in the middle of nowhere. At your comment she wrinkles her nose up and she says, "Okay yeah, it doesn't look like much. But I dare you to find many more people who can get a hundred thousand year old crashed ship up and running with little more than some arcade parts and some WD-40. Anyway, like I said, I'm Ace." She holds out a hand to you. The fact that said hand is clad in a Nintendo Power Glove is odd, but normal probably ended at the airlock.

Star-Lord has posed:
It's when he finally gives a look over to Ace that he realizes a few things.

She's steeped in 80s material... and she's giving every impression of being from Terra itself. in a junker.

There's a brief moment of 'what?' that comes across the face of Star-Lord.

Then, he gives a big, goofy grin, "It's like the 80s just splattered all over you and this whole thing, isn't it? I have no frigging clue how you managed to get this thing working with tech from the 80s, but nice work. I'm from Terra myself. Sort of born and raised."

Ace has posed:
Ace arches a brow and laughs. "What? You're an Earthling also? I mean I didn't want to assume. Met a few people I thought were human, but weren't. It lead to some awkward situations." She motions to the ship and says, "Well, gramps really loved the 80's. I lost track of how many times we watched his 'The Last Starfighter' betamax tape. Anyway, I haven't been gone from Earth too long. A few months now. I sorta ran out of things to care about, and decided to see if the Unexplored Country had anything worth caring about."

Star-Lord has posed:
"That's gotta be a kick in the ass." Star-Lord offers with a bit of wry amusement as he walks inside, taking a look around. "I remember when they put that movie out, me and my mom went to see it like a dozen times before it was out of theaters." He muses aloud, checking the tech himself.

"Yeah, you're gonna need a lot of proper work on this. I'm amazed you got this thing flying at all... is that an SNES?"

After a few more moments, he looks back to Ace, "yeah, not a lot of Terrans know how things work outside Earth. You're lucky we found you, honestly. A lot of A-Holes around who would just scrap this thing for parts and grab you for the slave markets."

Ace has posed:
Ace nods, "Yeah. It's a SNES. I have a stack of them in storage. But I'd suggestions you have in making this more space-worthy. Underneath all of this stuff is some tech of which I understand maybe half a percent. I've traded for some databases of ships, alien races, and history and I've found nothing that matches the base tech."