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(Mina and Nick meet. Nick is too tired to be having discussions of this nature.)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 04:05, 26 March 2020

Time for Coffee
Date of Scene: 22 March 2020
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Mina and Nick meet. Nick is too tired to be having discussions of this nature.
Cast of Characters: Mina Harker, Phantasm (Drago)

Mina Harker has posed:
The Coffee Bean on a Sunday morning is, well, it's definitely good. It's not that crowded as Mina Harker is waiting in line. Looking around the coffee shop, Mina's not sure if they do tea. They better do tea!

Cause Mina's English and she refuses, on principle, to drink coffee. Mina's wearing her low heel boots, jeans, turtleneck and her scarf. She's got her beret on as well too.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Ahead of Mina in line is Nick who, while a product of the Irish and Italian, is very much American and very much planning to order the accursed coffee drink that Mina refuses on principle.

While he does drink tea after the vocal coaching, it is morning and post church so coffee it is. His attire, a little dressier than norm. Sunday best as it's typically termed. Dress slacks and a simple dress shirt. No knit cap so his cut short hair and small beard are on display. No tie either. So American. But he does have a decent, albeit slightly worn dress coat on. It's the dress attire of someone who doesn't much care for designer labels in their time off.

As the line moves forward a little, he shuffles up quietly taking the spot abandoned by his line predecessor.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina's lost in thought as she steps forward keping up with the line's progress. Scuffing a boot on the floor for a moment, Mina shakes her head and watches it all. Digging her purse out of her jeans, Mina checks it and smiles. She can cover the cost of a cup of tea, thankfully.

She still wants to just get tea with as much sugar and milk as she can. Who cares on coffee anyway?

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As they shuffle up to the counter and it is Nick's turn to speak, the cashier, who seems to recognize him smiles, "Tea?"

Nick shakes his head, "No. Coffee this time. Black."

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina on the other hand? She's looking over the menu but there's only one thing she's interested in. Tea. Lots of, because coming here has her adjusting to a new timezone. From England to here. Great. Mina's looking worn out and irritated. Looking over the line, Mina orders tea when asked. Wit more than enough sugar than she should ever have. Milk. too.

The perks of being a half vampire. The perks, and oh, yes. Tea! And....do they have any of those biscuits maybe? Any of those little British biscuits

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Shifting over to the side, Nick gives a reasonable amount of distance to the others waiting for their beverages. He listens to the symphony of Whrrs krsshs and Shhhhs going on beyond the counter as the lady in front of him in line ordered one of the more complicated drinks.


He ignores the dirty look from the lady who ordered before him as he steps forward. Not his fault that his drink only required one step. "Thanks," he offers to the barista as he accepts his cup. Lowering it to the counter to add the cardboard sleeve to it.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina looks over the counter, shaking her head she listens too. Tea's simple. One whole step. Maybe two if people get fiddly. Still, Mina's patiently waiting, and not that annoyed at the complex drink order.

Deep breaths Mina. Relax. Enjoy your tea when it arrives.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Coffee in hand, Nick turns, lifting up the beverage to take a sip as he sees the frustrated looking Mina. The half vampire gets a momentarily appraising look before the musician starts to walk towards the door.

"And so the K.I.S.S. method wins the day." He murmurs to her, making a joke at the overly complex order prior to his. He chuckles, continuing on his way.

Mina Harker has posed:
Getting her tea, Mina pays with a quiet smile and gives Nick a nod with a smile. "So..." she says sipping her tea after taking the lid off of it then wrinkling her nose. Not enough sugar. Nope. Not enough sugar at all. So she's stuffing little sugar sachets in it. She sips again, sweeter. Much better as her eyes sparkle with amusement.

"So" Mina says, enjoying the warmth of her tea. "So what're you up to?"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Hearing a response coming from Mina, Nick's approach to the door stops as he turns, looking over to Mina. The lid prevents the contents from sloshing out as he turns. "Not much today. Just, finished up with church and thought I'd follow up with a coffee, maybe take a walk, relax."

He watches as she adjusts her tea with more additives. "And you?"

Mina Harker has posed:
"I flew in at 2:45 AM" Mina begins stirring her tea with a shrug. "So I'm tired, irritated with airline travel, and...y,es that" Mina shrugs. She groans and looks unimpressed.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Ah. Those flights are a pain." Nick agrees, "But they tend to be less crowded and cheaper so that's a plus." He lifts up his cup, "Plus the TSA lines are much shorter usually." He sips his drink.

Mina Harker has posed:
"I could have made my own way here" Mina shrugs. "it'd take longer but..." she offers. "Less crowds. Instead, I got first class flown here. You heard right. First class. Champagne and caviar so to to speak. Literally, also. Do not ever eat caviar if you can avoid it. It's gritty, it's chewy and champagne is awfull" Mina admits, sipping her tea. "Left London at five at night. Got in early in the morning. Admittedly we had to divert to Iceland for a new plane, but..."

Minor issues. Mina nods. "a walk sounds good, honestly but, really, it's honestly needed. Stretch my legs and get out and about. Though you got done with church huh? Let me guess....one of the big cathedrals in the city?" she asks gesturing to the door as if to ask 'out there?'

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick nods. "St. Patrick's." He confirms, "Near where I live." That's right. New York. Expensive as heck, "Not really a caviar and champagne type of guy. So I don't think I'm at risk for trying them at airline prices."

Mina Harker has posed:
"Reheated caviar and warm alcohol" Mina says bittterly. "Seriously overrated. I got my first class tickets hand delivered in England. And thought okay. Luxury. Instead, no" Mina says simply, several hours of anger in that one word.

Mina tilts her head at the Saint Patricks Cathedral mention. "Ah, you a Catholic or just like the architecture?" she queries.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Catholic." Nick answers, "Don't get me wrong, the architecture is nice in there. It's quite beautiful inside but, not the reason I go."

He looks to Mina curiously, "Are you an architecture enthusiast?"

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina picks her words carefully. "Not a Catholic, no" she admits looking over to Nick. "I'm more about logic and reason and science" she admits looking over, quietly. In her day the science vs religion argument...ah, London circa Victorian era.

"See, I'm not entirely thrilled with cathedrals personally beside the architecture. It's a beautiful building however. But..." she says, guards up as she still is friendly.

"Soee, back home cathedrals are both beautiful and functional"

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick's head tilts, brow raising, "Are you implying American cathedrals has no function beyond appearance? Place to worship aside, it is a gathering place for social support as well."

Mina Harker has posed:
"Not at all" Mina says defensively. "I know what you're saying. It's just, no offense, I have my ideas of American religion" she shrugs looking a litle lost at that. "Though let's be honest. It's multi faceted isn't it?" Mina asks. Oh it's like she's talking to the League instead of somebody she met in a coffee shop. Well then...

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
The musician's smile fades a bit, "So are people in general." He shakes his head, "Have a nice day." Nick turns, walking towards the door. It's too early and he hasn't had enough of his coffee to be getting into discussions like this.

Mina Harker has posed:
Mina's running on airline te and adrenaline. New place. New place, new country, new assignment. Alright so her assignment is just relax and be herself, but she's put herself in it now. Good job, Mrs. Harker. Good job.

Watching Nick, Mina backpedals rapidly mentally, sipping her tea with a shrug, watching Nick head for the door as Mina sits, eating one of those biscuits however.